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51 minutes ago, ZenMaster said:

You go Brassy! xD

Nice to see this thread is still ongoing, this forum could use a little more fun and less grumpies who feel entitled because stuff :P

Oh, wow, you're from Italy?  Cool!  We're practically neighbors (lol!), Netherlands here :)  "only" several countries in between, but details.

This game is awesome. So..  last event in my group (I'm 78 now) we had ph33r ur skillz. There was this cool dude (or dudette) from Poland (I forgot their name :(  couldn't look it up anymore because the event is over) who tried REALLY hard but I tried harder and I won. 1st place. And then.. this event, the same event. And they WENT for it. But so did I :P

This was so. cool. I knew they were from Poland so roughly in my timezone. And while I was pushing for winning so were they. This time I couldn't catch 'm, I was 2nd (still good enough), but I had such a good time. I ended up with 51k they had 55k and #3 was down to 41 or 39k (points). But I loved pushing more to gain more points and then seeing them also gain more points. Thats just fun; nice competitiveness.

Sorry; no pics.

But since this is chit-chat...

Guys: Maika is awesome!  She's not the best girl for me (no hardcore) but her second star upgrade...  Loving that pic! Like a topless phoenix, really nicely drawn. Worth it!


More Fun:  Less grumpies!!  Absolutely!!

GREAT!!  You pulled out a number 1??!!   Nothing like that is it!  Right down to the wire right?  Photofinish.

I'm so proud of you that you are onto the timezone thing!!!  haha.  that does come into play.  The one variable is:  Buy and use koban for Energy or Stamina. Like a wildcard.  Everything else (if you are completely obsessed:  Like me!!) you can track.

Two times you were with the same competitor?  wow.  That is cool and a bit unusual for me.  Is that the same for you most of the time?  Often see the same crew?

Having a great competitive time and enjoyable?  Well that IS the best, isn't it?

No pics?  What are you going to send?  Your pics of yourself???  hehehee.  You can post anything here you like!

Yes, I love the new artwork for Maika!  She is well worth all the work!! haha.


Hey you are amping up for the other October event right?

I'm using up my affection (from casino games) and paying the bills on all the new stars-  I'm down at least 1M.

-smiles- so glad you took a minute to get us caught up with you!





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1 minute ago, BananaJoy said:

47,260 per hour i get from girl + a bit from arena. think thats pretty good but girls became so expensive. with each new girl price for affection and leveling stars increase

yes, it is gobs of $- 

are you staying with arena for awhile?

I'm using the downtime to bang on Edwarda.   He does pay ok.  I know I eventually will either get girls or move to next world!  Hahaha.


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1 hour ago, BananaJoy said:

is that good? dont know if raising in ranking get any benefits except the figthing rewards. only doing this for the money/items and the points for contests

It's the number and not the rank i find funny lol.


2 hours ago, BananaJoy said:

47,260 per hour i get from girl + a bit from arena. think thats pretty good but girls became so expensive. with each new girl price for affection and leveling stars increase


The money you get from your girls helps a lot when farming event bosses that drop event girl like dark lord since he always gets event girls the halloween event has him dropping one as well that is coming soon you end up getting more money from your harem team than the boss lol.

Edited by natstar
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Hey, boys! I was off the forum for a few days, but now I'm back!

Yesterday got 3 girls, and now I don't have money or affection items even for the second star of Maika...! Anyway, I'm happy with all these girls I got in this event (in total, 6,counting with Samane, that I earn after ending Donatien world last week).

About epic pachinko, I got free kobans between every event enough to do 12 or 13 games. I always spent them in the events, cause you have more chances to get a girl (cause there are more girls in pachinko), and also exclusive event girls, though I never was able to get one. And I also always use my kobans in the end of the event (in sinergy with a shows of in cassino contest), to get all battle earnable girls possible and then have more chances to get a event girl.

But last event I was full of free kobans. I had more than 7000, and as always, I spent them in single games, trying to earn more than a single girl (and also,you earn more points in the cassino contest that way). I got one in the 4th game (Sung tai ki), and all the other games end in nothing. So I was thinking this time, what is the better way to get girls in the pachinko? Time-by-time or 10 games in a row? People here try to help me, and in the end, I decide do a mix of this two forms. It's unbeliveble, but I got Edna, a mechanic from world 9 (and OMG, she's AWESOME A LOT!) in the first single game try, and them use the 10 games (I got disapointed cause I got Princess Tiana, and she have a very old draw style, but I think she is the first real black girl I saw in this game -Samane is too white, Rabbi have a white hair and Kelina have pink nipples, like, wtf - and she is also a exclusive pachinko girl, so... :) ). I'm very happy, but now I need lots of money and affection items...

