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Work fantasies
Ninja - 109 fights until lucky drop - 162 shards
Donatien - 67 fights until lucky drop - 162 shards

Two lucky drops at that event, both at 62 shards.
First lucky drop was after 4,500 fights without one.

All in all 4 lucky drops since February when the shard system was launched.
4-5 lucky drops during one calendar year seems reasonable for one player.

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Okay, had some comp trouble and my account details weren't on my laptop, so time to play catchup:


Epic Days (August):

Dark Lord (Lapsey):

Day 1: 55 hits

Shards: 18 (1x2, 1x3, 2x4, 1x5)

Day 2: 42 hits, 97 total

Shards: 15 (1x2, 1x3, 2x5), 33 total

Day 3: 50 hits, 147 total

Shards: 9 (1x1, 1x2, 2x3), 42 total

Day 4: 48 hits, 195 total

Shards: 14 (3x1, 1x2, 1x4, 1x5), 56 total

Refills (Day 4): 127 hits

Refill 1: 20 hits, 215 total

Shards: 5 (1x2, 1x3), 61 total

Refill 2: 20 hits, 235 total <-- 5,000th hit

Shards: 3 (1x3), 64 total

Refill 3: 20 hits, 255 total

Shards: 13 (1x3, 2x5), 77 total

Refill 4: 20 hits, 275 total

Shards: 8 (1x3, 1x5), 85 total

Refill 5: 20 hits, 295 total

Shards: 7 (1x2, 1x5), 92 total

Refill 6: 20 hits, 315 total

Shards: 7 (1x3, 1x4), 99 total

Refill 7: 7 hits, 322 total <-- wanted to avoid this one, but kept getting nothing on the regen.

Shards: 1 (1x1), 100 total

So yeah, first ever event of me spending kobans on refills. Drops were being a bit meh overall, only reason was that of the four Legendaries i had, none were KH (2x Charm, 2x HC for those wondering) and i wanted one in the ranks.

That said, i tracked koban refills separately, and they weren't noticeably different from non-bought combativity. The idiotic amount of hits that was needed (close to twice normal) is solely due to no drops being over x5 this time, whereas in the past the drops went up to x12. Then again, Lapsey IS a Legendary, so maybe it's that. Still feels kind of like cheating though.

And the stats, as always:

Day 1: 9,1% (3,6 shards average)
Day 2: 9,5% (3,8 shards average)
Day 3: 8% (2,3 shards average)
Day 4: 12,5% (2,3 shards average)
Kobans: 10,2% (3,4 shards average)

Dark Lord: 322 hits, 32 drops, 100 shards = 9,94% (3,13 shards average)

--== Historic Data ==--

Drop rates: 5,101 hits, 543 drops, 2,379 shards = 10,64% (4,38 shards average)

x100 drops (included in total stats): 2 in 5,101 hits = 0,039%
1st: Virginia (Epic), 752nd hit
2nd: Kyoto (Epic), 198th hit
3rd: Pending after 4,151 hits 



College Girls:

Ninja Spy (Airi):

Day 1: 40 hits

Shards: 19 (1x2, 2x3, 1x5, 1x6)

Day 2: 55 hits, 95 total

Shards: 5 (2x1, 1x3), 24 total

Day 3: 41 hits, 136 total

Shards: 1 (1x1), 25 total

Day 4: 54 hits, 195 total

Shards: 22 (1x1, 1x2, 2x3, 2x4, 1x5), 47 total

Day 5: 43 hits, 238 total

Shards: 15 (2x2, 1x5, 1x6), 62 total

Day 6: 49 hits, 287 total

Shards: 16 (2x5, 1x6), 78 total

Day 7: 33 hits, 320 total

Shards: 24 (1x2, 2x3, 4x4), 102 total

Gruntt (Mathlete Ankyo):

