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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/01/2019 in Posts

  1. Happy New Year! May this New Year bring You all lots of joy, prosperity and alot Girls for Your Harems! 😎👍
    3 points
  2. I haven't played the full season. Currently I am at 39th place with 549 points and 10 cp left and no losses (you can do the math if you want). Which is a way better rank than expected; might even make the 16-30 tier. After close inspection there are maybe 2 players I might loose to but with boosters and the right judge, who knows. Not much use in spending kobans though if 16-30 is feasible. GL everybody. Especially @Mythos who is currently no.6 in this league.
    3 points
  3. Happy new Year Everybody. And a healthy 2019. P.S. In this tiny country with 17 million ppl they shot over 70 million euros worth of fireworks.💥
    3 points
  4. oYes, To All, Happy New 2019 hehehe! TY for the kind greeting!! This is going to be a wonderful year. In HH we see many great changes. What a pleasure to see this together. Years from now, we will look back & know this is something special. You know-Level 20,000 w/a virtual harem!
    3 points
  5. @DHarryI'm hoping to bounce on in: Players distracted by the holiday you know??!! hahaha. I'm getting my fights, but it is going to finish close! We'll know Wednesday night!! @snowman22 I keep avoiding this glacier behind me. -smiles- good to know we are fighting our way up this mountain. In our group, 8 players have higher egos than me: I rate another 13 as tough. Of these 21, only 6 of them are KH. So I make the 9 HC my priority targets. I load Gold boosters in the morning. The Charm? Could go either way... Best Wishes for your finish! C-ya brassy @snowman22 hey! -looks around for any hopeful sight- You were supposed to blast on ahead of me!! heheehee. Maybe see you there All these fights are tough, but I thought you had my back. -smiles- Are you still with that Sherpa girl w/big boobs? -sighs & moves further up trail-
    3 points
  6. If you had looked around the forum, you would have already received the answer to your question. Personally I'm tired of explaining the same thing yet again to a person who doesn't want to search a little in the forum, and I'm not the only one.
    3 points
  7. Bonjour à tous. Je sais que la critique est toujours facile, mais quand elle peut améliorer les choses, elle peut aussi être utile. Donc, pour ce dernier jour de l'année, je ne vais pas être forcément tendre, mais je vais m'efforcer d'être juste... Bref, mon post concerne la partie "aventure" du jeu. Pour ceux qui sont là depuis un moment, vous avez comme moi dû remarquer qu'après de looooongs mois où rien n'évoluait de ce côté et qu'on restait pendant des semaines à attendre une suite, les choses se sont tout d'un coup accélérées, avec un rythme qui permet de progresser régulièrement. Oui, mais à quel prix ? Depuis plusieurs mois, un épisode se résume maintenant à une image (deux dans les meilleurs cas) zoomée à des niveaux différents, et avec ça, on en fait 50 étapes... Le tout accompagné par des dialogues dignes d'un film de boules amateur fait avec des copains et la voisine... (oh, ah, oui, je vais venir) Je ne pense pas être quelqu'un qui aime la méchanceté gratuite, mais là, j'ai vraiment l'impression qu'on est en plein foutage de gueule quand même. Alors oui, le jeu a le mérite d'exister et on peut en profiter sans débourser un centime, j'en suis conscient et j'en remercie les équipes qui y travaillent. Néanmoins, la pente prise par l'équipe en charge de cette partie me semble très glissante, en se tournant vers la facilité pour tenir le rythme des sorties. Un compromis entre 3 mois d'attente comme par le passé et du n'importe quoi comme cela est le cas à l'heure actuelle n'est-il pas envisageable ? Pour finir sur une note positive, je souhaite à cette équipe pour 2019 de retrouver l'inspiration, de s'offrir les services de quelqu'un qui saura écrire des dialogues, et de ne plus prendre les joueurs pour des blaireaux avec deux pauvres images zoomées 50 fois différemment pour camoufler le manque de travail. Parce que les gars, en toute amitié, ça se voit qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de boulot derrière tout ça ;) Sur ce, je vous souhaite à toutes et tous un très bon réveillon et une super nouvelle année.
    2 points
  8. @TheSonicSly Thank YOU!! Have a wonderful refreshing new year. Success be yours!! @Chthugha Two weeks prior Fireworks!! Too funny! Those are the IL-legal ones.
