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Blocking Site Assets: Hiding Content, NSFW to SFW and other things

John 1039

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Guide to block irritants such as the "flying cash" icon while quickly collecting salaries; restrict some resources from loading when the site is repeatedly timing out; speed-up website load-times; block content which some users might not appreciate, such as some drops, uncomfortable scenes, unpleasant missions, partially attracted drops; or to make the game relatively SFW (safe for work), such as when children are around.


The following are some common solutions for such:

  • Quickest – Browsers (Native solutions)
  • Most unobtrusive – Stylus
  • Most efficient – uBlock Origin
  • Least noticeable – AdBlock Plus (possibly too buggy at the moment)

Note: Among these, uBlock Origin is the solution most actively maintained and tested.

Browsers (Native solutions)

For when you don't want to bother installing any extensions. This is a quick but crude solution requiring all images in the game to be blocked.


Got to: chrome://settings/content/images?search=image
Add the following to the "Block" list: www.hentaiheroes.com

Firefox 🦊

In Firefox v72 release, support for blocking images from individual domains was removed. At the time, this feature could still be enabled through an additional setting, however, that method also became dysfunctional in Firefox v73 or v74. Alternatives are:

  • Use Tor Browser, until it starts using Firefox v72.
  • Fast Image Blocker add-on - Works on whitelisting approach, meaning it will have to be disabled when browsing other websites.
  • uBlock Origin (explained further below).

Pre-Firefox v72 method:

Right click on any image > View Image Info > In the new window that opens up:

  • Select any image that comes from www.hentaiheroes.com > Check: [x] Block Images from www.hentaiheroes.com
  • Select any image that comes from hh.hh-content.com > Check: [x] Block Images from hh.hh-content.com

Browsers (Extensions)

Stylus (Chrome, Firefox; Wiki)
Stylus is a fork of the much popular Stylish extension which previously got severely criticized for user tracking. These extensions can be used to define customized CSS rules for individual elements of the game.

  • Pros: Dynamic, quickly unhide on mouse hover, no mistaken blocking of some unknown game script, live preview of enabled rules.
  • Cons: No "flying cash" fix, no website speed-up (when using opacity filter which is needed for unhide on mouse hover), hiding a single element often requires hiding several others too, website code changes can easily break solution, large blank (or blurred) sections.

Install extension and then add one of the following code blocks (instructions).

-- Short version. Hide all images and make them visible again on hover. --

@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/") {
    html body#hh_hentai.page-quest div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section.intro div#scene div.canvas img.picture {
        filter: opacity(0);
    img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);
    html body#hh_hentai.page-missions.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#contests.canvas div.base_block div.left_part div.scroll_area div.contest div.contest_header {
        background-image: none !important;

-- Lengthier version. Only target specific elements. --

/* ==UserStyle==
@name           Hentai Heroes - NSFW to SFW
@namespace      github.com/openstyles/stylus
@version        1.3.1
@license        CC BY-SA 3.0
@description    These style rules are meant to make the Hentai Heroes game SFW.
@author         John 1039 (https://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/profile/167375-john-1039)
==/UserStyle== */

/* Login and Home page */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/") {
    html body#hh_hentai.page-quest div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section.intro div#scene div.canvas img.picture,
    /* News popup */
    html body#hh_hentai.page-home.lang-en div#popups.fixed_scaled div#popup_news div.cut_bunny img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
/*     html body#hh_hentai.page-quest div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section.intro div#scene div.canvas img.picture:hover, */
    /* News popup */
    html body#hh_hentai.page-home.lang-en div#popups.fixed_scaled div#popup_news div.cut_bunny img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);
    div.tab.payments.dark_subpanel_box div.choose_product div.purchase_box div.product-wrapper.gold-border-box div.product-background.inner-shadows.standalone { filter: opacity(0); }
    div.tab.payments.dark_subpanel_box div.choose_product div.purchase_box div.product-wrapper.gold-border-box div.product-background.inner-shadows.standalone:hover { filter: opacity(100); }