Day 7 (cont): 12 hits

Shards: 0

Day 8: 37 hits, 49 total

Shards: 9 (2x1, 1x3, 1x4), 9 total

Day 9: 49 hits, 98 total

Shards: 3 (1x3), 12 total

Day 10: 38 hits, 136 total

Shards: 4 (2x2), 16 total

Day 11: 45 hits, 181 total

Shards: 12 (1x1, 2x3, 1x5), 28 total <-- 2,500th shard

Day 12: 40 hits, 221 total

Shards: 21 (2x1, 2x4, 1x5, 1x6), 49 total

I really wish i was making up some of these numbers. I thought Day 3 was an unprecedented overall low and the first time i've dropped below 5% on a daily average, but once i got to Ankyo i really felt like i was wasting my time for the first couple of days. Coincidentally, this was the event after i spent kobans for the first time, so while i do not consider myself paranoid, i did consider there was some kind of algorithm at play here.

Overall, you don't need to go through college to understand that this has been a very disappointing event for me.

Just look at these stats:

Day 1: 12,5% (3,8 shards average)
Day 2: 5,5% (1,7 shards average)
Day 3: 2,4% (1 shard average)
Day 4: 13,0% (3,1 shards average)
Day 5: 9,3% (3,8 shards average)
Day 6: 6,1% (5,3 shards average)
Day 7: 21,2% (3,4 shards average)
Day 7 (Gruntt): 0% (0 shards average) <-- limited pool
Day 8: 10,8% (2,3 shards average)
Day 9: 2% (3 shards average)
Day 10: 5,3% (2 shards average)
Day 11: 8,9% (3 shards average)
Day 12: 15% (3,5 shards average)

Ninja Spy: 320 hits, 30 drops = 9,38% (3,4 shards average)
Gruntt: 221 hits, 17 drops = 7,69% (2,88 shards average)
Total: 541 hits, 47 drops, 151 shards = 8,69% (3,21 shards average)

--== Historic Data ==--

Drop rates: 5,642 hits, 590 drops, 2,530 shards = 10,46% (4,29 shards average)

x100 drops (included in total stats): 2 in 5,642 hits = 0,035%
1st: Virginia (Epic), 752nd hit
2nd: Kyoto (Epic), 198th hit
3rd: Pending after 4,692 hits 



School Days:

Edwarda (Niki Vignae):

Day 1: 20 hits

Shards: 17 (1x6, 1x11)

Day 2: 31 hits, 51 total

Shards: 37 (1x2, 1x3, 1x6, 2x7, 1x12), 54 total

Day 3: 48 hits, 99 total

Shards: 49 (2x3, 2x6, 2x7, 1x8, 1x9), 103 total

By the Harem Gods, after the atrocity that was the event before this one did i badly need a high drop rate event! And this one delivered nicely on that. Already had Justine from her previous one so this went nice and quick for me.

And the stats:

Day 1: 10%% (8,5 shards average)
Day 2: 19,4% (6,2 shards average)
Day 3: 16,7% (6,1 shards average)

Total: 99 hits, 16 drops, 103 shards = 16,16% (6,44 shards average)

--== Historic Data ==--

Drop rates: 5,741 hits, 606 drops, 2,633 shards = 10,56% (4,34 shards average)

x100 drops (included in total stats): 2 in 5,741 hits = 0,035%
1st: Virginia (Epic), 752nd hit
2nd: Kyoto (Epic), 198th hit
3rd: Pending after 4,791 hits 



Legendary Days:

Finalmecia (various):

Day 1: 40 hits

Shards: 4 (2x1, 1x2)

Day 2: 50 hits, 90 total

Shards: 8 (3x1, 1x2, 1x3), 12 total

Other: 1x Chololate, 1x Necklace

Day 3: 44 hits, 134 total

Shards: 5 (2x1, 1x3), 17 total

Other: 1x Flowers, 1x Necklace

Day 4: 52 hits, 185 total

Shards: 9 (2x1, 2x2, 1x3), 26 total

* = Now, i'm not going to count these in the totals. Reason being that i *think* i already had both of the event girls from their respective bosses. There is a VERY slim chance this was to get the remaining shards for a girl, but it's more likely i was smashing on Finalmecia as i was getting a lot of Edna shards. I did log them though, but apparently mostly due to Gift drops.


