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Places of Power methodology


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What is your technique in filling the places of Power? It might be important when the temporary places are being replaced.

Do you open them all and then filling them, or opening one, filling it and then moving to the next one? Is there an advantage to any method?


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Even n the times I was short on girls at PoPs (test-server and PSH) I claimed all PoPs and filled them than at changing time. Between the changings I claimed the PoP reward and started him immediatly to make sure that I have the same setup of girls in this specific setup. I prioritzed the permanent PoPs to level up and had in some weeks one temporary PoP that couldn't run in 7h and if you claim all rewards you have the new PoPs active and can decide which one is the one you don't need so much so you can let him be unequiped or running longer than 7h. After I had enough strong girls to run all PoPs in 7h and some girls left I changed to allways claim all rewards and autofill after this.


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In time this won't be an issue and you'll just do claim -> auto-assign -> start twelve times in a row as a habit (and still get the minimum 7-hour completion timer for all of them).

For early to mid game players with smaller harems and especially a less evenly distributed power level across all three legacy "classes", it can definitely be an issue, though. In very rare cases, even a late game player can end up a little short if they have very bad rolls and end up with most of their temp PoPs asking the same specific class (it happened to me a few months ago, I had one of my PoPs with a timer a bit over 8 hours; I then fixed it by deliberately leveling up a few HC girls).

Prioritize the permanent PoPs, always. Then whichever has the potential to give EPx1 orbs, then the ones with the potential to give kobans, then those with only gems as the possible rewards, then whatever. If you can only launch half of your PoPs, but the best ones and at full speed, I'd recommend doing that instead of launching all of them with huge timers.

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With the 9 TPoP format, and the fact that new veterans don't have a lot of mid-level girls, PoP issues can arrive a lot more easily now. Since I reached lvl 13, and now 14, I have to be extremely careful about how I distribute my girls (And I still have a bunch of lvl 351 girls from pre-awakening. New girls are stuck well below lvl 250).

Even right now, with a 3/3/3 repartition, I need 50 girls to max out my last TPoP (And 50 is the maximum number of girls you can have for one place). And I think I'm past the "low to mid-level" threshold by now :)

It's only gonna get worse when I reach lvl 495 / TPoP lvl 15.

On lower levels, I struggled as well, and then between lvl 10 and 12 everything was smooth (enough girls to fill everything without even thinking).

I think the key is to have a bunch of girls with 1-2 stars and lvl 200-250, but that's not really where players should be focusing their resources in the current meta, either. I only have 100 girls between lvl 150 and 250 (30 of which are 5/6*). And if I only consider 3* girls, this goes down to 40 girls.

I've been badly neglecting these generic 3* girls, and that can really hurt for PoP.

Edit to clarify: I have 167 3* girls between lvl 251 and 400, that I was able to awaken for free pre-patch, last year. Newer players won't have them.

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I don't have problems filling the temporary level 13 places.

I asked because I read that playing the Places in a specific order gives some small advantage (as in getting more desired new temporary Places when they're replaced).

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That's a different question than the one you actually asked, then. ^^ You should have said "claiming" or something else instead of "filling" to avoid this confusion.

And yeah, it matters a little. When you reach the time of the week when your temp PoPs will renew, it's best to claim them starting from the best ones and working your way down to the least desirable ones. Simply because this order slightly increases the odds of getting one of the good ones with each re-roll, since you still have a number of outcomes locked out of the pool. Or at least it decreases the odds of getting some of the lesser ones. Diminishing returns as you go down the list and small RNG-dependent benefit, but it doesn't cost anything to get into this habit.

The HH++ script sort them out for you from best to worst by default (or very close to that, at least; we may not agree on all placements, but by and large following its order is much better than going in any random order).


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  • 3 weeks later...
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15 hours ago, OmerB said:

Can the new Pop after the reset be the exact same one as before?

Yes. As soon as you claim the reward for an expired temp PoP, its exact format becomes available for the new pool you're drawing from. That's basically the very foundation of why claiming the expired ones in a certain order can improve your odds, if ever so slightly.

For instance, when these will expire (happens a bit later in the week for me), I'll claim them in this order:


When I claim the one that requires HC girls and has a chance to give EP orbs as a reward, I could very well get it again right away. If I claim the mediocre ones in the middle first, I'm a bit less likely to get one of the 6 top ones because I'll have 3 of them still locked, though.

(Notice the one the script puts at the very bottom but I circled golden? That's what I had in mind when I mentioned its ranking not perfectly matching my own preferences. I like the ones with guaranteed orbs more than the ones with a mix of tickets, cash, whatever market items and then one slot for orbs, personally).

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On 11/14/2022 at 8:41 PM, DvDivXXX said:

(Notice the one the script puts at the very bottom but I circled golden? That's what I had in mind when I mentioned its ranking not perfectly matching my own preferences. I like the ones with guaranteed orbs more than the ones with a mix of tickets, cash, whatever market items and then one slot for orbs, personally).

No complaint about the way the temporary PoPs are ordered by the script from my side! 😉😊


(It's always Blue - White - Dark - 4 colours - Red - Orange - Yellow.)

Thanks, @Tom208!


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1 hour ago, DvDivXXX said:

Well, I'm using Numbers' version. Didn't think the order would be different from Tom's version for this.

I know right. 😊

It seemed to me, that @45026831and @Tom208 were sometimes exchanging ideas about their versions of the script and adapting them accordingly.

