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Everything posted by natstar

  1. Hello, if your experiencing this bug i suggest opening a bug report in game by going to settings then support and create a ticket select bug report. subject - talk about losing your awakening for girls you can link any screenshots you have when you opened the ticket as well.
  2. Whatever they think will make the most money should be getting priority or would have gotten better market a long time ago.
  3. You can go to your harem page to type the current club champ girl's name in to see how many shards that you have collected sometimes you don't get the shard pop up.
  4. It was catch em all most likely changed it for being called out on that on discord since you cannot catch em all no matter how much you spend due to some patreon girls being limited to 1 person it's impossible unless you work for kinkoid to get them all. It was a copy of pokemon's catch em all as well so surprised they got away with that.
  5. Seen this suggested before in other places maybe might happen if they can get around to upgrading clubs only change we got since clubs were added was the club champion.
  6. The second one under adventure where you spend your energy hero academy.
  7. What they need to do is put him in charge of game design then people don't need a third party script.
  8. Not yet, but i could see them doing it when they remake the market since would only do it if it makes them more money and already had it on the last survey.
  9. Open a ticket to support or just copy and paste a new long random letter and number password you will not remember when changing your password.
  10. I think it's better if we don't say how good pov is or rewards might get nerfed.
  11. Thanks, i just hope that changes are made before it ends. I am annoyed that mythic days ended before the new pov started as well, since we could have gotten a lot of points just from that event alone. If you like the suggestion in the other post above then can you can suggest that to them as well.
  12. This would have been a good pov to merge the pachinko pov into and they could have given points for finishing missions and accepting places of power rewards with this one since it's pve lol
  13. I think the villain mythic booster works.
  14. You have to equip the booster just like equipping a item however the booster does not get removed until used up.
  15. Yes, Once you equip the booster they have a limited number of uses that get used up when you do what they are used for.
  16. A missed chance to show if people were using boosters or not for people not using the script.
  17. If you already had a lot of hentaiclicker girls that saves you kobans every month due to getting the girl without having to do pvp which is a advantage over people without them since they need to spend kobans on league refreshing even with some saved kisses. The last survey stated that they plan even more events every month so unless they replace old events with new ones everyone that is not paying every month will be losing more kobans they make per month.
  18. Did you make the other account with same email address? if yes Settings --> support --> create a ticket tell them you already have an account with same email address but you cannot claim the reward for the cunt wars promo.
  19. Keomi took 24 single orbs did that after hollymolly said he got penda with just 5 mythic pachinko orbs.
  20. Settings --> support --> create a ticket report it as a bug they can check it out on their end to see if its working or not. you might get compensation if it indeed a bug most likely will be fixed faster if you report it that way as well.
  21. Huge let down that it's only on one champion and it's annoying to level up girls to make them better for champs with gems slowing down leveling as well.
  22. You can still get her from pachinko but sucks only available from one champ depends on how high you leveled the champ to how many tickets are needed to beat it as well
  23. Would need 5 shard drops of 20 shards but not sure if it's 100% chance or not in which case going to need to do more.
  24. Last day of the event so don't forget to claim your rewards/finishing tasks in time don't leave it for the last minute server normally lags with everyone claiming rewards.
  25. Main reason for stats going down is when the blessings change that can decrease the stats of the current girls that you were using. Sometimes changing equipment can decrease some of your stats as well and if you were using boosters or are using different boosters than before stats can change as well.
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