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[Mythic Gear Set] Should I Change My Hero Class For 600 Kobans?


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Hey folks,

I was browsing through my equipment stash for the daily contest, initially wondering if I should sell some of my epic items that I've been saving up as fodder to upgrade MG pieces for awhile to grab 300 kobans from it, and... I've noticed that I now have a full matching Attack/Blue set, but for another class (CH).

Now I'm wondering if I should pull the trigger ASAP and change my hero class (after upgrading the set, ofc). I've been KH since forever and back in the old battle system when that mattered for PvP, I was too attached to it to make the move to CH when that class was broken and most top D3 competitors switched to it to gain that advantage. I soldiered on keeping my "class identity" intact even if it made me a bit weaker than others for like a year or more. It still feels a bit weird even considering the change, but for sentimental reasons more than anything concrete in the current system and meta. I started out with a HC random roll 4 years ago and I've used up my one free change within a few months, deliberately picking KH. So changing again now will cost me 600 kobans (not much in the grand scheme of things, but not ideal right now).

I'm very short on kobans after burning a ton for my  compulsion to get Navigator Selena, and I'm saving up for at least Estelle's special MDR later this month, and possibly also for Golden Bunny's Mom if her SER does come this month too. Not to mention Noemy's regular MDR, but I'm already pretty sure I'll have to pass up on that. But if I can make the switch and that helps making me significantly stronger in PvP thanks to the extra resonance bonuses, it might pay off soon enough to make up for the 600 kobans investment.

I also want to be cautious because as I'll keep getting more and more MG pieces, it's entirely possible that I'll end up with a better set without having to change my hero class later on. It's even possible that I switch to CH now and from then on I get awesome pieces for KH only. ^^ I don't want to switch back and forth on a whim. But I think it's probably worth switching once if I'm not crazy and my MG inventory is much better for CH than the other two classes.

First things first: can I actually afford to upgrade the 6 MG pieces that make me consider the class change now or not? I've made a few searches to refresh my memory (this post is the most complete and clear summary I found for this; gotta love @Ravi-Sama).

  • It costs 1525 "materials" to fully upgrade one MG piece from scratch. (Ymens are not a problem, thankfully).
  • So 9150 "materials" for 6 MG pieces.
  • Epic pieces count for 3 "materials" each.
  • So I would need 3050 of them to upgrade a full MG set from scratch. I don't have even half of that right now:image.png
  • But if I make the switch, there'll be no turning back, and I'd be okay using my upgraded MG pieces of my former class as "materials" too. They count for a lot: 187 "materials" apiece.
  • I have 8 lvl 20 MG pieces of my current KH class, so 1496 "materials", as well as one random lvl 9 piece for another 32, so 1528 in total.
  • 3906 from my epics + 1528 from my current class' MG pieces = 5434 materials. Ugh. So still a long way off.

I don't have a stash of GP orbs, so it will take a little while to have enough materials for all 6 pieces. I also happen to have one Attack/Rainbow CH piece at max level already, though (from the early race to raw stats, and thankfully I've kept it all this time). So I could make the switch as soon as I can max out 5 more CH pieces instead of 6. So 1525 fewer materials needed would be 7625. I'm still 2191 materials short, in that case. That's still a lot.

Now, for the comparisons:

Currently, as a KH hero, I have a full set with the Attack bonus, along with a couple of extras that I can swap in or out for the secondary bonus. And 8 more pieces I haven't upgraded yet, with different secondary bonuses. In total:

  • 1 Blue (technically 2, but for the same slot: one Defense, one Harmony)
  • 1 Rainbow (technically 2, but for the same slot: one Defense, one Harmony)
  • 2 Dark (both Defense)
  • 1 Orange (Harmony)
  • 2 Green (one Defense, one Harmony)
  • 1 Red (Defense)
  • 3 White (one Defense, two Harmony)
  • 1 Purple (Harmony)
  • 0 Yellow

That's decent, but not amazing either. Most of the time, I have two Defense bonuses from Dark or one Harmony bonus from Blue (the Defense dupe isn't upgraded), sometimes all three when I can make a dual-tag Dark/Blue team to attack with. And I have one Harmony bonus as Rainbow (the Defense dupe isn't upgraded). I hardly ever get to use the other bonuses.

I'll briefly mention HC: I have 13 Attack pieces in total, none of them upgraded, and with a whole lot of dupes. I don't even have a single piece for one of the 6 slots. So it sucks now and it will likely suck for years to come. HC isn't even a consideration.

And now I present to you my CH collection of 19 pieces with the Attack bonus (of which only one is maxed out, the aforementioned Rainbow piece):

  • 6 Blue, forming an exact full set (I quintuple-checked), (4 Defense, 2 Harmony)
  • 2 Rainbow (different slots), (both Defense)
  • 1 Dark (Harmony)
  • 2 Orange (one Defense, one Harmony)
  • 2 Green (one Defense, one Harmony)
  • 3 Red (two Defense, one Harmony)
  • 1 White (Defense)
  • 3 Purple (two Defense, one Harmony)
  • 1 Yellow (Harmony)

This sounds a lot better to me. No duplicate at all, a full matching set for the best color, a double Defense bonus when I'm tagged Rainbow, and more potential for additional bonuses for other colors (eventually, ofc I won't be able to upgrade all of them anytime soon, but still). The only "drawback" is that I would no longer have bonuses for Dark teams, and only one potential Harmony bonus instead of two Defense bonuses currently.

Compared to 6 active secondary bonuses for Blue teams, it seems negligible though. Even if I attack with a dual-tag team, it might not be worth swapping out my Blue items (unless I finally get to toy with and figure out which secondary bonus between Harmony and Defense is more beneficial to me, and the other color gives me an opportunity to get more of the better bonus). So... It sounds pretty worth making the switch to me (as soon as I can afford it, at least).