So this might have been a hint with a 😉 from me!



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9 hours ago, Mighty Thor said:

No complaint about the way the temporary PoPs are ordered by the script from my side! 😉😊


(It's always Blue - White - Dark - 4 colours - Red - Orange - Yellow.)

Thanks, @Tom208!


I never know when the temp PoP are gonna be replaced (too bad that I can't enter them when they're "done" without taking the prizes), so I 'm always opening them in the same order: Blue, Orange, White, 4 colours, Yellow / Black, Red. The PoP are a source of gems for me, I'm in need of gems of all kinds (less of Voyeur, but still), and the 4 colors PoP gives me a better chance of accumulating gems than the Red PoP for example.

BTW, Some of my temp PoP (I don't remember in which game) aren't being replaced on the same time, it makes a bit of a confusion for me.

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il y a 3 minutes, OmerB a dit :

(too bad that I can't enter them when they're "done" without taking the prizes)

You can claim the permanent PoP first, then use arrow navigation to jump to the first Temporary PoP. It will display the page without actually claiming the reward (HH++ script is required for this)

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8 hours ago, 45026831 said:

Everyone's preferences are going to be different, so finding an order that works for everyone is tricky. I will say though that I'm surprised you want more green/purple gems, they're some of the biggest stocks I have, personally.

It's not that, it's just that I need any and all gems until the end of time anyway, and I always prefer a sure thing over a random thing by default.

So yeah between this:


and that:


The latter is so much preferable as far as I'm concerned, it doesn't even compare.

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Note that the drop rate of gems on the temp PoPs is about 20%, but for the gem only one it appears to not be an equal split between all the gems instead it's more like this


Even with claiming the gem only PoPs last Voyeur and Exhibitionist gems remain the most abundant type of gems while also, along with Submissive, being on the bottom of the best element list. The most valuable gem type here, Eccentric, has a worse drop rate compared to the temp PoP with just Eccentric. So if you care about gem quality over quantity, the gem only temp PoP is absolutely the worst temp PoP. The only reasons I can think of why to value gem quantity over quality would be to get to the 750 level cap faster or for a slight advantage in CumC day 2.

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@zoopokemon Thanks for the info and for sharing those stats (I'm not surprised but this is the first time I see proper stats written down for PoP drop rates; I've never found it in me to also note that down myself). It's good to know in any case (I'd be extremely curious about girl shard drop rates if you note that too, as the variance I've seen is such that it feels it's on its own time scale, closer to geological times than human lifespans ^^).

Green is more in the middle and even arguably bottom of the upper half in terms of element quality. Red has been greatly misunderstood and overrated by many players for a long time (myself included). If there was Yellow instead of Green in that selection, then yes you'd have the bottom four quality wise.

Apart from that, there's the fact that we get extra Red (and Yellow) gems from dailies. But in general quantity matters more than specific color from additional sources like PoPs as far as I'm concerned. Any and all colors are needed in high quantities sooner or later, even the worst ones. So yes, even armed with your stats, I'd still much rather have 75g guaranteed three times a day no matter the color than a 1 in 5 chance to get 75g of a certain color and 4 in 5 chances to get garbage instead.

And not just for Red (it was just the cleaner example since Red is also present in the guaranteed gems PoP). I'd take the ones with guaranteed gems even over this:

But to each their own, of course.

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5 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:

(I'd be extremely curious about girl shard drop rates if you note that too, as the variance I've seen is such that it feels it's on its own time scale, closer to geological times than human lifespans ^^).

Here is the stats for all my drops of the 3 perm PoPs, with the drop rates with the current reward pool.


Note how in the first two PoP the rate for mythic orbs is about 33% while the 3rd PoP is 10%. There was a period of time where all PoPs had 10% drop rate for mythic orbs, but eventual the two got switched back to the original 33%. I would report the 3rd PoP's drop rate as a bug, but I fear they'll just nerf them all back to 10%.


And while I'm posting here's the rest of my data on the temp PoPs. The RL crossed out is from back when it was just a source of Voyeur and Exhibitionist Gems.


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  • 11 months later...
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4 hours ago, OmerB said:

Old thread, but the small question relates to it, so I thought it's best to ask here -

When I'm getting a "new" temp Place of Power, is there a chance that it will be the same that has just expired?


Sure, you were the OP of the thread and it's already in QA so that's absolutely fine.

Yes. In fact, when your temp PoPs have expired and you're about to generate new ones for a week by claiming their rewards one last time, the only rule applied to the RNG of what new temp PoPs you'll get is that the ones you haven't claimed yet are out of the pool for each roll. Although the impact on the rolls is minimal, it's not null either.

So typically, the one thing you can do to (slightly) improve your odds of getting good new temp PoPs (or slightly reducing the risk of getting bad ones at least) is by claiming the rewards for the expired ones from best to worst.

For the example, here'd a sample of my temp PoPs right now (which will expire later today, incidentally):


Since there are only 3 variants of each specific type of temp PoP (one per class), when these expire, the pool of potential new temp PoPs for the week to come will initially only have the HC version of the one that can give EPx1 orbs (since the CH and KH variants are locked until I claim them). So I'll start with those. As I claim the CH one, the KH variant will still be locked out of the pool for that first roll, but the CH one will be a possibility, since I'll have unlocked it just before the roll takes place. And so on.

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