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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/19/2020 in Posts

  1. Hey, heroes!😉 Can you resist the magnetic sex appeal and the advanced sexual skills of two gorgeous Legendary ladies?! The seductive sorceress, Layla, and the insatiable sex fiend Ombresse are going to make your hearts thump wildly, your cocks throb intensely and your legs shake uncontrollably…You know, a hot Legendary girl can show you a lot of dirty tricks! Coming from the ancient Cuntslip Kingdom, which still hides its dirty impenetrable secrets, the skillful Layla embarked on a sexual journey to find the unknown pleasure. The Undefeated Master - a mysterious sorcerer who disappeared centuries ago, promised to her and all the other devout followers of his writings to return one day and reward them with divine sexual ecstasy. That’s how the ageless Layla spent hundreds of years waiting for her master, playing with her body, training her pussy for long intense sessions of 5 quest grades… But this highly skillful babe has never seen the face of the Undefeated. Can she recognize him by the powerful and explosive cum shots? Or maybe he has other distinguishing features? One thing is for sure, you will be turned on by her irresistible charm! And the diabolically hot and sexy Ombresse is coming back to ignite the sexual inferno and cover her body with the seed of all of you who haven’t tamed her yet. She is going to unwrap all her charms in order to receive something hard! But the cunning Finalmecia has already locked Ombresse up and thrown away the key. And the jealous Donatien keeps Layla in his harem, invisible to other men! From the 20th (5 am UTC+1) to the 24th (5 am UTC+1), you will have four days to set these two gorgeous ladies free and become their sexual Hero! Layla Ombresse Do it! You are the missing piece to the Legendary threesome!
    13 points
  2. I like that the devs are trying something new, but in the future I think this event could use a slight improvement. Here's my reasoning: I can get an Epic Pachinko girl 100% of the time for 5400 kobans. If a limited-time event also has an Epic Pachinko girl on a villain, I expect to win her for less than 5400 kobans. (If not, I'm better off not participating in the event and playing epic pachinko instead.) 1 combativity point is worth 10.8 kobans. 5400/10.8 = 500 battles. The question is: can I win the girl in under 500 battles? Given this event's parameters (0shards=90%, 1shard=2.5%, 2shards=2.5%, 3shards=2.5%, 4shards=2.5%), the probability of getting 100 shards in under 500 battles is 91.7%. That's good, but it's not great. One in 12 players participating in the event won't get their girl in 500 battles, and they'll feel cheated. By contrast, during Epic Days (0shards=90%, 1shard=2%, 2shards=2%, 3shards=2%, 4shards=2%, 5shards=2%), the probability of getting 100 shards in under 500 battles is 99.1%. That's much better. So my recommendation for future Foreplay events: increase the shard drops from 1-4 to 1-5. Or alternatively, don't include Epic Pachinko girls in it.
    5 points
  3. Coucou mes valeureux héros ! Pouvez-vous résister au sex appeal magnétique et aux compétences sexuelles avancées de nos deux sublimes filles Légendaires ?! La séduisante sorcière Layla et l’insatiable démone du sexe Ombresse vont faire trembler vos jambes irrépressiblement, battre votre cœur sauvagement et palpiter votre bite intensément… Eh oui, vous savez que les filles Légendaires sont capables des tours les plus cochons ! Venue de l’ancien Royaume de Chatemouille, dont les sales secrets sont encore aujourd’hui impénétrables, l’habile Layla s’est engagée dans un périple sexuel à la recherche du plaisir inconnu. Le Maître Invaincu, un sorcier mystérieux disparu depuis des siècles, promit à Layla et à tous les fervents partisans de ses écrits de revenir un jour et de les récompenser par une extase sexuelle divine. C’est pourquoi Layla à la jeunesse intemporelle passa des centaines d’année à attendre son maître, jouant avec son corps au cours de longues et intenses sessions à travers 5 quêtes de grade fantastiques… Mais