And the last one:


Halloween / Monster's Ball:

Dark Lord (Countess Semana):

Day 1: 45 hits

Shards: 5 (1x1, 1x4)

Day 2: 52 hits, 97 total

Shards: 25 (1x2, 1x5, 3x6), 30 total

Day 3: 33 hits, 130 total

Shards: 3 (3x1), 33 total

Day 4: 58 hits, 188 total

Shards: 32 (1x1, 1x3, 3x4, 2x5, 1x6), 65 total

Day 5: 51 hits, 239 total

Shards: 7 (1x2, 1x5), 72 total

Day 6: 44 hits, 283 total

Shards: 7 (1x2, 1x5), 79 total

Day 7: 34 hits, 317 total

Shards: 22 (2x5, 2x6), 101 total

Silvanus (Yuko):

Day 7 (cont): 12 hits

Shards: 9 (1x3, 1x6)

Day 8: 46 hits, 55 total

Shards: 17 (1x2, 2x3, 1x4, 1x5), 26 total

Day 9: 46 hits, 101 total

Shards: 3 (1x1, 1x2), 29 total

Day 10: 46 hits, 147 total

Shards: 8 (2x1, 1x6), 37 total

Day 11: 52 hits, 199 total

Shards: 21 (2x1, 1x2, 1x3, 2x4, 1x6), 58 total

Day 12: 36 hits, 235 total

Shards: 30 (1x2, 1x3, 2x4, 1x5, 2x6), 88 total

Best 20: 20 hits / 20 shards (3x3, 1x5, 1x6)

Saddest Streak: 40 hits

Nothing all too noteworthy here. Had a bad streak (40 without drops) on Yuki, and a 28 on Semana, but a number of good days as wel, and the last two days allowed me to catch up pretty fast. I think i'd have gotten Yuki if i had another day, or a crappy day had been less crappy. Still, climbing back up i suppose.

And the stats:

Day 1: 4,4% (2,5 shards average)
Day 2: 9,6% (5 shards average)
Day 3: 9,1% (1 shard average)
Day 4: 13,8% (4 shards average)
Day 5: 3,9% (3,5 shards average)
Day 6: 4,5% (3,5 shards average)
Day 7: 11,8% (5,5 shards average)
Day 7 (Sylvanus): 16,7% (4,5 shards average) <-- limited pool
Day 8: 10,9% (3,4 shards average)
Day 9: 4,3% (1,5 shards average)
Day 10: 6,5% (2,7 shards average)
Day 11: 13,5% (3 shards average)
Day 12: 19,4% (4,3 shards average)

Dark Lord: 317 hits, 26 drops = 8,20% (3,88 shards average)
Sylvanus: 235 hits, 26 drops = 11,06% (3,38 shards average)
Total: 552 hits, 52 drops, 189 shards = 9,42% (3,63 shards average)

--== Historic Data ==--

Drop rates: 6,293 hits, 658 drops, 2,822 shards = 10,46% (4,29 shards average)

x100 drops (included in total stats): 2 in 6,293 hits = 0,032%
1st: Virginia (Epic), 752nd hit
2nd: Kyoto (Epic), 198th hit
3rd: Pending after 5,343 hits 

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A test of what a free player can expect.

Event: Nymphobies’ horde


Day 1: 36 hits

Shards: 2 (1x6 1x4)

HH tickets (1)

Day 2: 45 hits

Shards: 5 (1x11, 1x4, 1x4, 1x7, 1x5)

HH tickets (3)

Day 3: 40 hits

Shards: 8 (1x11, 1x6, 1x7, 1x12, 1x6, 1x3, 1x11, 1x9)

Day 1 notes I mention the HH ticket reward because this allowed me to play the Champions game and recover the money I lost by going back to Donatien instead of continuing my fight with Fredy Sih Roko Senseï. The match is not exact; I ended up $1,332 ahead if you take the premise that Fredy Sih Roko Senseï would not have given me a HH ticket. If you accept the opposite assumption, then I lost $207k on day one while trying to get the girl Donatien is holding hostage.

