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Everything posted by ScrubNoob

  1. @John 1039 it has seemed to have been fixed for a while to me. I use 2 devices myself which was enough to trigger the bug before. There didn't have to be any intent to exploit at the time, it just simply refilled on both devices if you didn't choose to logout and log back in. I believe the bug started the same time the automatic refill with a new league was broken, but that is more speculation since I didn't notice it at all at first. If you opened the app on a phone closer to half a day after it was closed it acted more like a fresh login so for me at least it was typically a smaller amount than a full refill. A few extra here and there when watching something in a different room than the computer at night is not so easily noticed. Now every time a challenge is used the server checks you have the challenge and sends back a message in the case that don't along with updating to the correct number. This should generally not be seen since every action you take that expends anything updates your data with the correct server held values. This thankfully prevents the need to enter your login info on daily basis with the app. I'd say it is likely they used the kobans. There are 2 xp contests that they could easily get first in while doing so and if they had both at the same time probably make a net profit as well. The side benefit of leveling up faster itself can also be reason enough for some.
  2. There isn't a moderator for the english portion pf the forums currently last I checked. Trying tagging kinkoid or better yet emailing.
  3. Well I contribute to that for mojo as HC, but I never even used the free change to be anything other than HC. Whether it was the best or worst I just stuck with what I started with.
  4. Out of curiosity, why didn't you just get 2 challenges earlier on to assure you used every challenge if you intended to get first and it barely took any expenditure to do so? 2 challenges is about 25 kobans when you have 13 already available. This is easily done after returning to the game typically. This isn't intended to say you are to blame for being a victim of an issue known or not btw. It is just sensible to make a small expenditure over taking a larger risk of losing a much larger sum of kobans in reward.
  5. Yup. Will only cost more than you get for rewards to face all the opponents for anything below rank 4. Even rank 2-4 only make a profit if spending is done quite late in the league. Looking like a koban spending fest for those going for the ranks. Well at least if you are lucky enough to double up on xp contests you will have no shortage of available xp to potentially win some of the kobans used back.
  6. Thanks. I generally assumed that before, but was just working with just what was observed in the sample. It was more of a worse case that way anyway and ironically the chance would be higher than the sample yielded using that fact. Also saw another during orgasm again after quite a while, so that part could be ignored.Well with that I can say that you are probably right that the opponent only ever uses it at most once as a current mechanic. The odds would be too high to not have not seen it in any decent sized sample.
  7. Lol no thanks on recording for days on end, plus the time to make a charm build to even do it with. I'll just keep an eye out for it with the few KH players above me by ~10k ego. There aren't many of them in the D2 league, and non of them come up in arena for me anymore. In theory using no special during orgasm there is 12% chance of it happening if they hit me once with a beta out. Problem is the odds of reaching that point even in that case aren't great so it could take quite a while to even get a decent enough sample to even reasonably expect it to happen if the theoretical chance is remotely accurate. Depending on your pool of opponents it may be impossible for an individual player while not being impossible for everyone, which adds to the difficulty of proving it impossible. I'll just consider it highly unlikely for now with a possibility of being truly impossible. This is mostly a large digression anyway from the topic, since the main point I brought up earlier in this topic was about your own harmony and your chances of doing 1 or 2 in a battle go down quite a bit if you have much lower harmony than the opponent (as is the case if not upgrading your stat for it upon level up at all).
  8. Ah didn't notice the opponent part. Well that really depends. For me the average win never gives the opponent a round with a beta on the field so in theory the average case is impossible. If fights are drawn out though to 6 or more rounds and they orgasm early enough to at least have 1 round with a beta it should be possible. This is also a case I recall seeing though only against KH with high ego. Given that their harmony is reduced against my HC and the uncommon case of no wild burst may be needed as well, I'd be comfortable saying it is rare anyway for us anyway. A charm player would best be able to test it to be honest, not only because the battle will be more drawn out, but also because KH gains the harmony advantage.
  9. Well as I stated earlier, I viewed several battles. Out of 18 (3 hours worth of arena) I did my wild burst special twice a total of 4 times. Each second time was only after my Beta was on the field. Doing the math for a specific case for the number of rounds it would take to beat the opponent yields a decent chance of it happening to be honest. I can go over the permutations the produce a specific percentage if you would like, but for now at least here is a simplified sample case for a 6 round fight with 25%: 0.25*0.25*2*(0.5+0.75+0.75^2+0.75^3+0.75^4) = .3188 or roughly 32% //all permutations occur occur twice, aside from 1, which is why 0.5 is used Assuming you can't use a special during an orgasm, which I recall seeing at some point, but not during this sample, the .75^4 is removed and this changes the result to .2793 or roughly 28% I hope this helps make a sufficient case for you that it is not exceedingly rare for a special to be used more than once in a fight.
  10. League one is unfortunately normal around reset currently, though I did manage to squeeze in a set of quick challenges before the issue started again on it. Arena daily is new-ish, it may fix itself in an hour.
  11. Possibly getting 4th in my D1, due to only 3 losses. One from BJ, and 2 from Isi
  12. Pretty sure that is inaccurate since I recall a prior patch note mentioning that it will cycle alpha > beta > omega after each usage and I am also sure that I have seen more than 1 usage for both me an opponent on multiple occasions (though I do skip most of the time). I'll take some time to watch them again at some point though rather than just assuming I am correct.
