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[ 25-Jun-20 ] Legendary Contests - Discussion


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Uh, yeah, anyone reading Jelom's ymen amounts needs to take that with a massive pinch of salt. There are truly ridiculous sums sloshing around in the economy up here. You can mostly thank the exponential increases on sold equipment value for that. I don't expect numbers to be anywhere near that high in brackets below 400+.

For what it's worth, though, I'll be aiming mostly for top 25s and don't expect to need anywhere near that level of cash. Whilst I have excessive amounts myself and I do expect to see numbers climb that high for winning spots, I just don't feel compelled to compete with it. Having said that, I'll grab some cheap higher spots if I get lucky with a bracket and they happen to be going 😁

I'm actually hoping to gain the girl without spending Kobans at all on the alt I'm running, which sits in the 241-280 range. Mostly because I went and blew most of the stock on the cheap refills for Orgy and Epic Days 😂 I'll just have to see how that pans out.

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9 minutes ago, Darsca said:

I'm actually hoping to gain the girl without spending Kobans at all on the alt I'm running, which sits in the 241-280 range.

Different range but similar (ridiculously optimistic?) hope 😅😂🤣

But yes, my feeling is the same... at the very worse, try and get the minimum top25s required to get the girl... but if things shape up to do better, well... don't mind if I do :D 😝

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1 minute ago, LuxFF said:

Do we know what the quest steps are? I understood it as purely p2w.

Each day, meaning every 24 hours, there will be a different contest targeting specific actions in the game :

  • Contest 1: PvP & Player XP
  • Contest 2: Pachinko or Donations
  • Contest 3: Villains & Energy
  • Contest 4: Girls


Rewards in each contest will be as follow:

  • 1st place: 100 shards of the Legendary Girl + 3 Epic x1 Orbs
  • 2nd-4th place: 100 shards of the Legendary Girl 
  • 5th-10th place: 50 shards of the Legendary Girl 
  • 11th-25th place: 25 shards of the Legendary Girl
  • 26th+ place: Legendary Equipment

From here -> 


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11 minutes ago, LuxFF said:

Must have overread that, thanks. 🙈

Nah it's not purely pay to win, but the way it was on the test server it was much much MUUUUUCH worse than now. While it's still a bad concept, and anyone with enough cash can beat you easily, you're not punished as harshly as you would be originally. 
The concept itself is trash though, and it's really unfair for the unprepared.

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Amazing art all-around (at least the first pose, and the character's design, but it's clearly been done by the iconic artist we owe most of the best pieces to, so I'm confident the other drawings won't disappoint). Big plus on the freckles, it's probably the most genuine looking redhead in the game so far (although there are quite a few, several of them very nice as well).

I'll be fighting for her for sure, even though she's not of my class. I won't go too crazy though. MPx6 and MPx3 orbs are really nice to get, but they're not worth burning my koban stash on day 1. I'll grab a x100 or a x50 if I get the chance early on, but if not my base goal will be four x25. Hopefully this will be manageable.

Good luck, have fun.

Edited by DvDivXXX
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Ugh does this mean I actually have to compete with other players? Crap... I just leveled up into 404.

I really like this new girl and am tempted to go all out for her... reminds me a little bit of Triss Marigold from the Witcher series a bit.

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Ok, some thoughts about "strategies", if I may. First of all, check out this post guys, if you missed:

