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Everything posted by DvDivXXX

  1. Sure. Nothing much we can do about it from the forum and it wouldn't be something I'd go to Discord and tell CMs or Tech either, since this has to do with the Sales and Marketing team instead (and it's very likely just a bug and not an intentional scheme to lure potential CxH players to HH instead as you might have assumed ^^).
  2. This one had mediocre art for both free pass girls and very nice art for the ones on the koban pass. That's unusual (it tends to be either similar or seemingly random, with many past PoAs having some of their best art in the free pass). Anyhow, I'll get to see and enjoy more from this one in a couple of years, hopefully (at the current rate of CbC and CCbC, assuming they stop reviving the same girl twice in a row as they did two times recently ^^).
  3. I really like the name! Nice play on words, there.
  4. While Bolitho and Horsting aren't wrong, I think they might have missed a nuance in your question. I've asked myself the exact same thing really early on and I've checked, so I'd rather clarify. The level of difficulty of an opponent determines the amount of rewards, including the offered relics' rarity. As in, a "Red Difficulty" (Hard) opponent gives more XP, Kisses and/or Fists and higher-rarity relics than a "Yellow Difficulty" (Medium) one, who in turn drops more and better stuff than "Green Difficulty" (Easy), and of course "Blue Difficulty" (Super Easy, Barely an Inconvenience) drops are the smallest and less valuable, and "Dark Red Difficulty" (Super Hard? well, just "Boss" really) rewards are also in their own unique bracket (main reward being a ton of Laby coins, and for the Bosses of the first two floors, typically a selection of Mythic or at least Legendary relics). HOWEVER: For a given difficulty level (eg Red/Hard difficulty in this example), the specific numbers, stats and anything else you can see on a given opponent don't change anything for your rewards. These two red opponents will give you the exact same amount of XP, Kisses and/or Fists, and also a selection of relics exactly on the same level, even if one of the two is technically harder to beat than the other. And it's always true: here, the difference is very small, but I've seen Red/Hard opponents as low as about 5M and as high as ~7M "overall power", I guess, and they still gave the exact same rewards. TL;DR: For the quality and quantity of rewards (including relics), only the difficulty level of an opponent matters (eg Hard, Medium, Easy etc.). Two opponents of the same "difficulty" (eg two opponents who appear in Red, or Yellow or Green etc.) will drop identical rewards regardless of their specific stats. Hope this helps (and that this was indeed what you were wondering about in the first place ^^). Cheers.
  5. +1 This LR went surprisingly well for me overall. It's still the most expensive and demanding of the ME formats (requires a flat 15k+ koban investment instead of 6k for the others and you need to stay on top of the charts for most of the month) but... I was able to grab all 4 girls, and a lot of goodies, which is immensely better than the previous version where even coughing up 15k kobans and playing competitively all month only gave 2. On top of that, I really enjoyed those series by Toon Dude. The Justine variant is still my favorite of the bunch, but all 4 were great. <3
  6. DvDivXXX

