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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/15/2019 in all areas

  1. I will put out some of my experience using this event. I already had one of the rescue girls. So that left me 2 to win from the bosses. Over the last day I've spent a little less than 1500 kobans on refills. So far, I won Lola with exactly 100 affection and I'm at 87 on Virginia. Like any of the drops before hand, it's a mix of find a good time of server RND recycling and doing refills of your Challenge points. I do not sit there and spend and spend and spend till I win in one setting. I spread it out. I do a few refills here, a few there. I watch the drop rate of the Affection crystals and if they seem like they're not dropping I stop and wait a few hours and try again. While it's not perfect, I like it a bit more because I have a better view of how much closer I'm getting to rescue the girl. I can see how often the crystals are dropping so I can make a better decision on how much to spend at that time and I get a sense of how long it might take me based on a rough average of drops and values of drops. Like all systems, it flows in cycles and you have to learn it and understand it. So, the new system works. You just have to learn to work with it.
    4 points
  2. M'enfin tout ça c'est le fruit de la communication Kinkoid/communauté... Quand les nouveautés sont décidées par 3 mecs dans un bureau, dont au moins 2 sur 3 ne jouent pas au jeu, et qu'ils ignorent l'avis des milliers de joueurs concernés... S'ils pouvaient former un groupe d'une 20aine de joueurs vétérans et actifs (en jeu et sur le forum) qui feraient office d’ambassadeurs, ça serait déjà une grande avancée dans la communication quasi inexistante pour le moment... La MAJ des booster dernièrement, en lisant le patchnote ça m'avait l'air cool, mais en réalité c'est un gros foutoir avec des joueurs surboostés tant qu'ils lâchent des kobans (sans parler de la course à la première place qui en découle). Kinkoid nous a pondu ça sans même passer par le test server (qui sert justement à ça) et sans être foutu d'intervenir sur les topics où les joueurs se sont plaints du système.
    3 points
  3. 🎁 The Quest for Red Battler 🎁 ✨You have so much skills, experience and knowledge that this quest will be a pleasure for you. And the prize is more than amazing. 🏆WIN a special Red Battler Mouse Pad 👉What you need to do is describe your dream date with the Red Battler. Or if for some reason you don’t want to go on a date with her, tell me why. Do it in 150 words or less. ❗️You have one week to accomplish this quest. I will chose 8 of the answers and award them with mouse pads. The winners will be announced on the 22nd of March 2019. 🏆 You’ve conquered new lands, gone on incredible adventures and met amazing women. But if you need more inspiration, you know where to find me...💋 May the words be with you! Rules here: http://bit.ly/2TVUzq5
    2 points
  4. 😍😎 Événement terminé pour moi en tout cas pour ce qui est des combats de boss. Première fois que j'arrive cela. Deux filles à avoir, deux filles obtenues. @Joe-da-Gt'avais raison 😉
    2 points
  5. Catwind, t'abuses pas un peu là? Après tout ça, c'est aux autres de vérifier ton inventaire pour toi? Il te faut juste des yeux, un peu de matière grise, et de la mémoire (perso, c'est la mémoire qui m'a compliqué la tâche :p ).
    2 points
  6. D'accord mais alors ça aurait été bien de prévenir un peu mieux de la manière dont ça allait se passer sur votre annonce. Je trouve qu'il y a de vrais problèmes de communication au niveau des annonces entre le fait de devoir donner d'autres informations à une certaine date qu'on attends plus au bout d'un moment ou bien les changements apportés au jeu qui ne sont pas tenus ... J'ai vraiment la sensation d'un gros manque de respect envers les joueurs. Les erreurs et les bugs, ça arrive mais surveillez ce que vous annoncez et la manière dont vous le faites. Je pense que ce ne fera qu'améliorer le jeu qui, sur le plan artistique, en revanche est au top que ce soit le scénario ou les graphismes.