My turn 😀

  1. First day: Gain XP - 1 point for each 1 point of XP + Defeat players in PvP (arena and leagues) - 100 points per defeat. Ok, so, what you, obviously, have to do here is: 1) get all the XP from the daily missions, get XP from the arena daily rewards 2) as the contest starts, immediately boost yourself with the best boosters you usually use and do as much free arena fights as you possibly can until the end of it 3) use all the free tokens in the tower of fame (win all the fights you do, of course). And now some questionable shit. If you want to win the 1st or top 4 place to get the girl at once, you'll have to make refills for the tower of fame - it gives you the most profit in comparison with arena refills (Side note: it would have been wise to start demoting in the league one week ago to demote before the contest starts, if you're not in D3, of course). So you have to become a rusher and do as much refills as you need to get the job done. How to do it the safest way? You do all the obvious things, mentioned here and wait until ~ 1 hour - 30 minutes before the contest ends (depends on how are you gonna execute the battles in the tower with refills - changing girls for every opponent to get the least points, or just do it as fast as you can), watch the "field" to see what the standings are, who has the most points and how much points do you need to overrun him (beforehand, you need to count how much points do you get from 1 x 15 tokens refill: I, on average, get 255 XP from every opponent in the league, so 15 x 255 = 3825 + 1500 (1 win - 100 points) = 5325 points per refill (even more, if you won't do all the refills and battle only the highest level opponents). This strat will definitely give you top 4 in the most contest brackets I can think of (maybe not in the last one). Tricky things here: 1) I, personally don't like, when you do a long distance rush finish in the contests, it doesn't end well in a lot of cases (possible solution - refill the tokens and use the "Do x15 battles at once" button - very questionable shit, but I like it even, somewhat, more, because you do it very fast and that is the best strategy to win in the contest) 2) You need to beware to not promote the league (you need to know what is the safe amount of points to score in your league) 3) You need to calculate your abilities very precise: koban-wise (how much kobans can you blow and what is the amount of points you'll get from it?), combativity-wise (how much opponents can you defeat in your league?), time-wise (will you be able to do all the stuff in 1 hour, or in 30 minutes time?). Most questionable shit. If you did all the refilled battles in the tower of fame and there is still an opponent ahead of you, than he did the same and made (is making) arena refills. I, personally, don't think that 3 epic orbs worth the wallet battle with an unpredictable result, but if you have a lot of kobans stashed, you can go for it. But, hell, it's very expensive. You do remember, that you can buy them for 540 kobans a piece in the pachinko section, right? 😀
  2. Second day: Play Great Pachinko 1 game - 5 points; Play Great Pachinko 10 games - 50 points; Play Epic Pachinko 1 game - 100 points; Play Epic Pachinko 10 games - 1000 points; Donate 100k Ymens - 20 points; Donate 1m Ymens - 200 points; Donate 10m Ymens - 2000 points. This contest is all about donation of Ymens. Pachinko orbs are used just to score a bit more (by the way, I disagree, that donation buttons should be excluded from this competition - their function would be fulfilled just by using your Ymens in the Great Pachinko and selling items back to the shop vendor - a more inconvenient way to score points here, nothing more). So, what you have to do here is to use your available orbs 3-5 minutes before the contest end. Then you, while constantly refreshing the contest page, just wait until the very very very very end of the contest - 2-4 seconds - and press the donation button as much as you need to get top 4 (if you have Ymens, of course). Don't be greedy (score points to just barely overrun the recent leader by a small margin)! There will be a lot of similar guys with the similar strat, so keep in mind that you should score some more points to be ahead of them too. Here I also want to speculate a little about "waiting until the very end policy" vs "scoring all your stuff at once at the beginning\during the event". You don't want to score points at all until the very end in the most contests in this game. If you do the opposite, the guys in the contest bracket will: 1) see you as their rival and will be alarmed by your account position in the bracket until the very end of the contest 2) score their points at once to catch up with you cause that's how human psychology works - "hey, I see this guy is scoring big, I wanted to win the contest too, so I'll score my points at once to catch up with him, will score even more to be ahead of him". It's bad because that's how you'll waste a lot more resources than you intended to for the win and even may not have enough of them in the end, while the opposite behavior would give you the opportunity to win the contest even having less resources than your opponents, cause there is always a high % chance they won't blow all their resources in the contest (why should they, they are already in the 1st place and winning).
  3. Third day: Spend 1 energy - 1 point; Defeat a villain - 10 points. Obviously, here you need to do as much battles vs villains as possible (you do all the free combativity battles and then, in the end there is a huge gamble). Consider saving ordinary contest rewards for this one to have a little bit of edge against other players. The most interesting and unpredictable contest. The result will depend upon numerous things: 1) did you get the girl in the first 2 contests 2) how much kobans do you have for refills and how much intention do you have to gamble 3) how much kobans does your opponents have and how much intention do they have to gamble. You'd better get the girl before this one, guys 😀 Here you can't score immediately in the very end by a lot of points, so you'll have to do a long distance rush finish for the win or top 4 (even using "perform 10 battles at once" button isn't that reliable, cause it's still relatively slow). As I have already said, it's bad, cause it doesn't guarantee you the result and the kobans loss may be VERY HUGE. Some tips, that can help you do the refilled battles faster: 1) use @FinderKeeper's script to shut down annoying notifications, that significantly slow you down 2) use mouse gestures to get 1 page back in the browser faster to skip all the battle animations. For instance, in Opera you need to press and hold right mouse button and move your mouse to the left. I think, Chrome has it's own gestures. I highly recommend you to figure them out, it significantly speeds you up. You press the "Perform" button and then do the gesture right away and you're back at once to do another one (no battle, no rewards screen - nothing).
  4. Fourth day: Give XP to the girls - 1 point; Level up a girl - 30 points; get a new girl - 3000 points. I hope you're saving books from the shop and don't give XP to the new girls at once, guys. Otherwise you'll never succeed in this contest. Second day contest will definitely help you in this one if you had some epic pachinko orbs stashed, used them during the second day and got some girls (if you haven't "cleared" it yet 😀). Otherwise you need to hope that you have enough already leveled girls in your harem to give xp to. This contest is all about giving XP to level 1 new girls and having a huge harem. This is definitely not pay to win contest, you just need to have a substantial amount of unleveled girls and books for them. It's hard to get new girls during the event, unless you buy epic pachinko orbs for kobans and hope for the luck but it's a very costly strategy. How to score points and get a good position in the contest? So, first of all you give the books to the girls, who are already leveled to some point. You identify, how much XP needed to level a common, rare, epic and legendary girl until your own level. And give all the green and yellow books to these girls (if there are leveled girls, that can be given legendary books and that won't exceed your level, you give it to them as well). You do it an hour or two before the end of the contest. Then, about 10-15 minutes before the end of the contest, you give levels to some of your level 1 girls to be closer to the top 4 guys. The last rush happens in the last minute. You need to be close enough to top 4 to level 2-4 of your level 1 girls to get top 4 (or top 1 - depends on your bracket level opposition). You need to identify, what legendary books to what girls you're gonna give to do it quickly enough so that your opponents wouldn't have enough time to react to it.

