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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/2019 in Posts

  1. Seeing no drop picture in boss' potential rewards area. Just a visual bug or something more serious? Furthermore, Murakawa was supposed to be obtainable from Daily Missions too. Hope this is just a description mistake. Update 1: As pointed out by several reports, the non-availability from boss fights is actually there and not just a visual bug. Update 2: As pointed out by @capii and @SatanBete, this could be a classic daytime-savings time change thing. For new players out there, by classic I mean similar confusion and "bug" happens every single time. I suppose it keeps things interesting. The time-change should actually be happening on October 27, 2019, but let's see what happens. Update 3: Well, so much for that irrational hope. Update 4: Generic official response (aware of the problem, working on the issue etc.) made 3 hours 30 minutes after reset-time. Update 5: Drops fixed ~4 hours after reset-time, Murakawa description still unfixed though. No news regarding any possible compensation, at least not yet. Update 6: Some ~20 minutes later, Murakawa issue got resolved as well. Update 7: Around 9 hours after reset-time, a compensation of 30 combativity was provided for all players.
    8 points
  2. @Bomba The changing background is intended. Thank you for the compliment, I'm honored! But I would like you to know that's not only me, there is a whole team of CM which are also working hard when issues appear. (And also entertain you with various games)
    6 points
  3. Sigh. HH is first and foremost an art studio. There are many players, people we know, who donate, give, contibute, each month up to $500 to make the game possible. If you are one? They didn't post your name in the credits. If u have a good beef? Garnished in humor? I am the very first to support you and laugh with you. Please consider either editing your post or just delete? Everyone wants you to enjoy, appreciate the lovely art, and have a good time. Its an orgy for goodness sake.
    5 points
  4. confirmed the shard range is 1-12
    5 points
  5. La semaine a été rude. Vous avez été bien occupés entre le Bureau et vos petites aventures au sein du Haremverse (oui, héros, vous êtes tellement sensationnels que vous réussissez à être à deux endroits en même temps pour satisfaire toutes ces femmes en chaleur). Maintenant, il est temps de prendre une petite pause : juste vous, moi et Mizuki. Et tous les followers des réseaux sociaux du Haremverse. 🤩 🍌 La plus chaude des influenceuses vous propose de relever un nouveau challenge, et j'ai accepté de l'aider. Vous devez soit manger nos pêches d'amour (celles qui sont entre nos jambes bien sûr) dehors, dans un restaurant. Ou bien nous devons prendre votre saucisse charnue en nous. C'est un choix difficile, je vous l'accorde. 🍑 ➡️ Qui sera la première d'entre nous : Mizuki ❤️ ou moi ? 😯 💰 Commentez, votez et obtenez des Kobans : 5 d'entre vous remporteront 240 Kobans (Hentai Heroes) / 40 Kobans (Harem Heroes) ! ❗️ N'oubliez pas de nous laisser votre ID et la plateforme sur laquelle vous jouez. Vous avez jusqu'à mardi pour participer ! Votre performance sera enregistrée et partagée avec tout le Haremverse ! Alors, soyez performants ! 💋
    3 points
  6. Bonjour à tous. Super , le revival débute avec un très gros bug ! Les filles ne sont pas droppables. J'ai perdu une jauge pleine et une recharge avant de m'en apercevoir ... Remboursez , nos invitations !!!
    3 points
  7. Looks like we're now finally having our 3rd anniversary event.
    3 points
  8. Well, by this hour the trouble with the girls' affection besides the Murakawa's mission tracker are fixed. Lately I've criticized a lot to the devs, so I think is fair be grateful when they tried to amend their mistakes, then I would like to thank them for the quick response and for the 30 combativity points as a compensation for all the trouble. I just wanna say that if you take care of your players this game will always be good.
    2 points
  9. Got 30 free combativity. Thanks. The funny thing that I spent just around this amount in the morning, before realize that there's no girls.
    2 points
  10. Le problème du nouvel évènement "Orgy days" qui ne permettait pas aux joueurs d’obtenir les filles sur les vilains ce matin a été résolu.Nous sommes en train de préparer une information pour vous communiquer nos futures actions.Nous vous présentons toutes nos excuses.Merci pour votre patience.
    2 points
  11. The issue has been resolved. We are preparing online news to communicate our further actions. Please accept our deepest apologies. Thank you for your patience.