Day 2 notes Two of the shard drops and one of the HH ticket rewards came from playing this as 10x combats instead of single combat.

Day 3 notes Eight shard drops and no HH drops feel like I hit a "lucky streak" which allowed me to win the girl on the 3rd day.

Edited by Pelinor
I added day 3's activity
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I just went through 180 combats with Finalmecia without getting above a total of 75 in shard drops on any of the girls. Given that I started with 66 shard drops on Salem, I felt reasonably confident I could at least get her for my $20. Adventure combat is not the way to go if you want a girl to join you from the looks of it. Hell, I received more HH drops than shard drops, which is a modest compensation prize in a game geared towards "getting the girl."

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Indeed this thread attempts to analyse the whine statistically. Based on that analysis, Finalmecia is a 5% drop rate boss, so 180 fights will give you an average of 9 drops and an average of 2+0 shards. 100-150 fight streaks without a single drop are very common at 5% level. You will also find out the average number of fights that Finalmecia needs for 300 shards (3 girls) to drop, it was around 1,700-1,800 if I remember correctly (with a divergence of a few hundreds fights at that level).

In any case, doing 180 fights and hoping to get 34 shards would be extreme luck, almost two times better than an average player can expect.

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5 hours ago, Chthugha said:

I don't think people like it when you use this thread for anything else than simple data sharing. Storytelling/whining about shard drops have enough threads alreafy. No reason to do that in here as well.

My apologies for adding the story to my expectations. You are correct, and I will refrain from adding any backstory here in the future.

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Epic Days

Ninja Spy (Evelyn)

Day 1: 39 hits

Shards: 18 (2x1, 1x3, 2x4, 1x5)

Day 2: 45 hits, 84 total

Shards: 126 (1x3, 2x4, 3x5, 1x100), 144 total <-- After over 5k hits, my third ever x100 drop :3 

Donatien (Asta)

Day 2 (cont): 5 hits

Shards: 6 (1x2, 1x4)

Day 3: 49 hits, 55 total

Shards: 19 (1x1, 2x3, 3x4), 25 total

Day 4: 47 hits, 102 total

Shards: 22 (3x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 2x5), 47 total

Best 20: 6 drops / 18 shards (2x1, 1x3, 2x4, 1x5)

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Epic days 7

Finalmecia, Miyu, 384 battles, 39 drops,  103 shards
Roko, Ria, 171 battles, 13 drops, 28 shards and a  lucky x100

I have been very lucky this time, because Ria was very slow to give me shards in the three first days

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On 10/20/2019 at 2:35 PM, Makinen said:

Epic Days

Ninja Spy (Evelyn)

Day 1: 39 hits

Shards: 18 (2x1, 1x3, 2x4, 1x5)

Day 2: 45 hits, 84 total

Shards: 126 (1x3, 2x4, 3x5, 1x100), 144 total <-- After over 5k hits, my third ever x100 drop :3 

Donatien (Asta)

Day 2 (cont): 5 hits

Shards: 6 (1x2, 1x4)

Day 3: 49 hits, 55 total

Shards: 19 (1x1, 2x3, 3x4), 25 total

Day 4: 47 hits, 102 total

Shards: 22 (3x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4, 2x5), 47 total

Best 20: 6 drops / 18 shards (2x1, 1x3, 2x4, 1x5)

Had some VERY nice drop rates, really felt like i was progressing every time i launched a barrage of hits at the bosses, and i'm guessing the x100 chance finally got some long overdue tweaking because me and several others seem to have landed a x100 drop in the past event. In all, very satisfying.

