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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/2019 in Posts

  1. USE THE LINK AND REGISTER WITH A DIFFERENT EMAIL IN HENTAICLICKER by changing xxx's with YOUR hentaiheroes id, then register with OTHER EMAIL in HentaiClicker YOU WILL GET MIZUKI ON YOUR HH ACCOUNT. For instance i am playing Hentaiheroes with XYZ@gmail.com (i am unable to see the Mizuki banner), after using the link when i played with the same email on Hentaiclicker reaching level 3000 DID NOT provide the reward(i did it multiple times), but when i created an entirely new Hentaiclicker account using a DIFFERENT EMAIL ABC@gmail.com, using the same link with MY HH ID, reaching level 3000 surprisingly PROVIDED the reward to my XYZ@gmail.com Hentaiheroes account . So from all of this and the fact that changing browsers, devices and disabling addblockers doesn't help to make the banner visible i, can conclude that the problem is indeed tied with email management on Kinkoid's part. Some emails (like my XYZ@gmail.com example) are unable to see the banner and are unable to receive the reward from playing HentaiClicker if they are using the same email they used in Hentaiheroes(that is unable to see the banner), but if they create a new account with a new email in Hentaiclicker using the link from the banner while inserting their numerical HH ID they WILL RECEIVE the reward. Worsk for Hentaiheroes.com players. I REPEAT USE THE LINK REPLACE "XXXXXX" WITH YOUR HH ID AND REGISTER WITH A DIFFERENT EMAIL IN HENTAICLICKER.
    3 points
  2. For people without banner : Someone has find a solution on the french part of the forum. I write it here : On PC, on your browser, use the link : https://www.hentaiclicker.com/?tc1=HHae7050ef6tf2add1c0b83f0e0e78d4c1&tc2=14540&tc3=174&noagev=1&ref_type=crosspromotion&ref_id=XXXXXX&game_id=25&auth_id=41575 but use your ingame ID of HH instead of "XXXXXX" (you can find your ID in your ingame profil, where you choose avatar) -> Then, load the HentaiClicker page with the link with your ID (the entire link, not just the part that can be clicked here in forum) do your connexion on HentaiClicker, do the things to have Mizuki (lvl3000) -> Reload your HentaiHeroes page to have a new banner to collect Mizuki, just accept and she is yours (note that you probably need to avoid adblocker and so...) Hope it will work for you
    3 points
  3. Tu n'as pas vu leur analyse de leur propre sondage ? Même les équipes de Zelda les envient !
    2 points
  4. Bon nouvel évènement : Journées épiques Nouvelles filles au PE pour l'évènement : Miyu et Ria. Il manque les gains pour l'instant. Si vous les avez, vous pouvez les mettre ici (avec le gain et le gain/h ainsi que les bonus club, le tout en spoiler) ou venez nous les dire sur Discord sur les salons réservés au wiki sur le serveur non officiel (https://discord.gg/RfGBAM9) ou sur le serveur officiel (https://discord.gg/yTQKw7n). Merci d'avance ! Bon jeu et bon loot ! A vos kobans pour avoir les 6 ! EDIT : Les gains de Miyu ont été maj. Il ne reste que ceux de Ria qui manquent.
    2 points
  5. Use the link again, but when you reach Hentaiclicker DO NOT play with your EMAIL but instead REGISTER WITH A NEW EMAIL! It works, just tried it
    2 points
  6. Je viens d'essayer avec succès sa méthode avec le lien en modifiant l'ID. Merci aux joueurs d'être compétents et serviables, ça leur évitera de lire la langue de bois du support. Ah non, j'oubliais que le support est extrêmement bien noté d'après le sondage officiel. Edit : testé en version privée avec AD-block activé comme quoi les recommandations officielles ne sont pas à prendre au pied de la lettre. J'ignore toujours pourquoi je n'ai jamais eu la bannière sur HH mais le lien donné l'a parfaitement simulée.
