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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/27/2020 in all areas

  1. I see people are chanting the "achievable by f2p players", but that's not what most complaints are about really. Yes, the event can be completed by anybody, with no kobans spent even, but that comes with several big conditions: - knowing in advance that such an event is coming - knowing in advance what the requirements will be - hoarding items instead of selling them for currency which can then be used for upgrades - hoarding champion tickets instead of progressing through champion levels regularly - hoarding money instead of using them for upgrading girls and character stats - spending resources in inefficient ways to satisfy the requirements The unfortunate effect that some players are forced to spend their champion tickets in the worst way possible in order to get the required "performances" just takes the cake here. Even if I had hoarded 80 tickets I would have to practically waste half or more to achieve the absurd requirements, instead of using them efficiently and progressing twice the amount of champion levels albeit at a slower pace. It may also be necessary to spend money on things you don't need since you already have good gear for example. Purchasing XP/affection items is not going to be enough to satisfy event requirements for a lot of people. Upgrading girls you don't otherwise need is also a bit wasteful if you want to upgrade another one down the line but you just don't have the affection yet. So to sum it up, this event encourages players to spend all their time when there is not a PoA-type event in hoarding instead of playing the game and when the event hits you're forced to spend resources in inefficient ways to satisfy the poorly balanced requirements. Any other event where missions are involved can be completed with the simple investment of time, with no advance preparation needed, whereas here practically 3 weeks preparation is required for 1 week event time. So yes, while it might be achievable, even accepting a modest koban investment, the event in itself us very poorly designed in regards to how it connects with the rest of the game - namely it doesn't mesh at all with regular game play.
    9 points
  2. J'aimerais poussez l'analyse plus loin dsl pour le pavé qui va suivre: Je suis allé vérifier quelque, cest bien ce que je pensais, en faite les nouveaux vont beaucoup trop vite a monte de lvl et a dropper des filles, du coups certains n'ont forcément pas le temps de maximiser leurs filles au moins pour les étoiles pour avoir un retour en monaie le plus conséquent possible et ainsi de pourvoir supporter l'arrivée toutes les nouvelles filles, et la plupart d'entre eux s'éparpillent Cest du a la maj qui fait que les premiers mondes sont plus rapides à faire et qu'ils rapportent plus d'xp, couplé a l'augmentation des évents ou tu peux dropper des filles et du fait que le drop et lachat d'objets, eux non pas suivi. Autre maj qui pose problème maintenant c'est les combats en arène on gagne plus dxp pour notre perso en faisant 8 combats mais a coté de cela il n'y a plus dxp pour les fille, plus d'ymen, ni d'objets ce qui creuse encore plus la montée de lvl du héros par rapport à celle de nos filles. Nous,ancien, quand nous avons commencé on pouvait dropper gratuitement max 3 filles, plus 3 sur le PE par mois, cela nous laissant du temps pour les maxer et de passer au suivantes et même de pouvoir faire du stock pour le mois suivant. Et quand les filles a 5☆ ont commencé a se pointer on avait un harem qui nous a permis de pouvoir les maxer assez rapidement. Aujourdhui, Sygfried la signalé le nombre de filles droppable par mois a explosé sans compter les filles des nouveaux paliers de boss, le problème est que ceux qui nont pas un harem assez développé ne peuvent pas assumer ni suivre cet arrivé massive même nous ancien on peut avoir du mal alors les autres. L'accumulation de filles chaque mois peut paraitre frustrant, mais je pense que c'est volontaire de la part des Kinkoid. Jusqu'à récemment, quasiment tout le monde pouvait avoir les filles. Je pense que leur idée est de rendre de plus en plus compliqué l'obtention de toutes les filles pour que les harems ne soient plus tous identiques. De cette façon, ils nous forcent à choisir les filles que l'on veut. Ca rend le côté collection plus poussé. Préfére t'on dropper une fille plus joli ou une moins belle mais plus utile au combat ou plus rentable. Est-ce une bonne chose? Je ne sais pas, mais ca parait logique. Dans tous les jeux de collection, tu n'arrives que très difficilement à avoir tout. Et si tout tombes trop facilement, on a tendance à te lasser. Surtout quil y a beaucoup trop d'épiques et de légendaires, a dropper lors de ces événements alors que cest filles ont un coût développement élevé par rapport à ce qu'elles peuvent rapporter, le pire cest que les 3☆ de ce genre en combat elles sont peu utiles puisque les communes 5☆ que lon vous donne aux débuts du jeu ou à la fin de chaque monde sont plus fortes, coutent moins cher a développer et rapportent quasiment autant si ce n'est plus. Cest un peu la faute du jeu qui a