    2 points
  12. I have a problem, i don't see girls in villians stage. How get this girls (not in pachinko)
    2 points
  13. I find the background switch to be WAY TOO FAST. Changing it to every minute or so would be less distracting (and easier on the eyes, especially for people with epilepsy, migraines or any eye issue). It's a cool idea in and of itself, but at such a quick pace it is unpleasant.
    2 points
  14. Me too plz fix is quickly or give us so compensation with more days of this event (don't wanna miss the legendaries here).
    2 points
  15. I'm seeing the same thing on Edwarda. Spent 19 combativity and only got money (no affection or tickets). Obviously too small a sample size but not a promising start.
    2 points
  16. kimi et Sady n'apparaisse pas en gains mais il y a bien eu le changement de décorations.
    2 points
  17. This event sounds interesting but according to kinkoid's track record in the last months I won't hold my breath. I'll believe it when I see it.
    2 points
  18. News link: Orgy Days (new event type) 5 day event. 11 possible drops (including 2 new ones) with 5 of them on bosses, including one of the new ones. 10 daily missions, completing 8 of which will reward Murakawa or Legendary boosters.
    1 point
  19. What an event!! Despite the initial issues, I wish all the revivals were like this. Plenty of girls around a common topic and a lot of generosity with the drop rates. Thanks to kinkoid team for the whole care and effort put on this revival.
    1 point
  20. I just beat him when he didn't have 500k ego, but only 3XXk
    1 point
  21. That's also incorrect, btw. The 22.5% is for girls. In fact, you also have 22.5% chance to get an avatar, independent from getting a girl. The text on the event pachinko is simply wrong, because you can get both an avatar and a girl, which means you are guaranteed 2 legendary items.
    1 point
  22. As you can only pay with full kobans and the amount depends on the time remaining for full combativity (and not on the combativity points), the most you can save is 1 koban. So you don't need to wait 30 minutes to refill again, you would have got that free combativity point anyway. Just for reference: the cost in kobans is 216 kobans / 600 minutes = 0,36 kobans/minute (or inversely 2min 46 sec per koban)
    1 point
  23. Je préfère les fruits bien mûre; donc pour moi ce sera les pêches d'amour!!! Et bien évidemment: 😯 Bunny étant la fille initiale que l'on rencontre à notre arrivée dans le Haremverse; elle sera toujours La première pour moi...😻 D'autre part; je pense que la difficulté qu'on eue certains, à débauché Mizuki de Hentai Clicker: Aura grossi les rangs de ses détracteurs!!...😉 Hentai Heroes / ID 2067713
    1 point
  24. Vous devez soit manger nos pêches d'amour (celles qui sont entre nos jambes bien sûr) dehors, dans un restaurant. Ou bien nous devons prendre votre saucisse charnue en nous. C'est un choix difficile, je vous l'accorde. Pas difficile les 2 😈 Mizuki ❤️ et Bunny 😯 Après tout le Haremverse est rempli de restaurants qui sont en majorité liés au sexe.😇 Hentai Heroes ID : 1556052
    1 point
  25. Yay! 30 free combativity! Thanks! I think that's a good apology for the messed up start of the event. The only remaining problem is this switching background. It was a great idea. And looks good when you are in the main screen. But constant flickering from purple to orange is not healthy. It seems intended time interval was 7 seconds and I think it's already too short. But sometimes it switches in less than a second.
    1 point
  26. Already got 3 girls with 4500 kobans so i'm quite satisfied, but why the hell would they put 2 missions daily if they divide the time needed and reward by two?
    1 point
  27. so strongminded observer_x seems to be, he will gladly ignore your good advice - I on the other hand will glady follow it and welcome 5 new girls to my harem at the end of the event
    1 point
  28. le titre dit tout les filles ne sont pas optenable par les vilains et n'affiche même pas la fill a gagner si on fait les missions régler le problème s'il vous plait
    1 point
  29. Tu as raison. Le post Kinkoid ci-dessus a été édité.
    1 point
  30. la même, mais apparemment c'est corrigé car maintenant les filles apparaissent bien et j'ai pu me procurer notre charmante nouvelle légendaire goule de sperme ... ❤️ par contre, 20 combats partis pour rien, j'ai dû lâcher mes K pour pouvoir faire des combats productifs ... si un dédommagement arrive il sera bienvenu, j'aimerai bien avoir le temps de séduire Kimie et de la lui mettre bien profond ...
