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Everything posted by JustVisitingReborn

  1. I wouldn't advocate for that. If that was the case I'd be stuck several brackets below where I am now and unable to use strategy to get better rewards, though I do appreciate the sentiment you are expressing. While this ensures that higher level players don't hang around in lower leagues locking up the best rewards, it also prevents lower level players with greater skill from maximising their return. Maybe overall more players would be happier with what you suggest, but I'd be sad So self interest wins the day for me 😛 The concern I'm raising above is specifically that to really access PoV with its PXP acceleration, and the MD that new players will need to build a core team to be competitive, they need to be able to access the bigger rewards in the higher brackets. If those brackets are choked with level 500 players that task becomes far more difficult for them and we're back to if you started before 20XX you're at the top and if you started after, you've no chance of catching-up (though Awakenings have kind of seen to that too). Even now, if I want to play MD (and I only have 6 Mythics atm so have to pick-up at least one more) I can only really afford to play PoV once/month. But I'm not actually suggesting any solution. Creating a D4 bracket has it's own problems. Increase the rewards much beyond the current D3, and we're back to the old D3 Koban printing press. So as much as I suggested this may happen as the PXP acceleration starts to show its impact, I'm not saying it's without complications and can totally understand why many players would be unhappy about it.
  2. The problem is that it ultimately bleeds down. Two years from now it won't just be D3 that's filled with 500s. What happens when D1's all 500s? 500 will still take years to reach and even lower bracket leagues become unachievable for players without those years worth of play. It unquestionably levels the playing field at the very top faster, because more players are going to accelerate to the very top faster, but it also results in hundreds of maxed out players and the appearance of a bigger gulf for new players. And keep in mind that newer players don't have the same resources to sink into the PoV. So it's allowed those of us that do have the resources to accelerate, that those that weren't there yet get left even further behind. It would be a little different had all the PXP been on the free path.....
  3. Not for the reason being discussed. But I can see a time coming. This is the top of my current D3 bracket: 6x500 and one that will probably hit 500 this week. How many months before the top 30 are all level 500? With the rapid acceleration of PXP from PoV, that's not far away now. By the end of this year, anyone who's level 460+ should probably be hitting the level cap. That's 2/3s of the players in my bracket! Giving out more PXP was a good thing in a lot of ways, but we're about to see a lot of maxed level players. That's going to bring it's own problems. A new league bracket to allow some of them to move upwards, or raising the level cap seems the likely response. Otherwise, sooner or later (certainly a lot sooner than before PoV), D3 is going to become pretty much the exclusive playground of the 500 club. EDIT - you could also create a whack load of new D3 brackets to splits the 500s amongst more brackets, but you're going to need a LOT more players in a position to promote in D2 before that becomes a viable option, which needs more players from D1 etc etc etc
  4. My current Awakening strategy/resource bank means I'm not too far off that anyway. I've got a decent selection of girls that are only one Awakening away from my current max level and upgrading them helps me move towards level 600
  5. Pretty well, though not comparative to most of the people posting here. The league that ended today was my 4th week. First week finished 54th. Was unhappy about that as it was poorer rewards than D2 16-30. Decided to press on. Improved my strategy and 2nd week was 44th. Happy with that. Third week I finished 33rd, having Awakend to Level 550 in the last 36 hours. 4th week I finished 28th, and could have gained another couple of places had I paid for the 8 refills that I didn't get naturally over the week. Given that I was the lowest level player in my league (started 371, finished 374) and the median was ~90 player levels higher than me I've concluded that while the very top end of D3 is very competitive there are still a lot of players in the D3 bracket that are not playing optimally. And I can still make strategy improvements. It's only in the last 72 hours that I've really realised just how much difference countering Dominances can make (the Pantheon forced that lesson). So I'll be building that into my strategy from this point on, rather than simply going with a one offense and one defence team. That said, I'm still a LONG way off getting close to a top 15 finish. I'd need to gain ~2.5-3 points per fight over the whole week to have a chance at top 15. But I'm still very happy with hitting the top 30 at my level for both ego and reward reasons
  6. Haven't hit 'the wall' yet, but at level 975 I am now seeing less than 100% chance of victory consistently and I am now having to change my team to account for dominances to keep it in the high 90s. I'm not too worried about hitting that wall - my sole objective right now is to get past level 1k in the next few days, as on Nutaku next week Exh/Leg are Blessed. Scorpio is one of the 3 strongest Ecc girls and I have a lot of excess Ecc gems right now. She'd make for a very nice counter to all those Exh teams.....
