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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/03/2020 in all areas

  1. If I have to choose between these 3 girls from .... PLASTIC, I would choose LOLA because although I never liked being a drunk, she ends up taking a liking to her since she has been with us for a few seasons (but I would choose her in previous events already that in this event I only see inflatable type plastic girls) LOLA beer Spring LOLA The new Plastic LOLA They are just words of an old green man (don't pay much attention to me either)
    5 points
  2. I would really like to be able to reorder my girls and put all the girls I use the most on one "page".
    3 points
  3. Vous êtes sûr qu'il faut le reprendre, avec la chance qu'il a, il va tous nous blaser là.......
    3 points
  4. Mon chéri 🌻 J'espère que tu profites bien de ton immersion dans cet Orient mystérieux. Toutes ces filles plus exotiques les unes que les autres veulent que tu restes avec elles ! 🌟 🦊 Aujourd'hui, tu es invité à venir passer le weekend avec l'une de ces merveilleuses filles. 🥋 Mitsu, la ninja sexy, veut pratiquer ses arts, martiaux et autres, avec toi. 🍾 Yuna Lola est toujours égale à elle-même : elle veut faire la fête avec toi. 🍵 La charmante Usukami quant à elle veut faire de toi son invité d'honneur lors de la prochaine cérémonie du thé. ▶️ Choisis ta fille préférée. Donne-moi un 😯 pour Mitsu, un 😄 pour Yuna Lola, ou un ❤️ pour Usukami. 💰 Laisse un commentaire et obtiens des Kobans : 3 d'entre vous recevront 240 Kobans (Hentai Heroes) / 40 Kobans (Harem Heroes) ❗ N'oublie simplement pas de me donner ton ID et d'indiquer la plateforme sur laquelle tu joues. Tu as jusqu'à mardi pour participer ! E️t s'il te plaît, dis-moi qui es ta waifu préférée parmi toutes ces filles en cliquant ▶️ ici. Comme toujours, n'oublie pas de venir jeter un œil à mon compte Twitter pour une image encore plus sexy ! 🔥
    2 points
  5. Le jeu a changé beaucoup de noms (versions dérivées incluses) et du coup il se peut que des liens dans le wiki n'aboutissent pas. N'hésitez pas à me les signaler pour que je corrige mes erreurs éventuelles. Bon jeu et bon loot !
    2 points
  6. I disagree. This would only happen if the devs would not implementing any end-game content besides leveling. If they would not give us any end-game content, then raising the level cap is about the only thing they can do, but I promise you that by doing so, many players will stop playing for that reason as well. I guess this is about my idea of a "super boss"? I totally understand your point in that it wouldn't work the same way here as in Tera Online. However, there are many ways to go about it, like making the boss have infinite EGO, and the more ego we as a whole community (or as a club? or individually?) takes from it, the greater our rewards. Like the boss would have certain thresholds, or goal lines if you so want to call it that. For example: If we take 10M ego from it we get X rewards, and if/when we take 20M ego we unlock the next reward stage, and so on. To make it fair to all timezones, the boss could be around for 24 hours(?) and only reappear once every 2-7 days instead of every day. I personally think this sounds like a great and more importantly, fun, idea. There is room for improvement obviously. Edit: I also want to add that we are still several months away from having our first player reach level 500, which will most likely be Gogeta, and taking into account the speed he levels in, there will be a couple of months before we have our 2nd level 500 after him, that's just how far ahead he is. So the devs do have time to come up with something that could be considered end-game. I agree and disagree. All games need new content to keep their player base motivated to keep playing, but we don't want a completely new game, so keep the mechanics but do "changes" to the things that don't work as well. IMHO, just raising the level cap will make people stop playing, and will discourage new players. Setting a goal of level 500 and giving us end game content, will give new players a chance at the very least to someday catch up and take part in it, raising the level cap will make new players always be left behind. To keep games alive, they constantly need to bring in new players, if they can't, they need to keep as many of their current players as possible, or the game will simply just die. Imagine having ~20 players at lvl 500+ in D3 and everyone else being at lvl ~300 because everyone else in between quit when they saw no goal in sight.