/* World 3 background */
@-moz-document url("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/world/3") {
    html body#hh_hentai.page-world.lang-en div#bg_all div.fixed_scaled img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    html body#hh_hentai.page-world.lang-en div#bg_all div.fixed_scaled img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);

/* Pachinko */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/pachinko") {
    div.choosing-pachinko-game div.game-simple-block img.static-baner { filter: opacity(0); }
    div.choosing-pachinko-game div.game-simple-block img.static-baner:hover { filter: opacity(100); }
    #pachinko_whole.canvas div.playing-zone div.border-gradient div.wrapper div.container div#playzone-replace-info div.cover div.pachinko_img img { filter: opacity(0); }
    #pachinko_whole.canvas div.playing-zone div.border-gradient div.wrapper div.container div#playzone-replace-info div.cover div.pachinko_img img:hover { filter: opacity(100); }

/* Trolls */
/* Hover doesn't work, probably because the img is under other elements */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/world/") {
    #worldmap.canvas div.troll_world img.troll-tier-img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    #worldmap.canvas div.troll_world img.troll-tier-img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);

/* Adventure */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/quest") {
    html body#hh_hentai.page-quest.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#scene div.canvas img.picture,
    /* Dialogues */
    html body#hh_hentai.page-quest.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#scene div.canvas div.obstrusive.canvas div.read_area div.balloon div {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    html body#hh_hentai.page-quest.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#scene div.canvas img.picture:hover,
    /* Dialogues */
    html body#hh_hentai.page-quest.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#scene div.canvas div.obstrusive.canvas div.read_area div.balloon div:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);

/* Activities */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/activities") {
    /* Daily Missions */
    div.mission_object.sub_block.common div.mission_image img,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.rare div.mission_image img,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.epic div.mission_image img,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.common div.mission_details,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.rare div.mission_details,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.epic div.mission_details,
    /* Contests */
    div#contests.canvas div.base_block div.right_part div.info img,
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    /* Daily Missions */
    div.mission_object.sub_block.common div.mission_image img:hover,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.rare div.mission_image img:hover,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.epic div.mission_image img:hover,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.common div.mission_details:hover,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.rare div.mission_details:hover,
    div.mission_object.sub_block.epic div.mission_details:hover,
    /* Contests */
    div#contests.canvas div.base_block div.right_part div.info img:hover,
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img:hover,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);
    html body#hh_hentai.page-missions.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#contests.canvas div.base_block div.left_part div.scroll_area div.contest div.contest_header {
        background-image: none !important;

/* Unpleasant Drops */
@-moz-document url("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/harem/125"), url("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/harem/7076040"), url("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/harem/9870237") {
    img.avatar {
        filter: opacity(0);
    img.avatar:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);

/* Partially attracted drops */
/* The particular integers used here are x+2, where x is the drop number in the list of drops. For example, for "Red Battler" value will be 3+2=5 */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/harem") {
    div#harem_left h3 { filter: opacity(0); }
    div#harem_left h3:hover { filter: opacity(100); }
    div.stats_box div.girl_pos img { filter: opacity(0); }
    div.stats_box div.girl_pos img:hover { filter: opacity(100); }
    div.girls_list > div:nth-child(109),
    div.girls_list > div:nth-child(110) {
        display: none !important;

/* Arena */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/arena") {
    div#arena.canvas div.base_block.opponents_arena div.sub_block.one_opponent div.opponents_ico img,
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    div#arena.canvas div.base_block.opponents_arena div.sub_block.one_opponent div.opponents_ico img:hover,
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img:hover,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);
    /* In disabled state, the player avatars will show up only when mouse is hovered at very specific posiitons */

