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Everything posted by Attirm

  1. Here you go: Gems 251 301 351 401 451 501 551 601 651 701 Sum 250-750 Sum 350-750 C 40 60 80 100 125 150 200 275 350 500 1880 1780 R 80 120 160 200 250 300 400 550 700 1000 3760 3560 E 120 180 240 300 375 450 600 825 1050 1500 5640 5340 L 160 240 320 400 500 600 800 1100 1400 2000 7520 7120 M 200 300 400 500 625 750 1000 1375 1750 2500 9400 8900 While affection and ymens may feel tight at lower levels, they eventually become irrelevant. I'm at level 490 and I have over 10 billion ymens and 2.5 million worth of affection items saved up. They will likely never be a serious concern for me again. However, I remember my time as a low-level player where half my harem was missing affection upgrades and I was acquiring new girls faster than I could acquire more gifts so I was falling further and further behind. So what you're experiencing is normal, but it will get better eventually.
  2. With reasonable luck and the cost of sandalwoods, mythic girls will cost around 9000 kobons (1500 nubons) each, maxing out two places of power is 10,800 kobons (1800 nubons), which comes out to only 37,800 kobons (6,300 nubons). A 1st place finish in contests is worth 300 kobons (50 nubons) per day, plus 150 kobons (25 nubons) from completing all missions over a 4 month (120 day) period which adds up to 54,000 kobons (9000 nubons). So even with some 2nd place finishes, that's still more than enough to comfortably afford what he's claiming. The reason this is incredulous to us high-level players is that you just can't win contests consistently as a F2P player. At higher levels they're too competitive and the amount of resources you need to expend to take 1st place are much too high. You can only win one "gain XP" contest per month because someone is going to use all their Seasons awards. You can't consistently win contests that allow for paying ymens, because the victor will usually blow over 500k ymens and it often goes well above 1 billion. People will save up huge sums of books and dump literally millions of XP on the girls in one day to win these contests. At high levels you're winning contests either 4 or 5 times per month (if you have a favorable time zone) or 1 or 2 times per month (if you have an unfavorable time zone). For instance the contest ends at 4:00 AM for me, so I have to commit 4 hours before contest end so I have no idea what the competition for the day looks like. This makes winning contests very unlikely for me and contests are a negligible part of my kobon income.
  3. A little more complex, so I just did a quick Monte Carlo on this one. I ran 100,000 simulations of 38 blessings with 17 possible hair colors, and on average 1.7 colors were unrepresented at the end of each trial. So we're pretty much exactly where we'd expect to be if things were perfectly fair and random.
  4. Just running some quick estimates of the probabilities, this looks like it's well within the expected range of random results. Presuming each element has an equal 1 in 8 chance, then after 23 elemental blessings there is about a 33% chance that at least one element wouldn't have come up for blessing yet.
  5. I don't know if I'm just slow to realize, but it only just occurred to me that it's faster to go back to the main page and re-open boss bang than it is to wait for the "skip" button to appear when you go to fight. Really sped up the process of clicking "bang" 100 times.
  6. Typically going from top-30 to top-15 in D3 with an AM booster is just going to break even so it's not worthwhile. Just as an example (using Nutaku pricing): Case 1: suppose you only use boosters you get for free from events/pachinko and have a 90% chance of taking top-30 and a 10% chance of taking top-15. This gives an expected winnings of 373 nubons per week. Case 2: suppose you buy 1 AM booster per week (90 nubons) and this improves your winning chances to 90% chance of taking top-15 with only a 10% chance of taking top-30. This improves your expected winnings 469 nubons, but after accounting for the cost your expected winnings are only 379 nubons. This means that in this ideal case where the booster takes you from nearly no chance of top-15 to nearly guaranteed top-15, it's giving you an expected value of... 6 nubons per week profit. So best-case scenario that's a free shop refresh once per week. You're better off just fighting without the AM booster. Paying for Cordyceps is even worse. It costs (again, Nutaku pricing) 315 nubons per week to stay fully boosted. Even if this improved you from top-60 to top-15 you'd still be losing kobons on that. That is a good point for people who are pursuing this event. Personally I'm just ignoring it and will claim whatever rewards I get from playing normally. I would counter that there's really no reason to go any further once you've beaten floor 1500. Yes, there are some decent rewards up there, but the next big reward is at floor 2000 and literally nobody has that girl. There is almost certainly going to be power creep in the future, and in my view there is no sense spending kobons now to bypass walls that are going to get power crept in due time. I think it can make sense if it will actually give you a girl right now, but that's it. I do agree with your advice about avoiding villain fights, but ideally you should have worship saved up so you can just beat the pantheon floor you're currently stuck on in one go.
