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Absolutely, you're all right. 👍

My group in today's daily contest is fairly motivated (current #1 is at well over 1M pts, I'm barely at 170k) and even if I had a good shot at snatching it, it would be by upgrading my 27 recent acquisitions from level 1 to 250. Burning a lot of books and gems to max out Elphiba from 452 to 750 would be far more expensive and less useful for that. Plus, she isn't blessed anytime soon, I have plenty of higher-priority L5s to max out first (and hopefully a certain Blue Mythic in a few hours... 🙏) and I'd rather keep my modest white gem stash for now just in case the next new MD happens to be White.

Plus I have many stronger girls I could draft with this pose. I'm starting to get a bit more concerned with not seeing a single decent Headstand girl yet, when I need at least two of them. But yeah, we're not even halfway through so nowhere near locking weak girls in "better than nothing" mode yet. ^^



Now, what's the play?

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100% (including Bacon's excellent joke ^^ I'll admit I'm not a huge fan of the art from that series, or a fan of pose pics with multiple characters in general, but to me Gwen's final pose is definitely an exception).

I do expect her to end up in 5th place if she stays, as I have plenty of maxed-out L5s as well as the one Mythic with this pose, but given the draft so far I'm more than happy to pick Gwen now.

Moving on...



Now, what's the play?

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So moving stacy in is a nobrainer, as for the rest it would depend on your girlpool. Just how many other girls in gwen's pose would you have access too.
Me personally would still keep Gwen locked in, as her 94 power is really good, and if you just keep rolling you might not get someone at that score again.
As I said earlier, this depends on the availibility of girls, and with that many rolls left, probably will get someone better.
Still; I've had several rolls where I am not able to find a replacement, and thus have ended up with a worce girl in question.

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Yep. A replacement for Gwen wouldn't be bad, but she is strong enough to stay of her own. So if there would a stronger girl appear while the search for the 1st position is going on replacing her is clear, but thanks to rng it could be that no better girl appear for this position so it's better to let her locked.

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mdnoria, you made me chuckle a bit, there. :D

The rest of you, you're absolutely right. Of course I'm very glad to pick Stacy, but I'm also keeping Gwen.

I need two of these, and these are the only good ones I've seen in almost half the draft, now. On top of Stacy, the girls I have who are stronger than Gwen are 6 other maxed-out L5s (I also have the other 4 but they're not ready) and also Royal Housemaid, the only Mythic with Indian Headstand as her pose. That's only 7 possible improvements over Gwen in the 5th spot. It's nice if that happens naturally, but it'd be too risky to let go of Gwen and just count on one of the other 7 showing up at this point.

So now, we have solid picks for spots 2 to 5, at least.

We're still rolling... rolling... rolling on the riiiiver...

Okay, at 69 drafts left Maki showed up, so Gwen is out. Two rolls later, blessed OG Norou showed up to replace Izumi.

Still no decent Congress, though, which isn't great. I'd need at least one great pick as the opener, and a second one for the 6th spot would also be sweet.

Rolling... Alright.


40 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:


Now, what's the play?


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We could stop here because of Agate at first is a little bit weaker than wished, but ok enough. With another matching pose girl for 6th position, a strong girl (without matching pose) for 7th  and the Housemaid for 8th we can run this.

But I would lock Agate for 6th and rerol to get another good girl for 1st place.

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Agreed. This would already be a more than decent draft (I had to boost myself again for league fights, so all the stats went up quite a bit):


But with 64 re-rolls left and the first row still lacking a bit of oomph as the opener, I feel we can safely keep rolling for better. Of course, at this point I'm more than glad to lock OG Agate too: worst-case scenario I don't get anyone stronger and she stays in the first spot. Best-case scenario, one my many better picks for Suspended Congress shows up, and I'll still have Agate handy for a decent 6th spot.

Rolling... Roool-ling...

Very small boost at 38 drafts left, with the arrival of OG Shina:


This would also be just as decent of a draft as the previous one, and I could ask you "what's the play?" now, but I want more. Moooar!

Until... Record scratch!💢 @holymolly jumps in to the tune of Tun tun tuuuuuuuuuun...


