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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/15/2019 in Posts

  1. @DvDivXXX, il n'y a jamais eu d'annonce officielle, mais tu as en effet compris le système. Les revivals de deuxième génération (événements de 2017) voient parfois l'une des filles sur boss échangée avec l'une de celles qui étaient avant uniquement disponibles au Pachinko. C'est un agréable cadeau de Kinkoid pour les joueurs vétérans qui ont souvent eu l'occasion de récupérer les filles de boss d'origine au cours de l'un ou l'autre des passages précédents. Maintenant, nous arrivons en octobre, et le jeu entame sa 4e année d'existence, il va donc y avoir pour chaque mois la possibilité de présenter un événement original et 3 redites... Nous allons bientôt savoir comment Kinkoid va gérer cette situation. L'une des seules choses que l'on sait d'ores et déjà, c'est qu'a priori, il n'est pas question de simplement faire disparaître les premiers événements (de 2016-2017). Surprise donc le mois prochain !
    4 points
  2. @kimikupo la nouvelle version de Lupa sera la légendaire 5 étoiles Savoir-Faire en 3ème event du mois . Voilà
    2 points
  3. ===> https://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/6852-how-you-doing-in-the-league/ If you're going to post in this league-themed thread here, please at least contribute to its purpose by mentioning how many players there are in your D1.
    2 points
  4. My 1st week in D3 where I was NOT trying for demotion went better than I hoped. Travel and EDT had caused me to miss 25 tokens and despite this (and being about 70th by level) I was sitting low 40s. Having escaped EDT (European Death Timezone) I was able to be awake at reset. Wins had been impossible for a while so I used all but by last free token in the last 20 mins to get as many points as possible. 41st, well clear of 46th. Great, 31-45 was what I had hoped for. Then I used my last free token to fight the strongest player. 8 pts. Hmmm. (30th_pts - 41_pts) / 25 told me I needed 6.6 pts per loss to pass 30th. If 30th did not move. I spent about 300 kobans and started taking my losses. I ended up 30th by 45 points. The net koban gain was only about 200. The real victory was 15-30 in D3! Happy snowman22.
    2 points
  5. 101 players in my league. I'm currently 68th. Level ranges are 361 to 189. Hope that helps.
    1 point
  6. A étudier avec le nombre d'énergies nécessaire grâce au Wiki, mais ptet que tu peux accéder à temps au monde 7 avec quelques recharges d'énergie. Faut voir si ça te bouffe pas trop de kokos. Bref on est un chouya hors-sujet, en tous cas merci pour l'info qui me réjouit (SF aussi, et Lupa est un perso que j'apprécie beaucoup!)
    1 point
  7. If you are 72nd with good boosters I would go for the demote. No guarantee. I once spent 3 days in the highest possible demote position waiting for the lowest possible non-demote to move. They never did. I was 5 points below them so I got zero points for the last half of the week. But I did demote. On the other hand the previous visit to the same level I piled up about 20% of the points of the eventual winner and still demoted. Doing about half my fights right to the end. No way to tell. Good luck.
    1 point
  8. I'm that Club Leader. So I suppose a few of you are going "Oh, *that* makes sense then…" The only time I'll do fight refills is if I break 85 on a girl and in the last 24 to 12 hours (depending on my personal schedule availability prior to Reset). Otherwise, my Kobans are saved for Pachinko de Epico, where I'm *guaranteed* a girl for the cost. Because, brother, a 1-2 shard drop on a girl is shiite. I'll *try* for her but I manage my expectations, even for a Mythical 100 drop. ONE thing I'll say… I think that after 2 (maybe 3) years in Pachinko, a girl should be *permanently* shifted to a Boss during Events and Revivals. Seriously, 2-3 years is long enough for any sense of "exclusivity". Certainly the game *IS* able to poll if any given girl is in your Harem or not, and if Not, if she should be shifted to an available Boss instead of the Pachinko "dugout" ("Put me in, Coach!!").
    1 point
  9. Don't worry @DvDivXXX. When leagues were just a tenth weeks old, I kept bouncing between Sexpert I and Sexpert II (and later between Sexpert III and Dicktator I) for weeks. In time you will gain the league measurements and will be able to improve your strategy. Call this week part of your "trial and error" phase. As you surely know, with experience often comes better understanding.
    1 point
  10. I would say a pretty high rate in luck, as you needed only 31 stages of 48 (if I can tell by the picture). Maybe not high as my previous stroke, but anyway quite high.
    1 point
  11. Merci. Pour les accessoires et les scènes, tous optionnels à mes yeux, ça peut attendre. Surtout que c'est une véritable plaie cette partie du jeu. Je vais faire une réserve de tickets au préalable.
    1 point
  12. it is difficult for me to remember how hard it was starting out, it's like asking me to tell you about my days in kindergarten way back when well just keep plugging away and it will get better if you stay at it
    1 point
  13. My advice is to take your losses this week. Go for xp. You realized too late that you'd better demote. I doubt you'll drop in the bottom 15 this season. Go for demotion next week.
    1 point
  14. Les deux premières, traçage indiscutable. La troisième... très probablement copiée à main levée. Il y a beaucoup de similitudes mais pas d'élément identique (à part peut-être l'angle de l'épaule gauche, et encore), mais aussi le fait que le dessin soit bancal suggère qu'il soit parti d'une mauvaise base en termes de proportions et de pose, ce qui renforce l'idée que ce ne soit pas parti d'un croquis original (sa jambe droite n'a aucun sens, elle ne devrait jamais être pliée pour avoir une cambrure pareille et les fesses qui ressortent autant).