Here I mentioned some of my "strategies", that help me to win (top 1 and top 4) ordinary contests so far (until 281-320 bracket, where I am right now). I hope they will be viable for you too and for the upcoming legendary contests as well.

Thanks for reading and good luck. 😉

Edited by Тёмный Властелин
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13 minutes ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

use @FinderKeeper's script to shut down annoying notifications, that significantly slow you down

Holy fucking shit how did I not see this before?! THIS is why they'll never get rid of the retarded notifications! The intent isnt to notify people, hell, they dont even give any useful info anyway! The intent is to lower sniping by casually throttling EVERY PLAYER IN A CONTEST! This is honestly the most idiotic thing I've ever seen and I sure hope that this speculation of mine is wrong, because if it isn't, then honestly fuck you KK.

Edited by Čamuga
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I will see how insane my brackets are the first 3 days and try to spend as little as possible.
I do have a backup plan for the last day in case everyone is spending insane amounts of resources for the first 3 days, I think this should be enough at least to get me the girl. 😅



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Just one question for you, Slynia, have you been playing for the last 100 years in game, or just dropping a ton of real cash to get that number of books?

That image above is EXACTLY why I do not even bother to take this cartoon game so seriously.

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54 minutes ago, Dr. Lust said:

Just one question for you, Slynia, have you been playing for the last 100 years in game, or just dropping a ton of real cash to get that number of books?

That image above is EXACTLY why I do not even bother to take this cartoon game so seriously.