And the stats:

Day 1: 15,4% (3 shards average)
Day 2: 15,6% (18 shards average, 4,3 without the x100)
Day 2 (Donatien): 40% (3 shards average) <-- limited pool
Day 3: 12,2% (3,2 shards average)
Day 4: 17,0% (2,8 shards average)

Ninja Spy: 84 hits, 13 drops = 15,48% (11,08 shards average, 3,67 without the x100)
Donatien: 102 hits, 16 drops = 15,69% (2,94 shards average)
Total: 186 hits, 29 drops, 191 shards = 15,59% (6,59 shards average, 3,25 without the x100)

--== Historic Data ==--

Drop rates: 6,479 hits, 687 drops, 3,013 shards = 10,60% (4,39 shards average)

x100 drops (included in total stats): 3 in 6,479 hits = 0,046%
1st: Virginia (Epic), 752nd hit
2nd: Kyoto (Epic), 198th hit
3rd: Evelyn (Legendary), 5,427th hit
4th: Pending after 102 hits 

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I will post the data for my first girlin this event (obtained after the bug was solved, well, this time the daily reset during sleep time was beneficial for european players that have to sleep).
Confirmed the shard range (1-12) is like a revival, and the drop rate is congruent with the usual 10%, so this could be the best event in a long time.

Orgy Days

Donatien, Sady, 128 battles, 15 drops,  108 shards
Edwarda, Halloween Kimie, 150 battles, 17 drops,  105 shards
Ninja Spy, Gork, 148 battles, 15 drops,  104 shards
Dark Lord, Halloween Juliette, 136 battles, 15 drops, 103 shards

Event finished, I got the girls for only 16 refills (+ free combativity). Less than 3500 Kobans is like a gift. 🤑💝

Edited by jelom
update: the last girl in bosses for me in this event
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Orgy Days

Edwarda (Halloween Kimie)

Day 1: 63 hits

Shards: 13 (1x1, 1x2, 1x10)

Day 2: 46 hits, 109 total

Shards: 26 (1x2, 2x7, 1x10). 39 total

Day 3: 36 hits, 145 total

Shards: 31 (1x3, 2x8, 1x12), 70 total

Day 4: 38 hits, 183 total

Shards: 31 (2x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x9, 1x11), 101 total

Donatien (Sady):

Day 4 (cont): 15 hits

Shards: 0

Day 5: 48 hits, 63 total

Shards: 85 (1x1, 1x3, 1x5, 1x6, 2x8, 1x9, 1x10, 1x11, 2x12), 85 total

Bought 20, no drops

Best 20: 5 drops / 25 shards (1x1, 1x3, 1x5, 1x6, 1x10) and 5 drops / 52(!) shards (1x8, 1x9, 1x11, 2x12)

Saddest Streak: 33

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5 hours ago, Parovoz said:

Orgy Days

Donatien (Sady)

Day 1: 115 hits

Shards: 0

¿Were these battles done AFTER Kinkoid fixed the bug that prevented to get shards (i.e. after 09:AM Paris time)?

It is possible to get such number of battles without a drop with latter bosses' girls (5-6% drop rate) but I have never seen that in an event (10% drop rate). The probability is not null, around 0.01%.

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On 10/25/2019 at 11:33 AM, Makinen said:

Orgy Days

Edwarda (Halloween Kimie)

Day 1: 63 hits

Shards: 13 (1x1, 1x2, 1x10)

Day 2: 46 hits, 109 total

Shards: 26 (1x2, 2x7, 1x10). 39 total

Day 3: 36 hits, 145 total

Shards: 31 (1x3, 2x8, 1x12), 70 total

Day 4: 38 hits, 183 total

Shards: 31 (2x2, 1x3, 1x4, 1x9, 1x11), 101 total

Donatien (Sady):

Day 4 (cont): 15 hits

Shards: 0

Day 5: 48 hits, 63 total

Shards: 85 (1x1, 1x3, 1x5, 1x6, 2x8, 1x9, 1x10, 1x11, 2x12), 85 total

Bought 20 (16 spent), no drops, 79 total

Best 20: 5 drops / 25 shards (1x1, 1x3, 1x5, 1x6, 1x10) and 5 drops / 52(!) shards (1x8, 1x9, 1x11, 2x12)

Saddest Streak: 33

A little late with the summary, but here it is. Where Kimie started slow and picked up speed along the way, Sady had an absolutely INSANE second day that almost got me to 100. Bought 20 but didn't get anything from it, missed the remaining four attacks because i was way too close to reset when i got what is perhaps my best 20 run without an outright x100 attached to it. 