    2 points
  7. Bunny has a special message for you! 🐰 🎁My brave hero, 👉Your hand must be tired from all the hard... exercise it gets while you are on the computer. Worry not, my love, I have something for you... The perfect place to rest your tired wrist so you can get more...work done. It is as pleasing to the touch as it is to the eye. 😍 🖱This amazing mouse pad was created to bring you joy and relaxation. And it can be yours to enjoy. Keep an eye out on our page to learn how you can put your hands on Red Battler’s ample bosom. And don’t be afraid you’ll make her d irty- she likes it. 💋
    2 points
  8. mdr en D2 c'est autre choses oui, et la D3 vas etre Bagdad nous sommes d'accord
    2 points
  9. I am tanking this week. No need to go after a promotion spot with actual promotions. I do not fancy a league with no chance at a high rank. Too many kobaners racing to the finishline before I even wake up 😂
    2 points
  10. Mince en trois message ça part en cacahuète.... Dommage car c'est un véritable sujet de discussion ou nous tous somme concerné et bien sur impacté, et on en fait les fraie encore cette semaine en ligue... la ou ça va être une grosse boucherie c'est quand je vais affronter isi et avoir 3 victoires, c’était une chimère hier et aujourd'hui c'est aussi facile que de faire des fautes d'orthographes... Est ce qu'au moins les K prennent le temps de lire ce que l'on marque ici? je l’espère. le topic blagounette n'est pas ici 🙂
    2 points
  11. i don't have to say i'm late do i? you all know already. 😏 my d2 with 101 players: my alt's d2 with 101 players: do we have all d2's identified already? (we know it's 705 players but i'm just curious). edit: 5 are posted here, so 2 still missing.
    2 points
  12. @cockblacknon ils ne sont pas illimité mais tombe très rarement
    1 point
  13. J'en envie de dire J’espère bien, car tel n’était pas mon but, en tout cas Car j'apprends sur le tas qu 'un tel est une fille , qu un tel est un garçon, donc Bref suis paumé
    1 point
  14. Pour le coup, sur les joueurs yoyo, le nouveau systeme est justement plus hasardeux. avant c'etait ultra frequent de voir un gars faire expres de redecendre pour torcher tout le monde en dessous . la tu peux decider de faire le yoyo mais t'es loin d'etre garantie de faire top 1
    1 point
  15. ca affecte tout. si ta fille de base vaut 1 dans ces caracteristiques chaque etoile augmente de 0.3. donc max 2.5 pour une fille 5 etoiles. pour ce qui est des revenu, chaque etoile augmente le revenu de base et le temps d,accumulation (deux filles rares 3 etoiles auront le meme revenu de base mais peuvent avoir un temps d'accumulation different, l'une par exemple t'offrant 1200 mais ca lui prend une heure pour recharger et l'autre 3600 mais ca lui prend 3 heures pour recharger
    1 point
  16. La mémoire et moi quand on se lève, c'est pas vraiment ça... je vaux rien tant que mon café a pas fait effet 😂
    1 point
  17. hello where i can found reward for the tower of fame issue?
    1 point
  18. As stated, logged out, logged in again. I don't see rewards anywhere.
    1 point
  19. Official rules for the contest may be found here:
    1 point
  20. Got Spring Lola in a lucky x100 Attraction battle, when I already had 47x Attraction, which means a lot of gifts; I feel incredibly lucky right now :D I hope I won't be the only one in this event; luck to you all :)
    1 point
  21. Hm I'm not worried considering I already have all the static girls. As for yoyowhan on using kobans to farm karole, what's wrong with getting a bit ahead on getting a girl? Especially one of the easier to upgrade ones. He gets more affection items he could use to upgrade his girls along the way. The earlier he could get girls and max em the better for his income. Compounding and all that. As for saving for event refills, who's to say he doesn't have more kobans for those? Event pachinko is a koban trap while Epic Pachinko girls are a pain to upgrade especially the legendary ones. The cost to upgrade a legendary girl to 1 star is higher than upgrading a common girl to 3 stars, and an epic girl to one star is just slightly lower. And of course a maxed out girl has a better income stream then one that's at one star. With more money to play with, you get more options, some of which could give you even more kobans.
    1 point
  22. Pas sûr que la situation soit aussi dramatique pour tout le monde qu'on le dit . Je n'ai pas l'impression de voir beaucoup de joueurs boostés en D1, ni en arène, beaucoup moins que la semaine dernière. On dirait que les joueurs ont compris qu'une course aux boosters serait ruineuse pour tout le monde (sauf pour les K), comme les rushs du jeudi matin que presque personne ne fait, puisque ce n'est rentable que pour le 1er. On s'oriente plutôt vers une utilisation ponctuelle lorsque cela une intérêt véritable, comme l'avait envisagé @Sygfried94 . Mais il semble que se soit différent en D2.. Toutefois, la puissance des boosters épiques parait excessive, et une réduction d'un facteur 1,5 environ (ou un peu plus?) améliorerait l'équilibrage du jeu.