  7. Agreed, the booster merchant is pretty bad and you shouldn't buy from him very often. This actually makes him only the second-worst merchant, as the equipment vendor is even worse. 99.9% of the time the only equipment available is worthless trash, and the other 0.1% of the time it's still massively overpriced given that you'll probably find better in a couple weeks anyways. Alban's Memoirs and Sandalwood are the two best boosters. The memoirs are a nice way too speed up your progress towards level 500, and Sandalwoods are a huge cost saver during Mythic days. These are the only boosters that are worth picking up on a regular basis. I'd recommend keeping 6 Sandalwoods in reserve so you're ready to participate in mythic days when the time comes. Alban's should be kept in effect at all times. Everything else is... not that great. The AM Emblem is only worth buying for a few dozen of the very top players competing for top 4 in Dicktator 3. No one else should be buying them, as the league winnings in lower leagues are too low to justify the cost. The same goes for cordyceps; legendary cordyceps is the strongest non-mythic booster, but you need to spend 3 per day to stay fully-boosted which racks up fast. This is really only worth buying if you're competing for top 4 in Dicktator 3 and comboing it with an AM Emblem. For everyone else, you use the boosters you get for free as prizes from events and pachinko. The other boosters (jujubes, ginseng, and chlorella) are the same price as cordyceps but much weaker so there is no reason to ever buy them. The headband that boosts pantheon and villain performances is not good. The only time I would ever recommend it is if you're at floor 500, 1000 or 1500 of the pantheon so you can get the girl. If you're too weak for floor 400, you're not ready for floor 500 anyways. Wait until you actually are at the point at which there's a big reward to use the booster. As for villains, if you're too weak to fight a villain just go fight a weaker villain until you gain levels. You typically need to fight the stronger villains over 2000 times to rescue all their girls, which is just NOT worth it when the booster only lasts 100 fights. The boosters for seasons and champions are total trash, never buy them. The main vendors you want to buy from are the gifts and books vendors. You want to get to the point at which you can buy out their non-mythic stock 3 times per day, as you will need huge amounts of XP and affection to get your girls up to their full potential and unlock all their scenes.
  8. It's rather depressing that no one has beaten floor 2000 yet, but let's take a snapshot of what the leaderboards on Nutaku look like right now. Things have stabilized and worship is a non-resource at this point: 1st-3rd are stuck at 2000 4th-7th are stuck at 1900 8th-10th are between 1801-1899 11th-31st are stuck at 1800 32nd-41st are between 1701-1799 42nd-74th are stuck at 1700 75th-94th are at 1601-1699 95th-156th are stuck at 1600 157th-174th are at 1501-1599 175th-464th are stuck at 1500 465th-515th are at 1401-1499 516th-1000+ are stuck at 1400 So only 174 people have actually obtained Capricorn, making her likely the most exclusive girl in the game. A lot of people seem to have totally given up, and are just sitting a few places above their most recent wall with no further progress, likely stopping where their booster ran out. That's how it stands for me, as I didn't manage to get all the way up to 1700 until we had an unusually strong blessing week. I just have no incentive to break through any further when I know that the next significant reward tier is at floor 2000 which is functionally impossible until more power creep is introduced.
  9. It's worth noting that one of the reasons this was changed is that the three abilities are not equal. The hardcore ability is much, much weaker than the other two in almost all circumstances. An activation of Narcissism or Reassurance will let you survive an extra attack, letting you attack one extra time before you're defeated. This is actually better than it sounds, because that attack could also trigger Narcissism or Reassurance and continue a chain which could result in insanely lucky damage. So always remember that you want to avoid Hardcore girls in champion drafts unless it's specifically a pose match.