fait accélérer la progression des nouveaux sans leur laisser le temps de souffler, et la faute de certain qui malheureusement ne s'en sont pas rendu compte, cest comme un coureur du marathon qui part sur un rythme du 3000m il est devant pendant un temps mais au bout d'un moment il ne tient plus le rythme et il seffondre. Il faudrait tout de même freiner les événements ou le drop de fille est possible, ce qui donnerait en plus du temps au dessinateur de produire du contenu de qualité, et les remplacer par des événements qui te donne des livres ou des cadeaux et pas avec des taux de drop trop faible, pour ne plus avoir qu'a compter sur le marché qui a atteint sa limite depuis longtemps, surtout que les Bl et midl ce marché le fourni encore du rare voire du commun alors qu'ils ont déjà des épiques et des légendaires dans leur harem. En faisant par exemple le PoA tout les deux mois et le mois ou cet event n'est pas là un event pour le matos. Je fais quelques jeux de type gacha, le dernier c'est 7ds, la aussi y a des évènements mais certains d'entre eux nont pas de tirage ou de personnages mais permet looter es objets pour maxer ces persos Ils ont bien tentés quelques choses avec les 3 derniers trolls en donnant des livres ou cadeaux à la place des ymens mais même au lvl max du premier palier il donne encore du commun et du rare en grande quantité et peu d'epique et de légendaire, ce qui est insuffisant. Malheureusement le jeu est ainsi fait et si il n'est pas modifié, se sera aux joueurs de s'adapter. Voila mon analyse, cest mon avis vous avez parfaitement le droit de pas être d'accord sur tous les points que jai cité.
    7 points
  3. Well, the event is definitely doable, especially when unlocking the second set of rewards. I won't say this way is for all players, but just going for the first girl should be pretty easy in my opinion. P,S.: I would even say I was a bit slow. I could have finished just in 2 days if I had optimized more my time. No kobans except for the 7200 to get the second set of rewards.
    5 points
  4. Let's not kid ourselves, the tickets requirement was designed to be a paywall. Otherwise even 20/40 would have been a sufficiently adequate ask of players. Or they could have asked for champion wins instead, which ties much better to player level as lower tier champions simply don't have the same ticket spending requirements as higher tiers, plus it would have removed the incentive to play tickets inefficiently in order to accumulate "performances".
    5 points
  5. So, I got luckier! I got two girls from 1x pachinko almost back to back! 2 in 5! Yes! If only they weren't Sara Jay and Natasha... 😣🤣 Ah well. They're out of the epic pool I guess.
    5 points
  6. Merci à @govenants cette fois-ci pour les infos ! Il n'y a pas eu de du-du-du-Duel avec @Inuarth cette fois ! Nouvelles filles du PE : Gal et Davey De plus, comme à chaque nouvelle quête, les coûts sont indiqués sur la page du monde 13. Je ne mets pas, volontairement, les indications des haremettes que l'on croise et les nouveaux personnages secondaires pour ne pas spoiler. Ça arrivera plus tard. Voilà c'est tout pour moi, bon jeu et bon loot ! (Et n'oubliez pas que le Chemin d'Affection n'est pas une course !)
    5 points
  7. My intention was to simply finish the "free" path without paying the kobans. The price is not even that high, the fact is that i don't have any fun, joy or satisfaction in simply "paying" to unlock stuff (thankfully the whales think differently, otherwise f2p games wouldn't even exist 😆). Too bad i just can't complete the path without bonus rewards, i don't have enough tickets. Actually even with these double rewards i still miss 15 of them (and thanks to the new shitty reset time i can't rely on contest anymore). Speaking of which, please kinkoid, remove/increase that silly soft cap at 10 tickets: when you introduced the champions feature you told us to stay below 10 in order to get the free dailies, and now you tell us to hoard them for poa events... make up your mind! Anyway, i'm sorry but in my opinion this type of event sucks. I appreciate you trying to introduce something different, but i find this path of attraction tedious and bothersome. And as other said, it also forces you to do many annoying things, like nerfing yourself on purpose to avoid champions' cooldowns, losing the 3 free daily tickets, clogging up your inventory with a lot of junk to sell... Very bad design 😑
    5 points
  8. Seems like for F2P gamers, unless they have the "luxury" I have, if you wish to call it that, of being disabled and forcibly retired sitting on my butt at home 24/7, most F2P gamers will only be able to do these type of events maybe once every 2 or 3 months. If ALL I do ALL day long 7 days a week, I might be able to save the necessary champion tickets and execute the necessary PvP challenges. For the average F2P gamer who has a real life and job they cannot do that. So for the average gamer with a real life these expectations created by the challenges are next to impossible to accomplish. Now, paying players, that's another thing. I assume that paying players get advantages with these silver/gold cards (or whatever they are called).
