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Legendary Days Discussion. Meet the android.


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was the opposite for me -- got Levitya on 3rd day with normal combat points no kobans used

was going to do the same here until Norou was changed to KH, and since Legendary KH from a revival event wasn't happening until December (December!!), I decided that I would burn some kobans from my stash to get her. Because, you know, DECEMBER!!!!!!

For the cost of 1 Epic 10x spin and 2 Epic 1x spins, I got a Legendary 5 star girl of my class with zero chance of it being a different girl than the one I wanted

Edited by Blain
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https://goo.gl/PT9fPh    That is the link for the countdown timer for this legendary days event.
it was posted on the discord as well so I am just sharing it here and for people that don't know Chthugha's discord name is DrQuatsch he shared it on discord so the credit goes to him.




---edit by mod---

I cannot take credit for something I didn't do.
I think it was Harelielle (assistant-mod on the discord channel).
She does all Mee6-related stuff.

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5 minutes ago, Dank memes said:

Has any one got the droid without using any refills? I have 80-ish battles and got one affection item. That’s pretty gud. :)

A lot of people got her without refills. I got her in 34 battles

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139 and only one gift drop, no girl so far.  Im waiting for the last day before i decide if ill buy refills based on what i see here, but theres other threads reporting players are over 1000 fights and still nothing.  So not likely ill spend at this point


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Screen Shot 2018-05-19 at 9.23.07 AM.png


Dropped her after ~100 (±20) pulls and only one refill. I even dropped like five affection items. After spending like 2,600 kobans and getting nothing from the last Legendary Days event, this was a great surprise! Even though I don't specialize in KH types (I'm a Charm user), I'm very happy that I dropped this. 

To everyone that hasn't gotten her, I say keep pulling. I was skeptical of all the people saying that the drop rate seemed better this time, but now I'm a believer (I'm probably biased af though haha). I think I'll keep pulling from Ninja Spy until the event ends just so I can get more affection items.

Good event, guys. Sending a virtual high five to ya'll.

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Yeah, this is really unfortunate.  From the posts on day one, it appeared like the drop rate had been increased due to the number of people posting that she was falling within a pretty reasonable number of fights.  For most people, it looked like somewhere in the 150-300 fight range, with the obvious outliers (pretty much pulling numbers out of my ass based upon my memory of the intial posts).  With 218 fights being the "free" range, this seemed a helluva lot better than what we saw with Levitya.

However, we are now seeing quite a few posts from the people who she is not dropping for.  Repeated posts from people going well over 1,000 fights (with one player reporting over 1,700 fights).  For those number crunches out there, 720 is approximately how many fights you get if you add the "free" fights plus refills with 5,400 kobans (the cost of an epic x10 spin).  In my opinion, spending 5,400 kobans on refills for her is reasonable, but double that?  That's bullshit.  I will echo what I've been saying forever.  Give us a set guarantee drop point to protect players from horrible bad luck streaks.

Ask the guy who fought her 1,000 times without a drop if he's pissed.  The answer is "Yeah, I'm pissed!  And I'll probably quit this game!  I wasted so many kobans and I am never ever buying kobans again!"

But let's say there was a 1,200 fight limit set.  If she doesn't drop by the 1,200th fight, she drops guaranteed.  Now ask the same guy the same question.  The answer is now "Yeah, I'm pissed.  I have had such bad luck so far.  But I'm so close to getting her now, at least I only have to spend a few more kobans."

There is no downside to this suggestion.  Players are currently unhappy and less likely to spend kobans.  This makes everyone much happier, encourages koban purchases, and doesn't make the girl more easily accessible accept to the extremely unlucky.  I look forward to Jessie or Kinkoid's response as to why their luck-based mechanic is better than this logical, easily implemented adjustment. But there won't be a response, because the developers continue to ignore criticism.  I pray, once again, that I'm wrong and that we'll see a detailed post below explaining why this RNG model is super fair and awesome.  But I'm not holding my breath.  And to clarify, Jessie, I'm not making war, I'm asking a question.  Also (since you encouraged me to ask), what are the drop rates?  And also, how is the Legendary Days FAQ that we were promised days ago coming along?  Will it be ready in time for the next Legendary Days event 2 months from now?

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5000 Kobans wasted and still nothing in my side. I always drop the item sometimes but not the girl.

Please, remove the shitty item next time. We don't care about it. We want the girl. Thanks.

And put a pitty timer seriously. 5000 kobans is not enough to have the right to drop her ? 

HH is not a game anymore, it's a fucking casino... 

I believe than this "premium" event only exist to dry our koban account and not allow us to use it during the anniversary event. I was at 41 000+ kobans and now i'm at 36 000+. 

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5 minutes ago, DRSTRONGDONG said:

I don't understand


Why are people still complaining about rare drop rates? Rare



I can only speak for myself, but I'm not complaining about rare drop rates.  I'm complaining about people wasting kobans, in some cases a tremendous amount of kobans, without any progress at all towards the end goal.  A mercy rule is needed.  No reasonable person would argue that the guy who spent over 18,000 kobans on refills, without any return on that investment at all, shouldn't be complaining.

