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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/01/2020 in Posts

  1. The main problem is that the artist does not have a good knowledge of anatomy. I have a good friend who is an artist. She had to take an anatomy class and spend another semester just drawing the human body. The reason for this is that each muscle in the has a shape and that shape changes as the person moves into different positions. The expert artist has to not only know the muscles of the body, but, also how they look when they flex and move not to mention different body types and perspectives. The reason we get arms bent at impossible angles, really long torsos, comically short arms, malformed feet, is that this artist struggles with anatomy, knowing how an arm looks when bent, the proper length of a torso from whatever perspective they are using. My friend always said; Drawing the human body is easy doing it right is extremely difficult. I don't hate most the girls this artist produces but, they are not at professional standard.
    5 points
  2. Pourquoi s'épingler un poisson dans le dos tous les 1er avril, alors qu'on a déjà tous une RAIE au cul ?
    4 points
  3. Is anyone else hoping they will add the orcs from this segment of the adventure? As much as i bitch about Gork i would to add some of these orc ladies to my harem. These are true Orc women, nice job on them artists.
    3 points
  4. Hell no! They are less disgusting than Gork, but... no, just no! We just had those weird datamons, have mercy, please! 😆
    3 points
  5. This event is not good. I don't see even one girl that I want in my harem. There're some girl poses which are decent, but they're rare. One thing is looking at the new art that artist produces, the other thing is when there's another event with no girls that I want in my harem. No one questions that artist improves. The question is, why are we the guinea pigs for these art improvements? You like this art or you want to tolerate it - ok, that's fine. But then why don't you tolerate the people, who disagree with you on that and share their opinion? Yes, they're bashing the artist and his style. But only because Kinkoid decided to change direction of the game and use this new style for this game. People who played this game for a long time did so because they loved the previous style. Yeah, the previous style had their own mistakes - a lot of left legs, fingers and palms had problems, but one thing is when the girl has some problems with arms and legs, the other is when you have a ragdoll instead of a girl. Previous one had charm and this new style started a huge wave of people, who even come to forum to say that it sucks. So maybe, maybe art is part of the problem. The other is that Kinkoid never even said a word about this, even when they changed some art in response(Kryll's 3rd pose for example). Also the time for the new artist has been given - 4 months, maybe even more. That's plenty.
    3 points
  6. I agree. I don't like the style of drawings in general for the girls of this event, although there has certainly been more effort than for Natasha in creating them. Usukami is very disproportionate with too small feet and breasts in a totally unreal position. Mitsu and Yuna Lola are very poorly drew, low quality in general and Holiday style frog legs. Empress Sung Tai Ki and Nariko appear flat in their first pose (in the following there are other problems even if Nariko improves). Kuchi is expressionless, a defect that is very frequent in the new drawings. Suki gives the impression that her legs have been stretched to come to meet the ritarded who, if they don't see a tall and shapely girl, cry out to pedophilia (guys, really, get cured), in subsequent poses, however, it gets worse in a disgusting way, perhaps the worst despite the initial pose was not among the most terrible. Yaya is definitely the least worst, I don't like the last pose but the others are good, I only vote for her.
    3 points
  7. Today is my lucky day! Got two new girls, one Epic and one Legendary. I won Legendary Albane just now in the Championship Battle "Beyond Garden" And before I got Epic Merlinda in Epic Pachinko for free with an orb.
