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  1. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla Et c'est comme ça que tu à atteins la maitrise d'un scénario de pointe =)
    4 points
  2. Pas vraiment hors sujet. Une centaine de points d'énergie dépensée pour du "bla bla bla". Sur le moment j'avais trouvé ça exagéré. J'ai pas créé de topic car de toute façon Kinkoid s'en bat les couilles de notre avis et qu'on a l'habitude de se faire enculer avec des coûts en énergie ou Ymen exorbitants, mais ce topic est loin d'être hors-sujet...
    3 points
  3. Hi, I'm still pretty new to the game as well (in fact, newer than you, even), so please take my advice with a grain of salt. If a veteran could answer as well, I would certainly be very interested in their answer too. Still, since I've started playing, I've been reading the wiki and FAQs a lot, and this has helped me a lot. I'll answer based on the notions I gathered from my research as well as my own experience. First, another way to spend kobans that you didn't mention is to upgrade a girl's Attraction (instead of using tons of Ymens). I did it very early on for my starting battle team, when it was relatively cheap and I had more kobans than gold. I wouldn't say I regret it, exactly, because it helped me advance in the game, but I no longer do that, even when it means I have to wait for days on end to upgrade a girl. In the long run I think it's much better to use in-game money than kobans on this, and it should be easier to do over time as your Harem's income increases. NEVER: 0. Collect money Just don't do that, ever. Either invest €3 a month in the game to get this option as an unlimited feature (and a good deal of extra koban income), or always click each girl manually. If you're F2P, you really really can't afford to throw kobans out the window just to save a few clicks. If you're not F2P, this feature won't cost you kobans anyway. 0. Update market That's another thing I don't think is ever worth paying for. The market updates itself for free 3 times a day (if I counted right), and you're rarely going to need or be able to afford all it has to offer, let alone more. 0. Update arena enemies Similar thing. You already get 3 new opponents every 30 minutes, which is a lot (especially compared to energy or combativity refill rates). Even if you won all the time (which you definitely wouldn't, because of the Mojo system), the rewards from 3 extra arena fights are not worth 24 kobans on average. Even worse, using this feature would only accelerate your Mojo gain, and you'd reach opponents too strong for you even quicker. 0. Refill league fights Unless you're going to be offline for a few days and you still really really want to play out all your fights for that week, I don't see the point in doing that, because you have a limited number of total fights in the league anyway. For instance, the current league will be over in a few hours, and when it ends, I will have fought my 3 fights against 95 out of the other 100 players in my league (just by using my free attacks regularly). At my level, at the very least, paying 200 kobans or so just to get the few extra fights would be a net loss even if I finished 1st! 0. Champion Fight I don't think this is worth it either, probably even less later on, because each Champion has a separate timer, so you should almost always have one available to use your tickets on eventually. I unlocked the feature recently, so I only have Romero to fight so far. I'm really okay waiting 24 hours between 2 stages, even if I end up missing out on 3 daily tickets every once in a while. Every time he becomes available again, I need to spend a bunch of tickets to advance to the next stage anyway, so there's no rush. I know I'll unlock the goodies from the Champions eventually, so I'd rather spend kobans on other things than slightly speeding up this process. 0. Energy Refill Just check the Wiki: the first few worlds are more or less reasonable (they still take quite a while), but from World 5 or 6 onward, they each require a truckload of energy to churn through. You only get 200 free energy a day if you spend it on time (barring +10 here and there from leveling up, which will happen less and less often as you go), which is peanuts. But an energy refill gives you +100, which is unfortunately also peanuts, and it costs you about 250 kobans or so? You need thousands to finish just one world... Sure, it also boosts your XP, and helps you reach certain girls and bosses quicker, but I really don't think it's worth it at all. Patience is key in this game, especially if you don't have tons of kobans. 0. Epic Pachinko (Draft) See _shal_'s answer above. Draft is only slightly better for the girl pick if you have bad RNG on average, but the x10 option is always much better value overall (you get 9 items, including 3 guaranteed legendaries, on top of the girl) and is also a lot better with just decent RNG (you either keep the first girl and save 600 kobans compared to Draft, or you reroll and your odds are the same overall). Having said that, I think that when you're low level, investing in Pachinko in general (especially the ones that cost kobans) isn't really worth it, because the items you get are of your current level when you get them, so they become outdated very quickly. For instance, I hit a wonderful Legendary (rainbow) vest when I was Level 22, and it served me well for a while, but now that I'm more than twice that level, the item became so bad that I