/* Battles */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/battle") {
    div#battle.canvas div.base_block.battle_user_block.battle_opponent div.sub_block.battle-faces div img,
    div#battle.canvas.preBattleAnim div.base_block.battle_user_block.battle_opponent div#girlsBattleground div.opp_team_girls img,
    div#battle.canvas.preBattleAnim div#battle_middle div.judjePos div img,
    div#battle.canvas.preBattleAnim div.base_block.battle_user_block.battle_hero img.battle_fav_pose,
    div#battle.canvas.preBattleAnim div.base_block.battle_user_block.battle_opponent img.battle_fav_pose,
    /* Dialogue text */
    div.battle_balloon div,
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    div#battle.canvas div.base_block.battle_user_block.battle_opponent div.sub_block.battle-faces div img:hover,
    div#battle.canvas.preBattleAnim div.base_block.battle_user_block.battle_opponent div#girlsBattleground div.opp_team_girls img:hover,
    div#battle.canvas.preBattleAnim div#battle_middle div.judjePos div img:hover,
    div#battle.canvas.preBattleAnim div.base_block.battle_user_block.battle_hero img.battle_fav_pose:hover,
    div#battle.canvas.preBattleAnim div.base_block.battle_user_block.battle_opponent img.battle_fav_pose:hover,
    /* Dialogue text */
    div.battle_balloon div:hover,
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img:hover,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);

/* Tower of Fame */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/tower-of-fame") {
    .tier_icons img,
    div#leagues_middle div.league_tier_progress div.tier_icons img.inactive,
    div#leagues_right div.player_block.expanded div.lead_player_profile.sub_block div.avatar_border img,
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    .tier_icons img:hover,
    div#leagues_middle div.league_tier_progress div.tier_icons img.inactive:hover,
    div#leagues_right div.player_block.expanded div.lead_player_profile.sub_block div.avatar_border img:hover,
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img:hover,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);

/* For page: .../hero/profile.html */
@-moz-document url("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/hero/profile.html") {
    div.history-independent-tier img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    div.history-independent-tier img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);

/* Clubs */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/clubs") {
    /* Player profiles */
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img {
        filter: opacity(0);
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.harem_page div.slot.girls.preview img:hover,
    div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);

/* Champions */
@-moz-document url-prefix("https://www.hentaiheroes.com/champions/") {
    .champions-over__champion-image.nofilter, div.section__preview-characters div.defender-preview.add-to-scene.move-backwards-opponents, section div.section__battle-header div.section__rounds-info.add-to-scene div.rounds-info__figures, section div.section__preview-characters div.girl.defender-girl.add-to-scene div.girl-fav-position.show-fav-pos, section div.section__preview-characters div.girl.attacker-girl.add-to-scene div.girl-fav-position.show-fav-pos, section div.section__preview-characters div.girl-queue div.girl-card img.fav-position {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    .champions-over__champion-image.nofilter:hover, section div.section__preview-characters div.defender-preview.add-to-scene.move-backwards-opponents:hover, section div.section__battle-header div.section__rounds-info.add-to-scene div.rounds-info__figures:hover, section div.section__preview-characters div.girl.defender-girl.add-to-scene div.girl-fav-position.show-fav-pos:hover, section div.section__preview-characters div.girl.attacker-girl.add-to-scene div.girl-fav-position.show-fav-pos:hover, section div.section__preview-characters div.girl-queue div.girl-card img.fav-position:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);
    /* Player team's individual poses below drops' avatars on Champion before-fight screen */
    img.girl-box__pose {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    img.girl-box__pose:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);
    /* Player team's in-battle drop */
    section div.section__preview-characters div.girl.attacker-girl.add-to-scene {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    section div.section__preview-characters div.girl.attacker-girl.add-to-scene:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);
    /* Champions end scenes */
    html body#hh_hentai.page-champions.lang-en div#popups.fixed_scaled div#scene_popup {
        filter: opacity(0);
    /*   Show on mouse hover   */
    html body#hh_hentai.page-champions.lang-en div#popups.fixed_scaled div#scene_popup:hover {
        filter: opacity(100);