Alright, NOW, what's the play, folks? :D 

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6 hours ago, DvDivXXX said:

Again, ONLY the first 5 girls to hit the champ really matter in a champion run. Your RPG min-max background is playing against you in this case, just like it was (or maybe even still is?

Ehm, if this is true in your case, either things radically chance in endgame, or you are doing something wrong. In my case, champion performances usually last several 10 girl rounds, so all girls attack multiple times and hence matter. Of course the first ones matter a little more, as they have a higher chance to attack one more time, but the last ones are probably 2/3 times as important in my usual cases.

But we had that topic elsewhere already: You (all of you) seem to only use matching pose girls, ignoring the fact that some charm girls can dramatically increase the amount of attacks to where your overall damage is multiplied, even when those charm girls are the wrong class to be able to match the post. This tactic allowed me to already now have all 5 L5* girls from Chayotte CC, in the very first month I am able to battle him. And it makes champions (all of them) my major Ymen income with up to 3M Ymen per performance if I am lucky, average above 1M at least.

I remember that you assumption was that those class casts are happening in only about 10% - max 30% of cases, but I think I proved that theory wrong, and instead they happen in 40-50% of cases (the actual shown percentage), which make them an important tactic element, at least equally important than matching poses, i.e. mixing some non-matching charm girls into matching hardcore or knowhow girls increases your overall damage usually by 2 or 3 times, depending on the power of the champion: 

Our Chayotte is about level 210. Charm girls have a 40-50% chance to block his damage two times completely, or most of the damage when he got a matching pose. Knowhow has a chance to heal more than he does damage (again the non-matching pose one). If there is none of one matching pose, the battle can last very long (50 attacks or so) with a good combination or CH-KH-CH-HK-... alternating, while it lasts much less with KH only. More than doubled amount of attacks with average single damage reduced to 75% (half matching pose girls exchanged with CH) means overall at least 1.5x more damage. Only if he has 3 or more matching poses, his damage is so high that I cannot stand for a whole round, i.e. the relative effect of CH becomes less relevant, and I go for matching class girls only then.

Is it probably normal in pure endgame clans and max level champs that they do SO much damage, that the CH defence bonus or KH healing casts do not have a relevant effect anymore?

Edited by Horsting
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13 minutes ago, Horsting said:

Edited by Horsting

Damn, I'm so torn right now. ^^ I'm very glad you're showing up, even though you're arriving just about at the tail-end of this collective draft. But you came with a wall of serious text that will require more of my brain cells to be awake than I have on hand right now (I'm pretty tired and this was turning into a fun little game I'm actually enjoying ^^). I really want to read your post and answer you seriously, but it might have to wait for tomorrow.

In the meantime, would you care to do the honors for what may (or may not) be the final "what's the play, now" of this draft? 🙏

PS: If anyone else feels like taking over with a draft of their own after that, I'm game. ❤️ 

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I think your champs are not near this

Our Club-Champ is like this: image.thumb.png.dc4fedcc3bfbf45a120025de99e50d12.png


@DvDivXXX Change 1st and 6th and go on to kick the Champs ass 😉

Edit: Oh, yes, Epic Bacon was right. With the aditional reaction to Horsting I had only looked for 1st/6th, but sure, the other matching pose to 7th and the 100K+ girl at 8th.

Edited by bolitho76
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20 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:

I really want to read your post and answer you seriously, but it might have to wait for tomorrow.

All good, it really seems to be an early+midgame vs endgame difference, but for up to midgame players at least an important aspect to overcome Ymen shortage until selling equipment gives relevant amounts.

20 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:

"what's the play, now" of this draft? 🙏

Ah right, sorry for breaking the game 😅. Exchanging slot 1 and 6, of course, then reroll. If it was my Chayotte, I would exchange 3 with 7 as well, according to my previous post, but probably in your case that is a bad idea.

19 minutes ago, bolitho76 said:

I think your champs are not near this

Indeed, normal (non-matching pose) damage 2-3 times KH healing degrades this cast effect to a little nice to have, but not relevant compared to own matching poses. The healing effect is the same for all girls, based on own harmony, AFAIK. The CH defence bonus is based on the individual girl's (shown) defence, tripling it moreless (or precisely?). Is this a 15550 or 13330 or 15350 something like that I see there? So this would mean CH cast gives 2x about +30k defence, again not really relevant against 90k damage. This is basically what I see if the champ has a matching pose, or matching pose + HK damage bonus. So yeah, in this case, sadly, these class cast effects loose their relevancy 😢.