scrapped it for a bit of gold. When you reach a certain level, maybe 150 or 200, where you don't level up every day anymore, great items should last you much longer. Which brings me to... GOOD, BUT UP TO A POINT: 3. Epic Pachinko (10 Pulls) This is still very RNG and pretty costly (especially if you're F2P or on a budget), but it seems like a pretty good bang for your koban compared to most other options. As I said above, I think you can get a lot more value out of it when you're at a higher level, at least from the items, and they're a pretty important part of the deal. You could get very lucky and roll a high-quality 5-star girl for your specialty (or one great enough to make you change your specialty), but in general it's still pretty high risk. There's a ton of girls in the pool, and many of them only go up to 3 stars, two thirds of them won't match your specialty anyway, and all of them cost a lot of in-game currency to level up before you can get a good value out of them. Just having a girl, even an epic or a legendary, doesn't do much until you invest resources on her. GREAT WHEN THE STARS ALIGN: 2. Club Upgrade It obviously depends a lot on your club, and your own level and position in the game. The club upgrades seem like awesome benefits to all members, but it's only worth it if you're going to stay in the club for a long time, and if everyone in the club is at least roughly on the same page. When you're low level, you most likely won't find an open spot in a very advanced club, and you won't have a lot of resources to contribute to the club at least initially. I haven't even unlocked this feature yet, but when I do, I plan on taking it slow until I'm high level enough to really make it count. 1. Refill Combativity Again, I agree with _shal_'s answer above. This seems like the best way to spend kobans in general, at least in the right circumstances and when you have enough to spend. I'd seriously consider doing this when there's a good quality 5-star girl matching my specialty available in a boss battle I have access to during a limited time event, and only near the end if I'm reasonably close to unlocking her with my free attacks before I start to invest in refills. For instance, in the current event, if you've been playing for a month, you most likely only have access to the 2 new legendaries, and maybe Mynx if you've already reached Donatien. Those girls all max out at only 3 stars, so I wouldn't consider it worth it, at least from a competitive standpoint. To give a counter example, if I had access to Donatien, during the previous event when Travel Gwenaëlle was unlockable through him, then I would have gone for it, because I'm Know-How and she's a great 5-star Know-How Epic. Instead, I settled for getting Travel Kalissa, a 3-star Rare, during that event (for free, thankfully, I didn't need any refill); that's better than nothing, but not quite comparable imho. That's it from me. I hope this helps, and again, if a veteran passes by and would like to correct or complete my answer, it would be much appreciated. Good luck, have fun!
    3 points
  4. Such a pessimistic way of looking at it. In my eyes at any point during the process a 100 shard drop is better than any of the other rewards. If it is early on, you get a cheap and fast girl. If it is midway through, you still save time and you get a bunch of free stuff with it. If it is late on, you still get a lot of free epic flowers. The alternative is always that it takes even longer (not getting to 100 shards with that drop), or a minimal amount of flowers instead of close to 100. Conclusion; there is never a bad time to get a 100 shard drop. The people who think so are not looking rationally at the situation.
    2 points
  5. Mon nombre de x100 s'élève à zéro fois , je ne suis même pas sûr que ça existe. 😆
    2 points
  6. Avec l'ancien système j'ai dépenser 37 000 kobans pour une fille .... bah je l'ai toujours pas tandis qu'avec ce nouveaux système aux maximum 5 000 kobans une fille
    2 points
  7. Bonjour, voilà une semaine que le nouveau système de scores en ligue a été implémenté dans le jeu. Je vous invite à partager vos impressions, ici-bas Après une système, on remarque que des joueurs ayant 100 % de victoires peuvent sortir du top 15 pas génial, on ne récompense plus du tout les performances, mais celui qui sera boosté h24. Le nouveau système entraîne aussi des comportements qui étaient assez rares en temps normal. Des personnes qui sont boostés h24, il y en a de plus en plus en plus dans les ligues. De plus, nous pouvons noter que les petits niveaux pour se maintenir à un classement assez potable doivent se booster en permanence pour prendre quelques points de plus sur des joueurs plus faibles. Chose qu’avec l’ancien système était impensable. Normalement, les boosters doivent servir à battre des joueurs étant plus fort et pas gratter des points sur des petits, c’est la première fois que je vois ça dans un jeu. En conclusion, le nouveau système de scores est horrible, laissant place à la RNG. Pour être performant il faut être boostés h24... Il ne récompense plus les performances des joueurs, mais ceux étant boostés. Le pire selon moi, c’est que vous créer encore un faussé entre les joueurs ayant de gros niveaux et les plus petits, car il ne sera plus possible pour un joueur plus faible de faire un bon classement en ligue... Vous avez réussi à encore faire diminuer les récompenses de ligues... Je vous laisse donner vos avis, mais dans le respect de l’autre.