    2 points
  7. Pour ma part j'ai réussi à déclencher le popup dans clicker en utilisant le lien de quelqu'un d'autre en y modifiant l'id depuis un pc, ça ne marche pas depuis un smartphone il veut absolument qu'on utilise l'application mobile du coup le lien entré passe à la trappe : Dans un navigateur aller à l'url : https://www.hentaiclicker.com/?tc1=HHae7050ef6tf2add1c0b83f0e0e78d4c1&tc2=14540&tc3=174&noagev=1&ref_type=crosspromotion&ref_id=xxxxxx&game_id=25&auth_id=41575 En remplaçant xxxxxx par votre ID de jeu Connectez vous sur Hentai clicker via les champs du lien qui se sont affichés Atteigniez le lvl 3000 si vous y êtes déjà et que vous ne voyez pas le popup faites un reset via la forge Une fois le lvl 3000 atteint le popup s'affiche, confirmez le Ouvrez un nouvel onglet avec votre ad blocker désactivé et connectez vous sur hentai heroes la bannière pour récupérer la fille devrait apparaître avec le bouton pour la récupérer J'espère que marchera aussi bien pour vous
    2 points
  8. Hey Everyone. I'm looking for a club to join. I hopped around a few open clubs but haven't seen much in conversation or contribution yet. Wanna make sure I find the right one before I really start throwing my financial weight into it. If I could find one with around 80+ total stats I would know everyone else is serious and "in it to win it". English speaking. Unless you prefer me not to know what everyone else is saying, then it could be Mandarin or old-timey Clingon, lol. Currently level 65 with $8500 kobans and 17 girls and a maxed HC stat. Although, maybe I'll be 70 by the time you read this, been workin hard. I Fucks!
    2 points
  9. Félicitations, héros ! Les filles m’ont dit que vous les (c)lickiez tellement bien qu’elles ne parviennent plus à se contrôler… Décidément, vous œuvrez à faire du Haremverse maudit un endroit plus joyeux, propice aux nombreux orgasmes ! Après la triste malédiction appelée le Mist qui a privé les sublimes filles de leur désir naturel et de leur capacité à recevoir du plaisir sexuel, une seule chose est sûre dans l’esprit de ces demoiselles : rien ni personne ne peut les sauver à part vous - les Guérisseurs du Sexe ! Mizuki ne fait pas exception à la règle ! L’influenceuse ne parvient pas à satisfaire son appétit pour vous et votre membre généreux… Elle en veut plus !!! La fille la plus bouillonnante du Haremverse vous invite sur HH pour des sessions encore plus juteuses qui vont... remplir son trou ardent ! Mais, Mizuki a une requête ! Elle ne rencontrera sur HH que les (c)lickers les plus aguerris : ceux qui ont prouvé qu’ils aimaient jouer avec son bouton d’amour si sensible ! Afin d’ajouter l’influenceuse à votre Harem sur HH, vous devez atteindre le niveau 3000 sur Hentai Clicker ! Donc, n’oubliez pas de cliquer sur la bannière crosspromo que vous verrez sur HH pour être redirigés directement vers Mizuki ! Dernier point, et pas des moindres : ceux d’entre vous qui jouez sur hentaiclicker.com obtiendront Mizuki sur hentaiheroes.com. De même, ceux qui jouent à Hentai Clicker sur Nutaku obtiendront Mizuki en jouant à Harem Heroes. Vous devez seulement utiliser la même adresse email sur les deux jeux afin de pouvoir obtenir la fille. Alors, voulez-vous ajouter la plus chaude des influenceuses à votre Harem ? Cela vous semble-t-il tentant ?! Si tel est le cas, FONCEZ ! Montrez à Mizuki que vous avez les capacités de (c)licking nécessaires qu’elle recherche tant !