    1 point
  15. Or tying for perfect score but finishing 5th. 😥 I messed up last week. Well me and my internet both. Couldn't get on an hour before the deadline. China does that sometimes. But then I forgot about it and didn't do nearly all my fights. This week, I'm slow again. Seems the game has lost some priority in my mind as I forget to play more and more often. 🙄 As long as I finish top 15 at least it's ok I guess. But these groups I was in had potential.
    1 point
  16. Le taux attraction a été amélioré il me donne coup sur coup au 17 % et 26 % je suis déjà à 55% en utilisant deux recharges par jour du au abonnement et missions journalières. A ce train lâché l aurai au max . lundi
    1 point
  17. No, that got fixed quite a while ago. It's not even required to finish the 11th mission before the end of the event now, it just has to have been started in time. Methinks the OP either didn't actually finish 11 missions, or hasn't picked up all 11 mission rewards yet, or hasn't been back to the missions screen after picking up the 11th reward. Edit: Of course it's possible that Kinkoid have rolled back the fix again, but it definitely worked as I've described it as of June or so. (And for several months before that.)
    1 point
  18. Et bien si les kinkoids peuvent pas tirer des explications avec tout ce qu'il y a ici , ils savent quoi faire pour le futur anniversaire
    1 point
  19. Thank God! I was worried.
    1 point
  20. @Inuarth bien joué mon ami le plus dur est fait tu n'as plus qu'à choper tous les accessoires etc ...
    1 point
  21. Ça y est. J'en ai ENFIN terminé avec ces satanés champions. En effet, Visor m'a laissé séduire Any à la fin de son quatrième niveau. Ils m'auront bien fait combattre en tout cas.
    1 point
  22. Bonjour @Sadako-Samara merci pour ta réponse. Je n'ai pas l'intention de créer un club de toute façon à ce stade je ne peux même pas entrer dans un club ^^ Je me demandais juste si des femmes avaient montées leur team histoire de déglinguer les mâles sur leur terrain 😛. Girl power! ^^
    1 point
  23. Et Shtupra du sex champions Alban à été ENFIN séduite à la cinquième fois pour ma part hier soir plus que 3
    1 point
  24. Depends on how you finish second. This way is definitely worse than finishing 2nd without ever being able to get 1st.
    1 point
  25. Non, là justement c'est un bon exemple de recyclage éhonté (contrairement à celui que tu avais mis avec les deux filles de dos, mais qui a disparu car tu n'avais pas mis de balises, apparemment). Ici, la jambe gauche serait sans problème superposable sous Photoshop ou avec un calque, c'est flagrant, et on voit bien aussi que les bases de la pose ont été conservées du dessin original (et plusieurs autres éléments précis, comme les seins, l'épaule droite, les clavicules et l'inclinaison de la tête), puis un certain nombre d'éléments changés artificiellement (pour faire différent), mais qui du coup ne collent pas avec la pose initiale et font au contraire déformés (la jambe droite notamment, la pauvre fille doit avoir bien mal à ce qui lui reste de cheville...). Je ne connais pas la fille avec des ailes, mais j'imagine que le dessin qui est sorti en premier des deux était celui de Golden Bunny ? En tout cas, il est dix fois meilleur et plus cohérent graphiquement, et aussi plus précis, et surtout les détails sont cohérents avec la position, tandis qu'à droite on a des éléments qui n'ont aucun sens comme le sein gauche qui se barre sur le côté sans qu'elle se cambre spécialement, et bien sûr le pied droit complètement tordu sans raison puisque sa jambe est tournée dans l'autre sens.
    1 point
  26. D1 with 102 players. Median player lvl is at 315.
    1 point
  27. My D2 bracket this season, with 102 players:
    1 point
  28. Congrats to @jelomfor winning our D3 league , i'm finishing 6th
    1 point
  29. Got my 3rd 100 shard drop on Airi, 80 flowers
    1 point
  30. The game allows you to get everything from bosses with your "labor". 100-shard drops is a present/bonus on top of that. I never plan or expect it to happen. Do you? So for me it's always a pleasant surprise when it happens rather than a cause for frustration. What are you worked up about? It's RNG, the one lucky player's luck will even out over following events. 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  31. And my second one on the next day! At 26% this time, so I got a lot less flowers, but I also had to use much fewer attacks on a low-level boss for it. Back to my current main villain already (Edwarda). Pretty cool!
    1 point
  32. Got my very first x100 today: I was at 73% when I got her, which I'm actually glad about, because it gave me a ton of epic flowers, which I really needed. Now on to Ninja Spy for the other girl.
    1 point
  33. Airi I'm probably always gonna vote for the one with purple hair.
    1 point
  34. Hi all, I've made a search in this thread for "payment", "paysafe" and "paysafecard" but came in empty. I didn't read the 20 pages, so sorry in advance if the following has already been suggested in this thread (I know it's been mentioned in other threads, but since this is the Main Ideas thread, I feel it should go here as well). Alternative Payment Methods for ALL Purchases, please? Currently, alternative payment methods are in place (Paysafecard, phone, crypto currencies), but they're only available for direct koban purchases. Meanwhile, monthly cards, bundles, special offers and any other real-money purchase options that I could find are still restricted to credit card only. Could you please change that? The alternative payment methods are already set up, why not make them available for all real-money purchases? I would gladly have taken a few offers and almost certainly a monthly card if I could buy them with Paysafecard. I'm not interested in buying kobans in bulk for large sums of money, however, regardless of payment methods offered. This seems like a huge waste, both for the company and for many low-budget players who are effectively forced into staying strictly F2P if credit card isn't an acceptable or convenient payment method for them. Pretty please, Kinkoid, let me pay you! Thanks in advance. Long live this great game.
    1 point
  35. All try their best and give me gold..
    0 points
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