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Everything posted by JustVisitingReborn

  1. The difference is that the E3/L3s have never created the feeding frenzy amongst the longer term players that the L5s do (or specifically the LC). If you make these girls irrelevant to the longer term players, KK are going to see a big shift in which events actually engage the player base. Maybe they want that and they are being more subtle than I think. Or maybe they haven't thought this aspect of what they're doing through.
  2. There is also a real question about how relevant/worthwhile LCs are any more. This week on Nutaku the top 2 girls are both post Awakening released 5* Legendaries. Guess what? There was no way in hell that I could afford to divert resources to upgrade them. I don't believe for a second that I'm the only one who simply can't afford to spend gems on upgrading L5*s from the ground floor. And there is an ever increasing roster of them now, piling up at the bottom where they're really no use, with the League girls and the Pantheon also adding extras. Adding another LC might seem like adding another event that KK is confident will see high levels of engagement, but if they don't start providing a LOT more gem sooner or later players' excitment at seeing another L5* is going to wane. Mine is already starting to.
  3. You've picked me up right, but in all fairness a) @DvDivXXX was just trying to be helpful and giving his time to do so, I'm thankful for his time even with the misunderstanding and b) I made just as glaringly obvious a mistake in my post when I thanked @zoopokemon for the booster detector that @45026831 made. Not that I'm not thankful for the hugely useful spreadsheet zoop made, just that it was disrespectful, albeit unintentionally, to credit someone else for numbers work. We all act a little too fast sometimes I'm pretty sure DvDiv caught my mistake and subtly corrected it lol. And I totally agree that about Path in a real world sense. It's far too expensive to upgrade a 3*. But my question was simply trying to create an artifical example to try and gain insight into the thought processes of where/when more experienced players are selecting via a girl's Active Bonus rather than Max Base Sum. So forgetting the cost of upgrading altogether - if I had only 5 of the top 7 in the screenshot above, and all 4 of the other girls and all of them are maxed out to my Awakening level, which ones would be the best pick generally? No matter what I pick I'm going to end up with a rainbow team. But is it worth picking Himari or Path for their better Active Bonus, even if they are slightly weaker in terms of Max Base Sum? This is getting to the heart of the matter! And it seems like this is what I thought the answer might be - it's more about a gut feeling about what is worth more than some specific data point where we can say 'X is better than Y in these conditions'.
  4. Apologies - I wasn't clear on my thinking here. I 100% agree. My comment about "weaker players" wasn't suggesting that weak players change their team. Rather, at the start of the week I record every player, there sim value, whether they are currently boosted and whether there is a dominance to exploit. What I find interesting is that it is the exception, rather than the rule, to find players with exploitable dominances at the start of the weak that don't have them days later. Effectively, there's about 15-20% of the league that are leaving up teams with exploitable dominances for days at a time. That's what I meant by "weaker players" as I cannot see any good reason to do that BTW - at this stage I want to give a big thanks to @zoopokemon - I didn't see the full potential of the booster detector until the start of the new league. While it's not necessarily reduced my work load, it's made my decision making worlds more confident Again, my apologies - that has been an ambiguity in my writing rather than my thinking. I think of the two more as 'Dominance Team' or 'Dominance', but the same functional concepts as you lay out. I realise I may have been interchanging the terms in writing in a manner that I understood in my head, but that would not be clear to the reader. Thank you - I've been trying to get to that understanding. My point on that though would be that @blaa's comparing apples to oranges in a 5* vs a 6*. I would expect a Blessed 5* to be somewhere around or just below an Unblessed 6*. And I think this is what I'm getting thrown by - in the screenshot the 'total power' of the team with Bianca (168883.84) is HIGHER than the total power of the team with Matcha (166580.84), but the implication seems to be that Matcha is the better choice due to her Active Bonus. And I agree with this. But does zoop's spreadsheet not take precedence? In a situation where you have several girls that are of equal value, you then make the decision based on the hierarchy of Dominances (Active Bonuses). For example: If I have 6 out of the 7 top girls, and I have both Stacy and Venus that could fill the 7th spot, I'll choose Stacy because she has a better Dominance with a more beneficial Active Bonus. But