And the stats:

Day 1: 4,8% (4,3 shards average)
Day 2: 8,7% (6,5 shards average)
Day 3: 11,1% (7,8 shards average)
Day 4: 15,8% (5,2 shards average)
Day 4 (Donatien): 0% (0 shards average) <-- limited pool
Day 5: 22,9% (7,7 shards average)

Edwarda: 183 hits, 17 drops = 9,29% (5,94 shards average)
Donatien: 79 hits, 11 drops = 13,92% (7,73 shards average)
Total: 262 hits, 28 drops, 184 shards = 10,69% (7,08 shards average)

--== Historic Data ==--

Drop rates: 6,741 hits, 715 drops, 3,197 shards = 10,61% (4,47 shards average)

x100 drops (included in total stats): 3 in 6,741 hits = 0,045%
1st: Virginia (Epic), 752nd hit
2nd: Kyoto (Epic), 198th hit
3rd: Evelyn (Legendary), 5,427th hit
4th: Pending after 364 hits 

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And on to the next event:

Far West Girls:

Edwarda (Sheriff Spook)

Day 1: 54 hits

Shards: 19 (1x1, 1x2, 1x4, 2x6)

Day 2: 41 hits, 95 total

Shards: 20 (1x1, 2x2, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6), 39 total

Day 3: 54 hits, 149 total

Shards: 35 (1x3, 5x4, 2x6), 74 total

Day 4: 46 hits, 195 total

Shards: 17 (1x1, 2x5, 1x6), 91 total

Day 5: 36 hits, 231 total

Shards: 9 (2x1, 1x3, 1x4), 100 total

Donatien (Outlaw Mary)

Day 5 (cont): 16 hits

Shards: 8 (1x2, 1x6)

Day 6: 40 hits, 56 total

Shards: 16 (1x1, 3x2, 1x4 1x5), 24 total

Day 7: 49 hits, 105 total

Shards: 20 (1x4, 2x5, 1x6), 44 total

Day 8: 53 hits, 158 total

Shards: 17 (1x1, 1x2, 1x4, 2x5), 61 total

Day 9: 50 hits, 208 total

Shards: 17 (2x1, 2x3, 1x4, 1x5), 78 total

Day 10: 23 hits, 231 total

Shards: 24 (1x3, 3x5, 1x6), 102 total

Best 20: 5 drops / 19 shards (2x2, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6) and 4 drops / 18 shards (3x4, 1x6)

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On 11/2/2019 at 1:15 AM, Makinen said:

And on to the next event:

Far West Girls:

Edwarda (Sheriff Spook)

Day 1: 54 hits

Shards: 19 (1x1, 1x2, 1x4, 2x6)

Day 2: 41 hits, 95 total

Shards: 20 (1x1, 2x2, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6), 39 total

Day 3: 54 hits, 149 total

Shards: 35 (1x3, 5x4, 2x6), 74 total

Best 20: 5 drops / 19 shards (2x2, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6) and 4 drops / 18 shards (3x4, 1x6)

Hi are you just really lucky here? Cause i did all 3 days as well and all i got are 32 shards, im doing it one by one btw

Edited by [HH]Kanchou
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Same here, fighting one by one. 

Yeah, Day 3 was a pretty lucky day, so i'm ahead of schedule (i try to aim for 15-20 shards per day to get both girls), but as you can see from previous posts i've had some bad days as well.

32 in 3 days... does happen. I've had a Legendary Days event where i totaled 40 shards in a little over 180 hits, but fortunately it's pretty rare. It is generally accepted that the average drop rate is somewhere between 10-15%, but for a bad day you need both a low drop rate and a low number of shards when they DO drop, so one RNG generally compensates for the other when things go sour.

How many hits did you make?

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3 hours ago, Makinen said:

Same here, fighting one by one. 