cette bombe hautement qualifiée n’a malheureusement jamais vu le visage de l’Invaincu. Sera-t-elle capable de le reconnaître grâce à ses jets de sperme puissants et explosifs ? A-t-il d’autres caractéristiques qui lui permettraient de se distinguer ? Une chose est sûre : l’excitation sera à son paroxysme et vous ne pourrez faire autrement que de tomber sous son charme ! La diabolique Ombresse, torride et sexy comme à son habitude, revient enflammer les planches du Haremverse et couvrir son corps de la semence de tous ceux qui n’ont pas encore réussi à l’apprivoiser. Elle est prête à vous dévoiler tous ses charmes, à condition de recevoir quelque chose de dur en échange ! Mais cette fourbe de Finalmecia est parvenue à enfermer Ombresse à clé et à se débarrasser du trousseau. Et Donatien, lui, retient Layla prisonnière dans son harem, la gardant jalousement à distance de tous les autres hommes ! Du 20 (5 am UTC+1) au 24 (5 am UTC+1) janvier, vous aurez 4 jours pour délivrer ces deux magnifiques beautés et devenir leur héros sexuel ! Héros, mettez-vous en mouvement ! Vous êtes les pièces manquantes de ce plan à trois légendaire ! Layla Ombresse
    5 points
  4. Bucking the trend with a short, positive summary. I did well in the event. Spent about 11K kobans in addition to the free fights and got 3 event girls, plus Dark Lord's level 2 girl, plus 33 shards on his level 3 girl, plus enough affection from Karole to give them all a star or two, plus raised DL's cash payout to the point where it is not laughable. Those who are in the "every event should give me a girl" camp. Think what you are saying. That was never the intent. The whole point of a "game" is you can not get everything. Pick your shots. Sacrifice here, make out like a bandit there. Play the game. The game already gives out lots for free.
    4 points
  5. 2 much math4me. Nearly had just had a brain aneurysm
    3 points
  6. Don't misunderstand me, I said they are working on a solution, I didn't say they had nailed it yet. I'm well aware of the issues with the proposed idea of spending thousands of kobans on a girl just to gain a few shards that you might be missing, and that's if you get lucky and she's on rotation and you don't have anyone else besides her to get (which I've had that happen to me a number of times now, but still not gonna spend the kobans for that.) This current event would be a better solution if the drop rates or amounts were better, but it still needs work. However, as we've seen, the devs are reluctant at best to make changes to a system that is already live. Even when they test something they are almost already set in their ways and only after they see it failing to work do they change it. The next step in their solution I guess are these pachinko ball things which I suppose will function as free draw tickets, but if they are for single pulls or x10 guarantee pulls, who knows. We'll have to see how it goes and if they make doing events any easier. Hell giving out a x10 epic pachinko pull ticket as a reward for doing all the event missions would actually be a good solution to the 'garenteed girl' idea. You could only use it in EP but it would get you a girl and help drain the pool a little faster, meanwhile you couldn't just save the reward if it was a koban payout and use it for something else, so the devs still get control over how you use your reward. Anyway that's just my idea and beside the point. I'm by no means saying mythic pachinko is perfect as is.
    3 points
  7. For event (January 2020) Avg. number of fights per drop: 415 Avg. shard-drop rate: 9.4% (or 10.65 fights per shard-drop) Avg. dropped shard amount: 2.58 (29(1*)+46(2*)+42(3*)+39(4*)) Number of Tickets: 84 (avg. 19.76 fights per dropped ticket)
    3 points
  8. Foreplay 1 event. Drop rate standard it seems, though it's the first one of this kind. Ended up with 69 with Malina 😛, with free fights. Didn't refill, I'll catch her when she comes back. Event permitted me to complete Xia at T2
    3 points