  • Because URLs cannot be referred-to in CSS, unlike script blockers, have to apply broader CSS rules on elements that often include several images. Additionally, some CSS rules are very specific so that non-targeted elements mistakenly also don’t get hidden, however, this increases the possibility of those rules becoming useless after slight website design changes.
  • filter: opacity(0); can be replaced with:
    • filter: blur(10px/0px); - blur effect might be disconcerting for some users.
    • display: none; - no hover and click actions.
    • visibility: hidden/visible; - no direct hover action.
  • On Quest images using display-none forces a pop-up to show up every time the user clicks the next/previous buttons.
  • Undesirable drops can take a couple of seconds to become hidden on the salaries page.

Note: Due to severe image bugs involved with the 2019-09-19 major update, Kinkoid changed the images source domain from hh.hh-content.com --> hh2.hh-content.com (apparently, not for all of them but still for most images). At the time of this update, the new domain is still being used. Therefore, in order to make the following restrict rules to work, bulk replace all instances of:

hh.hh-content.com   -->   hh2.hh-content.com

Since for the moment it is unclear for how long Kinkoid will continue to use this alternate domain, the below lines are kept using the original domain for the time being. Finally changed to "hh2" in the December, 2019 update.

uBlock Origin (Chrome, Firefox; Wiki)
Script blocking extension. More system-resource efficient than Adblock Plus.

  • Pros: Much more specific elements’ targeting, "flying cash" fix, website speed-up, aside from simply blocking assets, preferred CSS styles can also be applied on them.
  • Cons: No unhide on mouse hover (at least not yet), blank sections, might require webpage reload a few times for blocking to take effect.

Install extension, then:

  • either directly block all images from domain through the advanced user options without any custom filters;
  • or employ custom filters by adding the following code blocks under the "My filters" tab.:

-- Short version. Hide all images. --


-- Lengthier, more customised version. --

# Login #
www.hentaiheroes.com##html body#hh_hentai.page-quest div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section.intro div#scene div.canvas img.picture

# Quests #
www.hentaiheroes.com##html body#hh_hentai.page-quest.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#scene div.canvas img.picture
# Opacity filter also works fine
# World 3 background
# World 6 troll (Donatien)
# World 13 troll (Pandora Witch)
# Dialogues
www.hentaiheroes.com##html body#hh_hentai.page-quest.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#scene div.canvas div.obstrusive.canvas div.read_area div.balloon div

# Salary collection #
# Page heading
www.hentaiheroes.com###harem_left > h3:style(filter: opacity(0))
# Hide the cash icon that comes in the way of quick salary collection

#Payments menu

www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/design/pachinko/mythic_pachinko.png"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com###pachinko_whole.canvas div.playing-zone div.border-gradient div.wrapper div.container div#playzone-replace-info div.cover div.pachinko_img img:style(filter: opacity(0))

# Activities (Daily Missions) #
# Either block all images
# Or block the relevant ones individually, however, this will keep the event specific mission images visible
# Using display-none for the following, reposiitons the rewards part right next to the images
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.common div.mission_details:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.rare div.mission_details:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.epic div.mission_details:style(filter: opacity(0))

# Activities (Contests) #
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/misc/news_log/bunny.png"]:style(filter: opacity(0))

# Unpleasant Drops #
#Drops with NSFW first poses
# Partially attracted drops #
# The particular integers used here are x+2, where x is the drop number in the list of drops. For example, for "Red Battler" value will be 3+2=5 #
www.hentaiheroes.com##html body#hh_hentai.page-harem.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#harem_whole.canvas div.border-gradient div.haremdex-wrapper div.global-container div#harem_left div.girls_list > div:nth-child(109), div:nth-child(110)