Yeah, Day 3 was a pretty lucky day, so i'm ahead of schedule (i try to aim for 15-20 shards per day to get both girls), but as you can see from previous posts i've had some bad days as well.

32 in 3 days... does happen. I've had a Legendary Days event where i totaled 40 shards in a little over 180 hits, but fortunately it's pretty rare. It is generally accepted that the average drop rate is somewhere between 10-15%, but for a bad day you need both a low drop rate and a low number of shards when they DO drop, so one RNG generally compensates for the other when things go sour.

How many hits did you make?

Ain't legendary days drop 1-3?

I put all my attacks in Edwarda, as in all for 4 days, (so at least 144 attacks+4th day+20combats saved before event start) 

And yeah my luck finally came, i went 23 shards in 10 fights 5 hours ago lmao

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5 hours ago, [HH]Kanchou said:

Ain't legendary days drop 1-3?

I put all my attacks in Edwarda, as in all for 4 days, (so at least 144 attacks+4th day+20combats saved before event start) 

And yeah my luck finally came, i went 23 shards in 10 fights 5 hours ago lmao

Ups and downs, sounds about right XD

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On 11/1/2019 at 6:15 PM, Makinen said:

And on to the next event:

Far West Girls:

Edwarda (Sheriff Spook)

Day 1: 54 hits

Shards: 19 (1x1, 1x2, 1x4, 2x6)

Day 2: 41 hits, 95 total

Shards: 20 (1x1, 2x2, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6), 39 total

Day 3: 54 hits, 149 total

Shards: 35 (1x3, 5x4, 2x6), 74 total

Day 4: 46 hits, 195 total

Shards: 17 (1x1, 2x5, 1x6), 91 total

Day 5: 36 hits, 231 total

Shards: 9 (2x1, 1x3, 1x4), 100 total

Donatien (Outlaw Mary)

Day 5 (cont): 16 hits

Shards: 8 (1x2, 1x6)

Day 6: 40 hits, 56 total

Shards: 16 (1x1, 3x2, 1x4 1x5), 24 total

Day 7: 49 hits, 105 total

Shards: 20 (1x4, 2x5, 1x6), 44 total

Day 8: 53 hits, 158 total

Shards: 17 (1x1, 1x2, 1x4, 2x5), 61 total

Day 9: 50 hits, 208 total

Shards: 17 (2x1, 2x3, 1x4, 1x5), 78 total

Day 10: 23 hits, 231 total

Shards: 24 (1x3, 3x5, 1x6), 102 total

Best 20: 5 drops / 19 shards (2x2, 1x4, 1x5, 1x6) and 4 drops / 18 shards (3x4, 1x6)

And it is complete once more ^^

An event according to the 'old' ways of averaging 5-6 days for a girl, felt almost nostalgic. Also, completely coincidental, but both girls took the exact same amount of hits to get.

And the stats:

Day 1: 9,3% (3,8 shards average)
Day 2: 14,6% (3,3 shards average)
Day 3: 14,8% (4,4 shards average)
Day 4: 8,7% (4,3 shards average)
Day 5: 11,1% (2,3 shards average)
Day 5 (Donatien): 12,5% (4 shards average) <-- limited pool
Day 6: 15% (2,7 shards average)
Day 7: 8,2% (5 shards average)
Day 8: 9,4% (3,4 shards average)
Day 9: 12% (2,8 shards average)
Day 10: 21,7% (4,8 shards average)

Edwarda: 231 hits, 27 drops = 11,69% (3,70 shards average)
Donatien: 231 hits, 28 drops = 12,12% (3,64 shards average)
Total: 462 hits, 55 drops, 202 shards = 11,90% (3,67 shards average)

--== Historic Data ==--

Drop rates: 7,203 hits, 770 drops, 3,399 shards = 10,69% (4,41 shards average)

x100 drops (included in total stats): 3 in 7,203 hits = 0,042%
1st: Virginia (Epic), 752nd hit
2nd: Kyoto (Epic), 198th hit
3rd: Evelyn (Legendary), 5,427th hit
4th: Pending after 826 hits 

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