  13. I wasn't saying it fixed the ability, that would require a patch. I did state charm's ability needs improvement as part of my statement. To go into more detail on what that could mean though, it needs to be somewhere between what it does now and nullifying an entire attack. Half damage (after defense is already factored in) would probably be about the right balance in my opinion. I was just pointing out one of the imbalances that will fix itself in the near future, though it was knowledge's 2nd not charm. The 3rd girl really doesn't matter and if even it did there is no 5* legendary available to fill the omega slot anyway. 3* legendary is only the slightest bit better than the common 5*. While that may have been worthwhile for a beta, once you have the 5* version to fill the role, there is no point in hunting in aiming specifically for them at the moment at least. The reason the beta is important goes beyond the skill. If you noticed the range for attack and defense, it comes into play when additional girls enter the field. Your beta adds 1.3 times it's value of your class stat to both attack and def. Having a strong alpha and beta does make a difference. You will rarely ever see the end of the range from having an omega out, but it can happen on rare occasion when facing a KH player that drags a fight out due to repeated uses of its skill and lack of the offensive power to take you down.
  14. Your main stat is the most important yes, but the other 2 stats still matter at least as far as permanent gains go. You'll gain defense, ego, and harmony with them which all help in fights. The level upgrades for all of your stats is one of the best uses of your money to be honest. It will take a lot if you aren't caught up on it, but once you reach max for your level the cost when you level up is fairly easy to manage.
  15. I haven't spent anything on this game, and he league is by far the best source of kobans for me. To be fair, how good it is would probably depend on your ability to reach a holding pattern in a division where you use and win most of your challenges. The fact that in some lower divisions players purposely don't use all their challenges may make this more difficult though and reduce the effectiveness. As the top keeps moving up in divisions, everyone can safely move up one higher over time, and continue gaining bigger rewards. Even in the latest division the cost of extra challenges in completely covered by the rewards if ability-wise you can rank 1 higher than without them. From BJ's perspective it was just a guess of who would push first for rank 1, since the cost increase from 2-4 is so high that you could get a max score and secure a guaranteed win at any point and still make a profit that exceeds the gain from 2-4. It's more of a guessing game for those few that can achieve this to gain as much as possible and still be the first to make the push.
  16. @saberbholt the 20% bonuses were removed quite a while ago. The initial change did include them, which made charm quite a pain for HC players at the time. It also did so for the other classes as well when facing what they were weak against. That was back when charm was essentially king since the majority of 5* and best stats for them belonged to charm. Once charm gets their 2nd legendary 5* the girls a least will balanced, but it still stands that the ability for charm needs some improvement. The player classes effect the harmony only now, which effects the chance that you and your opponent will use an ability.
  17. Still rocking one piece of gear 72 levels old myself lol. Grats BanannaJoy
  18. That would have probably have been useful back when I was getting them still. Given current features personally I think making use of the event shortcuts to link world bosses you still need girls from would probably be a nice solution as well. Just need to add a tab for event and normal to separate the categories during events and maybe change the time to time until the next event when between events.
  19. Personally I am just happy when an epic day girl drops. I generally don't expect it considering the rarity and 4 day time period, much like I don't expect the legendary. Though I do use kobans for my type only to get a 5* legendary. Back to topic though, the event is just an alternative to getting the girls for 5.4k with x10 epic pachinko. The consensus seems to be on average you can get girls cheaper through the event (giving up a chance of getting a legendary monostat in the process) with resets. Being an average some may take more than the 5.4k, though statistically for most people going for multiple girls during the event some savings should exist. Also statistically there will be some lucky to get them really cheap and some that get none in spite of spending well past 5.4k. It's always gamble to play the odds even if they are somewhat favorable, which is why many people like the guarantee of 5.4k x10 epic pachinko. For perspective, I have gotten a total of 2 girls for no kobans through epic events. The rest of my pachinko exclusive girls have come from x10 epic. I actually saved my kobans until after each legendary event of my type to assure I got the girl I actually needed, and then used the remainder in the pachinko only to then start saving up again for the next legendary event. With all that said I hope RNG favors you in the near future @Nikolo.
  20. Personally I'd say there are points where ego matters less for a time. It comes down to how many attacks from the opponent you can survive. If through boosters you can reach a point where you can survive one more round, an extra round for you to attack is much more damage than 15k. This is something you can calculate with a non hc opponent, but given our variable damage due special it does not work for hc opponents. The other specials are about survival which effects the other side of the equation. There is fixed number of rounds we have to win within before losing to fixed damage of non hc opponents. To really get the numbers down against a non hc you simply need to know what round the orgasms for you and your opponent happen and add in the increases to attack and defense according for the remainder of the match.
  21. Just noticed myself becoming an advanced member a day after noticing I became a member. It's nice that I can usually log into the forum now, rather than maybe once a week. Using my phone when away from the computer seemed to have been an issue in the past.
  22. 15k up is doable at current attack powers since I had been facing people above me that much in the arena for a while and winning some of the time, before catching up a bit for a less sizable gap. (I'm Null if you were curious and unaware) Based on the numbers, it looks like you needed to use the hc special and orgasm first each match in order to win. Otherwise you would fall short a round. With that said the numbers still favor isi enough that he/she would win all 3 against you, due to the advantage of going first unless rng was really against him/her in the special department.
  23. Since you posted about beating him whatever you did. I'd say do the math and use whatever boosters make help. Doing that myself in my last league got me to win with 141 ego left 3 for 3 against the highest ego in my division last time. Based on this screenshot and what you have currently the answer was 4 epic Chlorella. Grats on winning all 3 by the way.
  24. If you are in the market when it refreshes then the symbol appears when you exit the market still and goes away the next time you enter and leave it. Hardly a huge issue, but not necessarily intended behavior.
  25. In that one as well. Looking like a top 15 competition this time around. Only takes buying a single challenge to reach max at the end at least. Aside from those pushing for the top 4 we should barely need to spend koban at all. Assuming you even bothering for what is most likely 1 point for a loss to isi.
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