# Battles #
#Dialogue text
www.hentaiheroes.com##.battle_balloon > div:nth-of-type(1)

# Avatars #
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/106.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/136.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/162.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/164.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/175.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/186.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/193.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/195.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/204.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/206.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/214.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/218.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/219.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/222.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/225.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/226.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/230.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/231.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/233.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/241.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/263.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/264.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/266.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/268.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/270.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/271.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/272.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/274.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/277.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/278.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/279.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/280.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/298.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/303.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/305.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/306.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/308.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/309.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/311.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/312.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/353.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/354.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/356.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/358.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/359.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/365.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
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www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/372.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/382.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/387.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/389.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/390.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/397.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/401.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
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www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/406.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/408.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/411.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/412.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/419.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/425.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/429.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/430.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/431.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/434.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/439.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/440.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/441.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/443.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/444.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/445.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/446.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/447.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/453.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/455.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/457.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/458.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/460.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/463.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/465.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/466.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/467.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/468.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/469.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/470.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/471.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/472.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/475.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/476.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/477.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/478.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/480.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/481.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/482.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/488.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/504.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/505.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/pictures/hero/ico/536.jpg"]:style(filter: opacity(0))

# Leagues #
# Apply rules to tier icons individually
#www.hentaiheroes.com##[src="https://hh2.hh-content.com/leagues/1.png"]:style(filter: opacity(0))
# Or hide the entire containing class
www.hentaiheroes.com##.tier_icons:style(filter: opacity(0))
# Hiding them from player profiles
www.hentaiheroes.com##div#hero_pages div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img:style(filter: opacity(0))

# For page: .../hero/profile.html
www.hentaiheroes.com###hh_hentai.page-hero_pages.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div.canvas.profile_page div.leagues-history.dark_background_box_border div.history-scrolling-area div.history-independent-tier img:style(filter: opacity(0))

# Champions #
# Avatars:
# Bulk restriction:
# Individual images:
# End scenes


  • Might sometimes need to refresh page for the rules to take effect. Sometimes the restricted "flying cash" icons might get replaced with blocked image placeholder icons, in which case hard-refresh (Ctrl+Shift+R) the page.
  • Using default asset blocking, restricted images, such as Avatars and League tiers, also disables click and hover actions on them. User can either uncheck the "Hide placeholders of blocked elements" checkbox at the top of the "Settings" tab which will replace the blocked image with a broken image icon, or use the opacity filter to hide the image. Employing redirect rule (…redirect=1x1-transparent.gif) appears to be unreliable, it doesn't always allow click action.
  • Opacity filter can be replaced with blur, display and visibility rules.
  • Quest images are hidden through style rules, as directly restricting them (||www.hentaiheroes.com/img/quests/*.jpg$image), forces a popup to show up every time the user clicks the next/previous buttons. The popups can be disabled (www.hentaiheroes.com###popup_message), however, this will disable popups at other places too.
  • For Activities (Daily Missions), benefit of blocking relevant images individually instead of just whitelisting the few SFW ones, is that, this way the user won't miss the new event specific mission images.

AdBlock Plus (Chrome, Firefox; Help)
Script blocking extension. Similar to uBlock Origin.

  • Cons: Sometimes it becomes too resource intensive to work smoothly on the Activities page, have not yet figured how to fix this. No CSS styles application on elements.

Install extension, in extension settings, go to the Advanced tab in the left column, and add the rules under the "My filter list" textbox.

! Login and Adventure !
! World 3 background
# World 6 troll (Donatien)
# World 13 troll (Pandora Witch)
! Dialogues
www.hentaiheroes.com##html body#hh_hentai.page-quest.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#scene div.canvas div.obstrusive.canvas div.read_area div.balloon div

! Salary collection !

#Payments menu

! Activities (Daily Missions) !
! Either block all images
! Or block the relevant ones individually, however, this will keep the event specific mission images visible
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.common div.mission_details
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.rare div.mission_details
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.epic div.mission_details

! Activities (Contests) !

! Unpleasant Drops !
! Drops with NSFW first poses !