    1 point
  23. I know the feeling. It only took me like 2250+ fights to get the first girl after all, then another 400+ to get the other 2. I am not sure why you guys are worried about static girls during events for, they are not going anywhere and neither is income, do the event girls first then farm static girls and income. also don't waste Kobans farming karole to get her 3 girls, you got all the time in the world, they will come. Save them Kobans for pachinko and event refill's.
    1 point
  24. Er grats? After hearing all these people say they have the girls already, it's ... good? to know that there are people who's still grinding away like me.
    1 point
  25. Not going to happen. The writer wants to be able to use her as villain again in the future. So I guess you will have to make do with the enormous amount of scenes you get in the story.
    1 point
  26. mes combats gagné par la recompense de ligue + ma reserve de 14 combats, m'ont permis de gagner flores lola et de monter la deuxieme a 50 shard (pas de 100%). pour le coup j'ai jamais vu un tel score non seulement mon taux de chute pour les shard etait tres au dessus de la moyenne mais en plus c'est quasiment que du 10 11 ou 12 qui est tombé
    1 point
  27. I would argue that everything except a girl is worthless. You play the event pachinko to get a girl, anything else is unimportant. I really couldn't care less about the rest to be honest. Point is that on Nutaku where the avatars are non-existant, I do not have a higher chance on a girl. So it is not blocking anything important.
    1 point
  28. I love the smell of denunciation in the morning...
    1 point
  29. Surely you could have done it in less than 8 minutes, slacker,🤣.
    1 point
  30. OK, maybe I'm just to slow to understand, please help me find my error... I've asked before, I'll ask again: Does an avatar have any practical use? If not, can I sell it? If not, what is its value for me (if I don't happen to collect them)? Let's imagine, I would offer to sell my pubic hair for $500 a piece. You're playing a lottery, where you can win mostly common stuff, but you have a high chance to win a car or one of my pubes. And - lucky you - you nearly hit the jackpot - not the car, but guess what? At least you got something worth $500?? Short: the fact, that kinkoid sells avatars at a certain price, doesn't give them any (absolute) value. You only save 300 kobans, if you intended to buy this avatar anyway. In any other scenario, an avatar is less worth than any common item. Even worse - at pachinko, it blocks a slot for something useful. Conclusion: as long as an avatar doesn't have any affect on the game and as long as you cant't sell it, I fail to see it's worth.
    1 point
  31. so I just upgrade my Norou [2b] from 4star to 5star.. and it cost 18 Million.. and they put spring Lola in dark lord... god dammit... KINKOID
    1 point
  32. So happy to see this surprise rotation of boss girls with pachinko girls.
    1 point
  33. Si le système était un minimum honnête, les prix seraient revus à la baisse puisqu'il y a forcément moins de temps de buff... Certes ils ont leurs "améliorations", mais ça n'excuse pas le fait que les prix stagnent (et rappelons le 90/u pour un booster légendaire). On pourrait dire que le nombre de jours de buff étaient "proportionnels" à l'intensité du dopage avant, mais aujourd'hui ça n'existe plus et c'est devenu complètement pété... Si je dois comparer, imaginons que je sois comptable. On me payait mes honoraires normalement jusqu'au jour où le système a décidé de changer les règles sans me demander mon avis. Quand tout allait bien, plus j'avais d'honoraires et plus je gagnais d'argent (normal), mais avec ce nouveau système, tout est remis à plat après que tout ait été foutu en l'air. Je dois maintenant être encore plus compétent avec un taux fixe d'honoraires qui ne s'adaptent plus à la durée de mon travail... C'est pas vraiment ce que j'appelle une bonne affaire pour moi. Ça devient intéressant juste pour mes clients... et c'est ce qui se passe avec @Kinkoid ; c'est devenu une source de revenus plus intéressante (et plus si secondaire que ça 🙃) qu'avant avec ce cercle vicieux qu'ils ont mis en place.
