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Everything posted by Arvelak

  1. I'm currently in a D2 with 105 players. I'm the highest level at 366, followed by a level 360 and three 357s.
  2. I just noticed the arena daily quest rewards have been changed. I have the 2 combativity as the 16 win reward and the gift box for the 4 win reward wasn't an equipment piece.
  3. Desdemona looks cute, but as someone who has played Fallout 4, I can only think of the leader of the Railroad when I see that name...
  4. I got 53 shards and only used 3 ½ refills because I wasn't too worried about getting her. I feel like I got a surprising amount of affection items this event, so I don't feel bad about fighting Dark Lord this time.
  5. I'm kind of disappointed the girl you get from this worlds story won't be know-how. Since Derri was rare, I thought that on the next world us Know-how people might actually be getting a 5 star rare girl finally... but I guess we will just have to wait
  6. *Scares Cantrix by reminding them that there is an avatar of her now, so not even the forums will be safe*
  7. I'm unsure how I should feel knowing that I have no idea who 90% of these people are... and the two I heard of I only know about because of people talking about them on Youtube or Twitch 🤔 (Matt's fascination with Hitomi was pretty much a meme of the Super Best Friends, and people were talking about Mia khalifa streaming on twitch)
  8. I know how that feels, had Bitch at 97 shards for a day because of a conveniently poorly timed shard drought. I have gotten 21 shards for Malina in the last day and a half since that ended though. 🤷‍♂️
  9. I've got 82 shards for Bitch right now, out of paranoia I will not be discussing how I feel about my progress... 😶
  10. I think either Plain of rituals or Admittance of the dead would be my favorite.
  11. When I was 6 shards from getting Alex, I had somewhere between 60-80 fights before more finally dropped. Before that point I got around 3-5 every 10 fights or so against Gruntt.
  12. I finished 29th in the 130 person D2 I had, and now I started this week by having an rng loss to a guy with 23k less Ego... not sure how to feel about that 🤷‍♂️
  13. It is great that there will be legendary books. I'm just hoping that at some point after they are added, common books will stop showing up in the market after a certain player level.
  14. I have read this, and am now questioning my understanding of how math works 🤔🤨🤷‍
  15. I finished 16th in D1 , might have to skip some of my fights the last day this time so I don't go to D2 if it opens up. I don't think it would be a good idea for me to go to D2 until I end up getting a Legendary in my 6th slot(head).
  16. I got Asta after 29 fights, now I'm unsure whether to go for Agatha, Bass or Vivia... I wasn't prepared to have to make this decision so soon 🤷‍
  17. I feel like I wouldn't mind Karole not having money as a reward as much if she started with the epic affection items, having to level her up 91 times to get them to drop seems pretty ridiculous.
  18. Pretty much every year their is a person in my neighborhood that sets off a few fireworks like 3 or 4 hours before midnight on new year's eve. I always wonder whether they are too impatient to wait another few hours, or if they are afraid that later in the night some dude would try calling the cops for a noise violation? 🤔
  19. I just had this happen while trying to do my league fights.
  20. I forgot to keep track of how many battles I did, but I got Taria about 30 minutes ago, I used the natural fights and 3 refills. During this event I also got 8 affection items. Aside from Levitya who I never got during the couple thousand battles spread across the 2 events, I've had pretty good luck and got the other legendary girls under 200 battles.
  21. I got 30th place in Sexpert 3, needed a partial refill to do the last four fights to beat the 31st place guy.
  22. I haven't really been focusing on upgrading equipment that much the last month or so. I've pretty much been stockpiling affection items and books, for when the second 5 star legendary know how girl is around.
  23. I finished 41th in the Sexpert 3 group I was in. I also had missed out on the 15 fights at the start of it, but I pretty much knew at the beginning that I'd basically just end up losing to my opponents if I had 15 extra fights.
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