  9. Commençons, comme je te l'ai promis @Lola Kinkoid je le fais. Les dessins: Depuis un moment, je déplore les nouveaux évènements. La qualité des dessins et des scènes sont de plus en plus en baisse depuis un moment. Comme me l'a évoqué Ben, le dessinateur, c'est à cause du recrutement de nouveaux dessinateurs. Le souci, c'est que les dessins dont assez loin des dessins de base, on retrouve un héros qui n'est pas le même, ou il s'est pris un bus en pleine face, vous voyez le truc... Pour les filles, on peut constater que c'est la même chose, vous nous l'avez montré avec la nouvelle version de Fanny et Fionne, la première fois que je les ai vues, je n'arrivais pas à les reconnaitre... Elles étaient totalement différentes de leur version originale. Bref, si les gens restent sur HH, c'est pour la qualité que vous nous proposiez à l'époque, et non pour faire des ligues totalement déséquilibrées, des champions chronophages... Des gens de mon club ont arrêté le jeu à cause de cette baisse de qualité du dessin. Il va falloir réellement redresser la barre de ce côté là... Il y a aussi beaucoup de recyclage au niveau des poses comme cela a été évoqué, c'est de plus en plus fréquent depuis cette baisse de qualité. Du rythme : Parlons du rythme, si c'est au niveau des quêtes, une quête toutes les deux semaines suffit amplement pas besoin de plus. Vous aviez essayé une toutes les semaines à l'époque et la qualité avait baissé. Donc on peut rester comme ça. Au niveau des évènements, il faudrait peut-être songer à diminuer le rythme, afin d'avoir des évènements avec un plus de qualité. Pour l'instant, on observe plus de la quantité que de la qualité. Vous devez aussi gagner votre vie, c'est normal que vous essayiez de garder le joueur le plus longtemps en activité sur le jeu. Le scénario : Pour le scénario, je me suis dit au début pourquoi pas, le héros recommence à zéro sans expérience, je me suis dit drôle de le voir galérer ^^ L' univers du jeu vidéo est respecté, on voit bien les phases d'xp, les capacités qui se débloquent au fur et à mesure, j'ai trouvé ça intéressant. Ce que je trouve dommage, c'est que les autres capacités de l'université des héros ne sont jamais utilisées, c'est dommage de mon point de vue. Le scénario proposé ne me dérange pas pour le moment, j'attends de lire la suite pour avoir un avis plus global. Ce que je n'aime pas dans le scénario se sont les fautes d'orthographe qui sont dedans. Un simple correcteur word pourrait éviter une partie des fautes, mais ça c'est plus pour mon visuel, je suis plus sensible à ce niveau-là que d'autres personnes. Dans le futur, essayer de développer d'autres personnages comme M.Riyu ou faire revenir des anciens. Les personnages : J'aime bien les personnages qui sont proposés pour le moment, je trouve Neono différente des autres des filles. C'est la première fille qui n'est pas attirée par le sexe en général, je trouve ça cool d'avoir une personne limite asexuelle qui n'est pas attirée par le sexe. Les pokemon, je ne sais pas en quoi en penser pourquoi pas. Par contre les noms, des trucs bien plus drôles auraient été bien mieux comme sucelamèche, carapute, vulvevizarre. J'en passe. Le héros: Le héros n'est plus le même depuis un moment, il vraiment changé depuis un moment. Je ne trouve pas ça normal qu'il force avec Neono pour coucher avec, alors qu'elle lui a dit non, on s'éloigne un peu de ce que le haremverse prône, du sexe libre et consenti... C'est plus une obligation que j'ai ressentie qu'une autre chose. Si le héros pouvait être plus attentionné envers Neono, ça me ferait plus plaisir ^^ au lieu de ne penser qu'à lui. L' équilibre du jeu à revoir: -Remettre à niveau la classe charme qui est bien trop faible. -Trouver un autre moyen de scores dans les ligues, c'est nul. Toujours les mêmes qui gagnent au dépit de tous les autres... -Arrêter de nous faire xp indéfiniment, c'est nul, c'est une façon maladroite de rallonger l'espérance de vie. Vous privilégiez trop l'ancienneté, un nouveau joueur ne pourra jamais rattraper les anciens. La puissance est définie par la date de commencement. -Retirer les timers des champions, revenir toutes les 15 minutes, c'est pas cool. Remettre les défenses sur la dernière phase du champion. -Rajouter de nouveaux champions dans le futur.