    4 points
  9. I never said the event is difficult, because it's not - all things can be achieved pretty easily IF you have the resources to do so. Getting those resources is not so easy, and brings to mind the recent decision of removing tickets as reward from the Arena pool to replace it with a lackluster Mythic orb. Ask yourself this - if they were to introduce multiple events like this throughout the same month, would that be acceptable to you ? Compare that with having multiples of epic/legendary/orgy days. The reality is that the more we keep accepting these kinds of changes, the more we're encouraging the devs to do more of the same. Feedback needs to be vocal to be heard, otherwise nothing will change. Consider the tickets situation, there were complaints even during the previous PoA and despite that feedback they actually increased the requirements significantly.
    4 points
  10. I think Kinkoid may have looked too much at how many tickets the average player currently has to see what is reasonable, blown out by some various outliers that have posted their several hundred tickets (and in some cases even over a thousand) in this thread and others. Kinkoid have proven on several occasions in the past that they don't have a lot of familiarity with how some people play the game. This disconnect between designer intent and actual play comes up in a number of other games too (not all of them yes, but a number of them). Now I admit to some bias in that I want to see an event that requires refinement, but I think you also have bias in wanting to assume malice where stupidity would suffice.
    4 points
  11. Aventure Sortie de la Quête 14 du Monde 13 : “La Tour de la Culpabilité” : Neono montre un nouveau visage… quelque chose cloche. Harem Deux nouvelles filles ont été ajoutées au Pachinko Épique : Gal, la chasseuse de Shokushu Davey, la guitariste dont la musique vous fera dresser l’oreille, mais pas que... Gal Davey Changement d’heure Le Chemin d’Affection #2 est le premier évènement à avoir débuté avec la nouvelle heure de sortie des mises à jour et évènements. À partir de maintenant, tous les évènements débuteront à 13h00, UTC+1. Skrill Malheureusement, en raison de problèmes contractuels avec Skrill, nous ne pourrons mettre en place ce nouveau système de paiement. Nous recherchons actuellement d’autres moyens de paiement sécurisés à instaurer au sein de nos jeux.
    4 points
  12. I've unlocked the first girl as well, I don't really care about the others in this event since this time they're all basically variants of girls you can get from the bosses anyway. But anyway I hope that if they are going to continue to have these events where they charge extra $$$ for features/bonuses that they would either add other ways in the future (through other events or something) for more players to get these characters (like lola's mom in the last one) OR AT VERY LEAST reduce the cost of these extra/bonus events. $50 worth of kobans is probably more than a lot of people are willing to spend on this game, (I know it is for me) but maybe something more like $20/2760 kobans would be in the range that more people would be willing to pay (if they hadn't saved up to it). I would think it be more beneficial for the devs to make the game as affordable/accessible to as much of MAJORITY of people who play this game rather than smaller percentage that happen to have deeper pockets...especially long term. Cause as I said a few days ago, locking away certain features/aspects unless you have money, kinda rubs me the wrong way a bit.
    3 points
  13. Dude, you don't even understand what I am trying to say. And yes, average events can be completed by average players to obtain something. The only more challenging event in general is Legendary days with good reason, and even there you can get lucky and win a 5 star girl without spending a single koban. I'm not really concerned whether you believe me or not, since you seem to be confused in general, but yes, I do have my stats maxed and all girls on my team at maximum stars/XP (that's two 5 star girls, and one 3star). Here I have to question whether you're even thinking before typing out this stuff. I obviously want to get the best girl for my specialty first. It doesn't mean I won't get the rest of the girls after, but until then spending tickets on other champions doesn't meet my immediate goal of maximizing my team. It has nothing to do with whether I want to get the other girls or not. Thank you for pointing out the huge discrepancy between legendary/epic/orgy days and the current event. You can obtain girls from those events without spending anything if you're very lucky. And no, I don't feel compelled to hoard tickets for legendary/epic days. Saving up kobans on the other hand is natural even without anticipating an event. Or do you honestly suggest throwing them at the gacha trap, champion timer resets or money collection ?
