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About the CH special lasting two turns (or something similar) it's a bug turned into a feature, the main reason why most top D3 contenders switched their Class to CH back then (about 3 years ago) and it still works the same today, except only against Champions, ofc (I've seen it happen multiple times when I played the CC run we drafted together yesterday).

  1. If a CH girl gets a crit
  2. AND the girl immediately following her ALSO crits (whether she's CH herself or not)
  3. THEN you get another CH crit for free on top of the second girl's crit

Otherwise, a CH girl gets a crit, you take 0 damage once and if the next girl doesn't also crit, the chain is broken and you don't get to exploit the bug use the feature. ^^

I've had this happen especially when both Zorani (top CH on dot com right now) and the mediocre HC girl immediately after both had a crit. She made a Wild Burst and I had the Wild Burst effect and animation, but I also had the Narcissism animation and effect for an extra turn.

However, one girl getting a crit is already a dice roll. Two consecutive girls having a crit is already much less likely. So you can't really rely on it.

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15 minutes ago, OmerB said:

I think that it has changed for me, regarding my progression in the game and the power of the champion. IIRC, a year ago I preferred CH girls (and HC) over KH against champions. But now my girls are strong enough (and also the champions), and I'm seeing better value for KH girls.

@EpicBacon How do you get these numbers?
I don't see the exact numbers during the fight, I'm just seeing a message that I got a bonus for defence for that girl.

maybe the script does it?


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11 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:

About the CH special lasting two turns (or something similar) it's a bug turned into a feature, the main reason why most top D3 contenders switched their Class to CH back then (about 3 years ago) and it still works the same today, except only against Champions, ofc (I've seen it happen multiple times when I played the CC run we drafted together yesterday).

  1. If a CH girl gets a crit
  2. AND the girl immediately following her ALSO crits (whether she's CH herself or not)
  3. THEN you get another CH crit for free on top of the second girl's crit

Otherwise, a CH girl gets a crit, you take 0 damage once and if the next girl doesn't also crit, the chain is broken and you don't get to exploit the bug use the feature. ^^

I've had this happen especially when the mediocre both Zorani (top CH on dot com right now) and the mediocre HC girl immediately after both had a crit. She made a Wild Burst and I had the Wild Burst effect and animation, but I also had the Narcissism animation and effect for an extra turn.

However, one girl getting a crit is already a dice roll. Two consecutive girls having a crit is already much less likely. So you can't really rely on it.

I had girls having their special effect one after the other a lot of times, about half of them (this is when I watched the fights, I'm not watching most of the fights anymore). Maybe it was because I was using Jujube? 😂

I'm pretty sure that the double bonus for charm happens only when there are two (or more) charm girls getting their special affect one after the other. Other girls break this chain.


Edited by OmerB
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6 minutes ago, OmerB said:

I was using Jujube? 😂

That's so cute. :$💢

7 minutes ago, OmerB said:

I'm pretty sure that the double bonus for charm happens only when there are two (or more) charm girls getting their special affect one after the other. Other girls break this chain.

As I just said, I've seen it first-hand today with a HardCore girl following a Charm one. The chain goes on until someone doesn't crit. All you need to start the chain is presumably one CH to crit (or maybe every other girl should be CH).

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After watching about a hundred full champion challenges when collecting stats to check the cast percentage, and many more from early game:

  • There is no second CH girl needed right after the first to have the second cast trigger. This little "2" you see on EpicBacon's screenshot shows up on every CH cast. The "2" then disappears on the next girl's turn for the second bonus, and afterwards the heart disappears completely.
  • This also implies that it does not matter what the second girl does, as the "2" is there before the second girl's turn even starts.
  • Also there is no chain longer than these exact 2 ones (unless the 3rd girl is CH again and triggers her own cast). It starts when a CH girl triggers her spell, and it ends after the next girl stood the champs hit.
  • And I never use Jujubes 😄. But, I remember/thought that this "2" was not there in very early game, when I did start with the champs. Later I was not sure whether I just did not recognise it, or whether it really changed. So it might be possible that it depends on some stats, like harmony (likely if any), or even on the individual girl's AP, which might then be always sufficiently high for the "2" at a certain player level (resp. player stats), not sure. Just checked on the test server with player level 188, and there on 2 champs all CH girls also triggered there spell with "2".
  • And no addon is needed to see the CH defence bonus or KH healing number, as on test server I have intentionally all plugins disabled.
Edited by Horsting
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2 hours ago, Horsting said:

After watching about a hundred full champion challenges when collecting stats to check the cast percentage, and many more from early game:

  • There is no second CH girl needed right after the first to have the second cast trigger. This little "2" you see on EpicBacon's screenshot shows up on every CH cast. The "2" then disappears on the next girl's turn for the second bonus, and afterwards the heart disappears completely.
  • This also implies that it does not matter what the second girl does, as the "2" is there before the second girl's turn even starts.
  • Also there is no chain longer than these exact 2 ones (unless the 3rd girl is CH again and triggers her own cast). It starts when a CH girl triggers her spell, and it ends after the next girl stood the champs hit.

What happens when two CH girls trigger their crits one after the other?
That's something that interests me, as I was pretty sure that it gives x4, but my memory is a bit fuzzy.

I may look into it in my next champions batch.

