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Everything posted by Gambit126

  1. "Would you show how you touch yourself? Would you invite the two androids to join?" Yes and yes, as many times as I can till I am exhausted. HH ID 949887
  2. I got Travel Gwenaelle yesterday. With less than nine hours left in event I don't see myself getting Travel Kalissa unless I get extremely lucky and so far the only luck I've has has been pretty bad. Can't even remember last hundred shard drop and I've only had two anyway, with none from free tries.
  3. Currently sitting on 90/100 for Travel Gwen. Not looking good for getting both girls and not even gonna mess with EvP (luck there is very bad) and way too many girls in EpP to even try for an event girl even if I had the kobans to spend. Drop rates lousy for me for this event, even with 20 extra tries from league.
  4. I know it's not a myth cause I have had a couple, but never with free tries. Last one was a while back so people are saying I'm due. Not happening yet. But I keep trying.
  5. How about a bouncy house on the Earth's moon? HH 949887
  6. Everyone keeps telling me I'm due for a 100 shard drop, but it has yet to happen for me with free tries. Anyway, I started out going for Aria, but nothing was dropping. Switched to Princess Kaleda and things went better and got her at about the halfway point with an unrelated refill. Been working on Aria again and at 68% now. Hoping this post gives me better luck, maybe that elusive 100 shard drop.
  7. Gambit126

    Ideas Main

    Please, please, please add a confirmation when something is sold in the market or at least allow us to lock items so we cannot sell them. I lost a very hard won monostat gear accidentally because of not having this.
  8. Yeah, it seems I somehow misread the patch notes, so 3 is minimum if you get totally thrashed and get no bonus. On the other hand it seems even finishing a win with more ego than you started with, by virtue of healing from reassurance, does not get you the over 100% ego bonus. Intentional or bug, idk.
  9. My first was Albane from Matsuda, followed by Lissa a few days later and finally Dameda from Romero on the 7th try. Would have loved to have gotten Any from Visor on his first stage 5 but it was not to be, and he is the toughest champ to beat with all those matching poses. Murane has eluded me four times so far and I haven't even gotten to stage 5 on Alban yet, so no 5* girls for me so far.
  10. ❤️Talila - just love those big ... eyes, yeah eyes, that's it. HH ID 949887
  11. What a coincidence. That's where I finished last season in my D3 league. Not sticking around this season. Not sure how far I want to drop yet. One thing's for sure my leveling is going to slow. Heck, I think my entire game is going to slow down.
  12. Sounds to me like it's capped at 100%
  13. I managed a second place finish in D2 last season, since P1 was taken almost immediately. So far this season in D3, I have decided not to demote. Need the XP too much. Gotta keep leveling. It's been tough choosing players I can defeat and still do well with Champs and arena, but so far so good. We'll see how it goes.
  14. Could not agree more. It was last May for me. This anniversary event holds absolutely no interest for me.
  15. 😮Geekette looks like fun anywhere, even the beach. HH ID 949887
  16. 1) Cori2) Bitch3) Hornita4) Val Mavin5) Val Mala HH ID 949887
  17. Please speak up if you've gotten equipment of your class from the chumps.
  18. Gambit126

    Ideas Main

    Don't you think it's about time to upgrade the revival item set to legendary.
  19. How can I compare thee to a Summers' day... HH 949887
  20. Finished 16th in D3 last season. Was really hoping to hang on to a top 15 finish, as I was top 10 most of the season, but it just wasn't meant to be. Looks like I'll be heading down to D2, possibly even D1, depending on how it looks in D2. It was fun swimming with the big fishes for a few seasons, but way to expensive to remain. Just have to wait and see how it goes.
  21. D3 this season with 107 players. Highest lvl is Cadmos at 395. Congrats to ChocoBN, who took first. BananaJoy took second. Both with perfect scores.
  22. After seeing this distribution, it seems to me, that the devs either favor hardcore or dislike know-how. In either case, it doesn't seem like a fair distribution to me. Thank you for putting it all together though. Much appreciated.
  23. D3 with 107 players this season Top lvl 385 are Bananajoy and SonyaVixen
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