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Lusty Race rewards


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I thought about asking it on the Lusty race main thread, but I decided to ask here:

Have anyone tried not to claim the rewards from the Lusty race for more than 3 days?

I have no use for the last rewards (energy, fists) today on CxH and on PSH, and I'm wondering whether I can '"save" them and take them on the next days.

So what happens if you don't claim the rewards for 3 dyas, from the last ranking, and a new ranking starts? Do you lose the rewards from the last ranking, or do you get (double) rewards, for the last and the new rankings? I'm hoping that my question is clear enough.


Edited by OmerB
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4 hours ago, OmerB said:

I thought about asking it on the Lusty race main thread, but I decided to ask here:

Have anyone tried not to claim the rewards from the Lusty race for more than 3 days?

I have no use for the last rewards (energy, fists) today on CxH and on PSH, and I'm wondering whether I can '"save" them and take them on the next days.

So what happens if you don't claim the rewards for 3 dyas, from the last ranking, and a new ranking starts? Do you lose the rewards from the last ranking, or do you get (double) rewards, for the last and the new rankings? I'm hoping that my question is clear enough.


I highly expect you just get 1 rewards but no idea..try it if you´re that curious :P


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As I said in the LR main topic, as things are now, if you do not claim the ranking rewards and a new ranking come to its end, the rewards of the older rankigs get lost, and you only get the very last ranking rewards
It should be a bug, though: the rewards from different cycles of ranking should stack, if not claimed, and then they'll all be awarded as soon as you open the top rankings tab.

The main point against this "saving strategy" is: good luck in scoring high enough to stack meaningful rewards *without* claiming the previous cycle rewards. Considering the event ranking alone, a top 5% grants on its own 800 points. If you don't collect those, you have to make those 800 points all by yourself (and 800 points are roughly the equivalent of a mythic days amount of fight) just to reach the starting point of those who claimed their rewards (and at this point you are still short of the amount of points from top rankings, at least other 176 to reach the starting point of anyone who ended up in the top 1000)

Edited by Antimon
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19 hours ago, Antimon said:

The main point against this "saving strategy" is: good luck in scoring high enough to stack meaningful rewards *without* claiming the previous cycle rewards.

Yes, pretty simple: The higher the rank, the less rewards you get per Xtal, so naturally any stacked rewards will give you less than they would have given when claiming them directly. The only exception is when you know that the rewards won't raise your next rewards bracket, e.g. because you bought thousands of CP to be 1st place whatever you do. But you cannot check the ranking without automatically claiming rewards (though club members could do this for you), and given that we talk about 1000+ Xtals on HH.com, it is very unlikely that those won't raise your ranking bracket. When ignoring the value of Xtals themselves but only considering the value of CP being higher during upcoming MDR: Also there, I am pretty sure, when starting to stash rewards now, you'll fall behind in the ranking that you'll get the 8 CP only per period, instead of 16 (top 1k) - 32 (top 250), so quite a high chance that you end up with less or at least not more stashed CP rewards compared to getting 32 (quite possible) from the last period only.

So interesting for science, but as of the mechanic of this event a bad idea for those 99.9% players who are not whaling themselves to top X without last period rewards.

Edited by Horsting
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I bring the precise knowledge of what happened today to my three GH clubmates that did not redeem the first four iterations of ranking rewards.

In today's update, in which they fixed the bug that prevented to gain past unclaimed ranking cycle rewards, by entering the top ranking page they gained the missing rewards.

Aside from the first cycle (it ran alongside MD in which they all took part; two of them gained a top 10%+ top500 amount of rewards, one of them reached a top 5% + top 250), in all the other cycles they got the consolation price you get if you are out the top 1000 in top rankings (8CPs) and the top 50% rewards (which is in line with what they got yesterday as a reward for the end of the fifth cycle, the first they actually redeemed).

The definitive answer is: yes, now unclaimed rewards of different cycles stack. Without claiming them, though, you'll hardly reach any valuable ranking point in the next cycle. 

Strategically, it cannot be "abused": gaining a slight advantage in one cycle of rankings by stacking previous cycles' rewards does not overcome the crystals you lost because you ranked poorly simply by not claiming rewards in the "middle cycles".

The only cycle of ranking rewards it could make sense not to instantly claim is probably the last one: if you do not need the CPs from top ranking to be able to reach a significant rewards (namely, the first girl, the 6 legendary bulbs or the event pachinko orb), potentially you can save them for the last day of the event, with the intention of bringing them to october's MD, but still, we're talking of 32 CPs for a top 250, nothing exceptional

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