Edited by OmerB
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18 hours ago, OmerB said:

What happens when two CH girls trigger their crits one after the other?

In my case, the second bonus of the first CH girl is then just swallowed, i.e. the second CH girl's own cast just sets the batch again to "2" and gives the bonus it would have done on its own. So indeed in my case, the CH bonus then looses half of its value.

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So, no one else would like to go through a collective drafting process for this?

I have all my regular champs to re-draft today, except for Visor. I've been saving this one for maybe a year by now, and it's basically bulletproof. It went through many PoAs unscathed, even boosted and despite this solid draft:


But I'm not sure it would be super interesting to share another draft of mine.

I'm going to adjust my existing draft for Matsuda just in case I get some extra CE shards for the current PoV, so that's slightly more challenging, as I have only about 2/3 of my re-rolls left (and obviously blessings were very different back when I drafted that ^^):


But even then, this wouldn't add much to what we've done before with my CC draft. The pose selection is super restrictive, but it's still going to be "lock the first row and re-roll until you get improvements, rinse and repeat", here.

EDIT: Indeed, it turned out pretty okay:


Still, I don't want to push anyone if they're not up for it. I'd love to renew and hopefully enrich this experience with other people's drafts but not if I'm the only one enjoying myself. ^^


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Just had a draft where I did not find any good sodomy girl :image.png.712161d553b4d58028ec4fa45cc00e5d.png

Locked the 2 sodomy ones (pos 1 and 3) when I had ~20 drafts left and stopped at 8 drafts left when I got the first 2 girls in the second row.

Don't know if there is anything else to add.

Ranked by power, here's what's better in my harem than the first girl :image.png.2b24c0842a6e6e4239dea2f47427001f.png

Edited by mdnoria
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6 hours ago, mdnoria said:

Don't know if there is anything else to add.

Looks good to me, except that you have a HC team, so no way to mitigate damage. If it were me, the girls in 6th and 7th positions wouldn't matter at all, because most fights would be over before their turn.

Is it different in your situation? It's very dependent on how hard the champ hits, whether his girl matches one of the poses in the selection, and how much HP and Defense you have (no LifeSteal vs champs either).

Given the background, it seems to be a CC run against Chad, the HC CC. So, if you've cleared all his girls already, you're facing Kumiko (Missionary) who will hit you for double damage on Rounds #2 and #4 (then #7 and potentially #9 assuming the fights last that long).

You actually have Haruka in your line-up, so you've cleared her for sure. So if you're not back to square one fighting Kumiko yet, then you're up against either Maelyn (Dolphin), so no matching pose for the CC in this case, or Kanaka (Missionary) so just like Kumiko.

So basically, unless you're specifically fighting Maelyn right now, then you're getting hit for double damage twice within the first 5 rounds in a setting where you can't heal or mitigate damage any other way. If that's the case, and you're still consistently getting to Round #7 or more, then I'm genuinely curious of your Chad's tier and level, and any other trick you might have up your sleeve making this possible.

Thanks a lot for sharing in any case.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Btw I totally forgot about this one. Here my draft for the current CC:


As you can see I took care to have a few good CH girls inside. Without a matching pose by Chad, it would not have been worth it, since he does only ~25k damage. But on the 4th attack he has matching dolphin pose, dealing ~70k damage. There reducing it by 40-50k has quite some value. I was playing a bit around with the positions, e.g. putting all 4 CH girls on 3rd+4th position, to have doubled two times a chance for the bonus, while risking that one of them is lost when both girls trigger it. But indeed, somehow my score was in average quite significantly higher with CH girls separated. Probably it makes sense: Two CH in a row does not mean doubled change to have the defence bonus on 4th attack, but raises it only from e.g. 45% to 70%, while loosing one round with bonus in 20% of cases.

With this I'm doing about 2.8M damage in about 20 rounds, which makes me the most effective participating club member today 😮. That is actually surprising ...

Basically I was aiming for 5 >90k girls with either matching pose (3 at least) or CH. Since I was unlucky no getting two good missionaries or any dolphin, I kept the first 4 and Ankyo on 6th locked. And then I did not get something better than two low level matching poses and another good CH. I have now 22 free rolls with 292 girls.

This was with 4 ginseng. With 4 cordys I'm aiming for >100k girls.

Edited by Horsting
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  • 1 month later...

Woah, this draft just gave me 61 rounds and 4.57M Ymen, probably 1.5% with 8M damage or so:


Last/first time it was 45 rounds, AFAIR, with ~3.5M Ymen or so. That champ was freshly awakened, so I'm happy to break new personal records with it. Sadly I have already 75 shards of the girl, as I'd likely be able to get 50 shards or more. He does not have a single matching pose, luckily Sophia is no column girl 😄.

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  • 1 month later...

Next record: 153 rounds, 9.4M Ymen.


Not even a good draft, as I had more good pose-matching girls for all positions, and the three L5 in second row all still level 300 and 4* upgraded. Those maxed and 4 Ginseng would have been interesting.

Regular champs btw have become more difficult in the meantime, so that this half CH tactic does not work so well anymore, only for Romero and Whaty. But especially for Chayotte it still works extremely well, perfect for the "earn money" contest of this CCbC. I wonder why Ezekiel is generally harder to battle, even on lower level. Does Chayotte have lower base stats than the others?

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