    2 points
  9. Ce qui me dérange les plus c'est les 4~5 lignes à la suite de "oh...ah...oui..." à 25 d'énergie. C'est juste chiant.
    2 points
  10. Gratz, and you will be needing that payout soon . Wont be upgrading her that quickly myself tho
    2 points
  11. I got Shina up to 5* and she has some pretty nice affection scenes and a nice payout.
    2 points
  12. Nouvelle page : Histoire Shokushu Nouvelles pages des filles : Kameyala, Sherly, Tentacled Treasure, Mordana, Lil' Red et Pheralia Voilà si vous avez des infos complémentaires sur les filles et que vous voulez m'aider, n'hésitez pas à le faire ici en spoiler ou à venir sur Discord dans les salons réservés au wiki sur le serveur non officiel (https://discord.gg/8sDZhr) ou sur le serveur officiel (https://discord.gg/287v4H). C'est tout pour moi, bonne année 2019 à vous !
    2 points
  13. mdrr pourquoi vous créez un topic bande d'inconscients ? Gardez ça secret ils sont capables de vous les enlever ces grippes sous
    2 points
  14. Hiiiiiii @brassygirl Happy new year to the lovely creator of this thread. Also, happy new year to everybody else too 🤣
    2 points
  15. Franchement certaines quêtes récentes sont navrantes : dialogues insipides, très peu d'images et on se tape 50 bouts différents avec des zooms plus ou moins rapprochés (franchement l'orgie aurait dû être grandiose et... on s'emmerde), et les fautes, les fautes, les fautes. Entre le rythme précédent d'une quête tous les trois mois si la pleine lune est en phase au bon moment et l'actuel d'une par semaine, qui aboutit à un travail bâclé et superficiel, il y a sans doute un juste milieu à trouver...
    2 points
  16. I'm currently 34th in my D1 league which is pretty good since I'm not using any boosters this season Got a nice break today played 10X grand pachinko and received a piece of equipment that boosted my hardcore stats by 259 points. But my lofty position is going to drop big time as I would need to buy 3 complete refills of fighting credits to have enough credits for the season When I run out of my normal allotment of fighting credits I will sit out the rest of the season
    2 points
  17. After this league ends, if I get promoted or not, I will be aiming for spot 16-30. I just don't have the gears and levels to really compete seriously.
    2 points
  18. hahaha- Yes!!! You made this week so fun for me!!! I see your strenght is ever higher. You made your plan change as you saw the opportunity!! I like that! Lets go to S3. It is my goal, 2 days 5 hours from now. We belong one up from this cold mountain. You are the glacier- the fine scale grinder of those 180+ I'm more like planter of the beanstalk: Made a plan & go for the ride later!! See you at the top!! brassy
    2 points
  19. what do the McBuyMeburger and this game have in common? they both give me indigestion, and I don't spend money for them anymore
    2 points
  20. Terrible idea to begin with. Your girl droprate would be the same with or without the avatars.
    2 points
  21. Now back for a limited time! The MCbuymeburger! DON'T MISS IT!
    2 points
  22. Le problème avec ce monde c'est que le boss ne reporte pas d'argent mais des items d'affection blancs ou verts, je ne sais pas vous mais cela me semble une très très très mauvaise idée, d'autant que ses filles de boss ne sont pas dans le Pachinko. Alors oui le forum français semble éteint depuis la formation des clubs et des forums de discussion secondaires, mais mince cela mérite quand même que nos avis soient regroupés dans un même lieu. Pour ou contre les items blancs et verts sur le dernier boss? évolution vers des item légendaires? si oui à quel rythme? Combien de temps la communication des développeurs sera à ce point partielle et défectueuse quand ils devinent notre mécontentement futur..... sur un jeu de hentaï il me semble que d'avoir les couilles pour assumer les changements est nécessaire . à chaque fois on découvre par nous même les détails désavantageux, il ne me semble pas que cela conduise à une politique de fidélisation.
    1 point
  23. That's not how it works. The tie-breaker is who achieved the points total first. Edit: Too slow.
    1 point
  24. not really, he won because he got maximum points earlier than you >,< that's the only deciding factor here. the other thing is when people finish on the same amount of points on exactly the same moment of time, which is a very unlikely event to happen.
    1 point
  25. recently I thought I could make No 1 in my bracket because I won against the strongest ones and they seemed more or less swimming with the stream but not aiming to high. So I even spend some kobans to get maximum tickets & points - and I was wrong: there was one few levels below me who also managed to get maximum points, so he won because of lower level ...
    1 point
  26. Definitely will not promote nor demote this S2 season. All that remain are losing battles. Boosters would be wasted. Shop offered me a lousy SS in a slot I have mono already. Two open slots for legs. One is weapon. If it wasn't so expensive and the odds weren't so against me I would have tried event pachinko last revival to fill weapon slot. Still hoping for that top 60 finish but not holding my breath.