    1 point
  31. Oh good, mission timers are just over an hour today. That is a halved length.
    1 point
  32. My D2 this week has Altair, Level 383 as the highest level player out of 101 players.
    1 point
  33. Strange, I'm observing the exact opposite trend in D2. Even the vast majority of players who are very much above average in level (say, 360+) don't hit 300k anymore. They're not even particularly close in many cases. (The average level is holding pretty steady around 345; bracket dilution and people levelling up seem to be roughly in balance for D2.) Not that ego alone is a terribly useful indicator of strength anyway. This player has one of the highest egos in my current bracket: No, that's not chlorella boosters. It's The silly goose.
    1 point
  34. I used up 3 battle combats before I realized that no girls could drop. Hopefully they fix it soon as the longer it takes to fix the less time we have to try and get all the girls being offered. Also good observation about one girl supposed to be from daily missions. I'd say hold on to combativity for now and definately don't use kobans since it's not just a visual effect they really don't drop. My guess is maybe they tried including too many girls along with having 2 missions and somehow that used up too much memory on their end or something which made girls not drop but that's just my guess. Here's hoping they fix this glitch soon.
    1 point
  35. It is 1 hour after (well actually an hour and five minutes) and mine has not changed. I think you had a good theory but I am not sure if it is holding up.
    1 point
  36. +1 Also, there are two extra girls in EvP and EP, who are not listed in the event window: Mountain Sophie and Boku Mi Maï (both from the 2018 Halloween Revival). It's cool that they're there (for people who use Pachinko anyway), but it's odd that they're not on the list with "Get me in the Pachinko".
    1 point
  37. Same, none of the event girls appear or anything, wasted 20 combat and 24 kobans. Feel like a real 🤡. How long does it usually take for them to fix these things? Not that it's been long, just genuinely wondering.
    1 point
  38. jai une bug j'ai pas les fille des boss de dark lord et de edwarda et jai deux mission mauve a 24 or
    1 point
  39. je veux bien mai je veux les fille qui me manque je les voir dans le retangle il on pas de crocher verte quan je clic sur le boss ou elle ai elle pas la
    1 point
  40. Yeah just wasted 18 rounds on Edwarda and didn't get a shard. Looked over and it doesn't show any shards available.
    1 point
  41. I have just seen the zero defense bug in action in 2 level - 5 stage with Alban, so the bug is still active.
    1 point
  42. It is going to be fun on the 5th day... 2 long, long, long missions if they didn't change the timers 😂
    1 point
  43. Oups je suis navré d'avoir empiré la situation Comme je l'ai indiqué au début de mon message, le problème est causé probablement en grande partie par le jeu sur smartphone (c'est mon cas), sauf erreur de ma part il n'est pas possible de jouer sur navigateur depuis un smartphone à HC le seul moyen est de passer par l'application qui propose l'installation dès qu'on se rend sur le lien du jeu. Pour ma part je n'étais pas au courant avant cet évènement de l'existance de l'application mobile. Vu les messages qui apparaissent sur HH lorsqu'on joue sur smartphone depuis un navigateur, vous êtes techniquement en mesure de détecter lorsqu'on joue depuis un navigateur smartphone, en prévisions de ces problèmes il aurait été judicieux pour les joueurs smartphone de les inviter à se connecter depuis un navigateur PC/Mac pour récupérer la récompense plutot que d'afficher le même bouton que pour les PC/Mac. Bref je pense qu'un test plus poussé avant déploiement sur divers plateformes n'auraient pas été du luxe
    1 point
  44. I have already opted out. I see no problem with sales. Devs got earn their money. For the same reason I see no problem in requiring kobans to get some girls as pachinko only girls during events. Answering to the question about how do I spend kobans, I do save mine for opportunities, the ones clearly pointed out (pachinkos mostly as it seems to be the devs choice of doing it). I prefer event pachinkos myself. My problem with it is disguising a sale as event gameplay leaving the players starting out on the game thinking they actually have a chance of completing the event goal just to find out after putting effort on it that it is just not possible by normal gameplay no matter how efficiently you play. It is just unethical. Either sell them (directly or through loot boxes like one game pachinko). Or don't. Do not disguise it in a way that the player will end up frustrated on his effort accomplishing nothing by it. EDIT: If the main event window (bottom right of town) or in the news announcing the event (bottom left button in town) it was clearly stated that normal gameplay will only award half a girl requiring kobans to complete the other half I would see no problem at all. Bussiness as usual. Just do not make a fool out of the player.
    1 point
  45. The banner should be just an ad, not a requirement. We already use the same Email for both games, that should be the requirement. Bad design.
    1 point
  46. Right, found it. In case any1 else was curious:
    1 point
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