    3 points
  10. Considering your strategy, I think you already have one on your side: Lady Luck, 10-star Mythic of the Visa class. ^^
    3 points
  11. finally my (current) harem is max affection ^^
    2 points
  12. Indeed, I am surprised to have reached 79/100 on Kaliko.
    2 points
  13. I have to disagree with you on this one. Ofcourse that we can't expect a freebie on each event when there are 4 events per month. But the number of events iper month sn't a player's idea, it's Kinkoid's. A girl was pretty much guaranteed(excluding the really bad luck scenarios and legendary days) with the old system. And f2p games make most of their revenew not from premium currency transactions, but from selling convenience a.k.a monthly cards in this game. Although Kinkoid are doing all of those at the same time as girls can be considered, a customization, an achievement and an advantage in the same time. If you haven't watched "Let's go whaling", do give it a try it's quite informative for the state of current "free to play" games
    2 points
  14. @Mihai's estimates appear to be accurate enough. Commonly, it is going to be ~4,700 Kobans worth of combativity per drop. Keeping activity in other events the same, going all-in for this new event type wouldn't be possible for any F2P player below at-least D2 in leagues, there too probably only at the top 4 positions. Moreover, seeing as it is just ~700 Kobans below the 5400 threshold, I imagine a lot of players would feel spending hour(s) on starting each fight individually in order to save this comparatively small amount isn't worth it. After the first initial months of playing, this would be the first event I'm strongly leaning towards not going all-in regarding boss event drops. This is almost equivalent to Pachinko attempts, with the addition of ymens and certainty of drops. Strongly feels like the devs have created just another type of Pachinko. For the type of players who stay away from Pachinkos, is this event worth it? Maybe only in the presence of specific highly wished drops, otherwise I don't believe so.
    2 points
  15. Okay skimmed over this thread so I might miss a few points, but here's my thoughts. First I did get Lupa, had to spend maybe 1500 or so kobans, so not terrible. That said, I do see the points of posters saying we should be able to obtain at least ONE girl koban free per event. At least on revival events of this nature anyways. On the other hand with this foreplay event and mythic pachinco, I do acknowledge the devs are working to correct one of the biggest issues with the shard system. Having to wait a full year for the next attempt at a girl. I see both sides of the argument here. But I'm inclined to side with those saying shard drop rates or amounts could be higher. I don't think it's silly to expect to be able to pick one girl out of a large group and be able to get one without having to spend kobans. Get them all easy? No. Never. And maybe I'm spoiled by some other gacha games with good drop rates, but it's not uncommon to get something good out of most events on other gacha games. Maybe not the top prize, whatever that might be, but SOMETHING. I think every event honestly should have daily missions and a girl reward for doing all the missions. Simplest solution to appease those that feel they are missing out. Shards could stay as they are with the justification of 'you got the mission girl, if you get one of the other girls as well that's just icing on the cake' That's my two cents on the issue.
    2 points
  16. I haven't been able to buy the special offer for over a month. I tried to use two different credit cards, both "master card", but the screen where to enter the security code for web purchases does not appear and the transaction is denied. with the same cards I shop everywhere and I can buy the monthly card but the special offer does not. I contacted the credit card customer service but there is no problem for them and they say that the problem is with the site where I buy. I tried to use 4 different browsers but nothing. i tried to contactor twenty times hentay heroes support but they never answer me. does anyone else have these problems?
    1 point
  17. Fuck:Talila Friendzone:Slacker Malina Marry:Marry me? What did you smoke NOACC? Some of Slacker Malina's glass pose 2 ??
    1 point
  18. Not really. That event had girls on the villains that new players might not have had gotten yet. So they might think it was great. Especially with Norou dropping shards in the arena. There is always a perspective.