! Partially attracted drops !
! The particular integers used here are x+2, where x is the drop number in the list of drops. For example, for "Red Battler" value will be 3+2=5 !
www.hentaiheroes.com##html body#hh_hentai.page-harem.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#harem_whole.canvas div.border-gradient div.haremdex-wrapper div.global-container div#harem_left div.girls_list > div:nth-child(109), div:nth-child(110)

! Battles !

! Avatars !

! Leagues !

! Champions !
! Bulk restriction:
! Individual images:
! End scenes




This extension's rewriting instead of blocking feature was the primary attraction for the present use-case, however, due to a potential vulnerability discovered in April 2019 "this functionality [was] removed completely", option to rewrite to internal resources was still kept though which, unfortunately, is not very useful here. The following hidden content is outdated, no longer useful and is kept only for archival purposes.

  • Pros: Perfect solution for battles due to its special rewriting instead of blocking feature, which can possibly lead to no blank spaces or any other apparent indication of asset restriction on website. This way, all NSFW images, poses for example, can be replaced by their SFW counterparts, therefore, instead of blank spaces, appropriate SFW images can be rendered everywhere. However, as far as I know, this works only when block rules are based on URL and not when based on CSS classes.

Install extension, in extension settings, go to the Advanced tab in the left column, and add the rules under the "My filter list" textbox.

! Login and Adventure !

! Salary collection !

! Activities (Daily Missions) !
!Either block all images
!Or block the relevant ones individually, however, this will keep the event specific mission images visible
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.common div.mission_details
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.rare div.mission_details
www.hentaiheroes.com##div.mission_object.sub_block.epic div.mission_details

! Activities (Contests) !

! Unpleasant Drops !
! Partially attracted drops !
! The particular integers used here are x+2, where x is the drop number in the list of drops. For example, for "Red Battler" value will be 3+2=5 !
www.hentaiheroes.com##html body#hh_hentai.page-harem.lang-en div#contains_all.fixed_scaled section div#harem_whole.canvas div.border-gradient div.haremdex-wrapper div.global-container div#harem_left div.girls_list > div:nth-child(109), div:nth-child(110)

! Battles !

! Avatars !

! Leagues !


  • Rewrite rules applied on the drop page might sometimes not work. The drops page can also sometimes become non-responsive.
  • For some reason, in one instance, commented out lines (lines starting with an exclamation mark) were still getting employed as rules by the extension. Therefore, in case of issues try removing all comment lines.





Any extension, browser or app which allows the use of custom filters should work.

Note: The mobile solutions are mostly untested.



Natively disabling all images appears to be impossible.


Credit: dummyhunter

  • iCab Mobile ($1.99) which has built-in fully customizable filter feature, allows to block resources and also supports AdBlock Plus filters.


Since unlike HHeroes' HTML and CSS elements, this game is build in and loaded through Unity, the same restricting methods will not work. Presently, the only way appears to be blurring the entire page.

Updated: 2020-03-30


  • 2020-03-30:
    Adding @Daniele's updates. Some minor aesthetic changes.
    uBlock and AdBlock Plus: 9 player avatars, 2 drop's first poses, 4 drop icons and 1 drop avatar.
    On a miscellaneous note, the numerous bugs (such as the broken spoiler tags and apparently undo too) in this forum's editor make the edits, especially this one, extremely frustrating.>:(>:(
  • 2019-12-27:
    Inclusion of section for HClicker
    Stylus: Payments menu, Salaries page heading and positions, World 3 background, Trolls, Pachinko, Battles page dialogue text.
    uBlock: Payments menu, Salaries page heading and positions, World 6 (Donatien) and 13 (Pandora Witch) trolls, Pachinko, Battles page dialogue text, 30 player avatars, 2 drop's second poses, 4 drop's icons.
    AdBlock Plus: Payments menu, Salaries page positions, World 6 (Donatien) and 13 (Pandora Witch) trolls, Pachinko (partial), 30 player avatars, 2 drop's second poses, 4 drop's icons.
  • 2019-10-10: Adding new filters to the AdBlock Plus set which were entirely missed in the last update; clear section for Drops with NSFW first poses.
  • 2019-10-01: Update for hiding: additional Champions portions, especially the first time stage-5 win end scenes; 26 new player avatars; 1 drop avatar; and specifically for battles 1 drop icon and another drop avatar.
  • 2019-07-06: Update for hiding World 3 background, all dialogues in quests, one Activities (Contests) image, 23 new player avatars, 1 drop avatar, and NSFW Champions' poses. Furthermore, adding potential solutions for mobile too.
  • 2019-03-20: Update for hiding partially attracted drops, additional avatars, profile.html page.
  • 2019-02-17: Update for league tier icons inclusion in player profiles, additional tier icon, and some redundant code removal.
  • ... other older undocumented versions.
Edited by John 1039
Firefox's native solution removed + other additions.
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  • 2 weeks later...
1 hour ago, dummyhunter said:

Hey, sorry I can’t seem to get it work on iPad. Somehow the advanced settings in chrome, the filter list in adblock, are all unaccessible when I’m using iPad. Any workarounds?

Don't use an iPad 😂

  • Haha 1
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Yes, iOS definitely makes simple things either much more complicated, impossible or puts a price-tag on them.:(

The closest solution to disabling all images appears to be in Firefox. As the comment at the bottom of the linked article suggests, not sure whether the solution still works or not.

Regarding custom filters, AdGuard makes use of Adblock Plus rules syntax (needed to make the above solutions to work). Its premium version (AdGuard Pro) definitely allows for custom block rules, however, I'm not sure whether the free version (AdGuard) also includes such functionality or not.

You'll have to check those out.o.O

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9 hours ago, Chthugha said:

Don't use an iPad 😂

😑meh, iPad's pretty nice for doing revisions, just not for gaming 


9 hours ago, John 1039 said:

Yes, iOS definitely makes simple things either much more complicated, impossible or puts a price-tag on them.:(

The closest solution to disabling all images appears to be in Firefox. As the comment at the bottom of the linked article suggests, not sure whether the solution still works or not.

Regarding custom filters, AdGuard makes use of Adblock Plus rules syntax (needed to make the above solutions to work). Its premium version (AdGuard Pro) definitely allows for custom block rules, however, I'm not sure whether the free version (AdGuard) also includes such functionality or not.

You'll have to check those out.o.O

thanks, I'd keep you updated

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The firefox image block doesn’t work. It simply wipes out the whole page.

Adguard allows custom filter, however it does not allow the rewrite function that Adblock offers.

I was lazy and decided to try a simple filter:


However, it does not block any images..
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@John 1039 

Thank you so much for helping, somehow it’s not working

The first image shows what I see after turning on Adblock, which is no different from the usual view.

The second image is what I see after I click on ‘Block elements on this page’, nothing for me to select.

I’m starting to think custom filter is not supported in the free version, so I included a screenshot of what I see after I updated the user filter list with the syntax you provided.

Maybe I’ll experiment with syntax on some simpler websites to see if it works first.




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Sorry for the late reply. In the last few days I was trying to get my hands on some iOS device, but unfortunately couldn't. So, I am unable to test the rules and find out exactly what's causing the problems.:(

On iOS, natively disabling all images appears to be impossible. There is another extension which might work: iCab Mobile ($1.99) which has built-in fully customizable filter feature, allows to block resources and also supports AdBlock Plus filters. However, its premium nature is the main issue here.o.O

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Thanks @John 1039 you’re being exceedingly kind to a stranger on the internet. (not anymore, we’re guildmates!)

On further attempt, ad guard worked after all. 

worked, although

doesn’t, likely because the images are given a different content type modified in the writeup. That was rather crude so maybe I’ll specify more rules to limit them to the NSFW and cash cow animations later. 