  7. The average should be 30 shards over 10 drops Assuming that each result in the drop range has the same probability. [ ((1+2+3+4+5)/5)*10 = 15/5*10 = 3*10 = 30 ]
  8. With Valentina available today, this was exactly the circumstance that I saved up for, I went for her. Today I spent 509 orbs, one of which was a free spin. For today the results were as follows: Ginseng - 88 - 17.29% Chlorella - 125 - 24.56% Jujubes - 15 - 2.95% Cordycep - 36 - 7.07% GXP - 242 - 47.54% Girl - 3 - 0.59% Overall results are now: Ginseng - 102 - 16.93% Chlorella - 143 - 23.40% Jujubes - 18 - 2.95% Cordycep - 44 - 7.20% GXP - 300 - 49.10% Girl - 4 - 0.65% Valentina was the 3rd girl to drop today and the girls dropped on the 58th, 271st and 509th spins. So effectively everything good/useful saw significantly decreased drop rates (Girls, Cordys, GXP) and the overall Girl drop rate over the 600 spins has been far closer to the feared 0.5% than the old 2%. Ginsing is kind of in the middle - I do use it, but I've got way more than I need now to last until I replenish my MP orbs. The Cordy's will save me around 660 Koban, so that's a big plus. It'll take approximately 2 months to replenish my stock now, but on the plus side I have filled one of the 5* gaps in my harem.
  9. Value alert for Nutaku players - 5* Legendary Valentina is available in MP for the next 2 days. Of course this would happen the day after a Pachinko DC......
  10. That I totally agree with As nice as the easy peasy is in terms of gaining free resources, I kinda prefer pretty fair, where I actually have to plan and work at getting the result. With the current PoV - and to a lesser extent with Seasons - I do find it a little frustrating as well that you reach the end of the main path and the difficulty ramps up to ridiculous levels. You need more than double what you've already done on the current PoV - which is challenging in itself - to collect those end of path rewards and they're not even that good. I do feel the 'extra' requirements could be toned down a little. With Seasons I simply stop paying any attention at all after the main path. With regard to Kisses - I'm not far off the same point myself (that being banking and using Kisses on the KCs). But until I've finished the CC I can't spare the tickets to grind the regular champions to put myself in the position for this to be a viable strategy. Until that time I feel that extra Kisses are more frustrating that helpful as they take me tantalisingly close without ever crossing the line. And a miss is as good as a mile as they say. I've played very hard for 13.5 months now, so I can't imagine many f2p players that are younger than me are managing to break through on the KCs.
  11. I hit my target of 1200MPs and it's a Pachinko day on the DC, so I've spent some: 102 orbs - 1 free Ginseng - 14 - 13.73% Chlorella - 18 - 17.65% Jujubes - 3 - 2.94% Cordycep - 8 - 7.84% GXP - 58 - 56.69% Girl - 1 - 0.98% The girl dropped on the 19th pull. I'll update these figures as I add more. Of the above I consider the Chlorella and Jujubes absolutely useless. These are just fodder for the 'sell items' days. Ginseng I use 1/day. I'd estimate that it'll take ~10-11 days to replenish what I just spent, so I got a little more than I need. Cordys are pure Kobans for me. I use 2/day and that's 4 days where I don't need to shop buy these. I wish I'd got a LOT more of these. GXP - Girl - drop % is spot on the nose of what @Liliat suggested above. Not as good as it historically was, but better than it appears to have been recently.
