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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/2022 in all areas

  1. Tami get, 61 additional orbs spent trying for Virginia, no luck
    7 points
  2. Glad to see Keiko came back so soon after I missed her a few months ago. I had all three girls available, and with an L5 and an Epic Pachinko Exclusive girl available, in addition to it being day 1 of CbC, I decided it was a good time to be loose with my stash of MP1 orbs. My results: 14 orbs: Kuchi 207 orbs: Wendy 35 orbs: Keiko I'm currently in 1st by about 100k points in CbC, but second place (Gogeta) has apparently won D3 159 times so I have a feeling he probably has enough orbs to easily dispatch me since I'm not around during reset. Still worth it for a Top 4 finish though.
    6 points
  3. A chill 9th place finish. I decided to save my orbs for another time then to fight for 4th. I did use much more orbs than needed for 15th place finish, because I wasn't sure that I could login before the reset time (and I also had girls on MP that I tried getting, but none came). I will probably finish 15th today, so I will get the girl.
    5 points
  4. As expected I was sniped out of first by Gogeta, but going after all three MD girls yesterday netted me an easy Top 4 so I'm not complaining.
    4 points
  5. from Rotation 638 to 649 : Free spins: 11 ..........books and boosters orbs : 71 ................... books and boosters today's rotation : free spin : book orbs : 43 Taria the champion i tried to get Brittany; i spent all the rest of the obs to get her but i couldnt .if i got her i could get the third girl since she is with 80 shards.
    4 points
  6. Rotation #0650 (2022/11/08 13:00 CET): Strapped Virginia, Tami, Mani. Nothing of note. No girls available for me. Well, okay, for you guys trying to empty your EP pool, Mani is a permanent EP girl.
    3 points
  7. I got Kuchi after 115 MPx1 orbs. Remaining girls in MP pool: 23 (and I have enough MPx3 and MPx6 orbs to get 21 girls) Overall Stats (since February 2022): 3484 MPx1 for 30 girls. Drop rate: 0.86% Detailed stats: # MPx1 | # girls 17 | 1 146 | 1 50 | 1 225 | 0 (4 MPx6 to get the girl) 105 | 0 (4 MPx6 to get the girl) 80 | 1 17 | 1 73 | 1 13 | 1 2 | 1 495 | 1 115 | 1 10 | 1 67 | 1 5 | 1 185 | 1 132 | 1 38 | 1 327 | 1 165 | 1 33 | 1 72 | 1 123 | 1 102 | 1 11 | 1 175 | 1 123 | 1 149 | 1 10 | 1 244 | 1 60 | 1 115 | 1
    3 points
  8. Hi, all! I have some news for you - I'm changing departments at Kinkoid and won't be your community manager any longer. It was an honor being there for you! The community will always hold a very special spot in my heart If you need anything Tohru - Kinkoid is your go to person! ✨She will take good care of you! ✨ I'll miss you greatly. (That does not mean I won't say hi from time to time 💋 ) XoXo Love, Bunny Noacc.
    2 points
  9. Yeah, it's a poll title. And no, it's not a copypaste. Poll title is one of the few fields I put names in myself. Usually it's a reference to current events, new features, (issues), etc. or just something silly. This time it was just a hh-alike reference to the new season name.
    2 points
  10. Lost 4th place in the last 40 seconds as test sniped to the 2nd place. 15th needed 212.800 points.
    2 points
  11. Or maybe @Master-17 and @SafiTheOrca just like playing with HTML code 😉
    2 points
  12. I can say with relative confidence: if there is such a limit, it's over 9000
    2 points
  13. Yesterday i got my 500th girl in my harem Monster girl Aiko. I started playing the game since two years. i was just a casual player who just plays only the main story and defeats vilains. but this year , i started to play seriously especially after i discovered this forum. i learned a lot here and i keep learning daily from valuable members here.
    1 point
  14. Top 5. I was 1st for a long time but got sniped by 4 members. i could not defend my place since i was absent IRL.
    1 point
  15. Today's Profile Updates: Krampus - Career: "M" in "Magic" changed to lowercase Super Santa - Career: "M" in "Magic" changed to lowercase Description: space removed from "Super Serum",", and been aided by," changed to " - and has been aided by -"
    1 point
  16. If they only fix the 2 day I sow it on day 2,3,5 and now 8 so may want to check all day even day 9 if there on day 9. Edit: yep you'll want to include day 9 in the fix(not that we'll ever see it for day 8 or 9 unless OD changes to past 5 days)
    1 point
  17. doesn't seem fixed to me. Today's mission still has the off name
    1 point
  18. @FinderKeeper I just noticed this as the poll's title (I think?) "Space Sex - The Final Frontier". It looks like a copy-paste mishap perhaps from the CxH event? ----- All good on my end. I'm just waiting for the final daily mission of the event to claim my chest, now: This gives me a bit of time to start farming the new villain, Auga, before LD.