I've not spent any money on this game besides the silver/gold monthly card that I've been switching between for the past 15 months. Hmm, I've also bought 1 special offer as well that was 9.99€. As for when I started playing. It was in June July 2017 and I think I've only missed a handful of days where I was not able to play at all.
As for your question as to why I have that many books, I've only spent books on new girls that have been released for the past 3 months, because that was when I got all then currently obtainable girls, so the books have been stockpiling up since. And even then I still had some books to spare after getting all my girls to 20k+ experience. You do know that I only get epic and legendary books in my market right?

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15 minutes ago, Dr. Lust said:

Just one question for you, Slynia, have you been playing for the last 100 years in game, or just dropping a ton of real cash to get that number of books?

That's about 2 months worth of books from the market.

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I'm cautious about this event but definitely willing to try it out. The contest approach and pretty much being PvP are making me wary of it but I think I can do well in Day 2 cause I've stockpiled a pretty high amount of cash so donations should get me a lot of shards or the girl depending on who else I'm against. Day 4 might have to be the other day when I can make a push but I'd rather do it sooner rather than risk it later.

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6 hours ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

Here I mentioned some of my "strategies", that help me to win (top 1 and top 4) ordinary contests so far (until 281-320 bracket, where I am right now). I hope they will be viable for you too and for the upcoming legendary contests as well. 

Thanks for reading and good luck. 😉

Thanks a lot for sharing this, Sensei. 🤘I had most of the big picture stuff down already, but I didn't expect your strats to be that focused on last-minute moves, and I picked up a quite a few other valuable tips and tricks in other areas as well. I usually don't bother too much with most (regular) contest types myself, especially not those with the "Donation" concept, but this guide from someone who I know is acing them all regularly was an excellent read. On top of that, I'm still in the same contest bracket as you, it seems (I knew the ballpark, and that it stops making sense at level 360 because they never adjusted it since they extended the max level from 400 to 500, but I didn't have my exact current bracket in mind ^^).

Jelom's layout is quite solid in and of itself, but I feel it can be the most helpful for players who didn't have a clue how to approach the event in general, and/or for (very) high-level players (and I fall into neither category ^^). Your guide on the other hand is right up my alley. Someone who never really played contests before could basically take a crash course by reading both in that order, which is cool (if not too many of my opponents get gud because of it ^^).

One point I'd like to address here, though (because I fiercely disagree with you on that, although it's a part of a larger issue with game design):

6 hours ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

(by the way, I disagree, that donation buttons should be excluded from this competition - their function would be fulfilled just by using your Ymens in the Great Pachinko and selling items back to the shop vendor - a more inconvenient way to score points here, nothing more)

That's exactly why I want this "donation" BS removed. Playing Pachinko is a part of the actual game, it does something besides scoring points in the contest, just like every other contest requirement. The "Donation" buttons, in sharp contrast, are literally throwing (in-game) cash directly at the Contest itself, and nothing else. That's not something relevant to the game, that's not even something in the game, except for this one particularly vicious and inane design for some specific Contests. I think that's the lamest thing ever. Why not "Donate Kobans" or "Donate RM" while we're at it? In principle, that's exactly as stupid in my book. Contests should reward players for doing in-game stuff (usually a ton more of it than they otherwise would, sure, but that's fine). They shouldn't reward players for throwing away in-game resources without any in-game benefits besides scoring points in the contest itself. I'd much rather have players spend tons of in-game cash on GP, or anything else that's actually a game feature, and actually does something in the game, even if they're mainly doing it to win a contest. /rant. redirect:(main topic) ^^

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28 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:

That's exactly why I want this "donation" BS removed. Playing Pachinko is a part of the actual game, it does something besides scoring points in the contest, just like every other contest requirement. The "Donation" buttons, in sharp contrast, are literally throwing (in-game) cash directly at the Contest itself, and nothing else. That's not something relevant to the game, that's not even something in the game, except for this one particularly vicious and inane design for some specific Contests. I think that's the lamest thing ever. Why not "Donate Kobans" or "Donate RM" while we're at it? In principle, that's exactly as stupid in my book. Contests should reward players for doing in-game stuff (usually a ton more of it than they otherwise would, sure, but that's fine). They shouldn't reward players for throwing away in-game resources without any in-game benefits besides scoring points in the contest itself. I'd much rather have players spend tons of in-game cash on GP, or anything else that's actually a game feature, and actually does something in the game, even if they're mainly doing it to win a contest. /rant. redirect:(main topic) ^^

Couldn't agree more. I am fine with that one contest "Sex beneficiary" which is a pure donation contest, it's only one and I can ignore it when it pops once in a while. Contests are unfair to those, not in a favourable timezone and this one's the worse of all.