    3 points
  14. Well, if we assume stupidity for all of Kinkoid's implementations then that has some very unfortunate implications about the developer team .... As for not being aware how people play the game - I'm at a loss for words that any game developer would be so ignorant and careless as to the product they are developing upon which their income depends. It is therefore much more logical to assume intent, rather than the complete and utter idiocy that your suggestion would imply. You still have to be familiar with the event in advance, you're pointing out what exactly ? Because 99% of the player population frequents the test server. Get real please. Some of the items you receive are legendary, beyond nitpicking your point is invalid. Well, you really have to teach me your ways on how to obtain 80-90 tickets in 5 days without spending a significant amount of kobans. If you paid 7200 then your argument doesn't really mean an average player can feasibly complete this does it ? Well yeah, I do have the millions of cash required, but I save them for when I need to upgrade my stats or a girl. Throwing them arbitrarily at whatever just to "spend X amount of cash" is a waste, regardless if you have 10 million or 500mil. I guess I have to spell it out to be understood: I play only a single champion because that's the girl I need and even that champion doesn't take more than about 30 tickets per level. Having to spend tickets on any other champion for me is a waste, not to mention the fact that most of them I beat with 2-5 tickets. So in order to get 80 "performances" in less than 24 hours I would have to actively sabotage my stats in order to spend more tickets. And this whole thing costs me progress that otherwise I would have put towards obtaining the girl I need for my specialty. How is that for efficient ? Yeah, you're right, you might be able to accumulate most of the things in less time, but for those whole 3 weeks you have to constantly check how you're spending your resources in order to make sure you have enough for the upcoming event. And then it turns out that the ticket requirement is about 4 times higher. But hey "we had the exact same event previous month, so you should be prepared", right ? I would rather have an absolutely new type of event where I have to spend more time in the game, than this type of event where you have to hoard and manage the rest of your play style to be able to complete certain requirements.
    3 points
  15. Bonjour @Wywy, il n'existe pas d'astuce pour améliorer la sélection des filles, c'est purement le hasard. Il existe un wiki du jeu qui pourra répondre à toutes les questions que tu te poses : http://hentaiheroes.wikidot.com/
    3 points
  16. With the first Path of Attraction event, I didn't really understand two of the fight tasks and missed out on easily finishing them... but it didn't matter anyway, because those other two Champion tasks would have tripped me up either way, and I see that's exactly how this is set up once again. So I think it's safe to say I'm going to sit out these particular events for good. I get that you have to "play a certain way" to get them done... but I have no interest in doing that. Especially when even if I did, the trend seems to be that the girls I really want are behind the pay wall side of this event, so I wouldn't get them, anyway. To be clear, I am not going to complain or say that the event should be changed. Just that in its current form, it doesn't appeal to me. If it changes, great. If it doesn't, whatever. I genuinely feel I've collected enough different girls where even if I can't get one I want, I probably have a variant, or two or three others, that look similar enough. And I think I appreciate them more now because while some were tricky to get, none were quite this difficult to get. A nice way to say I'm lazy, I guess. Thing is, I got over 180 girls being lazy, you can't make me work for them now. 😂
    3 points
  17. To be honest, assuming you have the necessary resources (tickets etc), this event mainly requires you to be in front of the game every 15 (for champions) or 30 minutes (for Arena fights) if you want to have enough time to complete all the tasks in time. Not much planning involved.
    3 points
  18. Your history of defending Kinkoid's every move leads me to believe you either have a vested interest or your default mental state is "confused". Interestingly how my opinions seem to be coherent enough for a bunch of people who are not you. As for whether the majority of player base agrees with me or not I choose to judge by their reactions rather than your "holier than though" opinion. Why don't you put out a poll to gauge the actual views on the event instead of touting yourself as speaking for the average player base which you called "entitled" in just your previous post. Edit: I admit I may be arrogant at times, but I don't believe I the game fully figured out, simply because I don't care to invest that much effort in it. As for the developer's responsibility I tend to know what goes on behind the scenes a bit, being a developer myself. Usually all the impacts of new features are carefully weighed before put into effect. Now, if we excuse every single instance of Kinkoid's implementation with "stupidity" or "unawareness" as @GeorgeMTO suggested, this would be the most incompetent software company in history. On the other hand their carefully worded responses, which generally avoid giving out any concrete details to the workings of the game, or more often than not - a complete lack of response paint an entirely different context which I'm basing my opinions on. How many times does a certain thing need to happen before it stops being a mistake and becomes a pattern ?