    Chat room

    Hey folks, hope you're all well. So, I'm just back from another break for real-life (mostly health and personal) reasons. I haven't checked anything yet (well except @bolitho76's profile ^^), came to this thread first. Pretty glad with what I've found so far.
  7. @Karxan Thanks for clarifying, I wasn't sure what issue you meant to point out exactly (even looking at your similar post for CxH's BB too). I haven't taken any screenshot and didn't really pay attention to my run, to be honest, but now that you mention this, I am pretty sure I also ended up having a couple of C5s in my Blue team, which I find weird now knowing that they're not blessed right now and I have enough maxed out Blue M6s and L5s (and even R5s) to fill out multiple teams of 7 girls... I'm not sure why the basic filters on the BB team selection page no longer work as they do on all the other team selection pages (and as they used to work in BB's as well). But yeah, there must be some kind of issue with it. I can't tell you for sure about sorting by other attributes, as all I did (as usual for my BB team) was sorting by Element and then mindlessly clicking on the 7 girls at the very top. It should have showed me this: OG Juliette and Classic Juliette aren't even close to making it on the page, let alone in the top two lines, but when I did this in BB they were there. I don't think it's all random either, as I still had several of my Mythics too (with MD Lenaëlle ending up as the team leader, which is also strange as there should have been 3 blessed L5s ahead of her in my selection). So yeah, I guess the only way to try and reproduce it would be on the test server at this point (unless someone reading this hasn't done their BB run yet). But if I do it with mine it will be hard to guess much with my tutorial-tier harem there.
  8. Sure. But "soon" may vary from player to player, and it doesn't hurt to keep the habit of selecting a bulletproof team just in case. Honestly for this, it's a difference of +/- 10 seconds. And sorting by Blue then clicking on the top 7 doesn't require any thought or effort either, especially after doing it for so long. Given the screenshots we've seen of seemingly random teams other end-game players have completed BB with, I could certainly have switched to using an auto-select team long ago, you're not wrong. I just dislike auto-select in general, and in this game KK games in particular. At least if I can avoid it.
  9. Yeah, for YT these days I'd say the most reliable thing for me has been Ublock Origin in all three browsers I use (Brave, FF, and Opera). On Opera in particular, it goes well beyond YT: there are plenty of sites that Opera's built-in protection can't do anything about (especially streaming or video replay sites, like some TV channels' websites) but Ublock handles perfectly. My FireFox fares better but I still use Ublock on it too. Brave hasn't needed it so far.
  10. The difference between us two doesn't seem huge to me (not even 200 Xtals). I might have used a bit more tickets than you, or I had a worse MD run than you, or I found more Kisses and Fists in the SM grids than you so far, or whatever. It's true that since you buy the Season pass (and also a monthly card? I don't remember for sure) you should have more stuff to score points in LR than me. I haven't used any Fist or Kiss from Season (and I don't have the season pass), so if you haven't either this doesn't factor in yet. My koban reserves are really down, though. Thankfully, winning a string of D3s helps a lot (it also gives me a few extra Fists, but that's splitting hairs at that point ^^).
  11. Not that I'm aware of, at this point. Pretty safe to assume if/when rewards are added after the fact, especially major ones like L5 girls, they'll be credited retroactively for those who already unlocked the matching levels. As far as I know, for now it stops at level 3000.
  12. They have, it's well documented (you can watch a lot of videos pointing it out and complaining about it on YT itself, ironically ^^). It's just that as usual adblockers and other plugins or even built-in features for some browsers like Opera or Brave caught up to their shenanigans in a matter of days. (I'm obviously nowhere near understanding the intricacies of what's under the hood as you do, Horsting! That's just my layman way of describing it ^^). I think Brave actually is Chromium based, so if there's something that lags on other browser types besides YT, I might not have noticed it, while others clearly are experiencing a lot more lag than I am, judging by this thread.
  13. I did spend the 15.6k, and the 2k cubes I've claimed from it allowed me to go from (barely) getting kicked out of top 250 in the previous contest period to (barely) snatching a top 50 in this one. Which in turn gives me a much better shot at maintaining a top 250 for the next ones (I might even grab a top 100 on my way down). Really enjoyed Justine's variant. Zoya's variant is solid, but Justine... This is some of my favorite stuff with her ever. Really great from Toon Dude (contrary to his latest mythics). I'm really looking forward to his Valentina, and his 69 variant, too!
  14. @mdnoria That's a good point too, the themes and story aren't very convincing or interesting, and they fail to capture the spirit of Neono and her Digisekai roots. That's on the writer, though, not on the artist. To be fair, as much as I hated some aspects of Fab's approach and perspective on a number of things that transpired through his work, he still delivered mostly great story bits and endearing characters especially in Digisekai and The Training Dimension. While I'm much more supportive of Peach as the lead writer, the transition wasn't very smooth and we've had (even more) continuity problems over the past two worlds than we already had before (there was a before Fab too, and the narrative approaches, writing styles and character development or lack thereof have varied a lot over the years anyway). Plot holes and loose ends left hanging when we move on to another adventure can be frustrating or just disappointing, even when the next adventure is entertaining in its own right. But characters having their personalities or history changed is more difficult to take, especially when they're altered without really acknowledging the retcon. (Spoiler alert for an example below). Going back to the art: Just to be clear, this isn't me hating on Toon Dude's work in general: he can make really nice series in the right circumstances. The four girls from the current LR mega-event are all drawn by him and they're a lot better than what he was able to produce for some of his mythics, especially VR Neono. I've unlocked and upgraded two of them so far and they're both very good. And the characters are their usual selves and visually recognizable in both the pose pics and affection scenes. His Justine in particular is really nice, he really gets her. I expect great things from his Valentina as well. He's always had ups and downs, but my guess is that the pressure and extra workload that came with taking over from Ben for most mythics was too much for him to maintain his best level of art quality. It would be better both for the artists and for us if they had them rotate on MD duties (just like they already do for ME and most other sources of L5s).
  15. Both would be nice. I'd be particularly interested in a mythic Virginia myself, and there are still plenty of other characters who haven't had a mythic variant so far. Holy The community is keeping a list of the most demanded ones somewhere. ^^ PS: Having said that, I really hope new mythics will be given to some of their top remaining artists, especially Venus and New Dude, rather than giving even more to Toon Dude now that Ben is gone. With VR Neono, we've had the least compelling art any mythic had so far. And also the least faithful to the character's usual looks, it's hard to even think of the characters in that series of drawings as the same ones from Digisekai.
  16. All the best to you in any other game you play moving forward, and IRL. I take it you're not just quitting CxH, but all Kinkoid games? HH too?
  17. While this happens at various times when the server is particularly busy, it's not a bug. It's just a matter of bandwidth. And yes, just like traffic jams, there's a negative loop going on where the server is too busy because too many players are sending too many requests at the same time, which in turns pushes individual players to reload the game over and over, which in turn makes the server even busier, and so on. The best thing to do in that situation is to close the game and come back an hour later if you can. Please mind the sticky and don't post in Bug Reporting unless you have a convincing case to report a genuine game bug (that's not already a known issue). Thanks. (I'll move this thread to QA for you this time).
  18. You say this like you had already written a reply to my essay in the LD thread, but if you did I can't find it? In any case, no worries, no hard feelings and no problem putting this to rest, man. As I said, you do you. <3 Can I at least have a hug for all my efforts? I get that my message didn't come across that way to you, but I was genuinely trying to explain my perspective to you while also clarifying that my reaction was not against you, on the contrary. So yeah, I'm glad we're not having a fight or anything, but I was hoping we'd hug it out like real men. ^^ Edit: Awww! Thanks, I feel better now. Hope you do too! (Not just about this but for your health issues, mostly).
  19. DvDivXXX