    1 point
  34. Comme je l'ai dit, je simulais les combats à l'avance, avant le début de la saison. En tout cas, merci pour tes compliments ! Oui, j'ai eu quelques difficultés avec le lag, moi aussi, plus particulièrement la saison précédente. Enfin, évitons de nous écarter du sujet
    1 point
  35. I think you should provide some data, when you want to make a point and not sound biased as you are right now. No, event girls are fine as yhey are right now! It seems you haven't had to fight a boss over 500 times to win a girl-with no guarantee you will, in the old system or you are idolising it for the sake of nostalgia. To put it into an even simpler perspective we get 40 combativity points per day. And no, most events don't last 13days to provide the 500 free battles. It took me 567battles which is 2more days of free combativity. All of this for Kameyala which is a RARE girl, not even epic. I won't go over the first legendary days, because things get wven more grim!
    1 point
  36. This event is kinda meh. From all the event girls only one of the pachinko and the quest girl look particularily appealing, the rest lack identity and sex appeal. 21fights with Donatien so far- 0 drop shards, at first i thought the attraction feature was turned off for this event, will see if my luck changes.
    1 point
  37. You can save kobans by making an account on the test server that you verify the email on since the last time I did it you still got a large number of kobans and people were still getting them last month because they were testing the event pachinko out with it then and if it still works you should make a bunch of accounts before they remove it from new test server accounts. (great pachinko at low levels is cheaper to play for affection gifts than buying them from the market place as well and you can just farm dark lord for money to do without leveling up since dark lord gives no exp but it might be worth going to world 3 for the extra money from ninja spy) Just save your main account kobans for legendary days because they are the only ones getting 5 stars anyway and the only two useful epic pachinko girls were last year when they made an epic charm and know how 5 star girl but they did not bother making one for hardcore because they got their 2nd legendary days event with golden bunny and only the first two girls go into battle so golden bunny and levitya was enough. This only works for event pachinko because in epic pachinko even during events you can still get epic pachinko girls instead of event ones and it was even worse before they removed the villain girls from epic pachinko.
    1 point
  38. To get back to the topic described in the title of the thread... I think the girls all look rather the same. Yes, different hair colour and attributes, but it made me feel like they are figurines; they only differ in the way you paint them. I hope the scenes differentiate them a bit.
    1 point
  39. I recall reading somewhere in the forum that they designed the event pachinko as a chance for new players to get the old event girls in revival events. But like I said earlier and as Bananajoy pointed out - it's outdated. Anyways, I think of the event pachinko as a koban trap nowadays. Sure you can be lucky at times, but do it long enough you'll surely end up with a loss. You're better off getting girls off the Epic Pachinko. But to get in line with the shard system preventing really bad losses, they really should redesign the event pachinko.
    1 point
  40. I think Kinkoid stated otherwise, saying that 5400 kobans was too little when you roll for one of 1-2-3 guaranteed event girls, therefore they created Event Pachinko with 25% chances at 1800 kobans, meaning that average luck is 7200 kobans for a girl (or higher cost than Epic Pachinko). Meaning, of course that you can be luckier and pay just 1800 or 3600 - or unluckier and pay 10,000 or more before getting a girl. I still feel that they should stick with 5400 kobans in whatever Pachinko you use, just giving you a choice what you want to roll for. Now the law of average luck states you get 35-40% players who are happy with Event Pachinko because they lucked out - and 60-65% who pay more than 5400 and therefore hate it. Dissatisfaction and displeasure is written into the system and more than half of the players will be aggravated, not happy with the system.
    1 point
  41. Greetings, dear heroes! ☺️ Get ready for Fabienne, the wicked Legendary girl coming from another world! A world in which the most seductive and hottest ladies constantly invade the Haremverse in order to discover the true sexual nature of the local population… And that’s Fabienne mastery, she is the best at understanding Haremverse sexuality. Only this girl has the guts to speak the truth looking at the depths of the sexual desire. All those explorations have taken her time and her hot adventures are described in sexy details in her fiction erotic books, all of them bestselling novels! Yes, a great writer like Fabienne definitely knows how to create sexual tension. She is capable of giving everyone butterflies, not only in the stomach… Now Fabienne needs a real hero to be her next sensual inspiration! The muse has left this girl since Edwarda captured her and took all of her creative liberty. From February 18th to the 22nd the most successful and sexy erotic writer will rely on you to save her, to arouse this crazy imagination and turn the inspiration into action...Fabienne will get you out of your sexual shell!!!
    1 point
  42. No puedo rescatarla ya he luchado con el por dias, hay algun truco ?
    1 point
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