The nonsense part is the other hybrid contests that have a mix of donations and stuff to do. While on lower bracket levels, those mixed contests still are balanced, at higher levels, the donation part is 99% of the whole contest and is literally won/lost in the last 10 seconds, by smashing buttons.

So these contests that give a ridiculous 140 points for an Arena win or 2 points per XP, are akin to a pure donation contest in high brackets. Something needs to be reworked with these contests or at least adjust the weight of the "other stuff" compared to the donation part in those contests. Make it bracket level dependent for the non-donation part, right now it's pointless to have 3 contests that are essentially of the same nature - an active player in the Arena doesn't hold any advantage in being active and that's not supposed to be the aim of the contest. At least now they fixed that lvl 361+ unique bracket that was an obvious disadvantage to new 360s.

The guide of Тёмный Властелин is very solid. Adding to that from someone who tries hard as well, tweak your gameplay around reset time. That means every day plan your battles / troll fights - 15 tokens in the Tower / 20 Combativity in the bank when you start that day, depending on the contest. Get them out of the way as soon as possible after reset time, and let natural regen work in your favour. That's a headstart over those who aren't able to play immediately after reset.


Back on topic...

I play Charm, so her stats would probably determine how hard I will try to get her.

25th seems achievable. I rarely place below that in normal ones. I do expect it to be harder, It'll be interesting to see how different this Legendary contest is.




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7 hours ago, Тёмный Властелин said:

until 281-320 bracket, where I am right now

Uh-oh.... same bracket? 😅😂

Damn... that's some... "questionable shit" 🙄🤣

Congrats on your post👏👍


6 hours ago, Slynia said:

this should be enough at least to get me the girl.

Lovely library! 😅👌👏😂


1 hour ago, DvDivXXX said:

and that it stops making sense at level 360 because they never adjusted it since they extended the max level from 400 to 500

I think they just did? A new group has been created for levels 360-400, and for levels 400+) -> 


23 minutes ago, Zamio said:

I play Charm, so her stats would probably determine how hard I will try to get her.

Same here. I hope they'll tell us her stats when the contest starts 🙏

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41 minutes ago, Karyia said:

Same here. I hope they'll tell us her stats when the contest starts 🙏

Oh crap.

I didn't even think that it's possible we might not even get to see her stats on the first day. We might be stuck with a POA style kind of UI...

well at least on the second day we shall know 😓

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Wow, this is a very attractive girl. I will be doing what I can to get her. I'm hoping to get at least a top 25 the first day, to make this plausible. Not being in a club is likely to be a big problem.

Are we sure the contests will come in the order of Contest 1, then 2, then 3, then 4, or is it possible that they are just listing the 4 contests?


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2 hours ago, DvDivXXX said:

I knew[...] that it stops making sense at level 360 because they never adjusted it since they extended the max level from 400 to 500

1 hour ago, Zamio said:

At least now they fixed that lvl 361+ unique bracket that was an obvious disadvantage to new 360s. 

1 hour ago, Karyia said:

I think they just did? A new group has been created for levels 360-400, and for levels 400+)

Yeah, I hadn't noticed that bit in the long post-feedback post from Lola. Good to know! It should make the second half of the mid-game grind less stressful in that regard (assuming they did that for all contests, not just LC, of course).

Thanks for pointing it out, guys.

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5 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:

(assuming they did that for all contests, not just LC, of course).


I think the patch did that for normal contests as well. My running contest has no one over 400. Might just be RNG, but there's a very small probability of that happening.

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the first good character art in long but an event targeted P2W? at least they didn't fix their Skrill, they could have made a ton of money with this i fear.

if the lagg allows for it, i'll try it, but won't expect much. :D

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