    Chat room

    Thanks! (And thanks to Tony Stark as well ^^). I'm always interested in good game theory or just science-related channels to follow on YT! (I spend a lot of time on YT anyway). <3 Edit: Okay, VSauce I was already familiar with, obv (but I had never watched this particular video), but the second one is a channel I had never stumbled upon before.
  20. What's different in CxH to make the inclusion of 3 Purple girls worth it over a full team of 7 Blue ones as in HH? I'm genuinely curious. Edit: I see the BB girl is Dark, so I guess you want the Purple>Dark bonus. Usually in BB the extra 9% Lifesteal from 3 more Blue girls trumps anything else (once you're past the threshold in account power where you can beat the event, ofc).
  21. Oh! ^^ Okay, it took me a moment to find it, but you're right, thanks! You need to hover over the shards at the bottom of the girl's icon to see this (and indeed it's the amount I would have after buying the extra 20; I have 40/100 for her): But if you hover anywhere else on the girl's icon, it instead shows her base info and stats (which even covers the Buy button ^^): I initially thought this was a script setting thing, but it's like this even with all scripts disabled. I knew that tooltip looked familiar, but I hadn't seen it in ages. Good thing it's not a bug, then. PS: So in this situation, I'd say go for it (if the shop selection hasn't refreshed since your initial post). You have enough to spend the 14.4k to bring her to 98% and the 1.44k to complete her (which will have to be the next time she shows up, though: you should still get the "Sold Out" icon until next refresh after buying the 20 shards).
  22. This makes no sense. In HH the cost in Laby coins gets adjusted down proportionally if you're missing less than 20. The cost should be 10 times less than that if you're only missing 2 shards. I would definitely recommend waiting for them to notice and fix that for CxH.
  23. Yeah, random is random is random. I didn't document it or take any screenshots, but in today's run with exactly the same (base) team as in my screenshots from the previous one, I got offered 4 or 5 White relics this time. I took them all and eventually just swapped out my Dark DPS for White ones (along with putting MD Mala in the midline and using a revolving door or cannon fodder for the front line). @Horsting There is a very slim chance that your being more consistently lucky with color relics might have to do with your pre-BoD player level, maybe... But I'd be surprised if they thought of implementing something as intricate for one of the relic types when almost everything else is just random, and other areas of the feature aren't polished or even working properly yet. Plus, it would be pretty unfair and dumb to give lower-level players a big boost with matching color relics and post-BoD accounts the random end of the stick, when the difficulty is supposed to be aligned with your player level anyway.
  24. You must be confusing her with someone else. EDIT: Nope, my bad. Kinkoid somehow managed to make duplicate revivals for this one and the next one for some reason. The text below is still technically correct (including the fact that CbC is still 2+ years behind the original Seasons and PoAs), but I missed your point (and didn't look close enough at your screenshot), @Vovantillo. My bad. Thanks @mdnoria & @Yamiray for clarifying. --- This is the Samane variant that was one of the two girls in December 2021's Season. Prior to that, they have revived the 4 girls from the extra December 2021 PoA (in last week's CCbC), and before that the ones from November 2021's PoA. After that they should follow with the other Dec 2021 season girl next week, followed by girls from the regular Dec 2021 PoA. Check the wiki if in doubt: https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Frosty-Samane https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Events There's still over 2 years worth of Season and PoA to revive.
  25. Perfectly normal (rare but entirely possible, and it happened to most players at least once or twice). Random is random.
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