    1 point
  19. What you are missing here is that the "usual" revival in this place (which would have been a first revival) wouldnt have had a event pachinko girl, so there wouldnt have been any chance to get one of them. Thanks to this event I got the chance for 5(!) of them for just a few kobans (which I will most likely have gatherd in 2-4 weeks playing), the alternativ would have been "not a chance for any girl", at least for me. In general (and short), there is not something like a good or bad event, it's just a good or bad event for me or for you. There is no objective rule for judging this event, just individual orientations. Like you pointed out, it's just subjective. With this in mind, I would argue, let's enjoy our harems (or for whatever reasons you play)
    1 point
  20. Salut j'ai plein de nouvelles idées pour le jeu. 1-créé un bouton de combat multiple pour les sexchampions comme vous avez fait pour les boss 2-un évent spécial soirée de l'horreur avec des personnages de ce style Ps pour ceux qui n'ont pas la réf c'est chucky et Freddy. Et a l'inverse un évent soirée des héros avec des perso de ce style Reference a wolverine 3- un monde en rapport avec GTO car on a le sexchampions qui ressemble à Onizuka mais pas de monde je trouve ça dommage. Le boss du monde serait ryuji son ami d'enfance 4-un monde basé sur Yu-Gi-Oh avec des filles sortant des cartes. En fille de monde je voit bien la légendaire magicienne des ténèbres et en boss se serait Atem Voilà je ne sait pas ce que valent mes idées mais j'espère qu'elle seront vu et peut être utilisé et plein d'idées de skin possible de perso contactez moi si vous voulez en savoir plus je serait heureux de vous les donné Sur ce bonne fin de journée 😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
    1 point
  21. So in the end, it appears I was right on the yardsticks. I find obvious that this means that continuing to compare our opinions on the player base would be quite pointless. Despite I agree with you about you being more harder than usual, remember what I said in the past: I am not the type that loses sleep on bad judgements. Moreover (as it should be obvious by now) regarding the first quoted part, I disagree with you. I appreciate people that states their negative judgements and at the same time are capable to abstain themselves from stating (or even worse, boasting) how is great the dumbness of this of that particular player (or if they do someting alike, at least have the education to honestly say that no offense was intended). As you may remember, in the past I said that I have almost come to ignore those players judgements. Luckily, up to now your case has shown different.
    1 point
  22. I actually think he is talking about combativity... started with the max 20 he saved and then used all he got available + did 2 refills. I think that would match what he says, though he is calling it the wrong name.
    1 point
  23. No, No. I want to hear more about this weakness to strenght. It seems you have a special twist for this sort of thing. Suitable challenge. Yes, this is exactly what he needs. What do you suggest??
    1 point
  24. 68 shards for 4 days farm+30 extra combativity from ToF. I'd say this evenet wasa waste of combativity. Even permanent boss girls have better shard drop rate. What a bull.
    1 point
  25. Yeah, sorry missed that. The player definitely could've used more accurate phrasing.
    1 point
  26. Then why did they have so few as to only afford two refills? You could afford 3 if you did all the daily missions in these 5 days alone. If that's all they could afford, then that hardly counts as saving kobans.
    1 point
  27. I'm confused. Did you use all your kobans or did you save all your kobans? I really can't tell.
    1 point
  28. Forgot to answer before due to my past busy week. Unluckily, my friend, I was right: Liu Yeng ended at 87/100 (despite the fact that with some organization I was able to use all free combativity).
    1 point
  29. 10,078 kobans straight-up + the 4,860 kobans worth of combativity from the €10 bundle that was on offer, so more or less 15,000...I suppose that's an okay price, 4 normally pachinko-only girls for the regular cost of (just under) 3.
    1 point
  30. 😅 Initially, I was thinking about two timeouts, no supper and no bathroom either (🙄) but then.... why not something more... useful? Turn weakness into strength? Like a... suitable challenge that would prove beyond any doubt that he knows his place AND recognizes your leadership? 😤 He could yet turn into quite the asset for the club. Of course, the club's dungeons and other... tortuous instruments are always within reach, if it so pleases you. 😁
    1 point
  31. spend 3204 nutaku kobans for all 5 villian girls, the 300 kobans per girl I saved I spend on evp for mavin, but didnt get her (I know, that was idiotic, makes now 12 event pachinko tries with 0 girls in a row (and in total))
    1 point
  32. fuck Slacker Malina 😁 marry Talila 😮 friend zone Oleya ❤️ Hentai Heroes 589919
    1 point
  33. Spent about 7K or 8K kobans. Won 4 new hotties for my collection: Long live to the Foreplay! 👍
    1 point
  34. Hey, don't rub salt on the wound with @Observer_X he has decided to go that way and it is a difficult one indeed. Of course he is wrong in identifying spending of free obtained kobans with not being a free player, however he is partially right when he states that many free players, especially in early and mid stages of the game don't earn enough kobans to maintain pace with the amount of new girls added. Going to the topic of the post, I have been very fortunate in this event, I have got 3 girls with less than 8500 kobans. So my previous rating for this event has improved from what I wrote before.
    1 point
  35. Vu son taux de drop, elle aurait mieux fait de rester qu'au pachinko
    1 point
  36. Observer_X likes to play the game on hard mode, no pun intended. It's an interesting choice and I'm curious to see how far he goes. If I'm not mistaken, Taria is the only 2nd gen legendary girl who had a second chance. So yeah, Golden Bunny and Fabienne make more sense than Ombresse.