is this the only type of situation that the Active Bonuses influence? Or is there some process to establish when it may be better overall to take Himari, who has the top tier Active Bonus, but a slightly lower Max Base Sum? (I realise that there is some debate about whether Sensual is actually the best Dominance, this was more of a general question rather than a statement that I view Blue > Red). Or perhaps it'd better to take Path rather then Venus if you had two spots open? And apologies again - it was late and I wasn't thinking. I don't think I can edit the offending post in a manner that would make it compliant without simply deleting the image which would make the post a little difficult to understand. If the mods decide that's the best course of action, it's not going to put my nose out of joint --------------------------------------------------- Overall I can see why a Dominatrix Mythic would be preferably generally because of their stronger Active Bonus. Where I'm struggling however is: a) with the implication (or potential misunderding) that there are situations where you'd prioitise the Active Bonus over the Max Base Sum. I understand breaking away from the Max Base Sum rankings to either present a rainbow defensive team or achieve a Counter Dominance on offense. That's not in question here. So I'm talking solely about "the Active Bonus for this girl is better than XX.XX extra Max Base Sum points". Where's the data coming from to make that decision? Or is it just a gut feeling? Is that decision being made at all outside of making and breaking Team Dominances? b) why the Active Bonus would be a bigger benefit overall than the Counter Dominance. I understand that Voyeur has a poor active bonus, but where you're facing a Dominatrix team having a Voyeur Mythic gives you a very strong team (less of a drop in total power) generally to put together a Counter Dominance with a 20% boost to Crit chance. Surely having that option for a stronger Counter Dominance team offers a very strong benefit to having a Voyeur Mythic? c) why the Active Bonus would also be a bigger benefit than the Blessings? Every colour will come up an equal proportion of the time - a Voyeur Mythic may be a weaker Active Bonus option week to week, but having that Voyeur Mythic when Voyeur catches a Blessing is going to be a significant advantage). Having 2 Dom Mythics vs 1 Dom and 1 Voy means you're going to be very strong when Dom gets Blessed, but are going to be very short on options for a Voyeur Blessing. Is the thinking 'it's better to have a shot at #1 and a top 15, rather than 2x 2-4 finishes'? Effectively, in b) and c), what I'm getting at is that while the Active Bonus IS better just comparing Active Bonus to Active Bonus, there are two other significant benefits to having a Voyeur (just using the weakest colour as an example) that would seem to me to offset ignoring this colour due to its weaker Active Bonus. EDIT - There are also two other bonuses to ensuring you have a Voyeur Mythic: i) Because of the low use for them elsewhere and high availability, Voyeurs are far cheaper to upgrade in terms of gems. Practically the cost for them is just GXP. ii) If other top tier players follow the logic of avoiding Voyeur Mythics, having a Voyeur Mythic for when a Voyeur Blessing lands is even more advantageous. Fewer other players will be able to counter your Mythic.
  5. I'm still trying to see where you're seeing the advantage here. I understand why some Dominances are considered stronger than others. @Slynia did a fantastic job of explaining this. What I'm not seeing is where you would apply this. So above - I can see some small application where you have girls of equal power. If you are filling out your team and you're going to select between Undercover Valentina, the Royal Housemaid or Golden Lupa - all of whom have the same overall power - you choose the Royal Housemaid because because Dominatrix (black) is higher up the ladder. But the frequency with which you get a choice of this nature isn't high. For instance, in the above there is no choice - there is a power difference between the 7th and 8th girl, so you'd choose Bianca rather than Laylay unless you were looking to create a Submissive team to counter a Dominatrix team. In that instance, it's creating the Counter team rather than the Dominance (and hence bonus of that Dominance) of the individual girl that makes the decision for you. I understand that if you're pushing for a 7 Mythic team you are going that this makes more of a difference. You're broadly ignoring the Blessings and instead pushing to have a fairly stable team. Choosing a rainbow team but with 2 Sen (blue), 2 Dom (black), 2 Ecc (red) and 1 Phy (orange) or Exh (green) gives you the best team overall in that instance. But is there some other application of this that I've not covered above? Thanks for your time gents
  6. Sorry @blaa - I'm likely being dim, but I'm not sure I'm following your point here. Are you trying to highlight that there's not much difference between the teams, even though one of the girls is Blessed and far higher up the table than the other?