    1 point
  8. Hey @DvDivXXX, thank you for the work you put into your post. It will help me a lot and i appriciate it! The like from @_shal_ seems to confirm your opinions. Thanks and greetings, HerrKnilch
    1 point
  9. Almost straight after writing this I got Lapsey with a x100 jackpot in my Peregrine Took account (posted in the Epic Days thread). I changed from green to slightly flushed red with relief, but very lustful of this beauty in chains I couldn't wait to upgrade. Wow! Having done so, she is the first girl I got where I can honestly say her 1, 2 and 3 star poses are as good as the first. At least, that's my view. I keep saying it ad nauseum, but well done artists. You just keep getting better and better. I managed to get the twins in this account, but haven't enough gifts and cash to upgrade beyond their (her) first star although she's ready to upgrade to the second. I did this in the normal way by bribing her with kobans.
    1 point
  10. journée épique terminée.. mes 11000 kobans economises y sont passés mais plus rentable que PE.. 4 filles obtenues soient 2 « gratuites »..😎😎
    1 point
  11. I would actually say the easiest way to give suggestions without being judged is by sending a aupport ticket under a feedback header disguising your idea as feedback.
    1 point
  12. Dans le dernier Fire Emblem sorti le mois dernier... Voici Dorothea !
    1 point
  13. I bumped him down from 4th to 5th 😅
    1 point
  14. Doing things 101: Step 1 - Start doing it.
    1 point
  15. @Foreros And you again you drive a thread into offtopic. Have a big suggestion - make a thread for it and don't go full drama if someone disagrees. Want to REALLY help - CREATE a thread for collection of "answered requests" and maintain it.
    1 point
  16. I would say that there is more strategy in knowing when to say the current group of girls is good enough than simply letting it start and reset your 20+ rerolls (which is my current number) to use the minimum number of tickets.
    1 point
  17. The relevant people won't find it when they explore the forum, same as when some players fail to find the already existing FAQs on other topics
    1 point
  18. Who thinks that the affection system is terrible? This is really stupid especially with Legendary Days. I think the Devs should just take it out and do something to increase the chances of getting the Event Girls and Legendary Girls. It's pathetic how this system is. Ridiculous? Yes! I only have 2 legendary Girls while others have above me like 5 Legendary Girls or 3, 4, 6, or even 8. This time it's Ombresse which some will get because they have like above 5,000 kobans which they can waste and buy back. I hate this system. At first I loved it because it was going to be easy to get the girls and see how I progress but now I really hate it. Take this affection system out and put something else to make it easy to get these girls and bring back the previous Legendary Girls back so those of us with less Legendary Girls can have a chance at least. Ps. Make these Legendary Days for 5 days not 3 days.
    1 point
  19. It has been a long time since I had a fall of 100 fragments but What a Great Surprise, in addition to obtaining many flowers.
    1 point
  20. Wow! Congratulations! That's awesome! Now go pull the same with twins! Honestly, it kind of feels good that at least some people get 100 drops in this events. Well, maybe because I already got whoever I wanted.
    1 point
  21. I'm currently battling the Dark Lord for legendary Lapsey in these epic days, and have used most of my kobans to fight 5 10x battles and 8 1x battles to gain only 3 attraction points, some cash, and around 4 champion tickets. The devs have made these Epic Days a kick in the balls to anyone who is trying to play this as the free game that was presented to us. My club members are talking about paying the $10 subscription all the time, so I know you're making money. My time is a commodity, too, and should be considered by you greedy corporate shills. Remember from whence you came.
    1 point
  22. Sorry, haha! My lips (and fingers) are sealed from now on. Insane luck? I'll say! I should start a thread asking people if they've had similar luck. Anyway, I've just had another bit of luck... Here we go again!! If I were to divide the incidence of this occurring by 6 (number of accounts I'm running) I reckon I'd still be doing well. Oh well, no need to spend kobans trying to get this lovely in Peregrine Took so it's onto the twinnies. I might even get both. -------------------------------------------------------------- I should've added, the 'battles' were done individually, not x10 to get x43 shards.