    3 points
  8. A full event of Natasha tier terribly shit drawings! How the fuck have you still not fired the guy drawing these?
    3 points
  9. Je sais mais je n'ai pas pu m'en empêcher 😜. Sans rancune test...
    2 points
  10. Oh, tu essayes de te venger de mon poisson d'avril de ce matin ? 😄 Tu aurais au moins pu mettre la capture d'écran, et mettre un petit descriptif avant de mettre l'image du poisson d'avril xD. C'est assez simple, à minuit, j'ai annoncé avoir freeze lors d'une partie de pachinko, et d'avoir dû redémarrer mon ordinateur. Peu de temps après, je "découvre" que j'ai "NaN" boosters. Je dis en avoir équipé 4 (des cordyceps, pour pas que ça apparaisse dans mon profil), sans que cela ne change mon nombre de booster qui reste à NaN. Gama, sceptique, me demande une capture d'écran. J'utilise alors l'inspecteur HTML de Firefox pour modifier mon nombre de booster dans l'affichage. Malheureusement, je me suis planté, j'ai oublié de mettre des booster en équipement, ce qui entre en contradiction avec ce que j'ai affirmé préalablement. Que cela ne tienne, je déclare alors que lorsque j'ai déco-reco, les boosters équipés ont disparus. Ce qui n'est pas si grave vu que j'en ai une infinité. Puis cerise sur le gâteau, je leur dit que même si le booster équipé disparaît, les effets ne disparaissent pas. Et que si j'en équipe de nouveaux, les effets se cumulent, il suffit alors de se déco/reco en boucle pour s'équiper à fond. Inempêche, dans le club, vous n'avez pas marché, vous avez couru. 😄 D'un autre côté, vu les bugs absurde qu'on peut trouver sur HC et HH, ce n'est pas si inconcevable que cela. L'astuce était d'y aller progressivement, en prenant du temps entre chaque affirmation que les membres du club puissent digérer l'information petit à petit, et de donner l'impression que je découvre tout cela au fur et à mesure. Le tout en me ventant, et lançant quelques piques, pour donner un peu plus de crédibilités. Je n'ai pas osé faire le poisson sur le forum pour ne pas déranger les devs sur un bug qui n'existe pas. Ils n'auraient peut-être pas appréciés perdre du temps pour rien.
    2 points
  11. Well, if you do not wish to think of them as Orc women, try thinking of them as Orion sex slaves from Star Trek.😋
    2 points
  12. They are now just complaining for the sake of complaining. They don't like the new artist, and don't want to give him the time (s)he needs. They made up their mind; he/she is trash and needs to go. What I see is a major improvement, and even though I prefer Ben, this is not that bad at all. The main problem is that this style is different from the rest of the game, so it's clashing quite a lot, but that is to be expected with a new artist.
    2 points
  13. What's wrong with you, guys? The girls are good.
    2 points
  14. urgh this art style... at least its a slight improvement from Natasha level... So long as it's improving I guess... Hopefully when the artist gets better they should consider revising a lot of the art so far. Also I hope the choppy outline is fixed, I've seen people having less troubles on different browsers, but Im not swapping from what I am now just for this shit, so I still count that as a technical problem from their end. Theme is very much to my liking, I just hope the improvements on the art keep going and that they reach a good level soon
    2 points
  15. Grand MERCI @Inuarth ! Nouvel event : Frisson d'Orient Nouvelles filles : Impératrice Sung Tai Ki, Suki, Yaya, Mitsu, Kuchi, Usukami, Nariko, Yuna Lola Il manque les gains pour Kuchi, Nariko et Yuna Lola. Il manque les origines pour Suki, Yaya, Mistu, Kuchi, Usukami et Nariko. Voilà c'est tout, bon jeu et bon loot !
    2 points
  16. I am not too keen on this artist. Although he is getting better, I prefer the original artist. Well at least the original artist seems to be still working with the story, but I wish he did all the art. But we seem to be stuck with the new artist for new girls... 😭
    2 points
  17. Je continue sur ma lancée avec les gains et les stats de l'hôtesse Usukami Tashaka que l'on peut obtenir aux pachinkos. En bonus, j'ajoute les noms des six pièces d'équipement liées au set Frisson d'Orient.
    2 points
  18. Voici les gains et les stats des filles à séduire lors du nouvel évènement Frisson d'Orient : Mitsu auprès de Gruntt, Yaya auprès de l'Espion Ninja et Suki auprès de Dark Lord.