What do you fine folks think? Am I missing something? What would you advise me to do?

Thanks in advance for any and all help and advice.

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At first I would wait until I have the needed materials to upgrade in one rush and than I would compare again. In the time you need to gain the ca. 2k materials you need at least you'll gain some aditional equip and that can change a lot.

I think a meaningfull decision can only be done after you have enough stuff to upgrade all needed equip and a new MEquip inventory at this time.


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+6%/+8% defence and +4%/+8% harmony for your strongest attack team (depending on which HK items to compare with), and +2% defence for your rainbow/defensive team when you can afford it, sounds worth it. Also for the other colours it's 13 vs 10 items overall, so more potential, at least.

Not sure how often you use a dom team, for the additional dom HC item to matter much? I see white opponents very rarely, and the chances for the massive dom blessings bonus we had some weeks ago is the same for all classes. Well, since dom is the second strongest color, at last a dom team become the strongest in 2nd most cases from random non-colour blessings as well.

But I cannot assess how much Ymen still matters and how fast one gets GP orbs for material and selling contests. If you cannot win them for months, this also means quite some koban loss, probably 300 each week (one selling contest each week) in average?

EDIT: Fully agree with bolitho76. Also wait for being able to upgrade the 2 rainbow items on top of the 6 blue ones, to also have full defensive team bonus immediately, unless you get some nice HK MG until then.

Edited by Horsting
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Thanks, guys. Yes, right now I should wait for sure. But that's also a good thing as it gives me more time to think about it, and to get your opinions as well. Still, I'm pretty excited at the possibilities! ^^

Ymens are not very plentiful in my situation, in no small part because I've stopped selling epic gear for quite awhile specially to use them as materials for MG pieces. But thankfully the Ymen cost of upgrading MG pieces is peanuts even for me (59M apiece for a full upgrade from scratch, and I have 1.7B right now, so that's not an issue at all).

EDIT: Forgot to answer this (and it's pretty key): 

19 minutes ago, Horsting said:

Not sure how often you use a dom team, for the additional dom HC item to matter much? I see white opponents very rarely, and the chances for the massive dom blessings bonus we had some weeks ago is the same for all classes. Well, since dom is the second strongest color, at last a dom team become the strongest in 2nd most cases from random non-colour blessings as well.

Even now that I technically have two (possibly better) bonuses with a Dark team than with a Blue one, my best performing team is almost always Blue. There are weeks where no Blue girl is even in the top 15 or so, and a bunch of Dark girls are blessed, and in that situation my pure Dark team will perform better, but in weeks with less color-specific blessings, I often go out of my way to squeeze the Blue tag in my attack team, even if that sets me down a bit in raw stats, and it does give me better results than a team with just the Dark tag. Sometimes my best performing team is one with just the Blue tag even if it means swapping out a stronger Dark girl, losing a bit on raw stats AND my +4% Defense bonus from the Dark tag. I rarely bother setting up a Dark team just to counter a White one (although it's sometimes definitely worth it, as with all three colors in the small loop). I usually do it mostly to benefit from my MG bonuses and because Dark is strong in general. But if I had more bonuses for a Blue team, there's no question that a Blue team would be my best possible option most of the time (I mean it already is even with almost no MG bonus).

TL;DR: Dark and Blue are still both God-tier, but let's say Dark would be Apollo at best, while Blue is Zeus himself. That's why I'm very excited to have this opportunity: out of all 9 options, to me a full Blue set has always been the nuts. Rainbow would likely be the second best, and then the other colors in the order I've listed them, basically.

Edited by DvDivXXX
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Well, after an entire afternoon of lag then a couple of short scares and now the main event of the day being most likely removed until Monday... And SO MANY DUPE THREADS about the lag all over the forum (don't even want to start merging them now, no doubt people will create more in the hours to come). We get it, shit happens, better to have this event postponed a few days than the game unplayable.

Perhaps this quieter than expected weekend would be a good time to advise yours truly on this big game-related decision? 🙏 (I'm very thankful to Bolitho and Horsting for their input already, but I'd love to get more). Thanks in advance. Sorry for the shameless plug, but eh, gotta talk about something else a little, right?

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I'm definitely going for it. Seems like the game wanted to reassure me in that direction even more as 2 of the 3 new MG pieces I've claimed today are CH Attack (both Green, and both Defense; one for a new slot, the other an alternative to the Harmony item I already had). The third was an HP 8-material fodder.

It's not a huge addition, but still welcomed. It really really looks like the Mythic Gear RNG wants me to switch to CH. ^^

So now my (soon to be active) collection as a future CH player is:

  • 6 Blue, forming an exact full set (I quintuple-checked), (4 Defense, 2 Harmony)
  • 2 Rainbow (different slots), (both Defense)
  • 1 Dark (Harmony)
  • 2 Orange (one Defense, one Harmony)
  • 3 Green (three Defense, plus one Harmony dupe)
  • 3 Red (two Defense, one Harmony)
  • 1 White (Defense)
  • 3 Purple (two Defense, one Harmony)
  • 1 Yellow (Harmony)

I'm a bit past halfway there. It'll probably take a few weeks, but I'm pretty pumped:


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8 hours ago, DvDivXXX said:

6 Blue, forming an exact full set (I quintuple-checked), (4 Defense, 2 Harmony)

Damn, if it's 6 sensual, that's a no brainer, congratz!

Some of the toughest league players I've seen recently favored sensual, and it paid off for them.

I've been tempted to switch to KH from CH, since I have 4 sensual (3 Atk), but not 6 yet, so I'm waiting.


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