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  2. @Ich42 Are you asking how to calculate the laby power? If so, use this formula: Total Power = ceil(Ego + 7.5 * (Attack + Defence) + 0.625 * Speed) @EpicBacon That's interesting information. It helped me with my today's tests. I was checking how much opponent's skills/roles are nerfed (I don't remember anyone giving exact numbers). I noticed some abnormality when I was observing Sexomancer's skill. 1.mp4 Justine's skill didn't work at all and it wasn's just a visual bug. I looked through the json response and found out the reason. Skill works fine, the problem is that girl's initial ego is negative. Have you observed similar problems when you were testing sexomancer skill with your girls? After taking into account the effects of this bug, the results are as follows: I checked also fluffer role and submissive skill. Opponent's fluffer heal for 5% of her Attack Power. Fully skilled submissive girl heal 2% of Ego. I'm not sure if it scales like with player's girls or if it's fixed value.
  3. Yesterday
  4. We are moving to team-selection-based PVP domination game - so stats before cosmetics. Boobz.. hips.. She is M6 Shield for Aries team - and make it almost complete. That is matters
  5. Imagine she's rotating very fast on herself so the centrifugal force makes her tits fly 😀
  6. Sadly, new Mythics are quickly losing the exciting factor due to the art quality decline. They have a good artist to work on them who made M6 Ananke. They also have a pretty good artist who kinda reminds me of Ben's style, who most recently did Summoner Mercy. They have Toon Dude who can make a good M6 - Elphiba. Same story with Venus who made a pretty great Esme. But instead we get this flying tit:
  7. I'm finishing here. Could get the book rewards at 24k but I don't feel like wasting CP or babysitting champions for this so I'm good
  8. Some points will be added to this score, but nothing what would me bring near the next reward. I don't need theese Orbs to gain more Girls (have more shards in MyPx3/6 Orbs than the Girls I can gain from MyP would need) and even they are nice amounts of points for a Pachinko Contest, I save my ressources for the next ME.
  9. I reached what I wanted and the same result as the last LR :
  10. When a Sexomancer revives a target, the ego restored on the revivee will be the same as the current ego on the Sexomancer. So keeping sexomances in the mid or backline will keep them safe, and able to revive with higher ego.
  11. If anyone wanted to know, she has the pleasurelock role.
  12. I used the method DuDeLok showed or my text / pictures. It is important to use the automatic assign.
  13. She was also in PoG last month so chances of her another revival are really slim.
  14. Ok Mythic Ruse is now visible.
  15. I just took the extra path on the ME. It's the first time that I'm getting the 4th girl on a ME
  16. It's presumably supposed to be on New Cenabum, world 3: https://nutaku.comixharem.com/world/3 That's why if you try to go to that world you get error message "Trying to load non-existent game data for recruit: 150867150"
  17. I would get her now. She's a DP Girl so outside from Labyrinth shop there is no other place to get shards for her for sure.
  18. should i get her now,, or try RNG for another 5✩✩✩✩✩ Girl?
  19. Got the message that I have to beat Grey golem to get Mythic Ruse but when I click on the window to show me the girl and the button linking to Grey golem all I see is the background without the girl animation, her stats ot the button that takes me to Grey Golem so I can fight him. When I try to go there via Adventures window it shows an error and the New Cenabum map does not show. So Is this some glitch that can be fixed or is there a more serious problem with the event. On a related note the new Event (like the event in Hentai Heroes - Minx Club) at the begining of the month is also not visible (if there is one this month due to reasons stated in the patch notes) All that is visible is Sultry mysteries and the bugged Mythic days. There are also no event missions in the Activities window, just normal Daily missions.
  20. On ne peut pas aller sur la mission mythique cela commence à faire beaucoup de bug non résolu il pourrait faire un site qui fonctionne
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