    1 point
  10. Hélas oui. D'ailleurs j'en profite pour te remercier pour le sondage que tu as fait, même si pour Kinkoid ça ne vaut pas grand chose, ça l'est pour la communauté. Quand tu l'as fait, je l'ai confondu avec l'officiel (immonde) et je pensais que c'était une blague. Je t'ai limite insulté pour le beau travail que tu as fait et j'ai honte. Étant donné qu'il n'y a pas de MP sur ce forum, je m'excuse en publique m(__)m /Fin du HS
    1 point
  11. Kinkoid has a habit of fixing and changing small things unannounced. All of these are patched on wednesdays. Anyway, I am not sure it was actually said somewhere here. I have seen a lot of comments about it, but I can't be bothered to look if there was any on the forum 😂
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. During the Epic and Legendary Days events the average cost per girl doing combat refills is about 3-4k kobans. You can check the wiki before you get too far to see if someone in the current event would be better for your team. https://harem-battle.club/wiki/Harem-Heroes/HH:Compare-All-Haremettes
    1 point
  14. Adding to what was said above, there are three main reasons to get girls: better combat stats, more money per hour, pics. For combat 5* legendaries are best, then other 5* girls (epic and rare exist - see wiki). For money generally the more girls with more upgrades the better. And we know really you're here for more pics.
    1 point
  15. Combativity refills during events in order to get girls you otherwise wouldn't. Saving up for events like this current one (Epic Days) or Legendary Days where refills are required to even get one girl for most players will likely take all your kobans for the foreseeable future.
    1 point
  16. Pour le lien par email, la raison d'éviter cette solution est simple : de nombreux joueurs ne lisent pas les emails de Kinkoid, voire les collent en spam. Et ce, sans compter ceux qui ont un compte ouvert sous un email bidon, donc inconsultable Du coup, pour être certain que tous les joueurs aient accès à Mizuki, il faut une solution qui reste dans le jeu lui-même (hélas, là, un vilain bug semble faire foirer le système de plate-formes croisées)
    1 point
  17. Yes. At higher levels you can complete content like the champions easier, and also receive more monetary rewards from daily missions. Contests become more active, but the rewards also increase, so you don't need to win as often to get equal rewards. Same with leagues (and you can always just not use all your challenges to stay in a lower tier).
    1 point
  18. Bienvenue sur la programmation web où une simple mise à jour d'un navigateur peut faire planter ton application. Ils auraient pu envoyer le lien par mail et un code à saisir dans le jeu une fois le niveau 3000 atteint. Problème résolu et avec très peu d'effort. Ce qui me déçoit surtout c'est que l'intention est bonne (avoir une légendaire 5* gratuitement et faire la pub pour l'autre jeu) mais Kinkoid ne sont pas à leur première bourde et ils ne semblent pas retenir des leçons des bêtises faites dans le passé. Ça devient désespérant.
    1 point
  19. USE THE LINK AND REGISTER WITH A DIFFERENT EMAIL IN HENTAICLICKER I used the following link https://www.hentaiclicker.com/?tc1=HHae7050ef6tf2add1c0b83f0e0e78d4c1&tc2=14540&tc3=174&noagev=1&ref_type=crosspromotion&ref_id=XXXXXX&game_id=25&auth_id%EF%BB%BF=41575 by changing xxx's with my hentaiheroes id, then registered with OTHER EMAIL in HentaiClicker i was able to claim Mizuki. For instance i am playing Hentaiheroes with XYZ@gmail.com (i am unable to see the Mizuki banner), after using the link when i played with the same email on Hentaiclicker reaching level 3000 DID NOT provide the reward(i did it multiple times), but when i created an entirely new Hentaiclicker account using a DIFFERENT EMAIL ABC@gmail.com, using the same link with my hh id reaching level 3000 surprisingly PROVIDED the reward to my XYZ@gmail.com Hentaiheroes account . So from all of this and the fact that changing browsers, devices and disabling addblockers doesn't help to make the banner visible i, can conclude that the problem is indeed tied with email management on Kinkoid's part. Some emails (like my XYZ@gmail.com example) are unable to see the banner and are unable to receive the reward from playing HentaiClicker if they are using the same email they used in Hentaiheroes(that is unable to see the banner), but if they create a new account with a new email in Hentaiclicker using the link from the banner whilce inserting their numerical HH ID they receive the reward without an issue. I REPEAT USE THE LINK AND REGISTER WITH A DIFFERENT EMAIL IN HENTAICLICKER.
