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New Feature: Path of Glory (PoG) live on Test Server!

Guest Tohru - Kinkoid

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Guest Tohru - Kinkoid

‼️ Heroes ‼️


😍 As announced in the Patch Notes, we have a new feature coming to the Haremverse:

 Path of Glory! 


💘 Path of Glory will be bringing back some of the sexy ladies you might have missed in previous events!

🎁 By winning potions from Daily Goals, you'll be able to progress in Path of Glory and unlock awesome rewards!


🔥 Please check out this article to learn more about PoG 🔥


💥 And come try out Path of Glory on the test server!


💋 We look forward to hearing your thoughts, opinions and feedbacks! 💋

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Okay, I guess this makes sense. I'll start. :) (If this was only intended as a locked announcement, we can always split this into a new feedback thread; I just don't think it will be easy to collect feedback for this from the evergreen Patch Notes thread, since it's a long-time thing and Patch Notes come and go).

  1. The blog article only mentioned girls "from previous events" and the latest patch notes announcing PoG only mentioned "legendaries". Could we please have confirmation that the pool for PoG will include past Legendary Contests (LC) girls only (as hinted at in a past Q&A IIRC, and also by the presence of the first two LC girls by order of release, Filya and Bellona on the TS)? If not, what other events will be included?(*)
  2. As two girls are revived at once, one on the free path and the other on the 6k koban path, it seems a bit arbitrary for those who missed a specific LC girl whether or not they'll get a chance to catch up on them for free or it will require +6k kobans that month. Come to think of it, if you go by release order with the same pattern as currently shown on the Test Server, then it's actually predictable: all "odd girls" by release number will come back for free (like LC 001's Filya) and all "even girls" will come back on a koban-locked path (like LC 002's Bellona). Like so:
    PoG champ.png

    Unless you shake things up by switching the order every now and then. Note that I'm not saying this for myself, as I was there when LC started and I haven't missed a single one so far. Nor do I think it would be a good strategy to skip LC every other month and wait for over a year to grab the missed girl in PoG. Although some might. ^^
  3. Regardless of whether having a missed girl at stake or not, I think PoG's Free Path is a great and most welcome addition. Doing the count and having checked the path, someone simply completing their Daily Goals each day during a PoG's period would end up collecting at least 3,500 points, which is already a few milestones beyond the main reward track (which ends at 2,850). That's absolutely great! Actual extra rewards just for playing normally on a daily basis, as Rosso promised back in the day. 👍 To grab every last bit of value (reaching 5,250 points), you'd need to complete every last goal every day, for a total of exactly 150 points a day, which is technically doable albeit pretty challenging. ^^ Then again the value from the looping extra tiers past 2,850 is good but nothing to die for either, similar to PoV. So that's pretty good balance in that regard. ❤️ 
  4. On the flipside, the koban path really doesn't seem worth buying for the non-girl rewards alone. There's plenty of good stuff in there, but not 6,000 extra kobans worth of stuff on an already tight monthly budget (or ~5,150 extra kobans if we adjust for PoG lasting 35 days). That's actually a good thing in my book. It means that only big spenders will happily purchase the extra path each time, and that's actually good value for them compared to spending those kobans slash that money on permanent features (keeping in mind that obv a big spender already buys every good deal like PoA or PoV). And it also means that most players on a budget with good resource management will only purchase the koban path on occasion, when they happen to have a girl they've missed at stake. And in that scenario, it's pretty good value for them too.
  5. Actually, that's another question I almost forgot to ask: when we already have a girl who is on PoG, what will be the replacement reward for each milestone that normally would have 20 shards for her? (This might make me reconsider the value of each path either way ^^).
  6. Last but definitely not least, thanks a lot for basing this new Po-sth format on a single, fixed set of objectives, as a rotation similar to PoV especially at that pace would have been just too much to follow. Not only that, but as detailed above, it's based on a set of objectives that's perfectly fair and gives an extra bit of value to Daily Goals beyond the 100 points a day goal. Really well done, there.

(*) About the possibility of past event legendary girls beyond LC appearing in PoG, I'd like to have a clear confirmation either way even more so for one reason. I've been meaning to ask you guys (CMs) for awhile now, but it's starting to seem pretty plausible that the last 10 or so Legendary DAYS (LD) girls have not been added to the Mythic Pachinko pool (which you know I follow pretty religiously ^^). The "most recent" (or "least ancient") LD girl to ever appear in MP rotations has been Sai, who was initially released August 10th-14th 2020. I know the MP pool is very large, and ever growing, so RNG plays a big role (we haven't seen some of the really old ones like Tara in a couple of years either). I'm also sure you haven't just removed LD girls from the MP pool, since we saw a few in recent rotations. I'm just genuinely wondering if, either deliberately (but without announcing it?) or by error, newer ones didn't get their ticket in. I remember the last time Patch Notes specifically mentioned "16 girls" had been added to the MP pool, and by my count, this could only be the correct number for that time frame if the LD girl had not made it into the batch.