    2 points
  19. çj'espère que si un jour je me lance dans une compet flambé au casino je ne tomberais pas dans ta poule
    2 points
  20. Faire l'objectif PVP uniquement avec l'arène c'est tellement pas fun...tellement lent. J'ai étais trop con de commencer par les combats les plus facile de ma ligue avant que PoA commence. Pourtant c'est pas faute d'avoir annoncé deux semaine en avance que je sentais que le PoA allait arriver. Pas opti du tous sur ce coup là. Aveugle Man c'est moi 😎
    2 points
  21. Je suis vert 63/80 même avec les nauvaises filles 😅
    2 points
  22. Moi j'dis que ça manque d'un sondage (je sais pas pourquoi, mais depuis quelques jours je suis fan de sondages).
    2 points
  23. I´m a f2p player too and and I am at task XI 54/60. Next task will be no problem because I have lots of tickets to spend(257). I dont play champions anymore only if I have much time, because its no fun to fight Alban anymore and it takes way to long to beat him. I even still need his girl. Also for me it will be no problem too to do all tasks without paying kobans. Overall the event is no fun to play for me, but the rewards are nice. And dont forget that next reset is also ToF reset so new opponents to beat for the PvP tasks.
    2 points
  24. Ca avance bien et encore quelques combats à faire en ligue et la nouvelle qui arrive demain.
    2 points
  25. Ça pourrait permettre de gagner quelques kokos pendant les missions d'évent pour ce qui n'ont pas encore les 7200 nécessaires, et de passer le temps pour ceux qui finissent le PoA plus tôt que les autres 😊
    2 points
  26. Allez !! on s'encourage à la queuleuleu . Vous en êtes où vous?? voici pour ma part , je charbonne à mort , je suis chaud patate . J'aurais tellement préféré débloquer Selma , sniff 😰 J'ai légèrement été mauvaise langue au début de l'event . Au final , si on se sort les doigts , c'est tout à fait jouable à condition de ne pas avoir le fameux problème de quantité de tickets Champions . Allez , j'arrête de faire la pipelette , ACTION !!!
    2 points
  27. Et pourquoi pas un POA en 10-15 étapes qui dure un mois et qui se fait en parallèle des events classiques? Ca me parait une bonne solution. On aurait bien le temps de faire chaque étape (2-3 jours / palier)
    2 points
  28. Bonjour à tous, Merci pour vos retours sur cet évènement. Nous attendons que l'évènement se termine et de récolter les feedbacks de la part des joueurs avant de les transmettre aux différentes équipes. Merci de nous aider à améliorer le jeu
    2 points
  29. i got lola and opened all her scenes and poses, shes pretty and sexy, but the new art style is still too clean and the faces dont have the kind of detail they used to have before, shes still pretty but the new way they do faces is too clean and the noses are off (before drawings had more detail and more shadowing) thats the other problem with newer events, you dont even know how the art work is gonna turn out.
    2 points
  30. I think it's a classic ftp game event. Either you spend your time to get a result or money. And if you have enough "oil in your head", then the combination of both approaches can well fit into the acceptable options for both time and money. According to my diligent estimate, 250+ player should have enough 10k gold to open the whole way and get 4 girls, which is very cheap by the standards of the game. But you will have to make an effort and calculate a strategy for 7 days of the game - somewhere to grind, somewhere to skip for a fee, somewhere to think with your head, for example, if there are few champions, you can assemble a team of girls of the first level, so that you could spend a lot of battles without sending a champion for a day's rest and so on. And the last and, for me, the most important thing in this event. The quality of drawing the girls' poses. All four, let's just say, "my respect." And when it comes to Salem, it's just "oh, yeah, baby." So I think my efforts to get them have been well rewarded. (There's only one thing that bothers me - the latest trend is that after a few girls of high quality there's a group of girls whose artists "painted with their feet" so the big June event makes me suspicious, but it's as they say - "let's live to see").