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  • 1 month later...
On 1/29/2019 at 9:30 PM, John 1039 said:

Browsers (Native solutions)

For when you don't want to bother installing any extensions. This is a quick but crude solution requiring all images in the game to be blocked.

Firefox 🦊

Right click on any image > View Image Info > In the new window that opens up:

  • Select any image that comes from www.hentaiheroes.com > Check: [x] Block Images from www.hentaiheroes.com
  • Select any image that comes from hh.hh-content.com > Check: [x] Block Images from hh.hh-content.com

Sorry for necroposting, but since John 1039 wrote this guide i think it's better to put it here.

With the release of Firefox 72 this feature has been removed by default. If just like me you want to keep using this method, you can restore it:

  • Type about:config in the address bar and press Enter
  • Confirm that you will be careful if you see the page with the warning message
  • Search for the preference extensions.contentblocker.enabled
  • Double-click it to change its value to true
  • Restart Firefox

Let's hope they won't remove this option altogether, i find the game slow as hell without it 😐

  • Thanks 3
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/6/2020 at 11:54 AM, Daniele said:

Let's hope they won't remove this option altogether, i find the game slow as hell without it 😐

I agree.

And thank you very much for finding and showing how to reactivate that feature. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/6/2020 at 11:54 AM, Daniele said:

Sorry for necroposting, but since John 1039 wrote this guide i think it's better to put it here.

With the release of Firefox 72 this feature has been removed by default. If just like me you want to keep using this method, you can restore it:

  • Type about:config in the address bar and press Enter
  • Confirm that you will be careful if you see the page with the warning message
  • Search for the preference extensions.contentblocker.enabled
  • Double-click it to change its value to true
  • Restart Firefox

Let's hope they won't remove this option altogether, i find the game slow as hell without it 😐

So, today they did another update to Firefox and the blocking stopped.

I followed the instructions and found that the contentblocker.enabled was still set to true. I played with it a little, restarted and such. Finally, I just set it back to false and then restarted.

Now when I bring up extensions.contentblocker.enabled it gives the options of Boolean, Number, String with a + at the end to add it.

Not quite sure how to approach this now. Boolean seems to be the way to go as I believe that will offer you the True/False options.


So, I tried the Boolean and it gave me the True/False option again but it won't bring up the check box in the page-info/Media window.


When I went back in to check after the restart again, it says true but I can't toggle it to false. It just remains true.

Edited by TeeJay
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This time I'm afraid there is nothing we can do to re-enable it.

I tried several add-ons (Adblock plus, uBlock origin, uMatrix, Image block, Image block x and maybe others), but none of them were what i was looking for. The only one i found that works like the old firefox feature is this one: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/image-blocker-plus/

Too bad i have to switch the extension on/off every time i visit HH, since this is the only site i want to block... But hey, better than nothing.

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With adblock plus you can use in advanced filter this three domains




if you want to be more granular you can use only this to block the girls images



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@jelom i know that, let me clarify: all those add-ons can block images, but they're all terrible for that IMO. The only reason why i want to block images is because HH loads faster, but if i use ABP (or those others) the game is still way too slow compared to what i'm used to.

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  • 1 year later...

How can i block this part of code - flying stars over credits number when collecting in Harem?

<svg width="90" height="30" class="glitter-svg" style="top: 10px; left: 720px; pointer-events: none; opacity: 0;" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:svg="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
    <defs><path id="star9" fill="#ffcc00" d="M0-10L2.939-4.05L9.511-3.09L4.755 1.55L5.878 8.09L0 5L-5.878 8.09L-4.755 1.55L-9.511-3.09L-2.939-4.05Z"></path></defs>
        <g transform="translate(25.2,3.6) scale(0.2)">
            <use xlink:href="#star9" class="glitter-star" style="animation-delay:450ms;-webkit-animation-delay:450ms;-moz-animation-delay:450ms;-ms-animation-delay:450ms;-o-animation-delay:450ms;"></use>
       /* there many more <g> <use> </g> */


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