    1 point
  27. begone, knave! go comment on youtube 🤣
    1 point
  28. Being 1st or one of the first few has some satisfaction of its own.
    1 point
  29. Be glad it's just at a few hours before midnight. I live in a city in a country where apparently everything goes with respect to fireworks. They start around 2 weeks prior to new year's eve with just the occasional bang on random moments of the day. Then when december 31st is coming closer, the bangs become more frequent, only to start going crazy around noon on december 31st. Around 5 pm most people already go nuts, and this last to about 5 am on january 1st, without a moment of rest in between.
    1 point
  30. 안녕하세용~^^ 지나가던 사람입니당~^^ 계속 지나가겠습니당~^^ Hello. I am the person who is passing by. I'll keep going.
    1 point
  31. Yeah, the turning of the year might have caused this to happen... As far as I know, everybody got this.
    1 point
  32. the haremverse spills over into the "real" online world ...
    1 point
  33. thank you Okay, I respect you. How can I delete this topic?
    1 point
  34. Event Pachinko is only for events revivals, not for new events
    1 point
  35. No event pachinko for this event. Hooray! Although now I think I remember something that it was only going to be for revivals at first.
    1 point
  36. It happened to me, too.
    1 point
  37. Well, he DID get the avatars for it. Better start rotating. 😏
    1 point
  38. I'm this close to getting Shina
    1 point
  39. Not maybe, definitely. Sorry, you just wasted kobans.
    1 point
  40. if the World 11 boss continues to drop affection items only, we will welcome new girls on Dark Lord. He doesn't drop much money, but it's better than nothing. I can't believe things have gotten so bad that we could be looking forward to fight Dark Lord 2018 the year HH fell off a tall cliff 2019 the year HH hit the ground at terminal velocity
    1 point
  41. Snowman22 surveyed the players struggling up the flanks of the S2 mountain. @brassygirl was a spark of energy not far ahead. So far he had matched pace with the leaders but there was a pack of ego 180+ players in the lead group and he was the lowest level player in the top third. Calculations flickered through the super-cooled neurons of Snowman's brain. All the marginal contests had been completed. Only certain wins and a handful of probable losses remained. Possible probables and improbable possibilities twisted and flowed. Patience thought snowman22. Be one with the glacier. A glacier grinds slowly but it grinds exceedingly fine. S3 was not going anywhere. And this time there had been no silver platter.
    1 point
  42. Dans la liste, j'oubliais le correcteur orthographique, parce qu'il y a souvent des fautes à en perdre un œil (Bon, ok, c'est peut-être un peu méchant, mais depuis le temps que j'avais envie de le dire...)
    1 point
  43. La rareté des filles n'influe pas sur le drop. Heureusement d'ailleurs, sinon les légendaires ne seraient pas en violet mais en bleu, comme la carte nécessaire pour ne serait ce que pouvoir espérer les drop ...
    1 point
  44. Kinkoid knows full well the classes are unbalanced. When I started Knowhow was king, now Hardcore is king. I expect them to buff Charm at some point. If the game spends too long in one state it gets stale especially for long term players. So every once in a while Kinkoid stirs the class balance pot. Players come off auto-pilot, engagement goes up, interest goes up. It is much more interesting to hunt for a 5th purple (in a new class) than to hunt for an upgrade to 1 of your 6 existing purples (if you stay in the old class). I think @BananaJoy has sussed it. Keep all mono stat purples for all classes. Do not ignore legendary girls that are not your class. Keep your options open. Charm players, keep your chins up, your time will come. (Just my opinion).
    1 point
  45. Cool , Especially Dark lord 😋
    1 point
  46. C'est pourtant pas commun un truc qui bug alors que ça vient juste d'être mis en place sur le jeu... Allez passez de bonnes fêtes avec Ka Roko Senseï !
    1 point
  47. This is one of Kinkoid's better decisions because it does ensure new players have a chance of getting at least one event girl during there first few events.
    1 point
  48. 1 point
  49. Greetings heroes! 😊 The winter days are perfect for a hot date with a hot Legendary girl! This December is devoted to a brave lady, to a heroine, to a Legend! Let me present you Taria! This courageous lady is no damsel in distress: she has saved this world many times. Thanks to her, now you can enjoy the beauty of all these magnificent Haremverse creatures. Taria is the adventurer, the explorer, the experimenter not only when it comes to fighting, but also when it’s time to get hot and heavy.. This girl is a real sexual heroine! You will be dazzled by her bold deeds, I promise you! Her next brave initiative is to become your fearless pleasure giver and explore new sexual horizons with you. But the Dark Lord has already captured her to upset all these heroic plans. And now, she needs you so much...You can save that horny rebel from December 20th to the 24th. Free her because Taria is not easy to find - she is one of a kind!
    1 point
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