  10. While we don't know for sure, we can look at other historical precedent for when limited-availability girls from older events reappeared. The Path of Attraction feature was introduced in early 2020, and those girls began to see their second appearances in early 2022 in the Cumback Contest. The Legendary Contest feature was introduced a few months after Path of Attraction, and Path of Glory started a few months after Cumback Contests were introduced. The Seasons feature was added in late 2020 and we saw the reappearance of a Seasons girl for the first time this month in Cumback Contests. This all suggests that 1.5-2 years is probably what we should expect before Kinky Cumpetition girls start to make a reapparance. So if this pattern holds we might start to see the 2021 Cumpetition girls reappear in 2023, but it probably won't be until 2024 that the 2022 girls get a second release. So best guess is 2024.
  11. I've been wondering a bit about the stage 2 and 3 villains. It was almost 2 years ago that Pandora's Witch got her 2nd and 3rd form, and since then none of the successive villains have gotten their additional stages. Has there been any word on this? Is Kinkoid just not doing additional villain stages anymore? The world 14 story even had a teaser about the girls that would be available from Nike after unlocking her later stages, and I'd be interested to know if they're ever happening.
  12. If you're strong enough to one-shot the champion without a draft then they won't stay low-level for very long. Maybe things have changed since I was lower level, but back when champions were new the big limiting factor was tickets. I remember struggling with the first few PoA's because I just didn't have the ticket income to deal with that. While PoP exists now to give a more reliable source of ticket income, a new player won't have those upgraded for a while. Edit: also champions are no longer a good place to farm ymens. Back when they were first introduced champions were by far the best way for a mid-low level player to farm for ymens. As a result you really wanted to spend all your tickets if you could do so. This is no longer the case, and Places of Power for GPx10 orbs are really the only good way to farm ymens (even after their nerf, they're still the best).
  13. Kinkoid sometimes mixes up the character art and descriptions between the cis and gay versions of the game. We on the cis version had this happen with a girl, where instead of her intended art it was one of the guys from the gay harem. That description you're seeing was meant for a girl in the cis version of the game, and got loaded into the gay version by mistake. It'll probably get fixed in the next patch if you report it.
  14. Personally I find this is overkill once you have the champions at high levels. I just draft bad girls with low stats for Romero and don't bother drafting at all for Whaty, and that ensures I never have to worry about clearing them half-way through the event.
  15. I tested the waters this week to see how I'd do if I shot for top 4 in D3, and I fell short by a couple hundred points and only took 8th place. Kinda surprising that using an AM booster and carefully taking fights rather than autofighting only improved my ranking by 5 or 6 places from my usual, but I guess there's a bit of a "no man's land" between those who are putting in the effort for those top spots and those that are not. Oh well, if I can take top 15 basically without even trying I'm not going to complain. Maybe I'll try again in a few months once I'm level 500 and see if those last 12 levels make a difference.
  16. There are a lot of girls where their jiggles just do not make sense with the rest of their animations. As a more subtle example, Lillian has one segment in her animation loop where her boobs just bob upwards while the rest of her body is completely still. I really wish Kinkoid would dial this one back. I realize exaggerated boob jiggling is a fetish for some people, so by all means have some, but don't make it every girl. Especially not one who is literally wearing a metal brasserie.
  17. If you can only manage 60th place in a higher league, then you aren't strong enough to take 1st place in the league below anyways. The point is that you'll be strong enough to promote to a higher league and thrive there long before you're strong enough to compete for 1st place in your current league.
  18. Yup, it's been mentioned a lot that it's really unintuitive that stars matter more than rarity. The developers have a really hard time with the balance of their game, but this particular event is quite egregious. We've really never seen anything like it. Don't bother going for 1st place, you're wasting your time. I'm level 487 and I have literally never taken 1st place in any league, never gotten close. Sure, I could demote down to Dicktator 2 and compete for 1st place, but why would I waste a week demoting when I could just compete for 4th place in Dicktator 3 and get a higher reward if I succeed? No matter what league you're in, there's always going to be at least one one over-levelled player who is going to beat you. You're way better off just promoting to the next league up than trying to compete with these bullies. You'll get more rewards, and you'll be able to get them consistently.