So I have a question: how much money you in general got arena and in what level? What is the affection drop rate there? Is more worthy for you buy directly them in shop or in normal pachinko? For me a x10 games cost 100.000 moneys, so I need at least a rare affection item to be worthy... what you guys think?

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I was at a party last night and I checked my phone when it was 6:13 in the morning... So I lost my chance to win the casino contest... I was like 10000 points back from the 1st position but I had almost 4 million...

I end up with a 1st place in the Hard Training, 2nd in Casino and 3rd in the last one...

Not bad at all but that casino contest was mine even though I had a tough opponent...

P.S. I like Maika a lot!

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Anyone still buying affection items? ;)

Ever since the change I stopped buying them which saved me plenty of money. If they keep this up then I don't think you even have to buy them anymore. Right now I have 38 +25 items. So...  Soon I'll have 40; it's +100aff per 4 items, 40/4 = 10, so that means I'm looking at +1000 affection, and I didn't pay one cent to get it. All I did was do arena battles.

Better yet: I'm also looking at 10 +60 items (600 aff), 15 +40 items (400 aff at least), 30 +15 items (450 aff) and 64 +7 (64 * 7 = 448 aff).

All in all I got 600 + 400 + 450 + 448 + 1000 = 2898 affection for nothing.

Maika star 3 requires 3870. I got more than half of that already and all for free.  It almost looks a little less balanced to me :D


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2 hours ago, ZenMaster said:

Anyone still buying affection items? ;)


Well, I have money to get more scenes of my girls, for what more? xD

So, I save money for them, and actually, I not save anything, cause these affection itens are soo costly! Anyway, I just buy items that give 300+ of affection (since the last shop update 2 october, they are half of the affection items avaliable to me,in general), and thanks to that, every three days I have enough gifts and money for update the 3rd star of one of my girls (what is costing me 4000 points in affection currently). In how much time you got this 3000 affection? This can be a nice alternative...

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13 girls now, 12 maxed, with Juliette needing just 489 affection before she's ready to be maxed.  And yes that's counting the new girl Maika she's already maxed. =D


I'm almost half-way through the Evil Laboratory level so I might make it out of the Ninja village just in time for the next event.

Edited by Damoncord
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22 hours ago, ZenMaster said:

Anyone still buying affection items? ;)

Ever since the change I stopped buying them which saved me plenty of money. If they keep this up then I don't think you even have to buy them anymore. Right now I have 38 +25 items. So...  Soon I'll have 40; it's +100aff per 4 items, 40/4 = 10, so that means I'm looking at +1000 affection, and I didn't pay one cent to get it. All I did was do arena battles.

Better yet: I'm also looking at 10 +60 items (600 aff), 15 +40 items (400 aff at least), 30 +15 items (450 aff) and 64 +7 (64 * 7 = 448 aff).

All in all I got 600 + 400 + 450 + 448 + 1000 = 2898 affection for nothing.

Maika star 3 requires 3870. I got more than half of that already and all for free.  It almost looks a little less balanced to me :D


I get more than enough affection items every time i get 1st in the casino contest i get kobans,chance at legendary items plus affection items as well have not needed the higher level affection items with the number of girls i have yet.

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50 minutes ago, BananaJoy said:

really? again pachinko :(

It really isn't all that bad. I played a few 10 regular pachinko games and so far (even with the increased costs) I always managed to limit the (financial) damages. At one time I had approx.80k, played a 10 game for 70k and after I sold some stuff (and with a little help from the girls) I ended up with a nice item and around 62k cash. Really not that bad.


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On 10/15/2017 at 4:52 PM, BananaJoy said:

 but still need the money for it

Are you coming up on "Coup de bang"?  Did you notice it requires $608K to get through?

My star upgrades are mostly 200K plus- I've had to be careful.

I'm a lot less enthused about Casino too!!  

After "Coup: is "Virgin on the Ocean"... @ 335K, no picnic either.



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2 hours ago, sagarshrit said:

hy i m new here can anybody help me

Are you from the United States?  I am very good with taxes.  I am a fair researcher and I dislike Trump very much but don't know if Pence is any better.

What do you need help with?  (I'm hoping he says taxes and I can earn a decent fee!!  hehehe)

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4 hours ago, brassygirl said:

Did you track that over many 10X games?

Assuming you would buy affection at market price?  Casino is the best game in town.  Though you are starved for cash to pay the upgrades!!  hehehehe.



So I tracked 10  10X Pachino, @ 68,200 per roll AND  Valuing Affection at market price, I got value of 77,000 per roll.  Plus 9,000 every click.

The only equipment upgrade was slight (509 to 535).

Hehehe.  For the moment, I'm Number One on my Casino Contest panel!!  Am I so transparent!!???

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