    2 points
  7. And so, here I am: I finally reached what was my personal objective since I started playing... or, I should say now, what was for long time my personal objective, until the new disgrace of another 100 levels were added to the level cap. Anyways, It was for a long time that I planned to upgrade my character and harem once this level was reached (after a wait of 50 levels since the previous upgrade), so now, for once, I will indulge in a long post to share the results. Let's start with the "before" status. At that point, of my 191 girls, I had about 20 of them at level 200, a bunch of them at various levels over 250 (including my battle party), and almost all the rest at level 100 (except 4 at level 1): The following happened during the upgrade,that took me a good sixteen hours during the weekend (interspersed with other matters to attend to), although I ended the upgrades about 6:30am on Monday. Almost 99% of the time was needed to upgrade the harem girls: after distributing more than 5.6 millions (yes, I had been hoarding for a looooong time) experience points in books, my EGO bonus for harem level passed from +7553 to +13580. This happened during the operation: I suppose i made a bad surprise to @SturaX that was first in ranking until the last leaderboard update at 20:00pm on Sunday. The same way, i suppose that that was the first and last time where I rank first place in a weekly leaderboard (unless a bit of luck, see below). I forgot to take a screenshot, but I also won the daily contest (over 45 million points ), being double lucky to have the same contest for two days along, when I was unable to start upgrading girls the first day (not counting the missing daily contest bug for the change of time). In the actual, similar contest, with the "tail of girl upgrading" I am ranked at 3rd place while writing this post, although I don't think that tomorrow at 5:00am my rank will be so high. And, finally, this is the situation now, with my new best battle party, and more than 14000 stat points bought in the market (yes, i didn't upgrade since before the change of stat points per level): My harem reached 193 girls with the additions of Spring Rumiko and Virginia. With the exception of 73 girls that i was able to level up only to level 354, all the rest was upgraded to level 400. Having bought the stat points in the market only after the new weekly leaderboard start, I am actually 1st by money spent, but obviously it is hard to foresee if I will able to maintain the rank until the end of the week (quite improbable, at least IMHO). Overall, IMHO it was quite a good work. It's quite obvious by my part to suppose that, at least in the near future, i will definitely kick ass much more than before. Given the past result, I deem probable that my next couple of rounds with the champions (coming in two levels according to my personal schedule) should be a breeze, at least in comparison to the last ones.
    1 point
  8. Just used six orbs and got two girls out of it... Yay me! 😁
    1 point
  9. My brain bugged and I double click on a daily mission, thus starting the daily mission and finishing it by spending kobans. A confirmation should at least be asked before finishing the mission to prevent misclicks.
    1 point
  10. you need to take into consideration if you have buffs or perks active that increase your base amount such as monthly card that adds 50% or Lusamine that adds 35% I currently have +1.12k% on reset and at max 13001 stage get 4.91A4. To reach top level in any of the office crafts will require you gaining somewhere in the A7 range which isn't possible anymore due to the stage restrictions I think the maximum reset you can get is only around 1,200k% daily missions can help a little as thay are higher than a standard reset value I think thay go up to around 3x your current value depending on which mission with some doing less lowest is around 1.5x
    1 point
  11. ❤️, she seems the best out of all the others in there, and new Lola is... making me sad to see what she's been turned into Hentai Heroes: 1838932
    1 point
  12. tantot en me connectant il y avait un sondage sur la best waifu de hentaiheroes cool il y avait les nom de toute les fille et de chacune de leur forme génial mais pouvoir voir l'image de la fille en passant sur son nom aurait été encore meilleur car je doute que nul ici puisse de mémoire se rappeler chacune des nombreuses filles ainsi que leur divers variation juste avec le nom et franchement la flemme d'aller sur le wiki pour chercher chaque fille
    1 point
  13. For me it's multiple things- unfinished look as u say is one for me as well, but the others would be: Wildly inconsistent style compared to what we've had previously, anatomical mistakes (and boy there is a lot of them), the anime look I wouldn't mind if the whole game had such a look, but from what we've seen before that looked more like something in between anime and western style, now its seems to be full on anime look and it's fckin weird man. Then theres the faces- with the anime look, there seems to be like 2-3 template faces, which makes them all look the same, where as earlier the faces of girls were more distinct and recognizable (new Lola vs old Lola and Empress Sung Tai Ki vs the old Sung Tai Ki will be your best comparisons for that). There also seems to be a different colour saturation and weird shiny - glistening look that new girls have, this is just awful on a girl like Zoe, they fckin massacred Zoes poses holy shit. And these were just things from the top of my head, theres a lot more detail to be described, but Im only a consumer of art, not an artist myself so I don't trust myself to give accurate details, Im just pointing out the differences I noticed 😅
    1 point
  14. Si tu as d'autres questions, tu peut faire une recherche sur le forum. On as tous commencé le jeu un moment ou un autres et certains sont là depuis la création. N'hésite pas à prendre le temps de lire le forum. Il y'aura souvent les réponses que tu souhaite.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Bonjour @lolol12340 Pour débloquer l'impératrice il faut 12 missions bleu (1 par jour et qui te donne des kobans). Au 12ème jour, tu pourras la récupérer. Bonne journée et bon loot.
