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Questions about the Labyrinth


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1 hour ago, mdnoria said:

And if you already have 35%+ finish move and 15~18% rejuv then probably defender.

Even in this case the aditional rejuv is more worth in my eyes than the aditional defense.

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I would get the defense relic over the rejuvenation one.

Each defense % point saves you approximately 300 health points, and it works each time you are atacked, so 300 x 7 = 2100 health per battle round.

Rejuvenation only helps once per round, and it is only noticeable if you have lost a lot of health. In case you have lost 50% of a total 400k health, each % point of rejuvenation will give you 2000 health points per battle round.

The finish move is very strong and scales with opponent health, but it is only important after some rounds of attack, so it won't help save your front row girls. If depends if your strategy prioritizes saving your girls or eliminating your opponent's girls.

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I have gone though all of the postings in this Thread, plus searched through another 4 Threads that are about the Labyrinth, and with also typing in the "search engine" at the top here, looking for an answer to this question, but so far it has either not had any postings about it, and/or  I've missed seeing it.     DOH!!

So I am sorry if my question here has already been covered, yet I am maybe asking about it again.    🙂

Anyways, I am wondering if there is any table and/or listing(s), that show what the little symbols that are suppose to mean, the ones that come up while fighting, and are located along the top right hexagon side of the girls, while they are fighting?

I have seen symbols that look kind of like little silver shields, with like maybe a "pointer arrow" (pointing up) on them. Then I've also gotten a symbol that is brownish for the circle around it, and with what looks like it could be fire, or maybe kind of like a flame in it.

I think there have been at least one more symbol, and possibly 2, but my "main" question is if there is anyplace for me to go to, that shows what all of the available symbols mean.

Thank You ahead of time, for any and all help, even if it ends up there isn't any for me.    LOL      🙂

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@HornyCatThe skills that apply an additional visual:

Playful | Yellow (Stun): Puts a little green face with a halo of spinny yellow stars next to the two affected opponent girls. This skill lasts two turns and then the symbol disappears. If a girl gets KO'd while stunned, I think the symbol remains on her lifeless icon like a mark of shame.

Eccentric | Red (Burn): Puts a small flame icon next to the two affected opponent girls. This skill burns a percentage of health for 2 turns and then the icon goes away.

Physical |Orange (Defense Buff): Puts a silver shield with an upward arrow next to all girls on the team of the skilled girl (lasts 4 rounds). Ex: If your opponent has a Physical girl and her skill triggers, all the opposing girls will get the shield icon.

Sensual |Blue (Shield): Puts an HP shield on 3 girls on the team of the skilled girl. This isn't an icon next to the girl's portrait, but is a smaller, thin white bar along the bottom of the normal, red HP bar.

Other skills have no lingering visual effects.

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57 minutes ago, HornyCat said:

my "main" question is if there is anyplace for me to go to, that shows what all of the available symbols mean.

In the harem, go to to one 5star girl of each color and push in the 5th skill




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OK, and Thanks for all of the answers.

I knew about the part, for if you have any of the 5 star girls "loaded" up with the top/5th skill, and that it "works" differently for what it does in the Labyrinth vs every place else, but what I obviously didn't realize, is that it is where those little symbols on the girls are coming from.


So now I know, and have also gotten to complete my little daily goal, of trying to learn something new every day.      LOL       🙂

Edited by HornyCat
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And this reply, is specifically for Cultured Crow, and is a big Thank You, as your answer is the one that gave me the info that I was mostly looking for.

Before they finally added the "extra" 2 hardness levels, I was always just hitting the skip button, as soon as it came up, because I only rarely ended up with more than 1/2 of my girls "tired", after completing the 3 easy levels.

Then after experimenting, with hitting the skip button, vs letting the whole battle play out (on the 8x speed, of course), I learned that at least for me, I ended up winning the battles I was losing, with NOT using the skip button.

I don't know if that by doing this, I am just getting a better "return" on the Relics I've chosen, vs maybe not getting them when hitting the skip button toward the beginning of the battle, but for whatever reason(s), letting it play out, is making it so that I don't even come close to needing to use a Heart on my girls.      LOL      🙂

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Probably Ego then Crit.

It really depends on what you already have but I have a tendancy to go for defensive relics first before choosing offensive ones. The problem with this strat is if you don't get evasion relics, you hardly beat the 4th floor boss and the 5th one is nearly impossible and you are stomped.

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