    2 points
  31. Just my opinion. TLDR at bottom. The event is a mix of good and bad. I am F2P, L407, so end gamish. I hope I am not jinxing myself but the event is pretty easy with no koban spend required beyond the amount I spent to unlock the bonus path. 5 1/2 days to go and I have 3 1/2 tasks left. Finally something to spend all my extra champ tickets on. I started with about 250. On normal days I get about 10 tickets but my play style means I suck up all the kobans I can, hoard them for high return (revival / orgy) events, and then blow them 1K, 5K, 10K at a time. This brings in a LOT of champ tickets. I have also finished the last story scroll so energy -> tickets there too. I only fight champs while orange boosted (about 1/3 of the time) so even farming 4 champs lets the tickets pile up. I really like being able to pick my boss for the villian tasks. So far I have cleaned up 2 bosses where I had partial shards on their girl and started in on a 3rd. Dropping girls as a side effect of doing a task is very satisfying. I also like the new thinking required in POA vs a regular event. A lot of the tasks are stuff you would be doing anyway, event or no. You just have to plan. Buy those stats now or wait 1 day until the spend X task is active? Do 15 league fights now or do 3 now and have 15 in the chamber when the PvP task starts in an hour. More synapses for me! Negative: Expensive. 7200 kobans for 2 girls over 7 days? OK but not great. Negative: I am not happy with how much play time is required. On a normal 5 day event you play say an hour or 2 a day on days 1 - 4 and an extra 2 hours at the end of day 5 spamming refills and you are done. POA has you camping on arena and champ cool-downs for hours. Negative: The champ requirements shut out a lot of players. If you do not have 4 champs unlocked the 4 girl variant is probably out of reach. I am conflicted about the sell X tasks. I hate having to pile up junk. Marie Kondo and I are both appalled. On the other hand it is one of the few places in the game where cash (EPx10 spins for items to sell) can be turned fairly directly into girls. TLDR: Event is good, not great: ++ use for champ tickets, pick up boss girls as side effect, having to plan -- expensive, too time intensive, item clutter, need 4 champs unlocked
    2 points
  32. Don't fight them at all for 3-4 weeks and contests, villains and daily missions will provide enough tickets. Also, going for the 4 girls paying the 7.2k gives you half of the amount needed, if I'm not mistaken. In first Path of Attraction I replied to one guy who said he was being penalized for playing the game. In fact this wasn't exactly true because his concept of 'playing' was that he had a 'tactic' regarding champions which basically consisted in waiting till he could defeat them with just 2 or 3 tickets. Consequence was that he had like trillions of tikets but only 1 Champion open. I told him he was being penalized actually for not playing the game. Now I must say people who do play the game, fighting champions on a regular basis for money and equipment are being penalized
    2 points
  33. S'ils sont en plus mauvais en arène (ne serait-ce que parce qu'ils ne mangent pas de produits dopants type champignons ou racines pendant leur semaine off), alors c'est même très mal barrés pour eux... - soit ils vont devoir faire l'impasse sur le Chemin (ogh, ce jeu de mot !!! ) - soit ils vont faire une crise de nerf parce que 3432 combats d'arène les attendent, en 4 jours, pour gagner les fameux 70 demandés...
    2 points
  34. yo 😎 question, qui a eut cette idée complètement WTF de mettre le reset à 13h ? 🙄 5h c'était très bien, on se levait et on pouvait attaquer les dailys... minuit, encore j'aurais pu comprendre vu que comme ça c'était raccord avec le changement de jour... 🤔 mais là, en plein milieu de la journée, ouaip, non, c'est juste portenawak... 🙄🤦‍♂️ absolument pas pratique... 😑 déjà que je me lasse du jeu le trouvant redondant, moins beau, avec des stats complètement à la ramasse sur le PvP au point qu'on sait même plus si le match sera gagné ou pas, et bien d'autres choses discutables, mais alors là ça rajoute à l'envie de lâcher l'affaire... déso pas déso, il y a longtemps que je trouve (avis perso, donc libre à chacun) que le jeu perd de son attrait car, à trop vouloir rajouter des trucs en long, en large et en travers pour augmenter notre temps passé dessus, on se retrouve juste à même plus lire la story line, on fait que du skip sur tout, c'est devenu fade... le pire des trucs étant l'onglet booster, les stats sont complet à l'ouest, et ça ça finit de pourrir le PvP... mais bon ça, c'est la partie FtP mais CtW, hein... bref, ça fait un bon moment que je dépense de tunes dans le jeu, et au final, je me dis que je fais bien vu l'envie grandissante de quitter parce que c'est juste l'habitude qui me fait me co tous les jours... d'ailleurs, si on pouvait choisir le thème de la ville plutôt qu'un truc qui change toutes les 3s, ce serait mieux parce que là aussi, pourquoi avoir changé ce qui était alors que c'était très bien ?!... 🤔🤦‍♂️
    1 point
  35. New patch notes Patch Notes Week #22 Adventure New Quest release: World 13 Quest 14 “The Tower of Guilt”: Neono has shown her true colors...something is not right. Harem Two new girls have been added to the Epic Pachinko The shokushu huntress Gal Davey will make you Rockhard with her tunes Gal Davey Hour change Path of Attraction was the first event to start with the new time. From now on all events will be released at 1 pm UTC+1 Skrill Unfortunately, due to contractual conflict with Skrill, we will not be releasing the payment system in Hentai Heroes. We are working on providing you with other secure options for payments.
    1 point
  36. oh then we pretty much agree on like 90% of the things. I still think the ticket requirements are insane, only saving grace there being- lockdown=theres nothing to do. Hell I even have the same approach with the champions- Im mainly fighting Alban, I want that 5 star charm girl man! That still lets me fight all of the rest of the champions for the thing, and I have beaten all of them except the 3rd one (Im not even approaching that one, I got the girl after 7 attempts and Im never fighting him again, fuck that guy 🤣), and Im at about 60/80 right now with Alban under 50% HP, i've got plenty to go. The stockpiling and thinking ahead is the real cancerous part, along with the sheer amount of time that's going into this type of event, and that's just frustrating.