    2 points
  19. Salutations, Nous vous présentons le calendrier du mois d'avril, incluant les événements de ce mois-ci : Évènement Frisson d'Orient !! Du 1er au 13 avril (5 AM GMT+1 to 5 AM GMT+1) Évènement classique avec 8 nouvelles filles présentes en jeu. Retrouvez 7 filles au sein du Pachinko Épique, 3 d'entre elles seront à récupérer auprès des Boss et 1 sera gagnable en remplissant les Missions Journalières. Journées d'Orgie Du 14 au 19 avril (5 AM GMT+1 to 5 AM GMT+1) 20 filles dont 12 disponibles au Pachinko, 7 à aller délivrer auprès des Trolls, 1 à récupérer après avoir complété les Missions Journalières Jours épiques Du 20 au 24 avril (5 AM GMT+1 to 5 AM GMT+1) 6 filles à récupérer, toutes disponibles auprès des Trolls Chemin d'Affection #1 Du 24 au 29 avril (5 AM GMT+1 to 5 AM GMT+1) Nouveau type d'évènement : 2 filles exclusives à gagner en complétant les objectifs ! Pour en savoir plus sur le Chemin d'Affection, cliquer ici.
    2 points
  20. 1 point
  21. And so, here I am: I finally reached what was my personal objective since I started playing... or, I should say now, what was for long time my personal objective, until the new disgrace of another 100 levels were added to the level cap. Anyways, It was for a long time that I planned to upgrade my character and harem once this level was reached (after a wait of 50 levels since the previous upgrade), so now, for once, I will indulge in a long post to share the results. Let's start with the "before" status. At that point, of my 191 girls, I had about 20 of them at level 200, a bunch of them at various levels over 250 (including my battle party), and almost all the rest at level 100 (except 4 at level 1): The following happened during the upgrade,that took me a good sixteen hours during the weekend (interspersed with other matters to attend to), although I ended the upgrades about 6:30am on Monday. Almost 99% of the time was needed to upgrade the harem girls: after distributing more than 5.6 millions (yes, I had been hoarding for a looooong time) experience points in books, my EGO bonus for harem level passed from +7553 to +13580. This happened during the operation: I suppose i made a bad surprise to @SturaX that was first in ranking until the last leaderboard update at 20:00pm on Sunday. The same way, i suppose that that was the first and last time where I rank first place in a weekly leaderboard (unless a bit of luck, see below). I forgot to take a screenshot, but I also won the daily contest (over 45 million points ), being double lucky to have the same contest for two days along, when I was unable to start upgrading girls the first day (not counting the missing daily contest bug for the change of time). In the actual, similar contest, with the "tail of girl upgrading" I am ranked at 3rd place while writing this post, although I don't think that tomorrow at 5:00am my rank will be so high. And, finally, this is the situation now, with my new best battle party, and more than 14000 stat points bought in the market (yes, i didn't upgrade since before the change of stat points per level): My harem reached 193 girls with the additions of Spring Rumiko and Virginia. With the exception of 73 girls that i was able to level up only to level 354, all the rest was upgraded to level 400. Having bought the stat points in the market only after the new weekly leaderboard start, I am actually 1st by money spent, but obviously it is hard to foresee if I will able to maintain the rank until the end of the week (quite improbable, at least IMHO). Overall, IMHO it was quite a good work. It's quite obvious by my part to suppose that, at least in the near future, i will definitely kick ass much more than before. Given the past result, I deem probable that my next couple of rounds with the champions (coming in two levels according to my personal schedule) should be a breeze, at least in comparison to the last ones.
    1 point
  22. daily reset, daily missions, events; waiting
    1 point
  23. I confess. I have a completely different perspective being a f2p gamer and I'm not "into" hentai like some are. Not into hentai meaning that I am not knowledgeable on story lines. I DO like the renderings/illustrations. That being the case I find most, if not all the artwork/cartoons/girls on here to be good. For my untrained eye's I see well drawn images. So, my hat is off to all the artists. Well done.
    1 point
  24. Apart the art that i don't like like many others as i see, scares me more that the girls that the artist is using to improve remain like that. Let me be clear: for example the romantic anita's face was terrible drawn to me and even if the artist improve (thing that i really hope) that girl will be like that forever. In the end i think we should hope than when the artist will reach his full potential the girls and the scenes used to his traning have a rework becouse is really a shame that a parody girl that u really wanted in the end don't fit your desires. For me was the parody of Ann Takamaki the persona 4 girl, if i watch her in the last val cupid scene awww i really want her, but the real one drawn from the other artist don't kindle my interest.