    1 point
  20. Ce qui m'échappe, c'est pourquoi créer un nouveau sujet alors que ton annonce a été vue et que des joueurs t'ont répondu dans le sujet consacré au recrutement ?... Tout ce qu'il en résulte, c'est que tu reçois les mêmes propositions des 2 cotés... Est-ce bien utile ?... ^^
    1 point
  21. Well, so far, so good... I'm not sure this will hold to the end of the week, though. As you can see, there are still players over twice my level in there, and some of them buff themselves too. It would sure be sweet to promote by ending #1, if I can make it.
    1 point
  22. I tried this as well, no solution for me. I'm already past 4000 and still nothing Edit: Makes sure to find your ID under profile and where u change your avatar. Solution worked after that
    1 point
  23. That's what combativity refills are for, and by definition that means your "increased odds" are already priced the way Kinkoid wants them to be priced. Why would they offer a different mechanism on top of that? One that I suspect you would expect to be cheaper than the existing one. I also find your request rather odd in light of the fact that you asked for more transparency in the very same post. Do you actually believe Kinkoid would tell you how much the odds would be increased by your suggested feature? With combativity refills you know exactly what kind of benefit you can expect. If you think that Event Pachinko is the most koban-efficient way to acquire new girls, you've still got a lot to learn about the game.
    1 point
  24. Hey I was confused a bit I guess. I see now the "3 profile clothing" awards per champion, these are awarded on beating round 5 only. I was actually thinking the 6 clothing items were the gear pieces dropped during rounds 1-4. (the ones you equip or sell) I appreciate your perspective as well on not wanting to just hand the experienced/advanced player an instant easy boost that further pushes them ahead of everyone else. Finding fair ways that allow new players to catch up faster is the greater challenge.
    1 point
  25. @Troctout merci pour ces précisions. Je cherche effectivement un club pas forcément actif sur discord (même si j'avoue que c'est pratique pour échanger d'où ma demande) mais surtout un club vivant, et avec des membres qui prennent plaisir à échanger via le chat du jeu au moins. Actuellement je suis dans le club CNO 4 mais à part profiter des bonus au max il n'y a aucun échange entre les membres de ce club, et je préfère être dans un groupe plus convivial et vivant même si moins puissant ou moins bien classé. Donc si vous parlez via le chat et que l'ambiance est drôle et décontractée, ça peut m'intéresser ! 😊
    1 point
  26. You're welcome for those where my solution unlocked them
    1 point
  27. Les deux sont magnifique, mais Kaliko est plus mignonne Hentai heroes: 627179https://www.hentaiheroes.com/hero/627179/profile.htmlhttps://www.hentaiheroes.com/hero/627179/profile.htmlhttps://www.hentaiheroes.com/hero/627179/profile.html
    1 point
  28. Ragazzi. Ho ottenuto Mizuki. Spulciando in tutti i forum ho letto una cosa interessante https://www.hentaiclicker.com/?tc1=HHae7050ef6tf2add1c0b83f0e0e78d4c1&tc2=14540&tc3=174&noagev=1&ref_type=crosspromotion&ref_id=xxxxxx&game_id=25&auth_id=41575 Copiate questo link... al posto di xxxxxx mettete il vostro ID Si aprirà Hentai Clicker attraverso il banner e se sarete al lv. 3000 otterrete Mizuki.Ho fatto da pc. Così ho tenuto aperto entrambi i giochi. Se non vi da la ricompensa subito (-verrà scritto nuova ragazza su Hentai Heroes) cliccate sulla forgia e azzerate. e così a me l'ha data... Garantisco
    1 point
  29. Ruriko, j'aime les boobs. En plus elle m'excite avec son mode guerrière et boom tu la soulèves et tu vois quoi ? "Porte-jarretelles" Elle te met un K.O suivie d'un FATALITY. Serveur : HH = Hentai Heroes ID : 32335
    1 point