TL;DR: What about LD girls? Are new ones still added to the Mythic Pachinko pool as usual? If not and/or in addition, are they also considered for PoG on top of LC girls?

Thanks for reading this essay. I hope this helps, and that we'll get more info on the points I raised.

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As I said in the patch thread (and as @DvDivXXX already said before me) PoG concept is fantastic: without the need of having to go any extra mile (as in "I'll do the daily goals I need to get 100 points and the 5 chests and that's it, then If I get more or not I do not care"), in a five weeks time span is perfectly possible to collect all the major rewards, aka xp points and girl shards (100 rare flowers gifts for those who already have the girl, I suppose). All the rest is basically freebies that any player could get by simply playing. Thank you for that.

Now, to the premium path cost. Again, I'm really wondering if there is actually any player who can find spending 6000 kobans for the reward shown in the test server justified and/or worthy, and again, I can only think to late-joiners whales who are trying to collecting all the girls they possibly can (and maybe some players that like soooooooo so so so much the premium path's girl but wasn't around during the air time of her LC). Let's talk a little about those rewards:

- xp points: buying two PoVs costs 1200 kobans more than buying one PoG, and two PoVs come with (a little more than) twice the amount, in a week less. All in all, I found that having 100k xp points more in five weeks by spending 6000 kobans is way, way less appealing than having roughly the same amount of xp in two weeks for 3200 kobans. 

- gems: God only knows how much I'm starving for gems. But still, having 240 more of them per type in a five weeks time span by spending 6000 kobans... I'm afraid it's not for me (and again, by completing two PoVs you get 60 more per type in a week less, at a little higher price).

-30 kisses, 48 combativity points, 150 energy points, 44 spell books (L), 11 bracelets (L), 11 GP x10 orbs, 15 MyP x1 orbs: all things that would be nice to have (some more than others), but they are not in a quantity that makes me say "ah yes, now that's what I'm talking about" in front of a 6000 kobans expense

- 5* Legendary Girl (revival from a past LC): the reason behind the 6000 kobans cost, I guess, since 5400 kobans is the average price of a 5* legendary girl during legendary days (with 0 free CP counted). Considering this as the starting point and adding all the other rewards, we easily overshoot the 6000 kobans mark. But let's be real. First of all, it's not an exclusive girl, It's a revival, so let's count out all old and active players that already have the girl (100 rare flowers are sure nice to have, but I believe not any player in their sane mind would spend 6000 kobans in order to have those), and some other players that were active but not lucky/prepared enough could already some of the shards (that would decrease the actual value of the premium path by a lot). For all the players who have 0 shards of the premium girl, still, I'm not sure this would be a worthy expense (given the fact that 5* legendaries are not that of a rare kind, even usually obtainable at a cheaper price)

Long story short, the price of the premium path is completely detached from the current reality of the game. 

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Really nice addition! I'll finally be able to get some of the LC girls I missed! :) I really like that it's based on Daily Goals (which most players already complete to at least 100 Potions per day), while giving a small bonus to those who complete more than 100 potions (Not something that you *have to* do, but at least it doesn't feel like a waste to do it. Just a small buff for overshooting, which is really nice).

With that, the main path (2850) is doable without any additional effort. Half of the bonus path (4050) is also largely doable (115 potions per day on average). The last half of the bonus path is probably harder to complete, but just like PoV, it only contains minor rewards that you can largely afford missing.

The only downside is this:

Il y a 6 heures, Antimon a dit :

Long story short, the price of the premium path is completely detached from the current reality of the game. 

I totally agree. Most of the rewards in the paid path are "nice additions" that you can already buy for a much cheaper price if you really need them (Or just not worth buying for most players).

So that leaves PXP and L5 Girl. 100k XP is less than 1 level above lvl 400; so it's not a priority (We already earn ~35K XP per day on average). Since I only miss a few of these paid Legendary Girls, I could consider buying the paid path for the sake of completion; but sacrificing 2 PoVs for 1 L5 girl is just not worth it. If the paid path was slightly more expensive than PoV, then I could consider skip 1 PoV for 1 PoG. Rewards are similar enough that it would makes sense. I think a price of 4500 Kobans would be reasonable (+900 compared to PoV, for slightly worst rewards, but a better girl).