    1 point
  25. After spying the poses, I voted for Usukami as my only queen of this event (and was pleased to note that for now the majority agrees with me). Despite the fact that Lola is one of my all time favorites, after having seen her past incarnations, seeing the detail of her nipples drawn in that dark red tint ruined the overall effect, denying what whould have else been an aex aequo with Usukami. The average level of this event, anyways, IMHO is quite high, apart the fact that the one that I personally consider the worst girl in the event, Suki, has been placed on Dark Lord, and I started from her because I still have to obtain Akhates (and I am prone to think that I wasn't the only one), and Dark Lord is the only villain in this event with an event girl and a tier 2 (and 3) girl. Apart this, although I liked more her first incarnation (in fact she is another of my all time favorites), even the mission girl Sung Tai Ki is quite good, or at least much better than in recent months. Anyways, although the two best girls in this event are again pachinko only, IMHO the difference about the "how good she is" factor from pachinko only girls to non pachinko only girls is less marked in comparison to the last months main events.
    1 point
  26. I've yet to teach that part, but if even Varnart wants them, then they should be really good. We need more true orc women. Gork has her faults, but that doesn't mean we don't want more orcs.
    1 point
  27. Improvement or not, I think this artist did enough damage to leave a strong aftertaste in my mouth that I can no longer unsee no matter how hard I tried.
    1 point
  28. so they look more like women, which in fact makes them less orc
    1 point
  29. Voilà les infos. Sachant que Komurasaki = Kozuki Hiyori bien sûr avant qu'on me parle de ce que j'ai mis dans le wiki. Les lecteurs de One Piece assidus le savent et les autres.. qu'est-ce que vous attendez pour aller lire One Piece, bordayl ! Il reste les origines pour Suki, Mitsu et Usukami...
    1 point
  30. The girls are good In the beer goggles sort of way.
    1 point
  31. Always bugged me you can't change the order of your girls. Was thinking about it and wondered, are the girls in their current order for a reason? Doesn't seem to be cheapest -> most expensive, and other than the girls you unlock at specific levels, it's not order of being unlocked... Is it order of creation?
    1 point
  32. + y'a d'event, + y'a de chances de drop les filles donc vive les event ! Rien n'empêche de faire impasse sur certains event (surtout si on a déjà les filles). Perso, c'est en tentant de chopper les filles d'event que je choppe les filles de monde aussi, et que je monte les paliers des boss donc tout bénef.... Quant à l'argent, ce n'est pas les boss qui m'en rapportent le plus mais les champions. Et pour améliorer les filles, effectivement il faut faire des choix, moi je me contente des bonus gagnés en arène et des bouquets offerts lors des drop de filles. Mais tout est une question de priorité, dépenser son argent pour ses stats, pour l'XP ou l'affection des filles....Faut faire ses choix, établir sa stratégie et c'est là tout le plaisir du jeu.
    1 point
  33. Heureusement, je suis pas superstitieux :
    1 point
  34. I guess the darker skin isn't really a bad thing because then we may also complain about the purple eyes and red hair which aren't typical for Japanese genetics as well.
    1 point
  35. Congrats! 👍 And thanks for the post... for the less "knowledgeable" people like myself, it's quite nice to have some perspective Also, nice to see you have some luck too! Let's not forget you're playing on "Observer_X" mode, so it feels appropriate in some way Good luck for the next (for now) 100! 💪
    1 point
  36. I saved up 41 orbs for the last event. What I got: 22 gifts, 15 equipment en 3 girls Funny detail, got 2 out of 3 girls in the first 4 orbs. If they were paid orbs, should've stopped while I was ahead. Now they were free, so used them anyway of course. 2 pieces of equipment were useful, the rest is now money. The girls were Sailor Celcius, Selene and Trinket. Until now I had only 2 girls out of 52 orbs, so I call this progress. I did get Cora out or a single EvP 2 minutes before the deadline! Hoorah!
