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Der DinX

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Everything posted by Der DinX

  1. I think there were Numbers before, if you got two same Items. It just never showed "1".
  2. Is this another RNG thing, or why aren't they just distributed the same in every Game? HH CxH PsH TransPSH
  3. That's a good one 😄 Actually they should integrate all of the Scripts, just to make this all to feel like a real Game. But that doesn't seem to be there true intention, does it?
  4. They are shown already since I can remember using the Script. It just doesnt work right now because of the Update. We will have to wait until this is fixed.
  5. Not sure we're talking about the same thing here. 😵 We don't want to skip the battle itself, just an option to "Auto-Skip", which would lead to many rather useless clicks less. And ideally an "Auto-OK" as well, or better an option that displays the rewards for maybe a few seconds and then disappears, or it disappears immediately when you click the Fight Button again.
  6. Seems to be a Problem with your Zoom Factor, the Buttons should be right beneath "Poder Total". Is it the same when you rotate the Screen? Have you tried Fullscreen Mode in the Menu? Maybe you need to try another Browser.
  7. I'm sure seeing those stats is just a minor bonus, compared to all the other benefits those scripts offer. For me it suddenly fellt more like a Game, beeing able to concentrate on the "Fun-Stuff" (if there is any), instead of trying to guess what Equipment might be usefull, or which Opponent to attack and being able to win. As you said: Gamechanger 👍 Have a look for the other very usefull scripts there are.
  8. Make sure to read all the 9 pages, to find the real link to the most recent and working Version. 😁 And as that is not confusing enough, there are two Versions, that do mostly the same, but differ a bit in Optics. Your decision which one suits you best. One is maintained from Tom208, the other from zoopokemon. Little Hint: on Page 8 should both links to be found. 😉 And just one other little thing, once you tried them, you will probably never play without them anymore. thX as well to @Liliat, I didn't know that the Info moved as mouseover directly to the stats. Was always looking, if the little Questionmark from the old version was coming back some day, but it didn't. 😕 So whenever I wanted to know how much points there are, I switched from BDSM to OCD. Now you may laugh. 😄🤪
  9. Oh yes, that would be a great feature. 👍 Espacially when one has to do it a few hunfred times in a row, like Mythic Days or Boss Bang. Sometimes I also wish there might be funktion to speed up the fights, in cases when I want to see at least some part of it. But we can be happy, that there is the Skip Button after all, imagine it wasn't, how much time we would have to spend for just one fight ?!? Would you like to spend 2 Hours for just one Fight? 😲 Might be a rather boring Movie. 😁
  10. It's a known Bug for some weeks now, had it also a few times myself in all of the games. Some Players even get 3 ore more times the missions, takes some time to finish them all. Edit after the Edit: And I might just add, it happend again just right now in CxH. All was fine, I sarted a 15-17 minute mission in all Games and went in the shower. Came back just now to start the next missons, and suddenly CxH had two sets. I'm also always online and logged in at reset, as bolitho76 mentioned, and there is only one tab open for each game at this moment.
  11. That funny Bug is still very active in all Games I'd say, had it just again today in HH. I thought it was only one set, but after finishing a few tasks, I saw there were two. Some Days ago in TransPSH at first after Reset I had only one Set, but after half an hour when the new contests arrived, there where suddenly two sets. (Only one tab open there.) -------------------------- But there is one other thing I noticed a long time ago, when marking equipment as favourite in the inventory. Just hadn't deemed it important (and still don't), but nevertheless it is there. Have it in HH, PsH and in CxH as well, it affects the mythic gear, don't know if other stuff also, haven't noticed it yet. When I mark a mythic item, sometimes a similar item gets marked es well, when I uncheck the other item, the first one gets unchecked as well. They have the same Picture and Name, but very different stats and classes. This happens with most gear, but not in general with all who are same, maybe it doesn't if they have a different Level. Chart is affected (Charm/KnowHow), Briefcase not (Hardcore/KnowHow) CxH (KnowHow/Hardcore) PSH (Charm/KnowHow) Just wanted to let you know this, if you don't already.
  12. I Just realized that I have currently 365 Girls in HH, that would be one fore each Day of the Year. 🤗
  13. I've congratulated you already in our Club Chat, and I'll do it here again at the official Thread. You are so present at this Forum, and I hope your new extra Tasks won't take too much time, so you can still present us with those really helpful and informative Charts and Listings. So, Congratulations on becoming a Mod in this Forum and many thanX for your Work. 😉👍
  14. Is this a bad Joke? Last Quest in World 8 / 7 Clicks needed First Quest in World 9 / 5 Clicks needed As usual the last and first Quests in the World are rather short, I would call it Intro and Outro. But I would have guessed to be at least one full new Quest with a new World, and not to be done with it allready right after it started. Had the full 100 Energy plus 50 from Daily Gift, still have 12 to put again in Sidequests. I'm a bit disapointed, to be honest.
  15. Seems to appear more frequently now, had it a few Days ago in HH and now in TransPSH. Funny thing is, today after Reset it was just one Set as usual, but after half an hour when the new contests appeared, I had suddenly two Sets of Missions.
  16. * Hangs the "Please do not Disturb" Sign in front of the Door, and puts all Communications to "Not available for the next Millenium" * You all shouldn't be so negativ about this Stuff. At least we get the SuperDuper Equip/Unequip-All Button , if it is just nearly as intelligent as the Auto-assign Thingy in PoP, there is nothing to fear. * Voice from the off: "Damn, where are those Irony-Signs when you need one." *
  17. Doesn't that sound like it makes the Game a lot more "funner", as it was called in the latest "Improvement". 😁 But on the other Hand, there is a sentence I heard a lot here in the Forum: "This Game is not a Sprint, it's more like a Marathon!" It will just be taken to a whole new Level...
  18. Send three Tickets that Day, one about Sex-Friends Link, one to reopen the Club Thing, and this new one. Guess that did the Trick. 😁
  19. Yeah, was kind of missing you, it's strange not to read something of you in nearly two weeks. Get well 🤒 🖐️
  20. 😁 There is no PSH Forum, just Discord, and I don't use that. Yes someone just deleted it, could have merged it with my earlier Post instead. But thanX to you @Karxan I could just copy it and edit into my other Post. 👍
  21. It seems so, but as you reached only 31 Fights, you should have gotten just 20 Shards, right? For her to appear in Sultry Misteries, a minimum of 40 Shards is aquiered. 😕
  22. Comes Time, comes Power 🤪 Although you are registered to this game much much longer than me (according to your Profile), it seems you had some troubles since than and haven't much played till recently. The first few Boss Bangs were hard for me as well, got about 70% (60 Shards) the first time, the second time I just barely got her. After that it got better each time, needing less Teams, till now I stay nearly at 100%. It goes done to 90% sometimes and goes up again, so there is still some potential left. 😁 They get stronger with each fight. What helps a little is to start fighting with the weakest team and switch to the next when it is tired. So as the Boss gets stronger, your teams do to. And of course equip some strong Boosters.
  23. I just click on "Yes" and it reloads the Page, don't know what else it does, maybe connect to another Server. But I guess it has something to do with the multiple oben Tabs, HH seems to dislike it. Especially when it is time for Sex-Friends-Bonuses and I click them just all in the row, or when I start the App or Browser on Smartphone while the PC is still active, I get always this message. And the silly thing is, you cant' just click it away, it always comes back after a few seconds. You really need to close it on the other device, or close all but one Tab, make a refresh of the page and then you can start again to open multiple tabs.
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