    1 point
  19. I'm F2P, and have 11 mythics. The difference is that I'm a ~3 year veteran (34 months), regularly ranking in the top 15 of DIII. There's some new methods to save on MD/MDR now, that I didn't see mentioned yet. Besides the 150 daily mission kobans, you can save up the 6 daily goal CP. That's worth an extra ~65 kos daily. If you're gonna store CP for a long time, be aware that you'll lose 48 CP regen daily, which adds up to many potential gems lost. We had a new side event added to the MD, called Sultry Mysteries (SM). I got 80 CP from there for 80 Sultry Coins (SC). The max per event would be 160 CP. That's another 864-1,728 kos saved, as long as you plan to spend some CP in the MD, passively gaining extra keys. One method that's more difficult, but very rewarding is beating floors above temple 1500 in the pantheon. You get 27 CP for every 10 floors, worth 2,916 kos between 100 floors. I know that's difficult, and you'd need a very strong team (180k+ TP), and good passives (a large harem), so not feasible yet, but good to know. I beat floor 1,500-1,700 for Bright Agate's MD, and she ended up just costing me just 1,512 kos for 140 CP, plus the 5 SP. You can do that too one day. I told @OmerB this the other day: Basically, if your level cap is 500 atm, then a lvl 500 "maxed" 28.56 base stat mythic is only going to have 1,780 more power, than an L5 girl w/ 25 base stats (14,280 power vs. 12,500 power). It's not significant enough to matter, unless blessings are involved, in which case an L5 could suffice anyway. You really want them maxed out to lvl 750, where the power difference becomes 2,670 (21,420 power vs. 18,750 power). You should be patient and continue unlocking the level cap 'til it's maxed. By then, you'll probably get more koban income anyway, and you won't need tips or tricks to get a mythic girl. If you really want one, then just save up 10k kos and 5 SP, no matter how long it takes, then wait for the 3rd of the month for an MD to start. Use up stored CP, and CP regen to reduce the overall cost, getting the girl near the end of the final day. Keep in mind, you'll also need 9.4k gems, 1.43 mil GXP, and 437k affection to max just one of them. That's why it's for players w/ more resources. For example, this is how I recently got Heavenly Venus ⚪. Just 28 stored CP. 80 CP bought from Sultry Mysteries. ~131 CP regen (waited to get her 6.5 hrs before the event ended). 18 CP from daily goals (6*3). 31 CP from Seasons for 0-5700 mojo. Used 311 free CP total, so 23 CP must've been from other sources, like PoG, PoV, SM, etc. Spent just 5173 kos on 479 CP, thanks to being patient, and using every CP source I could. Plus the 2700 kos for the 5 SP of course, but you buy that in advance, so it's not an issue right before the MD. Total cost was 7873 kos, and my drop rate was a below avg 6.33%, so it could've been even cheaper. If you know what you're doing, you can get a mythic girl for <6k kos and 5 SP (not even 8k kos spent). Since, you're not in a position to max one out to lvl 750, even if you did get one, it wouldn't help much. Take your time. Max out as many common girls to level 700 as you can. Unlock level 750. Read the mythic days threads each month for tips and tricks on how to save. Watch what other players do. You'll eventually have enough resources to get one. Chase after a sensual 🔵 or dom ⚫ M6 first, to help you the most (I say that, but I have no sensual mythics... yet 👀). Good luck.
    1 point
  20. There is no limit. However, the UI may occasionally glitch and stop loading more items. Refresh the market and try again when this happens.
    1 point
  21. Keiko's ⚫ 5th appearance in the MP. The last one was just ~2 months ago. Thanks @DvDivXXX, I have Wendy 🟣. Spent 125 MPx1s - no Kuchi 🟠 for me. Today's the CbC pachinko day, and she's cool, so might as well try. Keiko's presence might make the CbC more difficult.
    1 point
  22. Free spin from rotation #0647: Booster Free spin from rotation #0648: Book Free spin from rotation #0649: Book (CmC) 20x MyPx1: 10 Booster, 9 Books and 73rd girl from MyPx1 81x MyPx1: 51x Booster, 30x Books (rest of CmC)
    1 point
  23. I feel you. While I started off well, I've gotten my second shard drop on stage 4, and I've also had terrible pose matching luck. The only good news is that Visor isn't much worse on stage 5 with the lessened chance of matching poses. One thing to try to do is to set up champions near the end of a stage going into events wehre girls can be on Champions, so you don't find yourself spending a tone of Kobans on them.
    1 point
  24. Just cleared Visor final stage at level 11 and it was a nightmare. Due to getting 2 pose matches on Any, he was killing me in only 3 attacks. This is absolutely ridiculous, and I'm regretting having pursued Veronne at all with how many kobons I've sunk on her, but at this point I'm only 30 shards away and am back around to where I started (Visor at stage 1) so I'm going to finish it. Should have listened to my common sense, fighting Visor is a stupid idea that isn't going to end well...