  7. I find this an intersting subject. I appreciate that some of the Dominance bonuses are "better" than others, but to me they seem somewhat irrelevant. I would never alter my team away from the best by @zoopokemon's sheet just to try and get the fractional bonus that having an extra girl of Dominance X is going to provide. So while the Dominatrix Dominance may be one of the best, would you actually alter your team to take advantage of it? Are you breaking from the top team to get an extra Dom boost? Or is this more to do with the shorter term focus on partially ignoring Blessings in favour of getting a team of 7 Mythics up to Lvl 750, meaning that you could would look to field of team of 7 Mythics that also have the best Dominance bonuses? For me the best team by the spreadsheet is always what I put forwards, with the exceptions that a) if the selected opponent is showing a Dominance, I'll try to adjust my team to counter that Dominance and b) if the best team has a Dominance, I will try to break that to a rainbow team to leave on defence. If you're not breaking from the optimum team and your thinking is more about counter teams (i.e. a good Dominatrix counter team makes more of a difference than a Submissive counter team), there's another factor that would need to be considered. That is how often you need any counter team. Generally speaking my feelings so far is that it tends to be weaker players that are leaving up teams with a Dominance to begin with and that the Dominances that are being left up are very much dependent on the Blessings. So if the Blessings are going to show more players a 'best' team (as decided by the team selector filters) that has a Voyeur Dominance, you're going to see more Voyeur Dominance teams over the next week. For instance, for the last few weeks I've seen a lot of Dominances from the 5 group. I was starting to think that generally these were simply the more common Dominances, but this week I'm seeing FAR more for the 3 group. So to know which counter Dominance was 'best', you'd need to know not only which Dominance offers the best game mechanic bonus, but which Dominances occurred most frequently for players who were not paying as close attention to which teams they were fielding. It's a very involved thought process......
  8. I'll finish the main rewards today with the DMs which I'm pretty please with overall - especially as I got stiffed on and XP contest due to the DG bug I reported in another thread. Having looked at the leaderboard on Nutaku, the highest is 5015, so I think it'll be a very small number of players that manage to complete the entire path. I'm not going to buy this one as I'm only buying 1/month right now and will need to buy on the 19th to blast the first day of the LC with PXP. Is Dominatrix a Dominance that you're specifically looking to build-up? Pachinko should be fine for the main path at least. If I'm remembering correctly it should be 95 GPx10 orbs and done. I'm not sure I'd want to spend more to go the extra distance though.....
  9. I'm beginning to get a bit jealous. In the last two and a bit weeks HH has had Silver Lupa, Travel Gwenelle, Fanny and Fione and Golden Bunny in the rotation. Given I have two of them, but still that's 4 5*s in a very short space of time. Nutaku has had no 5*s since Valentina over a month ago and I had to drop 509 orbs to pick up her!
  10. I've just looked back - the average points at #30 for the last 8 weeks have been ~5200, so maybe slightly easier. My top 30 wins each came with a point total of 5300-5400, so perhaps I'd be just slightly shy of top 30 if on HH, but still comfortably above 45. I only recorded #45 for a couple of weeks as after that I felt comfortable that I'd always be above this.
  11. I've completed 8 full weeks in D3, starting at Lvl 363 with Lvl 550 girls. I've only missed top 45 once in the first week, and bluntly, that was due to sloppy play. I've made the top 30 three times now, including the last two weeks. I'm starting this week at Lvl 387 with mostly Lvl 600 girls with one or two 550s (not just main team, but alternative dominance teams as well). [I'm lying - I have a 500 3* Voyeur simply because I don't have any more 5*s to upgrade and I'm loathed to spend the gems upgrading a 3* when there should hopefully be a Mythic just around the corner]. My expectations right now would be to consistently hit top 30 from this point on. So, if you play aggressively and optimise as much as you can, your estimates may be a little on the conservative side. EDIT - I've also found that the step-up from D2 to D3 required me to become a LOT better player. Creating strategies to identify boosted players, and the degree to which they are boosted, was a necessity. Last week I won ~78% of my challenges. I don't have the numbers to back this up, but I suspect that it would be difficult to play all your regens, win that many, and still stay outside of the top 15 in D2. So I'm actually getting more PXP in D3 than I was in D2. EDIT 2 - I should probably say - I always use 2xCordy and a Ginseng, so I do have to spend Kobans to maintain enough Cordys for my play style.