    1 point
  23. Wait a second. You had 43 shard in one round of 20 battles? That's insane luck! Did you do those battles in one go(x10) or one after the other? Oh, and please never mention that donut again. I'm not superstitious, but after the last time you did it in a Subnautica event I spend 5 days trying to get a single shard drop and it seems for you that event was even more harsh.
    1 point
  24. @Foreros Just as a fyi: "capping" a boss is not endgame "capping" a boss does not limit character investment "capping" a boss does not actually stop you from wanting to battle same boss again - far from it "capping" a boss is not a problem Additionally, your observation skills might note that: You did more than just provide newbie feedback. You argued for a change without spending more time playing. Maybe - just maybe - others might have a good reason to disagree with you. Agreed. As you say, if you want to discuss anyone's reaction and offense you could open another thread for it.
    1 point
  25. mauvaise idée selon moi. la récolte avec le pvp c'est les seule choses qui font la différence entre un joueur actif et les autres.
    1 point
  26. Oh my God!! What a score. I've just turned green and angry-looking!
    1 point
  27. Good job, but maybe you should have a look at the first post of this thread and read when the contest ended...
    1 point
  28. Bon ça y est c'est fait ! Les tableaux des filles sont tous maj pour mettre les stats du lvl max soit 500. Voilà c'est tout, bon jeu et bon loot ! Laissez-moi les x100 un peu !!
    1 point
  29. Hello person who has not explored the forum very well. There is several FAQ topics in the Q&A subsection of the forum. In it you will find several things, like a mention of the bosses having a max level. Here's a link to that specific section And frankly, if you haven't played enough to notice that there is a cap, you likely aren't equipped to provide feedback about the type of game this is, since you've barely experienced it. In order to not waste the developers time (not that we think they read this thread anymore), please try and become more familiar with the game before trying to suggest features.
    1 point
  30. je viens d'avoir ma première défaite en ligue depuis le nouveau système donc je l'avais pas remarqué avant. j'ai gagné 13 points en ayant perdu wtf? c'est n'importe quoi, quasiment autant que si je gagne ( 16 points la victoire ) Je trouve ça complétement absurde.
    1 point
  31. There isnt any idle mode like FapTitans has. The idle mode is ALWAYS aktive. Idle = DPS when you compare them. Even the Idle mode of FapTitans is new.
    1 point
  32. Life is hard.
    1 point
  33. Yeah, the story is going to take you a while. Energy costs per world and per scroll will increase. Max cost for one scene is about 30 energy. Anyway, it is a long term thing to complete. P.S. it is better to ask question in the QA Questions Answers subforum instaed of general discussion. That's where these kind of threads belong.
    1 point
  34. That was a total bum out!! I failed to finish the last five daily missions because I lost the internet until today. I really wanted Talila, but no. With some difficulty I did manage to take part in the Sexy Journey revival and got Travel Gwenaelle in every account (I was cursing not getting her in Pachinko last year and was rapt that HH reassigned her to a boss this time).. Oh well, I managed to go through mobile data when I eventually got my act together, but it was a bummer all the same. It also means I'm down on the koban count for the upcoming Epic Days (?). Using my mobile phone to play Hentai Heroes is less than ideal. My fingers are too fat! Blow it, I thought - I'll just tether my computer to my hotspot phone and play it that way. It only goes to prove just how addicted to this game I've become! Congrats to all those who did well in the event and my commiserations to those who didn't. I managed to get Princess Kaleda in 5 of my 6 accounts, plus one x100 jackpot for Aria, as well as Zeina in two accounts so that wasn't too bad for only 7 of the twelve days. Re. the girls... These were pretty sexy with some out-there affection scenes of the girls I did manage to get. I'm impressed just how much the HH artists are advancing in their skills. They now know how to draw girls with sexy, perky little boobs (like Zeina's, for instance) and they offer a diverse, real-world alternative to the massive mammaries that obsess most of the game developers (and their players). Oh, one last thing... I discovered that Hentai Heroes is thankfully not a big user of data (mobile or otherwise) so that was a real plus.
    1 point
  35. I understand your satisfaction with the game as it is now. Yes, I am well aware of other games, but you misunderstand my intent by offering suggestions. I am not attempting to force anything on anyone or force any game change. I am offering ideas which could be used, or not, as the dev team sees fit.