    1 point
  37. You forgot to mention the players who don't spend kobans in the last summation... oh, wait, never mind.
    1 point
  38. Foreplay days event Donatien, Slacker Malina, 424 battles, 41 drops, 102 shards. 9 refills, so less than 2000 Kobans. Edwarda, Halloween Lupa. 305 battles, 35 drops, 100 shards. 16 refills. Ninja Spy, Kaliko, 296 battles, 47 drops, 100 shards. 14 refills. A outstanding result. 3 girls with only 8400 Kobans 😎
    1 point
  39. Coucou les cousins. Je viens aux nouvelles. Je progresse gentillement en attendant qu une place ce libère. Pour info j'ai de la famille au Quebec. Ma soeur est canadienne ( eatsman- magog) et mon oncle cousins et cousines vivent aux alentour de Ivry sur le lac vers le mont Tremblant. Derniere vacances au Canada aout 2018. À bientôt Ok. Je viens de comprendre 🤪🤣... dis moi quand postuler. A bientot 😜
    1 point
  40. Orgy Days and Revival Events also do not require refills to get one girl. It's possible to need some if you have super bad luck yes, but that's not the norm. I haven't had to do any refills during them to get one girl, and during October's orgy days I even managed to get 2 without refills.
    1 point
  41. I have to break one of the unwritten forum rules and praise kinkoid for announcing this event. I am not charm so the girls are really meh for me but the way this was handled is fantastic. Giving players a heads up days before the event starts, even before the previous event ends, is a real bro move. I have a low level Ch player in my club. He is a little low on kobans and is trying to decide: After finishing the girl he is working on should he dip into his reserves to get a second at a decent price or save the kobans. Now any charm player who needs a good alpha/beta knows to hold on to enough kobans for Ombressa. Having an event described in this detail, this far ahead? Excellent.
    1 point
  42. Malina 😄 pour un coup d'un soir , elle s'en souviendra plus le lendemain, (la drogue c'est mal , vous voyez 😂) Halima😯 pour le mariage , la vie au bord de la plage🏄 ( et pouvoir jouer à alberte à mal au cul , pardon alerte à Malibu 🤣) Oleya en sex friend ❤️ pour pouvoir discuter et surtout tester plein de nouveautés qu'elle crée avec elle. ( Et lui faire le coup E.T. tout vois mon doigt, tu le vois plus 😅) Hentaiheroes ID : 172753
    1 point
  43. Since it's pretty much agreed upon that the Shard Drop rate is 1-4 for this Event the Developers should consider dropping the Combativity rate from 1 point every 30 Minutes to 1 point for every 20 minutes. Probably won't ensure getting a girl, but I'm sure more players would at least see an Uptick in the amount of shards earned per event for the duration of the event...
    1 point
  44. This "silly idea" that everybody is able to get something from what is communicated and marketed as an "event" is pretty much the standard in all of the biggest free to play games. You did realize that every single sentence started with "I" and all the complaints about this event were about the situation of new f2p players, right?
    1 point
  45. I see where you're coming from, and I partially agree, but I have a slightly different perspective. This isn't a great event in my opinion, because of the 1-4 shard drop range, which makes it slightly less expensive per girl than a Legendary Days event and slightly more than an Epic Days event. Considering the pool of girls available in this Foreplay event is made from a seemingly-random selection of formerly pachinko-exclusive event girls (except for Kathy, permanent epic pachinko exclusive, but that one is only available to veterans anyway), this isn't as great of an opportunity as LD or ED events. It would be a great event, just like both Orgy Days were so far, if the shard drop range was 1-12 as for revivals, or at the very least something more affordable like 1-6 or maybe 1-8. As it stands, and especially considering that there are other, probably more interesting events coming next, this one is not worth spending too much kobans on. And I don't think this applies only to F2P or newer players, who must keep their small koban reserve close to the chest if they want a chance to get progress smoothly in this game. I have a fairly decent koban reserve right now, but I'm not willing to deplete it for this particular event, and risk being short-stacked on the upcoming LD and/or OD events. The girls available here are pretty nice, and technically unavailable outside of pachinko before, but they're not must-have either (especially if you're KH like I am, since they selected 2 HC and 3 CH, but 0 KH). They're expecting us to spend roughly as much on these as we usually do on 5-star Legendaries or permanent Epic Pachinko girls, and that's simply not a good enough deal compared to most other events. You need to pick your battles to achieve long-term success in this game (unless you're a mega-whale and can buy everything by default, of course, but then there's no strategy left, so it doesn't matter). It's even more crucial if you're F2P or a on a small budget, but I think it's important for any player with a strategic approach. This isn't a battle worth fighting (much) for, with that combination of girl pool, duration and shard drop range. At most, I'll spend enough to get 2 girls, but probably just the one, unless I get pretty lucky, and I'm fine with that.