    1 point
  37. There is a timer in the bottom right corner of the main screen, I suggest you use that instead of relying upon dates. Their logic for writing those dates seems to be that it has to end on the day before that, because if they say they need to be rescued before the 31st, they can't be available on the 31st for even an hour, so they go away on the 30th. @MCP the event ended on the 30/3 in Europe which is where the servers are. We've just reset into the 31/3, and it ended on the previous reset.
    1 point
  38. Si vous avez déjà récolté des Kobans en vous enregistrant sur d’autres jeux adultes depuis la page Sex Friends, ou si vous avez déjà récupéré Mizuki dans votre Harem, c’est que vous avez déjà profité des avantages de nos cross-promos. Mais que sont ces cross-promos exactement, et comment en tirer profit ? Découvre tout ce que tu dois savoir sur ces cross-promos ici ! Les Cross-promos, qu’est-ce que c’est ? Une Cross-promotion ou une cross-promo est une sorte de promotion marketing qui offre une récompense suite à une certaine action. Tu as déjà dû voir des cross-promos sur nos jeux, comme par exemple sur Hentai Heroes. Ces cross-promos mettent en avant un autre jeu ou une autre plateforme. Elles apparaissent en haut à droite de la page de la Ville, ou bien dans la page Sex Friends. La Page Sex Friends, qu’est-ce que c’est ? La page Sex Friends regroupe les différentes cross-promos présentes au sein de Hentai Heroes. Pour t’y rendre, clique sur “Menu” > “Sex Friends”. Tu verras alors toutes les offres, complétées et celles qui restent à compléter. Je ne vois pas la page Sex Friends. Que faire ? Pour bénéficier de l’accès à la page Sex Friends, tu dois : Jouer sur hentaiheroes.com, gayharem.com ou Harem Heroes sur Nutaku. Les cross-promo ne sont pas disponibles sur Eroges, Thrixxx et Esprit games Avoir enregistré ton compte depuis au moins 3 jours Comment valider une cross-promo pour obtenir la récompense ? Chaque cross-promo est composée des éléments suivants : Une illustration incluant le nom du jeu ou de la plateforme La consigne t’expliquant ce que tu dois faire pour obtenir la récompense La récompense Le bouton “Essayer” sur lequel tu dois appuyer pour compléter la cross-promo et recevoir la récompense Chaque cross-promo a sa consigne. Lis-les attentivement ! 3D SexVilla 2 Si tu souhaites recevoir la récompense pour 3D SexVilla 2, tu devras créer un compte sur la plateforme Thrixxx, installer le jeu sur ton ordinateur, créer un compte sur 3D SexVilla 2, dépasser le stade du tutoriel. Mizuki, récompense de la cross-promo Hentai Clicker Si tu souhaites que Mizuki, la plus chaude des influenceuses, rejoigne ton Harem de Hentai Heroes, lis attentivement ce qui suit : Ton compte Hentai Heroes et ton compte Hentai Clicker doivent absolument utiliser la même adresse email Tu dois utiliser le même support de jeu, c’est-à-dire les sites internet hentaiheroes.com et hentaiclicker.com, ou Harem Heroes et Hentai Clicker sur la plateforme Nutaku. Il est impossible de recevoir Mizuki depuis hentaiclicker.com vers Harem Heroes sur Nutaku, ou depuis Hentai Clicker sur Nutaku vers hentaiheroes.com. Ne change pas d’appareil entre le moment où tu cliques sur la bannière et le moment où tu reçois la récompense Clique sur la cross-promo uniquement après t’être assuré d’être à la fois connecté sur Hentai Heroes et Hentai Clicker Tu dois atteindre ou avoir dépassé le niveau 3 000 sur le jeu Hentai Clicker Une fois ce niveau 3 000 dépassé, rends-toi dans la page Sex Friends et clique sur le bouton “Essayer”. Cela te reconduira sur le site Hentai Clicker. Là-bas, tu recevras un message te disant qu’une récompense t’attend sur Hentai Heroes ! Oups, j’ai cliqué sur le bouton “Ne plus voir" de la cross-promo ! Si tu as cliqué sur le bouton “Ne plus voir”, cela empêchera la cross-promo d’apparaître sur la