    1 point
  36. We are truly blessed that you've never paid into the game, because I can't imagine how much more pompous your displays of self-importance would be if you had. Lots of paying players in your new club, you can start organizing your boycott movement there.
    1 point
  37. Au rugby avec les points bonus et défensif possible d'être devant une équipe ayant un perfect mais qui n'as eu ses victoires que sur le fil sans trop d'essais. Mais oui'le'fait qu'il y ai trop de joueurs boostés en permanence, jen suis sinon tu te fais laminer, cela entraîne également un souci au niveau de l'arène. Pour le repère je m'en tape je m'en occupe pas. Perso je préfère ce nouveau système par rapport a l'ancien même si il est pas parfait Si justement cela recompense la performance puisque plus de points quand tu fais un bon combat, néanmoins les boosts sont devenu trop important il devrait etre plus limité en puissance ou en quantité, mais bon vu que c'est une source de revenus pour les kk je doute que cela change, vu qu'il y moins de rush. J'aime bien l'idée, un bonus conséquent an cas de perfect en fin de ligue ou un petit bonus si tu fais 3v contre un joueur. Et peut-etre revoir a la baisse les bonus lié a lego restant Autre point positif beaucoup moins de cas d'égalité. On pourrait les supprimer
    1 point
  38. "Up to snuff" doesn't have to mean "matching your own level". A common girl with max affection and okay level will normally contribute much more with matching position than a "strong girl" that doesn't match. So in fact common and rare girls are your champion workhorses till you reach the stage of the game where you can shower epics and legendaries with affection upgrades. And even then the difference between a common and an epic girl isn't anything dramatic. My harem is currently at about 60% of my level and I feel like I'm doing just fine with champions. The first 100 levels are cheap, common girl xp is very cheap, rare girl xp is quite cheap, common and rare girls comprise the bulk of young characters' harems, the champions system actually provides means for players to earn a lot more money than we used to. And we're building up affection of our common and rare girls to get more cash anyways.
    1 point
  39. the girls from champions should be sth special. its not like legendary girls where everybody who started an account a few days ago can get her. so higher difficultys should be a good thing. and yes they get later pretty tough but for that u just need to save some more tickets and u still can do it for free. so i dont see any problem with that. champions dont run anwhere, so there is no rush for it
    1 point
  40. The attraction system is unlikely to go away, presently the best a player can hope for, is to have the maximum dropped shard amount increased.
    1 point
  41. 0 points
  42. I might have refilled the bar at least once. I always wondered why players on the list have 3/3 next to their names and I had not dueled them. I used the x/15 fights instead of the single fights. I only stayed at the top over the weekend and come Monday I dropped down the list. I kept up fighting and after all the 3/3 slots were filled I no longer had a fight button. My complaint about this is I did not fight everyone on the list because fighting a 200+ opponent gave so little in return. I did attack fight able opponents more than the three times and got points for them. There is nothing that says you can't fight someone more than three times. I did not buy any kobans for these fights. Kobans are better used for trying to get a girl since they are almost impossible to get now unless you have the big bucks for the Pachinko.
    0 points
  43. Oh que si. Et bien ils devraient mieux jouer car personnellement je gagne bien plus de filles depuis que ce système est en place.
    0 points
  44. I'll say you're doing well. I still have the grand total of 0 100 shard drops. 0, none, not a single one. 😑
    0 points
  45. Vraiment j'avais avec peu de kobans( environ 1500) 3 filles . Et ce n'est pas que j'avais grave de la chance c'etait le cas pour la majorité des joueurs (bien que des fois ça arrive de pas avoir de chance c'est normal). De plus, plus tas de filles de l'event moins tas de chance d'en drop une d'ou la limite de 3 filles et le fait que tes dépensé 37 000 kobans (au passage soit tas beaucoup d'argent ou de temps à dépenser soit tes un pigeon ou les deux MDR mais bon je juge pas)
    0 points
  46. in front of the club building. Hentai Heroes 589919
    0 points
  47. I haven't fought everyone - mostly only those near to my own ego. Sexpert two is stacked full of those higher egos than mine. I have fought those nearest me more than once. Let me guess- you fight everyone once and the point totals determine the winner. The number 1 on this list is a very high player that when I fought him gave me few points for losing. The math of this website is certainly screwy.
    0 points
  48. Hello, everyone! The issue is purely visual. Although the last 4-hour progression cannot be seen, it is used for the reward calculation.
    0 points
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