    1 point
  46. This is certainly an excellent event but it's clear that we are going towards the total annihilation of free players with these bad drops. In a month we have just the 12-day event where you can take 2 girls without spending kobans (but it's not even said, one is perhaps guaranteed, the second not always), then this event and the epic/legendary days and in these events you have to spend, and you have to spend much more than what you earn as f2p. If you also put an Orgy at the end, it's clear that a new player will NEVER be able to keep up with all the events. This means that those who are now entering the game have 2 options: Or take the events as a showcase in which to see several girls pass without being able to get them (and he will be in a situation where he will get really bored). Or start spending now, and for what reason would he have to spend in a game that he still doesn't know if he likes or not?! I believe that an event makes sense only if at least one girl can be taken with normal combativity, if for every event you have to spend, it becomes a very dangerous vicious circle that can lead to disaffection (unless the same girls may return in more events in less than a year away, such as in the mythic pachinko, in which case you can also think not to spend on every event but it would still be an extremely long path to walk on).
    1 point
  47. Foreplay: Dark Lord (Spirit Talker Carlita) Day 1: 43 hits Shards: 22 (1x1, 3x3, 3x4) Day 2: 45 hits, 88 total Shards: 11 (2x1, 1x2, 1x3, 1x4), 33 total Day 3: 40 hits, 128 total Shards: 10 (2x2, 2x3), 43 total Day 4: 39 hits, 167 total Shards: 19 (1x1, 4x2, 2x3, 1x4), 62 total Day 5: 45 hits, 212 total Shards: 9 (2x1, 1x3, 1x4), 71 total -=---- 1 1 2 choc flow 2xchlo, 1xgin
    1 point
  48. Salutations, Nous vous présentons le calendrier du mois de janvier, incluant les événements de ce mois-ci. Évènement Cirque Du 1er au 13 janvier (5 AM GMT+1 to 5 AM GMT+1) Évènement classique avec 6 nouvelles filles présentes en jeu : 5 filles se trouvent dans le Pachinko évènement, dont deux sont à récupérer auprès des Boss, et 1 fille est gagnable en remplissant les missions quotidiennes. Évènement Préliminaires Du 14 au 19 janvier (5 AM GMT+1 to 5 AM GMT+1) Évènement comprenant 14 filles, dont 5 obtenables en combattant les vilains. Journées Légendaires Du 20 au 24 janvier (5 AM GMT+1 to 5 AM GMT+1) 2 filles Légendaires : Layla, à gagner en combattant Donatien, et Ombresse, à récupérer auprès de Finalmecia. Journées d'orgie Du 25 au 30 janvier (5 AM GMT+2 to 5 AM GMT+2) 14 filles seront présentes au sein du jeu : 5 d'entre elles seront obtenables sur les vilains. Parmi ces 14 filles, 2 nouvelles viendront rejoindre les rangs du Haremverse. Attrapez-les toutes ! Votre équipe Kinkoid, qui vous souhaite une bonne année 2020 !
    1 point
  49. @Салерион Thank you for reporting this, we are taking measures. A friendly reminder - to keep everything organized, do please type in English. Russian is not supported, yet.
    1 point
  50. Franchement, gagner 150 kobans pour regarder ce que les autres ont barré et faire la même chose, même pas que je m'embête à participer. Faites un concours façon Google Form, comme ça on voit pas les réponses des autres, et ça ressemblera plus à un concours. Ou un concours de créativité, mais sans oublier de le récompenser cette fois
    1 point
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