page de la Ville. Cependant, cette cross-promo sera toujours accessible depuis la page Sex Friends. Que se passe-t-il une fois que la cross-promo est complétée ? Une fois que la cross-promo est complétée, tu reçois la récompense attendue, et la cross-promo va directement dans la liste des offres complétées. J’ai cliqué sur le bouton “Essayer” et je ne reçois pas la récompense. Pourquoi ? Avant de te lancer dans la complétion des cross-promos, assure-toi : D’avoir désactivé ton / tes bloqueur(s) de publicité De ne pas être en mode navigation privée De ne pas utiliser un VPN Ces éléments peuvent en effet empêcher le bon fonctionnement des cross-promos. J’ai respecté les consignes ci-dessus et je ne reçois toujours pas la récompense pour tel jeu. Que dois-je faire ? Cela peut prendre quelques minutes avant que tu reçoives la récompense attendue. Attends un instant. Si tu n’as toujours pas reçu la récompense après un moment, déconnecte-toi du jeu, nettoie ton cache et tes cookies, puis reconnecte-toi au jeu. Si le problème persiste, ouvre un ticket au service Support : Paramètres > Support > Créer une nouvelle requête. Exemple de ticket : Titre : Récompense non reçue pour [nom du jeu] Bonjour, je n’ai pas reçu la récompense pour [nom du jeu]... Voici ce qu’il s’est passé : [j’ai respecté toutes les instructions], [j’utilise un bloqueur de publicité, le mode de navigation privée, un VPN]… N’hésitez pas à joindre une capture d’écran à votre ticket. Cela permet à nos équipes techniques de gagner du temps lors de la procédure d’investigation. Pour les captures d’écran, nous te recommandons d’utiliser cet outil : https://snag.gy/. Ce conseil est valable pour tous les tickets que tu envoies au service Support. Pour Mizuki, récompense de la cross-promo Hentai Clicker Ouvre ton ticket comme expliqué ci-dessus. Nos équipes compléterons la cross-promo manuellement. Une fois que nous aurons complété cette cross-promo, nous t’enverrons un ticket pour te le signaler. Ensuite, rends-toi sur Hentai Clicker ! Si le message annonçant la récompense n’apparaît pas de lui-même, rends-toi dans les “Settings” du jeu, puis clique sur le bouton “Save”. Tu pourras désormais aller retrouver Mizuki sur le jeu Hentai Heroes ! Tu as d’autres questions concernant les cross-promos ? Fais-le-nous savoir via Discord, Twitter ou notre groupe Facebook et nous mettrons à jour cette publication. Hentaiment vôtre, L’équipe Kinkoid
    1 point
  39. Bah! Not even close to my latest avatar 😅😂😂😂 Now that's luck accuracy for you, congrats! 👌😎
    1 point
  40. They are always the same for everyone on the same server, that is why all 6 of your accounts always have the same pools, which is also the exact same as the rotations that @DvDivXXX posts in this thread each time it changes (so 7 accounts). The odds of that happening for so many days in a row by RNG are astronomically high.
    1 point
  41. Password- and email-change options should really be considered standard features to all account-management systems. Whenever an email-address or password is leaked in some security incident, all users are advised to change them for very good reasons. Not being able to do so without contacting support is quite unusual and bothersome. Please add password- and email-change options to the account settings as soon as possible.
    1 point
  42. Wow! Quite the fieldwork 👌 Thanks for the data @_shal_ 👍
    1 point
  43. Drag and drop would be great. Here and in HH.
    1 point
  44. Hello, guys! I'm BlackCat. I recently discovered this game and I love it! I wanna make a diverse harem! I will be showing my art here. Hope you like it.
    1 point
  45. Il vont faire comme moi, obliger de pas travailler, trop d'heures 😂
    1 point
  46. actual art in the art section. What a time to be alive ( ' - ')
    1 point
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