    1 point
  25. You can contact support in game by going to the game menu(top right corner) > settings > customer support.
    1 point
  26. Actually got Veronne from the champion after 3 clears. I hope they adjusted drop rate for everyone for the last 2 champions, because it never happened to me before. Best rate I ever had before was 5 clears(not taking into account the last stage, so 6 total)
    1 point
  27. Veronne on Visor Stage 4 - shards Stage 1 - shards Stage 2 - shards Pretty lucky this time around
    1 point
  28. There are, and some variant of this question gets asked once every six months or so on average, I'd say (usually giving away a creepy vibe, though it doesn't seem to be the case here). I don't have any hard stats, but I've known quite a few female players of HH and I'm under the impression that the player base for GH in particular is very far from 100% male. There are also a few women with prominent roles at and for Kinkoid, including their best writer. Having said all that, beyond mere curiosity, I don't think it should matter one way or the other. Aside from knowing which pronoun to use when referring to someone in this community, their gender makes as much difference to me as their skin color or country of origin. That is, none as long as we're just fellow players, club mates, forum regulars etc. Some, when relevant, for people I happen to get to know a little better and/or have more personal chats with. TL;DR: There are ladies among us. Looking for them is generally not a good idea, though. And of course, you never know on the Internet, for good reasons. This reminds me that I often thought it's a bit weird that every player is referred to as a male on their game profile by default. I had this feeling every time I've checked the profile of a female player and read that "he seduced __ girls who have joined him". It might be worth changing to "they/them" to be more inclusive and avoid implying every player is male. Then again, regardless of who we are, we're all playing the game as the Main Character, who is a guy. And I know a lot of us are pretty far removed from that guy. ^^
    1 point
  29. Super, dommage que ça fasse 3 jours que je suis bloqué à" bientôt disponible" quelqu'un peut m'aider ?
    1 point
  30. Impossible Arcana, tu dois être victime d'une hallucination puisque tout est revenu à la normale !
    1 point
  31. " Ils ont capturés leur Hari et Pâques de Bunny . " 🤔
    1 point
  32. C'est peut-être parce qu'elle est pilo ??? C'est ça et la preuve que les hommes tiennent mieux l'alcool :
    1 point
  33. Pour une fois que c'est la bonne personne , il y a une faute .
    1 point
  34. Anuspirateur : " Ecoutez , en temps normal , je ne ferais pas ça . Mais mon ami a des problèmes ! " Si si il faut bien un " S " , c'est du conditionnel . Astuce : Si nous étions en temps normal , nous ne ferions pas ça .
    1 point
  35. Oeuvre caritative : " Chut ne t'en fais pas avec ça maintenant . Pense à ce que tu ressens et donne-moi ta semense ! ... Et tes pouvoirs ! " Semence
    1 point
  36. Tu fais pas ça quand tu fais un plan à 3😍 ? La fille qui prend ta bite et qui l'introduit dans la chatte de sa copine , c'est terriblement excitant !😜
    1 point
  37. Répétitions et tournures de phrases alambiquées : Je te souhaite une année particulièrement bonne et langoureuse année ! Tu m'as inspiré tellement de fantaisies et fantasmes tout au long de l'année écoulée , la nouvelle qui arrive sera passionnante , oh oui ! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Je vous souhaite une année épanouissante et pleine de réussites professionnelles 🥕
    1 point
  38. Sur votre visuel, il est écrit "Sexy nouvelle anée" et non année, avec deux n. Dans le message in game du 4 janvier, c'est "une nouvelle année passionnante" et non "un nouvelle année passionante". Dur dur...
    1 point
  39. C'est bien fatigant, et non fatiguant : c'est l'adjectif verbal et non le participe présent. Pour le mot "fôtes", je crois juste que tu n'as pas compris. Bref, je vais en rester là, je pense que j'ai une meilleure vision de l'orthographe et de la grammaire et je ne vois pas l'intérêt de poursuivre une telle discussion : l'équipe Kinkoid a un certain nombre de fautes indiquées, avec les correctifs indiqués.
    1 point
  40. Pas tant que ça finalement sur les grades, à moins que je n'aie plus les yeux en face des trous à force de regarder... ben, des trous. Ishtar > Une offrande à la déesse La forme et la pénétration est excellente > sont excellentes Cunegonde > The hard life of a mercenary ils n'attaqueront plus les villages alentours > alentour Professeur Deitra > Cours de biologie masculine Aucun self-contrôle > Aucun self-control ! Solveig > Y'a comme un os A moins que t'ai envie de participer ? > que t'aies envie Robin > Rouler des patins continues de tournoyer en moi > continue Lenaëlle > Tu as promis ! J'aurais bien aimer senti > aimé sentir Fanny et Fione > Au service de Monsieur Je ne nous ai jamais trouvé aussi belles > trouvées Sailor Celsius > Au nom de l'amour ! Comment as-tu fais ça > as-tu fait ça Nara > Née de la bataille je pense qu'ils m'ont entendu > entendue Lupa > Le loup et la lapine (2) Cette salope dégotte toujours des super coups > supers Lupa > Le loup et la lapine (3) Incohérence sur la dernière phrase : "Son sperme est à moi !" > Ton sperme (Lupa s'adresse au héros auparavant) Fée de Pâques > Métamorphose nécessaire Surtout ne t'enfuie pas > t'enfuis
    1 point
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