    1 point
  37. ok, par contre tu vois la a titre perso il manque l,aspect gestion des items derriere qui pour moi est egalement un probleme. par exemple se mois si on a plus de filles que le mois derniers mais ca n'a pas couté plus cher et terme de koban. par contre coté gestion des items notement affinité la j,ai encore pris une claque (mon stock aura diminuer de pratiquement 100 000 point d'affinité se mois ci en aillant absolument tout vider le marche)
    1 point
  38. and a forum topic. But yeah, if you want to get real, here is the reality for you - 99% of the people can't get all the stuff from any event in this game. I'll tell you even more. Most of the people (even here, on the forum) don't seem to read the patch notes and just press some random buttons on their phones from time to time in the game. Who wanted to know the info about the upcoming event, did it. Event is 7 days long. And yeah, I am going to spend 7200 kobans, cause this time I have them and like the event overall and the girls in it. As regards "average" players, I think that if you're an "average" (what does that really mean?) player and want to get rewards worth several thousand kobans and 2 girls, then you have to either get a little bit of planning or "hoarding" (as you like to say) or pay some kobans (or real money) for that. Or get what you can for free and have 0 complaints whatsoever. Do you have all your stats maxed? And all the 5 star legendary girls affection stats from your battle team maxed as well? Sorry, but I don't believe you. Oh, I see. I've already read something similar here on the forum in the "art topic threads". Somethig like "The art of the girl is awful that's why I won't spend resources for her and skip the event". You're just like them, skipping the other champion's and their girls cause you only need 1 and others are "a waste". Yeah, that's totally inefficient. From all points of view. Don't you do it for upcoming Legendary (or Epic, or Orgy) days?
    1 point
  39. Still, we couldn't know that we would need 120 tickets as in the test server only 40 were required (with 2*10 given). So you got ~40 tickets (60-4*3-7) this fast (2 days) without spending kobans or energy ? This is hard to believe.
    1 point
  40. Première haremette obtenue grâce aux pachinko mythique ! J'essayais d'obtenir des boosters pour le chemin du pognon, euh d'affection pardon ma langue a fourcher !
    1 point
  41. Quelques réflexions sur vos réflexions... - Concernant la préparation : j'ai lu ici ou là : "oui, mais on ne sait pas ce qui nous attend, alors on n'est pas préparé"... Hmm... ça me fait un peu sourire, je dois l'admettre. Personne ne sait exactement ce qui l'attend, (et moi, je ne veux surtout pas d'une check-list des paliers à remplir fournie une semaine avant l'événement ! ) Etre préparé, c'est justement ça, anticiper sur les possibles, et faire en sorte de ne pas être pris au dépourvu. Ca veut dire réfléchir en amont à ce qui pourrait nous être demandé, puis tâcher d'y remédier, et malheur si on s'est planté ou si on a oublié un critère quelque part... Jouer, c'est ça - Concernant les 2 ou 3 joueurs (oui, on parle vraiment d'exception exceptionnelle là) qui ont été bloqués la dernière fois : De fait, on pouvait reproposer le palier 'donne de l'XP à tes filles' cette fois-ci, pour peu qu'on le mette au palier 8 ou après. Mais, le mois dernier, @Fly, il n'y avait pas de fille à gagner durant l'événement, seulement au dernier stade. J'avoue que la possibilité d'être à ce point avancé dans le jeu qu'on n'a pas moyen d'attraper une fille où que ce soit, ni au Champions, ni sur un boss, ni au pachinko, est presque extra-terrestre, et m'a fait un peu sourire... Mais, on ne peut pas pénaliser un joueur pour avoir tout extrait du jeu, jusqu'à la dernière goutte... - Concernant la difficulté, il ne faut pas non plus penser que l'événement est une balade de santé pour les joueurs aguerris... Je vais mettre de côté le débat 'joueur payant' '/ joueur gratuit' et ne parler que pour le premier cas : La deuxième partie du Chemin est réellement difficile pour tous les joueurs, quel que soit leur niveau... Parce qu'elle demande principalement du temps, et qu'on a tous le même à disposition. Il y aura toujours des joueurs pour venir se la pêter et clamer qu'ils ont fini en moins de 2 jours, mais ils sont une extrême minorité, et ce serait une erreur de penser qu'ils représentent le gros des joueurs anciens. Je pense qu'un joueur non débutant, pas forcément un ancêtre, peut finir l'événement en une semaine. Son principal challenge sera de (très) bien gérer ses ressources, et surtout son temps. Et ce ne sera pas facile d'aller au bout, ce qui à mon sens, est le but du jeu, non ?