At 6000, I suspect only players with too many Kobans on their hands will consider it. And maybe a few players who really want one specific girl, I guess (Or players who already own most girls, and just miss a few LC revivals to complete their harem).

Since we have 2 revivals per month and 1 new girl every month, it will take 18~20 months to complete a full cycle of revivals. I expect girls to be revived again at this point - hopefully with an alternating cycle; i.e. even girls on the free path and odd girls on the paid path. That's a very wild guess, but I'll take my chances :) So I'll just wait for their 2nd revival and then I'll decide if they're worth the high cost.

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36 minuti fa, Liliat ha scritto:

  If the paid path was slightly more expensive than PoV, then I could consider skip 1 PoV for 1 PoG. Rewards are similar enough that it would makes sense. I think a price of 4500 Kobans would be reasonable (+900 compared to PoV, for slightly worst rewards, but a better girl).

I was thinking 4000 kobans, but 4500 would definitely be a more realistic option

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4 hours ago, Liliat said:

Since we have 2 revivals per month and 1 new girl every month, it will take 18~20 months to complete a full cycle of revivals.

More than that I think. 2 revivals per 5 weeks. So a bit under 21 revivals per year, while we get 12 new LC girls.

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12 minutes ago, basilcat said:

One free girl, but I'm already have her. I need another girl, but she is cost 6000 Kobans. Why can't I reverse it? Why do you hate me so, Kinkoids?


How about sharing real feedback and toughts instead of wasting your time with this troll post?🤔

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1 hour ago, basilcat said:

One free girl, but I'm already have her. I need another girl, but she is cost 6000 Kobans. Why can't I reverse it? Why do you hate me so, Kinkoids?


Hey! You *can* reverse it, you know? But the option cost 6000 kobans.

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2 hours ago, holymolly said:

How about sharing real feedback and toughts instead of wasting your time with this troll post?🤔

Feedback can be different. Someone liked something, and something upset someone. If my opinion did not coincide with yours, this is not an excuse to immediately write somebody down as a troll.

Edited by rebirther
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2 hours ago, rebirther said:

If my opinion did not coincide with yours

Are you saying you're the same user as @basilcat?

2 hours ago, rebirther said:

this is not an excuse to immediately write somebody down as a troll.

We're not looking for excuses and we don't have to. The user in question has been given a temp ban for now, because he acts like a fucking troll. And it's not quite immediate, he's been consistent in the stupidity, pointlessness and aggressiveness of his posts. I definitely would include the garbage whining I'm replying to, if that's just another account of yours.

Either way, calm way down and fast, please. We don't want to ban you in particular (who are you, tbh? ^^ first time I notice you I think), but we definitely will if you keep this kind of toxic attitude. Okay? thanks.

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8 hours ago, rebirther said:

Feedback can be different. Someone liked something, and something upset someone. If my opinion did not coincide with yours, this is not an excuse to immediately write somebody down as a troll.

fyi it´s not the first comment of this type he´s posted ok? I´m not stereotyping anyone.. I go by what they say..and if all you´ve ever posted are comments like "f you KK " I demand this etc ..... then someone is clearly not interested in offering feedback but just howling. You can check his profile yourself if you want to go thtough the 3 comments he posted so far :)

(And I´m pretty sure that most here would agree that I´m normally someone you critizes KK a lot myself. Every type of feedback is ok as long as one can share it in a civil and constructive way.)

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My thoughts about the feature are:

  1. Very good that we get old LC and not "more work" with new ones (i wonder if the girls are going to rotate. Like: now Bellona is "locked". Next time that she will get her turn, will she still be "locked" or is random and she could be on the "free" side ? A little curiosity)
  2. Energy, gems, exp and affection even if in a small amount are very appreciated by me (specially the affection 😁)
  3. Getting 1 Epic orb if i have the girl shards is nice (i have them all for now), maybe i would make 2-3 since our drop rate in pachinko is depressing. So 5 orbs don't make up for a "missed" girl, imo. Maybe 1 big x10 at the last shard step and something easy for the other 4 steps (like very easy: 1 flower). Maybe i'm too greedy XD
  4. 6k Kobans is not realistic for many players and since the L5 are "common" nowadays is not worth it, from a player perspective. If we go for the Hentai lover perspective most of them are worth the price (Bellona is 😍 this case and GoW was a very good game) 😂
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6 hours ago, Xemnas said:

My thoughts about the feature are:

  1. Very good that we get old LC and not "more work" with new ones (i wonder if the girls are going to rotate. Like: now Bellona is "locked". Next time that she will get her turn, will she still be "locked" or is random and she could be on the "free" side ? A little curiosity)
  2. Energy, gems, exp and affection even if in a small amount are very appreciated by me (specially the affection 😁)
  3. Getting 1 Epic orb if i have the girl shards is nice (i have them all for now), maybe i would make 2-3 since our drop rate in pachinko is depressing. So 5 orbs don't make up for a "missed" girl, imo. Maybe 1 big x10 at the last shard step and something easy for the other 4 steps (like very easy: 1 flower). Maybe i'm too greedy XD
  4. 6k Kobans is not realistic for many players and since the L5 are "common" nowadays is not worth it, from a player perspective. If we go for the Hentai lover perspective most of them are worth the price (Bellona is 😍 this case and GoW was a very good game) 😂

I liked your post and think it's a great summary but wanted to note re3, I do believe your suggestion is greedy (agreeing with your maybe, hopefully no offense=)).

IMO, this is a chance at getting things we don't already have.  The higher the "secondary" prize the more the people that have it already get ahead.  The lower the prize, the more those that don't (potentially) catchup.  In other words, IMO, the point is not "I have the girl, let me get more girls".  Otherwise, they should just give the rewards as new girls.

I also think an epic orb is generous.  I think other rewards for already having the girl I've seen are "a booster", "a reputation item" and "nothing".

I'll take more rewards if KK agrees with you but it's the only part of your summary I don't totally agree with :)

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53 minutes ago, jpanda said:

hopefully no offense=)).

No offense mate i felt the greed building up while I was typing those words. In fact you are saying: people that have the girl are in advantage already so since this is a catch up method, is not meant to give girls to ppl that are in a good spot. 

Still if my greed will be listened i will not complain either 😂😂 

Edited by Xemnas
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This is cool.  Good job.  There's 5 weeks to get the 2850 points needed to get a girl.  If you get 100 points every day, that's 3500 points, which is more than enough.  I like that it's not a competition.  I like the extra PXP, which can be saved for the LC.  I like the extra GP orbs for the CbCs. 

I think 6k kobans is ridiculous, but it has to be more than 3.6k kobans, if that's what an L3 PoV girl costs.  I honestly don't think that there should be a "premium" section for this, b/c it makes half of the girls harder to get, when they were all equally difficult to get.  Should just have a single girl.  That way the supply of girls for the PoG would last longer.  A premium set of rewards would only fool newer players who don't know that L5 girls are common.  There's 64 sets of rewards, 30 gems for each premium reward, 1920 total gems, or 240 of each gem type.   I wouldn't spend 6k kobans just for the gems and common resources.  Glad I have all of the LC girls.  I'll keep my 6k kobans to waste on Mythic Girls.

LC Checklist for Path of Glory.


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28 minutes ago, Ravi-Sama said:

LC Checklist for Path of Glory.

Nice, but I would have made the checklist 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 etc. instead of 1-2-3-4 in the same column, at least based on what we can expect as of now (Kinkoid has yet to answer our questions). Basically like I did (expect the wiki didn't include Ellie yet). So one can see at a glance odd and even releases based on which column they're in.

Edit: Hmm, well actually your way works too. Since you made two columns of 12, each ROW is either odd or even. First row is #1 and #13 (so both "Free path" material unless Kinkoid has other plans and tells us more), second row is #2 and #14 (so both "Koban path" material) and so on.

Edited by DvDivXXX
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25 minutes ago, DvDivXXX said:

Nice, but I would have made the checklist 1-2 / 3-4 / 5-6 etc. instead of 1-2-3-4 in the same column, at least based on what we can expect as of now (Kinkoid has yet to answer our questions). Basically like I did (expect the wiki didn't include Ellie yet). So one can see at a glance odd and even releases based on which column they're in.

Edit: Hmm, well actually your way works too. Since you made two columns of 12, each ROW is either odd or even. First row is #1 and #13 (so both "Free path" material unless Kinkoid has other plans and tells us more), second row is #2 and #14 (so both "Koban path" material) and so on.

Yeah.  I didn't know it was pairs until I saw this thread, and looked at the test server.  I can change it easily later, but you already made one, and I think most of us that would read this already have every LC girl, so it's not urgent.  I'll probably have the urge to make another once it begins, and we know more.


Edited by Ravi-Sama
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On 5/20/2022 at 6:49 PM, Liliat said:

By the way, we don't get flowers for girls we own. We get 1EPx1 instead. So, 5 extra EPx1 on the free path if you already own the girl.


On 5/21/2022 at 3:27 AM, basilcat said:

One free girl, but I'm already have her. I need another girl, but she is cost 6000 Kobans. Why can't I reverse it? Why do you hate me so, Kinkoids?


Good Dear Fine 

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