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38 minutes ago, bolitho76 said:

@DvDivXXX Change 1st and 6th and go on to kick the Champs ass 😉

Edited by bolitho76

Ah! ^^ GMTA. I was about to post this when you edited that line: And by "go on" you ofc mean "what a great draft; stop rolling and go blast Chayotte's face off for the glory of your Club, now!" (and the amazing single affection item that's in it for you ^^)

27 minutes ago, EpicBacon said:

I would be perfectly fine with Norou in 1st; Shina to 6th, the 93k kh girl to 7th, 147k charm to 8th, 93k hc to 9th and the 83k to 10th

Absolutely. I'm also perfectly fine with this very strong draft. ^^


22 minutes ago, Horsting said:

Exchanging slot 1 and 6, of course, then reroll. If it was my Chayotte, I would exchange 3 with 7 as well, according to my previous post, but probably in your case that is a bad idea.

That, and also I only have 18 re-rolls left, the first row is basically as strong as it can get, and the odds of improving the second row are basically nil. The 5th and 6th spot have pretty decent girls with matching poses, followed by the top girl of the week on dot com (in a tie with Atina, technically) then two decent fillers before going back to the Norou team upstairs. I'm not re-rolling that. ^^

22 minutes ago, Horsting said:

All good, it really seems to be an early+midgame vs endgame difference, but for up to midgame players at least an important aspect to overcome Ymen shortage until selling equipment gives relevant amounts.

It really seems so, and if that's indeed the case then your min-maxing at your current stage of the game and with the current power level of your champs must definitely make sense (even though, spoiler alert: it won't last forever ^^) and without even reading your serious wall of text detailing why and how, I feel safe trusting you that it does and also admitting that I was shortsighted in this case. I should have known you're not one to min-max for min-maxing's sake, so since it looked that way to me, I should have been looking for what I had been missing instead of assuming you were doing it wrong.

Very sorry about that, actually. In hindsight it makes sense and I must confess that I haven't really experienced champions in particular or checked the new-player experience in general for myself in awhile. So it seems that I've lost touch with a few things since my last "new player" experiment. I hate being out of touch, but I'm glad you helped me noticing it so I can take a fresh look at what it's like for players of your "generation" instead of giving you guys my grandpa style advice that's not relevant to you (yet). :$


Alright folks, this has been pretty fun, at least for me. Thanks a lot to everyone for participating and for all the good vibes and well-placed jokes. ❤️

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This was a nice side activity for sure, thanks @DvDivXXX for organizing :)

I'm still not completely sold on the move when we discarded Venus as our current 7th slot is weaker than we had back then but I guess it makes sense because the last stage was basically rerolling to change the weakest part of 1st row so we could get the strongest 6 and whatever the rest would be.

By the way, one more thing I sometimes do, is when I have a pretty decent team already I'll go for 1 fight to see how many rounds the fight will take. It can change my approach a bit, as some fights can end on the 4th round, so I just start ignoring the 2nd row completely. So depending on the champion, that 7th girl could be valueable, or completely redundant :D 

The game also does a terrible job at making me feel like I need to REALLY optimize my champion teams XD


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I'm quite sad I lost this fun game yesterday, I do not know how or why but I did not even get notified of the ping you made, @DvDivXXX. Nice post, though.

12 ore fa, garadron ha scritto:

By the way, one more thing I sometimes do, is when I have a pretty decent team already I'll go for 1 fight to see how many rounds the fight will take. It can change my approach a bit, as some fights can end on the 4th round, so I just start ignoring the 2nd row completely. So depending on the champion, that 7th girl could be valueable, or completely redundant :D 

This is a core part of my strategy as well

Edited by Antimon
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It was bound to happen ^^


But thank you both! Much appreciated.

And this was just one draft. If anyone else feels like sharing one of their own in the same way, I'm all for it. Ideally someone in a fairly different situation than mine, so we get to explore more variety and nuances depending on the player's available girl pool, number of re-rolls, and how weak or strong their champs (and their hero/account) are.

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