    1 point
  17. A bit unpopullar opinion. Thb i like the new Lola better, it looks more anime-ish. Although it's also a bit lacking in detail. I don't like the strikingly red color used for her nipples... It looks like a bad case of inflamation. Other than that no complaints about her.
    1 point
  18. They will raise it again it does not matter if people want it or not. they should have just made the league level based like they did contests but that is what you get when people that do not pvp make it lol.
    1 point
  19. I voted for a raise but with a waiting period to do it, so at least some player can catch up. I like the idea of making progress indefinitely. I dont see any problem in raising the level, who cares honestly, if what you truly want is girls. Well, that said, it's the same argument for not raising it anymore. So most likely the lvl cap isnt the problem at all, it seems to be the pvp-system or in a great scheme the balance in total. For instance it's not fair, or at least most people would feel a unfairness in it, that some player who already have a ton of achievements (i.e. girls mostly) get every (!) week another 3-5 girls for free whereas new player wont reach this anytime soon (or maybe even ever - as it stands a lot of players, almost everybody under 400 has to play demote/promote-game to get the best koban value, which also means the difference to the top players will not be closed (experience wise or koban wise, and i think, a level cap wont do it either ). It's also not fair, that you cant being a HC or CH player if you really want to be competitive. And it's also not fair, that you spend over 20k harem upgrades or more (and maybe beat all players on the whole server for a week) just to get 5M Yemens, a purple item and almost no xp but for spending some of this amount in a daily contest where you just have to beat 50 players and you are able to snip it you can get 50 kobans and 3 tickets (which is in my stadium 4M Ymen, probably more if you count items and girls from orbs etc. in). Obviously, some of these unbalances aren't as dramatic as others (every player can switch to KH, can choose his contests, etc.) , but still all of them combined give probably a feeling of injustice. The level cap seems at first glance like a good way to balance this out, sooner or later all player will be the same level. But then again, a lvl 500 HC player will almost never win a league in this current system, he will still get only 5M Ymen on finishing first in ToF harem upgrade, etc. pp. For sure, adding late/end-game content makes a lvl cap better, but you could also have this without a cap. And personally I would prefer more content and no level cap, but of course, rather more content than no level cap. I think you have to face the problem in his core, and that's how the free currency and experience is distributed. That means for instance ... ... to rebalance the league: make it possible that lower players also have a chance of a decent reward; put for instance, all 100 top players in a league, than the next 100 etc. pp. (or make it the top 500 that you mix it up), make it possible to stay in any league if you win it, ... ... find a way to increase experience for lower players that are not possible for older (e.g. you can buy it with kobans but only 10 lvl short to the highest, ...) ... balance the classes even better ... rework the tower of fame rewards ... Of course, there would be new unbalances but I am not hoping for a fair game, just a fairer one. On a side note: You can easily see how little they thought about the increase to 500 and it's effects on the system in the daily contests, You could have easily made a new tier 401-440, etc. but they dont seem to care (obviously they couldnt do it right away but if there were 51 players over 400 it would be possible - which was clearly the case as they 'reworked' the contests - and a new tier would even be a upgrade for high level players, since they would have a chance for winning an girl experience contest again)
    1 point
  20. There is no way in hell that anyone will convince me that the girl on the right is Lola... She looks almost EXACTLY like that Mona from that Subnautica event... I take back my earlier words- this artist needs to go. I always have at least some girls I 100% want from events, but as of recently- all of the girls are forgettable and arent even worth getting. After getting Holiday, with those dead fucking eyes where she looks like some girl from the worst mind-break hentai imaginable, I just lose all will to compete for more girls...