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We are complaining about the fact than even after wasting 5000 kobans, we still didn't drop the girl.

We don't care about the drop rate, if it's easy, medium, hard, rare, ... 

When you use 5000 kobans and you still don't have reward, you don't enjoy the game anymore. That's all. 

In a "normal" event, in a "normal" game. Every people who play the event and work on it finish with the reward at the end of the event. But with kinkoid, it's different. It's not a "normal" game apparently. It's a casino.

A rare item in a "normal" game, it's an item possessed only by people who have participate at the event. 

If nobody buy koban with their credit card it's because this virtual money is shit. It's just a waste of time and money. This event proove it. Even if you buy koban, you have no reward. Kinkoid, if you want than people buy your virtual money. Make thing to give them desire of buying it. Actually, when i see kobans, i have the feeling than nobody desire to buy it because it give nothing more to the game. 

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21 minutes ago, Sombre said:

In a "normal" event, in a "normal" game. Every people who play the event and work on it finish with the reward at the end of the event. But with kinkoid, it's different. It's not a "normal" game apparently. It's a casino.

A rare item in a "normal" game, it's an item possessed only by people who have participate at the event. 



I'll throw an example out there.  Periodically we have events with daily missions exclusive to the event.  If you complete a certain number of the daily events, you win an award at the end of the event.  People who don't finish these events don't get the reward.  You can do some of the events and make progress towards the reward, but you won't get it unless you complete it.  We can debate whether or not these events are too easy (they are), too time-consuming, etc.  What you can't debate is the result: if you do everything you can to progress forward in the event you will get the reward.  If you miss the reward it is your own fault.  As a result, we don't have people bitching on the boards about not getting the event reward and complaining that the system isn't fair.  It is fair, and everyone is happy.

This "event" is not fair.  Player A can be a dipshit who rarely logs in and doesn't know jack about how to set up his harem.  He's never bought a koban and doesn't put any time into this game.  He can fight Ninja Spy and through dumb luck, drop the girl within 10 fights. Player B is obsessed with this game.  He has spent hundreds of dollars in kobans, tweaks his harem all the time, logs in frequently and contributes to the forums and community.  He spends 10,000 kobans fighting Ninja Spy over the 4-day event and gets NOTHING.

That's the problem.

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do not invest in the game, financially AND/OR emotionally, more than you are prepared to lose

I hated the first February patch note more than anyone, that hate creeped into my life outside the game. I was too emotionally invested in the game as it was back then.

A game that, when boiled down to gravy, is about collecting pixels. Took me a while to remember my success or failure in this game doesn't define me as a person. Also took me a while to realize that the game didn't care about me as much as I was caring about it. It was a very one-sided relationship, and none of us need to invest in that kind of relationship.

Game still kicks me in the balls sometimes but I don't sweat it, because I don't care as much about the game anymore. I don't invest as much emotionally in the game, and I find myself enjoying it more, now that I care less.

Weird, right? But it works for me. It will work for you, too.

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Yep. In a normal game. You buy the virtual money to rewarding the dev. And allowing them to live from their work. 

Here, if i had 10 pounds to put in the game i will not do it. Because i know than it's a waste of money.

It's not by putting aggressive advertissement when logging than you will make people feeling desire of buying your product. 

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Aggressive advertising is everywhere in life. It's an acquired skill to see it for what it is

One hand reaching for your money, the other hand looking for a soft spot in your back to stick the knife in, and a very attractive smile to distract you from the imminent hurt you will feel after buying the product

Very few people can be taught this from the bad experiences of someone else. Almost everyone has to learn this the hard way for themselves

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I was just showing than kinkoid don't know how to make money. 

Their strategy of aggressive advertising is not working. There is not interest to buy this virtual money. 

Like you said, you was a player really invest in this game. But since you see than this game don't reward you, you don't want to invest (money speaking) anymore. 

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I consider the money I spent on this game like the time I let a friend at the time borrow $20 from me and he didn't pay me back. He changed his routine to avoid seeing me everywhere when I kept asking for him to pay me back. 

I got more and more angry at him every day, and wanted my older cousin to come with me to beat the crap out of him until he paid me my money back. My cousin asked me if I was going to ever be friends with the guy again. Ofc I said Hell no. He tells me to forget the money, and I scream at my cousin, "but it's MY MONEY!!!! I want it back!!!!"

He tells me that since I'm never going to be friends with him again, and the guy has no self-respect to not pay his debts, that I should consider it asshole tax. My life would be better without a guy like that for a friend, and it only cost me $20 to discover that. Could have cost me much more than $20 hanging around with a piece of shit like that.

I will always remember that, even when I forget it sometimes, like when I was too emotionally invested in things that will never be invested in me

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The only problem in your story is than you give your money for boobies... so... make everything different since you didn't had the boobies.. :P 

Anyway, there was a lot of good improvement in this game. But we still see the main purpose behind and it's really ugly. 

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