  30. Nope, because the banner gone and I very smartly close the page where the banner has directed me, thinking, "oh, well, this page is useless to me". >. < Right now my club are trying to rebuild the promo link based on the link of some member banner, but is hard to figure what parts we have to change to link our hentai heroes account to the hentai clicker account: https://www.hentaiclicker.com/?tc1=HH3113e16efe7dd853fad3465a7b03a669&tc2=14540&tc3=174&noagev=1&ref_type=crosspromotion&ref_id=349900&game_id=25&auth_id=46615 This is the link for the banner of one member of our club. We have to change some parts to rebuild our own link. We are betting that we have to change the id part, but... we have 3 parts related to id. And also, we have no guarantee that the numbers in the middle will be the same for everyone. With this, however, I got the message "you got a reward on hentai heroes" when reaching stage 3000 using this link, changing the crosspromotion&ref_id=xxxxxx to my own id. But this did not vinculate the reward to my account, so I'm trying again changing other parts of the link. Hard to figure what to do!
    1 point
  31. Y'a un bouton pour changer de langue, mais sans qu'on puisse changer de langue Et puis sérieux quoi, y'a pas autant de trucs à traduire que sur HH, y'a quelques phrases de filles, les boutons du jeu, tuto, et voilà. Y'en a pour 2h grand max.
    1 point
  32. Glad to see there is someone else having issues with that game, it doesn't load for me either, the most I got was also this page, but stopped loading at 7/10 and then gave me the error message that it can't load WebGl memory or something and I need to increase memory if I am the developer, but since I'm not the dev I can't, hence can't play the game either. How about we get a fix for this? Or is that unable to be played on Win 7?
    1 point
  33. vous êtes bien gentil à dire qu'il faut clicker sur la bannière dans HH. Mais faudrait commencer par la rendre existante sur HH
    1 point
  34. So no solution yet. Just the usual blaming on something else. I wonder why let this drag on. I mean, if they have already took the time to read the ticket, a little more time to check player account for max level reached (if the person used same login credentials for both games) on Hentai Clicker and adding the girl manually to that person Hentai Heroes harem would prevent them from receiving more and more support tickets from the same person. Even if somehow the support guy do not have the means to actually fix it, just sending the link in the ticket response (same link banner is supposed to provide) would solve most cases and prevent a lot of new support tickets. Meaning less work for them.
    1 point
  35. It is simply stupid to miss the opportunity because of a human error. Very badly planned.
    1 point
  36. Hello, Thank you for contacting Hentai Heroes customer support. It is required that you click on the crosspromo banner and from the page that opens to login to the clicker. If you don't see the banner, please disable all the adblocker you might have on your browser, the banner will appear 24h after you shut down your adblocker. Kind regards, Kaos-Kinkoid. This is an answer from Kaos in a support ticket on how to get Mizuki.
    1 point
  37. sad to say at this point there is no help , you can try to send a support ticket in , but so far all I have gotten is we are looking into it response . maybe if everyone having issues sends tickets they will see its not just a few of us . as far as here goes , I cant say they are seeing this or not , but the lack of response tells me either they don't know , don't have a answer , cant figure it out , or we are just sol . We haven't even gotten its a matter we are looking into , we know some people are effected , we are working on it , no responces , the last one was wait a few mins and it will pop up , that was early yesterday and I still am waiting ... edit : I also asked in my ticket if there is a way for them to at least verify we earned her and get her awarded , still waiting a response on that though (its not been very long since I replied asking ) .
