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Everything posted by Darkiller66

  1. Don't know if I missed something in the last patch notes but, suddenly, everybody in my club auto-promoted to co-leaders for some reason... Needless to say, this will be a hassle to manually fix...
  2. Devs are probably doing some sort of "Let's end this game" speedrun... The amount of bad changes in this game is completely beyond any I've seen before... How the fuck you expect that the strong players will actually defeat the boss if they have to do TONS of work only to get the same amount a weak ass, 1 ticket participant gets? That's INCREDIBLY bad, for strong AND weak players in your club... How they get to the conclusion that "these changes will result in more shards on average available for everyone" is beyond my human mind elaboration capacity...
  3. Welcome to N E R F H E R O E S, the game that nerf things on a weekly basis 😃 TBH, I think that's the time where people who don't want to pay and/or don't want to invest a great amount of time leaves the player base so only dedicated (really dedicated) or cashers remain. That's probably expected by the team, so I really don't believe in any changes. They want to see your credit card, not your satisfaction with the game and that's basically what most "game devs" want. Pretty normal thing, tht's how business work.
  4. I would like to know WHAT THE FUCK KH players have done to the devs...
  5. Completely designed to milk kobans. Now you have 3 or 4 "f2p" slots to get every 8 hours. Imagine the struggle to new players...
  6. Well, for me, the real problem was holding my fights in the leagues...
  7. Man, what the fuck... Having to loose a full day on a PoA is such a flawn...
  8. So, got Nero but she seems weaker than the girls I have now on my team (Any as Alpha, obviously, and Valentina+Keiko)... Any point in putting Nero on the team? Jesus, HC and Charm getting a fuckload of girls (second 5.4 girl even) and finally when KH players have one, she is fucking weak... I don't understand why I play this game as KH... (They gone too far in the parody this time, you don't need to put Aqua's lack of purpose on a 5* legendary girl Kinkoid :v )
  9. Wow a survey that will give FUCKING 100 KOBANS FOR FUCKING 50 RANDOM RESPONDENTS? Best anniversary ever, congrats on Kinkold for this marvelous event.
  10. Good question, but I don't think they will remove ours shards.
  11. Val Shao (through 100 shards) took me around 1500 kobans, with no free combativity involved. Good?
  12. HELL YEAH!! Fastest event girl ever. Too bad I won't get the finalmecia one because I'm too distant from her on the adventure.
  13. No girl until now . I'll probably miss them due to the fact that I'm saving for Norou.
  14. 600 performances after with a amazing total of 0 girls, I don't think this is worth my kobans. :v
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