  12. I realise that value is somewhat subjective, but I really am at a loss that so many people still seem to feel that the paid PoA is more valuable than the paid PoV or that it is even debatable. I'm going to strip this down to make a comparison of what you get for your Koban. Before going further a few notes: - I am ignoring anything that you get on the free path for either. This is just looking at the extra gained for spending Koban. - This uses last month's standard PoA (not the crappy one and no 6xMP) - I am only looking at up to 2.5k potions on PoV - I have doubled the rewards for PoV to reflect that you could buy 2xPOV for the same as one PoA - I am looking at this from higher (ish) level perspective. So the rewards for each are as follows: PoA 1xMP 4x10GP 11xEP 52xCombativity 8xKisses 45xTickets 110xEnergy 2xGirls 800 Gems 7mil Ymen PoV 14x10GP 4xEP 44xCombativity 40xKisses 347.2k GXP 239.4 PXP 2xGirls 1600 Gems 2xSandlewood Perfume If we cancel out anything that matches on the two list, so that we can see what we're getting EXTRA by investing in one over the other. I'm going to convert any leftover Combativity/SP boosters to Koban. Both these resources are things that most good players will buy on a regular basis and as such these can be saving. I am NOT doing this with the Pachinko orbs, tickets or Energy. If I did so I do appreciate that PoA comes out looking better. However, how many people here would honestly recommend paying 20 Koban (Nutaku) for 1 ticket? Likewise, there's little need to buy/store Energy and Pachinko orbs are overpriced when you buy them with Koban. PoA 1xMP 7xEP 45xTickets 110xEnergy 7mil Ymen PoV 10x10GP 32xKisses 347.2k GXP 239.4 PXP 800 Gems 165 Koban Looking at the PoA - Energy and Tickets are nice but hardly a hugely valuable resource. Ymen has become tighter recently, but mostly for those who are doing additional shop refreshes to buy extra GXP and the Ymen on offer here is a drop in the ocean compared to the GXP from the PoV. The real value in the PoA is the 7xEP. Looking at the PoV - Kisses are mostly a dead resource (unless you can bank enough of them for the KC), so they can be ignored. Likewise, most players that are pushing on to high levels of Awakening are finding Gems are not the bottleneck so we can discount them (though for lower level players these are really valuable). The extra Kobans could, if you spent them on the overpriced EP orbs, offset almost two of the EP orbs from the PoA. The real value here is in the P/GXP. The question of value - from my pov - really comes down to an extra 1-2 player levels (or a lot more for lower level players) and and extra 350k GXP (upgrading a Mythic to level ~560) vs 5xEP (~0.25 of a 3*girl). This just does not seem like even a question to me. Unless I was level 500 the PoV spend seems like a FAR better investment. And even then, given the bottleneck in GXP, I'd be inclined to view the 350k GXP as more valuable to me. Someone convince me that the PoA paid path is worth a lot more than I'm seeing here!
  13. Most players should be able to complete the Season main rewards just with natural regens. Even mid levels should manage it before the LC (based on my own experience - things may have changed in the last 9 months). KC - the PoV would need to align very neatly with the end of the month before I'd even consider trying for a KC girl. I'm level 370 and couldn't even get close without significant Koban investment. It's not something I'd spend Kobans on and I wouldn't advise others too either. But I completely understand that you're a totally different level to me in terms of what you can afford and the Kisses may be more worthwhile to you
  14. I'm not sure I could agree with you on this. Yes I'd agree that this PoV is harder to reach the end of. But the last PoV was ridiculously easy. Even if you stick to just the free path and only go to 2.5k potions (which should be trivial), that's still a lot of free stuff. It seems a little unfair to categorise the whole feature in that manner when any player should be able to reach the end of the main free path without any additional investment..... As far as value of the Koban locked path - I agree this is some drop off in value by not getting to the end of everything, but the vast bulk of the value is still achieved by 2.5k potions. The extra you're getting beyond that is: 80k GXP (~2 days of natural shop refreshes) 8xMP (~1 day of PoP) 24xKisses (worthless unless you have the additional Kisses to pick-up a KC girl) 16xCombativity (~23 Koban) 400 Gems Compared to the PXP, GXP, Girls and Boosters gained in the main path, the above seems comparably trivial. I agree that it makes the PoV worth less if you don't reach the end, but it still seems to me like a better investment than the PoA that costs twice as much.
  15. The only thing I could see them maybe changing is increasing the shard availability back to approx a normal MD. The revivals were pretty much a feeding frenzy as I recall......