  19. It's based on both your mojo and your level. It's pretty common for low-level players to get stuck, but it gets easier as you become a higher-level player. At my level (near the level cap) I usually have it finished halfway through the month. This can depend on what girls are on your team, what equipment you have equipped, and what boosters you have active. In general harmony is the least impactful stat anyways. Depends on if you want the girls he's offering. It will take you a very long time to clear out all the villains (I only just got all the girls the villains offer, and I've been playing for years) so there's pretty much always going to be a villain with a girl you want. Just pick whoever has the girl that appeals to you most. 3L's can be okay for champion fights, but you don't want to take them above level 250. They are utterly worthless for PVP. Class used to have an effect, but not anymore. It does nothing now other than determine which stat is your main stat. It's just a legacy of older versions of the game.
  20. For how bad it was, the holiday PoA was at least possible for F2P players. The main issues were that the rewards were stingy for how much the event was asking, and that we have no cost-effective way to turn kobons into ymens so anyone who didn't have a large ymens stockpile was just hard walled by that requirement. However, if Santa Claudia was a must-have for you and you had the ymens banked up there was nothing stopping you from completing this event. This event, however? It looks like even as an active player that Rabbi is just barely possible without spending kobons, and Hari requires picking up both of the kobon cards up front to even have a chance of getting. And just forget about getting either of the moms without spending on bundles.
  21. Yes, wereanimals came out before world 16. It was a very strong hint at the time, but there wasn't quite enough information to jump to that conclusion yet. Once we had confirmation that the third wereanimal was a squidgirl, though, the evidence had piled up pretty convincingly.
  22. Yeah, this has been pretty obvious for some time now. Ever since world 16 was revealed it's basically been confirmed in my view, the tentacles speak for themselves.
  23. Cumback Contests do not run every week. I'm probably discounting these a bit since my time zones make contests a poor investment. My time zone puts the daily reset at 4:00 AM, so I've been dead asleep for hours before reset making it trivial to snipe me. This means there's little incentive to seriously compete in contests unless I can massively overkill it or have a very weak bracket. I can understand that contests are quite different for those in other time zones who don't face that, but for me the only contest strategy is either to massively overkill it or just try and win a consolation placement with minimal effort.
  24. I've had the final level 750 awakening unlocked for a while now, and I did it with the following distribution: 4 Mythics 33 Legendaries 2 Epics 9 Rares 22 5-star commons 30 3-star commons I've since added a 5th mythic (who is now at level 750, as I was planning ahead and had the gems stockpiled), and am within a week of getting all my 5-star and mythic Voyeurs fully awakened (and I have almost every one of them that's been released; Nike is the only one I'm missing). In terms of my useless fodder girls, I've spent a total of 35k gems on them. However, a big chunk of that is Voyeur gems which I've run out of things to spend them on anyways. This means that it's really more like 21k gems that I've spent on 3-star fodder. That's about the number of gems required to take 3 Legendary girls from 250->750. Long-term, I'm okay with that opportunity cost. By the time people who aren't using fodder girls reach level 750, I'll have 50+ girls at that level so an extra 3 won't be a big deal at all. In terms of the GXP bottleneck, you will eventually hit it. It costs about 7500 gems and 573k GXP to awaken a fresh legendary from level 1 to level 750. This means that 76 GXP per gem is the magic threshold that determines which one is your bottleneck. If you're like me you're earning around 10k gems per week, which means you'd need 760k GXP per week to avoid GXP being your bottleneck. This is even worse when working on mythics, as those cost 9400 gems and 1.43M GXP to max out, which is 152 GXP per gem or around 1.5M GXP per week if you don't want to bottleneck on books. Now it's not surprising you aren't feeling this yet. You're only starting too get into the GXP bottleneck range and you've had several months to bank up a huge stockpile of books. It's going to take a while before that depletes. However, as you go up to level 750 you will feel this eventually. People like me hit it earlier because we used fodder girls to advance to level 750, but once you catch up to us you're going to start depleting your stash of books and eventually they will become your bottleneck too. Those last 50 levels are just really expensive and once you're working on level 750 girls GXP income just can't keep pace with gem income.
  25. Ah, Penny is finally available for F2P players. Acquiring her is a matter of principle. My bracket looks remarkably passive (possibly got put in a bracket of inactive players since I was away over the weekend?) and I'm currently at 1st place with only 240k score and haven't even touched my GPx10 stash yet.
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