    1 point
  38. i do understand logic.game allready does acivity from game to game after certain level,opening and closin scripts,so its only logical to assume that game would be RELATIVELY easy to code send mail too.and if someone is wrong,i dont think it makes him/her a*hole.it just make the one be wrong.but then again,commenting others posts without bringing anything constructive,informative or helpfullto to thread,might make you look like one. sincerely yours:teddy
    1 point
  39. I did submit a ticket about this and reporting it as a bug yesterday through HH , I finally got a response about 2 hrs ago what read : " HI, Thanks for reaching out! We've send the info over to the right team and the team is looking into it. Thanks for your patience! Kind regards. " So who knows if we will ever get a answer , at this point I consider it to be a sol situation . No one is offering any solutions of any kinds here , not getting answers from support other then they are looking into it and from my exp that means not enough complaining to care . I could be wrong and hopefully I am , but almost every time I hear we are looking into it , that is just a polite way of telling me to sod off .
    1 point
  40. Yo horo kinkoid! maybe this and future crossgame events could be made via email?writing some code to hentaiclicker that it would automatically send mail with unic rewardlink to player who reaches desired goal.im no coder but i could imagine it to bee relative easy way to make it work yours:teddy
    1 point
  41. My rule of thumb was that you should be strong enough to at least compete for top 4 before you promote to a new tier.
    1 point
  42. I won this week with exactly 6900 points . I had a good distance from the second, JamesFrancoPhd with some hours to finish (he had rushed and unboosted the last day so he was for sure at 6683), but [CNO]Raiygaa was third at that moment with 6653, climbing fast from low positions and was strong. Matt was 4th with 6658 (same case as second) and Samael 5th with 6346 but perhaps he stepped up in the end because he was stronger and my main concern during the week. Some time ago I decided (following @Chthugha fine advices) to get some sleep and not getting up at the league reset (5AM for me), so I don't know the rest of the players exact position. It cost a refill but is worth it for your health. This week I have @Z-Wave and @Napo from my club, and also Dido and [CNO]Nishebro are strong. I expect at least to be in top 4 and with a bit of luck I could win.
    1 point
  43. From what i can see you keep only one item for each slot and sell everything else. That's just wrong, both mono and rainbow items are good now and can be useful depending on which opponent/champion you fight. You should keep both types of equipment for each slot, and figure out when it's better to use one or the other.
    1 point
  44. @Cuierd, encore une fois, nous n'avons jamais dit que HH était le meilleur jeu. Tu peux relire l'enquête si tu le souhaites. @Roccos, l'enquête que tu as citée dans ton post n'est pas officielle, et elle ne représente qu'une petitre partie de la communauté des joueurs (1% à peu près). Si nous avons réalisé l'enquête qui a été postée aujourd'hui, c'était pour pouvoir prendre en compte un panel plus large de joueurs. Comme expliqué dans le post, elle représente plus de 10 000 joueurs (environs 10% de la communauté). Notre but avec ce post n'est pas de démontrer que HH est parfait, qu'il n'y a aucune amélioration à y apporter et qu'il surpasse tous les autres jeux. Notre but est uniquement de présenter l'avis des joueurs sur le jeu, avis que l'on a voulu le plus large possible.
    1 point
  45. Can you be demoted in tower of fame, this class that I'm in is out of my league.
    1 point
  46. Demotion hits all players who finish in the last 15 spots of their league bracket, or who have 0 points if there are more than 15 of those scores.
    1 point
  47. Un petit sur Gay Harem que j'avais vraiment rigoler la première fois en lisent sa avec mon ésprit mal placé.
    1 point
  48. Waaah celui-ci je l'ai fait au tout début de ce topic mais je l'ai jamais posté.. ;; (en même temps il est pas ouf sur certains points mais baleck x) )
    1 point
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