    1 point
  42. Mais vous voulez quoi a la fin des évents abordable pour tout le monde, je vous rappel que sur un event légendaire, puisque les filles présentes sur cet event le sont, vous n'êtes même assuré den avoir une sans dépenser de kobans, la franchement le 8ème palier en une semaine est réalisable même pour des joueurs peu avancé encore faut il quils se donnent les moyens de le faire, et puis la on peut pas dire que lon a pas été prévenu, on s'en doutait depuis qu'on a vu le calendrier du mois et event de 7 jours après si les gens ne viennent pas vite fait sur le forum pour se renseigner cest leur problème Non @Eddyje te confirme dans les autres jeux cest pareil, quand tu commence tu peux pas faire tout les évents à 100%, y a des combats qui sont trop dur pour les nouveaux. Je vois pas pourquoi ici se serait different @DevilFalconmensuel, hebdomadaire faut pas exagérer
    1 point
  43. 120 = 30*4. So next event, 120*4 = 480 tickets. You should start to hoard tickets.
    1 point
  44. Most of the feedback that I saw was "why are we being asked to do so many fights and then being rewarded with even more tickets". They've now adjusted that so that we get the tickets and are then asked to do it. That will help. There's also a girl half way down. I think this is "players who aren't doing much, you get 1 girl at a not unachievable rate, plus some other stuff. Hardcore players? Go VERY hard and get two girls". Personally think it's a bit overtuned myself, but well it's only #2 and it fixes a lot of issues had with #1. Can't fix everything, some feedback given is contradictory.
    1 point
  45. [TROLL MOD ON] les bugs on été testés sur test oui il fonctionnent bien (les bugs) [/TROLL MOD OFF]
    1 point
  46. The Ultimate Bouncy Boobs competition is here! Sweety, seems like the watermelon season has started a bit early this year. That’s right! Some Tig Old Bittis have arrived! Get ready because this event is busting in hard! What is better than a pair of big breasts you might ask? Easy: FOUR pairs of big tits! Four beauties have entered the Bouncy Boobs competition and are trying to bribe the judge. You will never guess who the judge is. Who could have guessed! The judge of the Bouncy Boobs competition is you! Now let me introduce the contestants! Competitive Lola Hero, can I interest you in a drink with me? I promise we will have a great time. Order anything you like! Tonight’s drinks are on me! If you have had enough booze you can move on and suck on my boobs! Just look at these beauties waiting for you! Competitive Albane Show me your motorboat(ing skills)! I’ve brought a pie that we can eat by the ocean! It’s my secret creampie recipe. Only one ingredient is missing and I think you have it! You can skip the pie if you want, but I won’t skip eating you out for sure! Competitive Salem Pie? I’ve brought something far better than that to munch on! I don’t have to do any magic to know what turns you on. Would you mind putting on some sun cream on me, please? I will make it worth your while...you just need to do some heavy lifting before that. Competitive Clarisse Making pie? Doing heavy lifting? All the other girls are making you do chores. Come to my spa. With me, you don’t have to do work. You will be fully relaxed, lying on big cushy pillows while I rub you...among other things. Darling, who will be the winner of the Big Bouncy Boobs competition? (Spoiler, you don’t have to choose only one winner. Or two. Or three.) Woah there, tiger. You haven’t won the jackpot just yet! Get your motorboat license because you will be doing a whole lot of scuba diving...and motorboating. On the beach, in the club, in the spa, you name it. Just be extra cautious not to suffocate with these big titted girls. XoXo Bunny PP: Darling, call Hari after this is over. Tell her that the stage is way too small for our contestants. We will need a bigger one if we keep having girls like that. What? I’m NOT jealous of them, ok?
    1 point
  47. Level 4310 Felicia 11405 (only 3 times multiple on herself) Sit and use browser with game - ALL days Only with Touch of Neptune grow up on +10 levels per 5-10 minute. Now - per 20-30 minutes with all active skills Did 4-5 resets. Now at a long run without resets from morning (about 5-6 hours non-stop playing) All charms (25 from 27) about 250 levels. No use boosters, but will think about them on last 100 levels if will be very hard. And the event will be near end. PS^ i am nerd and have a lot a free time (in Russian we are sit at home mostly) .. But.. this event VERY hard! Espessialy with men who dont want and like waste their time like me near PC.
    1 point
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