  12. I managed my second D3 top 30 finish in a row for the first time. I'm very happy with that at a lowly level 387 Congrats to @Hugh Jerexion on the win and @zoopokemon for taking #3. It's a pleasure to watch the experts show us how it's done
  13. Broke through 1100 today and that gives me enough time that, with the good Blessings on Nutaku next week and having the top two girls Awakened, I should have a shot at passing 1200 before those Blessings end. That's aligned nicely in terms of timing!
  14. Patch notes: Full screen button for mobile would be a huge QoL improvement and it's nice they're starting to tell us when they change stats.
  15. The new Blessings + Mono Equipment have raised my chances to ~3.33% (~1 in 30), so with average luck I should get past 1100 in the next few days.
  16. She didn't At least not more than Angelic Lenaelle - I couldn't comment on previous Mythics, but I recorded a data point of Angelic Lenaelle that made for a good comparitor.
  17. Thanks for the correction on the drop range. Otherwise I'm a little surprised, but it's extra information that will be useful going forwards!
  18. I just sat down and did the numbers for and against using SP boosters when there is a CE overlapping the MD and I think your approach is right! From what I can see the SP should be used from the start of the MD event. -------------------------------------- Classic Events without SP: Average drop size is: (1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8)/8 = 4.5 shards per drop 100 shards/4.5 = ~23 drops required to get the girl. 10% drop rate means 230 Combativity With SP Average drop size is 4.5+1 = 5.5 shards per drop 100 shards/5.5 = ~18 drops required to get the girl. 10% drop rate means 180 Combativity. Cost of using SP during a CE: 230-180 = 50 less Combativity. Value of Combativity = 1.8 Koban (Nutaku) Saving on Combativity = 50x1.8 = 90 Koban Cost for SP (you need 1 7/11 of a SP booster) = ~147 Koban. You are spending 57 Kobans more than you are saving by using a SP during a CE. Accounting for the Mythic Days: First 230 Combativity without SP you would be expected to get ~16 drops, meaning that the total number of drops you need for MD if you do not use SP on the CE is 58 (42 with SP and 16 without) compared to 50 if you use SP throughout. So you need 8 extra drops. 8 drops at a 7% drop rate means you need an extra 8/0.07 = 115 Combativity. The extra cost of that Combativity is 115x1.8 = 207 Kobans. So to not use the SP from the start costs you an additional 207 Kobans on Mythic Days. To use SP from the start costs you an additional 57 Kobans on the CE. Ergo, you are actually saving 150 Kobans (207-57) (900 Kobans HH) by using the SP from the start of the MD event if there is an overlap between MD and CE. Both options cost you more than if the MD does not overlap with the CE, but using SP from the start costs you less than not using SP. ------------------------------------ This is contrary to what I expected. Can anyone see a flaw in the above analysis?
  19. I understand you're frustrated, but this is absolutely wrong. Mythic girls are the 'premium' product in the game. They are intended to be several orders or magniture harder to get than any other girl. And the drop rate will be LOW to ensure this. But it absolutely is achievable for real players (even real FREE players) to get Mythics with the right perparation and realistic expectations about what it will take to get a Mythic girl. Lovebot Norou makes my 7th Mythic as a f2p players..
  20. There's no situation where you would need more than 5SPs You only need 50 double drops to get the girl from zero and 5SPs gives you 55 double drops.
  21. I'm going to be effing and jeffing and calling everyone hobbledehoys and despite my unacceptable behaviour you're going to have to defend me 😛
  22. You're confusing shards received % and drop %. To give a simple example if you got 100 shards over 860 Combativity you had a shards received percentage of 11.63% (100/860*100). However, if these were all received with the SP booster (meaning you got 2/drop) you only received 50 drops. That means that your drop percentage would be 5.81% (50/860*100). What the folks here are interested in is your drop percentage And a nearly 12% drop rate would be a remarkable outlier.
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