  16. That's me picked up the last needed shard of Lenaelle 63k shards left on Nutaku with 3.5h to go. Total cost (including 5xSP) 1769 Koban (10614 HH equivalent). Total of 1025 Combativity, 305 of which was free (well, cost 24 Koban to burn through the first 150 with 50x at the start of the event). This has been my most expensive Mythic of the SP era and cost more than the expectation, but I'm not unhappy given the hugh luck I had with Undercover Valentina and I would have been happy to spend more to pick up a Mythic with a double blessing anyway. Drop rate was 4.98%. Along the way I picked up 73 MPs (drop 7.12%), 54 tickets (drop 5.27%) and 1245 gems (didn't record colour, drop 8.10%).
  17. And to balance out those of us who picked up the Royal Housemaid, only to have her hair colour nerfed to non-occurring colour weeks after we picked her up..... Actually, I'd missed/forgotten that Lenaelle had a double hair colour putting her joint with Bunna as the best Mythic. A very good extra reason to pick her up.
  18. That's good to hear! I'd far rather simply be having a bad run than a nerf!
  19. There were still a few hundred shards left on Nutaku at 8am this morning (45 min ago) and it looks likely to be the same at 10am. That seems a little early to be reaching the 'perma shard availability' stage. I wonder if the likes of @DvDivXXX and the others who are going for the 7 Mythic power play quitting MD is reducing demand a little already? How is everyone finding the drop rates? I've used more Combativity than usual at this stage due to an aligning DC (~370), but I'm seeing awful drop rates. Never had less than 6.5% on previous MDs, but currently sitting on 3.5%. Likely just RNG, but I find myself less willing to trust on MD so just wondering if others are seeing normal rates. I think the SP booster likely cut the cost of MD by more than KK expected and have been anticipating them nerfing the drop rate to compensate ever since.
  20. Someone needs to have a word with the content writers. I know it's just been New Years, but come on, you can't still be hung over!
  21. All in all I'd say that it's still a bit woolly, but he does say "yes [Mythics] will be coming back" and hints that Feb/March we may see some movement here, though that was talking about all the different classes, not specifically Mythics.
  22. I think this has to be put into perspective a little bit. I actually agree with the most of the rest of what you said, but the simple fact is that the Champion option was an ADDITION. Nothing was taken away. You can still pick this girl up via Pachinko as you could every other month. You've just been given the option to also do so via Champions. It may be a bad option, but it is still something extra over and above what was there, so I wouldn't go as far as comparing it to the other nerf/features that have really upset players recently. This is a terrible system that simply looks like the designers never actually had the game play experience to know how it would work (despite the insistence that the KK team are playing the game, regularly new feature releases seems this way.....) And this is the real problem. KK announce an update that sounds like it could be good, players get excited, KK release the update and everyone's let down. How could it be improved: - Increasing the shards dropped on a completed stage to at least 50 (still not great). - Guaranteeing the 20 shards on completion of the stage (still not great). - Offering a chance of a shard drop after every performance as with fighting Villians. Assuming that tickets are no object (!!!) that mean you can get 2 chances every 30min compared to 1 chance with Villians, but you then factor in the 24 hour cool down and this roughly evens out. Honestly though, most of us would still need more tickets for this to be viable. - Offering the same girls that are on the Villians on the Champions. This would allow the champions to be used to pick up EXTRA shards for these girls, whether the shards were random drops after performances or guaranteed at the completion of a stage. I know I'd find this very useful, as I have to sit out the first few days of the Classic event to keep my banked Combativity for the MD. I could then use tickets to make-up for this and switch to Villians once the MD is done. This might not fit into the lore of the game well though (how could a girl be both captured by a Villian and with a Champion?)
  23. I've kind of been riding this one out and haven't spent a MP orb in months. Currently have more than 1k stashed. Originally I was thinking that the drop rate appeared to be ~2%, so I was trying to save up 600 so that even if a rotation came up with 3 girls and 1 was a 5* I'd have 4x as many orbs as I needed on average to pick the 5* up (not well worded in the strictest mathematical sense, but I'm sure you'll understand my meaning). Just around the time I was passing my threshold it became pretty clear that the drop rate had been nerfed. So I kept saving with the target of 1.2k instead hoping that @DvDivXXX is right and this was an error that would be corrected. I'm approaching that target now, but more significantly, I'm almost out of boosters. So I'm going to have to start spending those orbs soon. Hope is fading. It looks like I'm going to end up with a massive stash of free boosters......
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