    1 point
  21. I voted for the level raise, but I will accept and try to adapt to anything the devs do in this matter. Casey has a point. If the max level is fixed, some people will reach it and will think is end game and will leave. Z-wave concern about the league not being challenging enough is interesting, and I share his idea about less real money for the devs because of the kobans and orbs rewards for winners (and I have benefitted a lot from it), but remember that there are only around 50 D3 leagues, and perhaps 70-100 D2, so a small fraction of the total player base will get that rewards. Slynia idea about end game content and special missions is nice, but this is not a real time fighting game, so there is not such close analogies with those games. Тёмный Властелин (you should give us a nick in latin script ) is correct in stating that players want to be competitive and win, and his idea about cosmetic content could be good, but aren't avatars and character items just for that? Observer_X point of view is logical as he is playing in hard mode, without the level cap it will be harder for him to catch up, but he did a good job reaching level 400, so is an example that you don't have to pay to reach a good position. I share Hotless ideas about the always delayed introduction of club activites and his correct statement about not changing the success mechanics and routines of the game.
    1 point
  22. As I have anticipated, I decided to test my new strength and fought for promotion in my last D2. Alas, having needed almost all the weekend to upgrade my stats and harem I was able to reach only 8th place. If I have unwittingly desired for a strong Dicktator III league to test my stats, then I think that I have been satisfied, as I am in the same league with @Fran, @Maxfart and our newfound moderator @GeorgeMTO, plus a good bunch of 400+K EGO (probably unboostered) players. For now using all my free tokens I am keeping up battling players with stats similar to mine or a little lower, and I lost only a few battles, but for now it is highly uncertain if I will be able to reach my objective, i.e. the 15-30 reward tier (also because a couple of players have done a partial rushing).
    1 point
  23. My Dicktator III for this week (100 players, from level 324 to level 442): Can't say if it's a good list for my Dicktator III test after my stat upgrade...
    1 point
  24. ahah Troctout ... la 1ere semaine ou je suis revenu, j'ai eu un 100% avec une fille d'event et en tirant 3 tickets au patchinko mythique, j'ai eu 2 filles alors ma chance ne m'a pas abandonné voila un screenshot :
    1 point
  25. there's also a shop buff that makes every 20th click worth 5 but it really isn't worth the Ryos as its duration is c... to say the least. all the click perks do is basically reduce your total amount of affection needed to reach your top level so instead of being 1.20k it actually uses 960 ish
    1 point
  26. sure let them limit the top level to 500 ...........it will give me an excellent reason to quit playing
    1 point
  27. This time it's D1 // 104 players After quite a few weeks of lurking patiently to win a D2, I finally let it go and did a step back...
    1 point
  28. Hi Z-Wave! I am like you a veteran of this game, currently, rank 34 sorted by all-time "XP Experience". As one of the top players, I am still against the idéa of raising the level cap, even though this gives me a huge advantage in the leagues. Why I personally believe that I will explain below. I have years of experience of playing different RPG games (MMO's included) like Tera Online, Blade and Soul and Diablo 3. Let's look at Diablo 3. What destroyed the balance and fairness in Diablo 3 was the introduction of "paragon levels", the idéa was very nice, as it came with an endless goal, as the paragon levels have still today no cap, each paragon level adds +5 to your main stat. This means that Diablo 3 has an endless farming system, no end goal in sight. This means it's impossible to get a spot on the leaderboard as a new player, or as a casual player. Of course, play to win is way better than pay to win, but when play to win is endless, it just gets extremely unfair, and there is no way to catch up. This was however fixed with the introduction of seasons, where everyone can start off fresh every 3 months and only competing against others that have also started off fresh, but that's a story for another time. What games like Hentai Heroes need IMO is end-game content, and end game content for Diablo is Greater Rifts, where you first choose a difficulty level and then have 15 minutes to clear that level. End game content for Tera Online is instances (or dungeons), which are remade or replaced with other dungeons with future patches, keeping the farming relatively fresh. Another thing Tera have is guild wars, and my personal favorite, World Rally. Rally is an event that was every day, a world message was showing up for everybody on screen and in the chat that the Rally would start in 15 minutes. What is rally in this context you ask? An event where anyone could participate (as long as you were at maximum level)) by going to a certain location and fight against a boss. You would form a party beforehand and the party that did the most damage against the boss received the best rewards, even the party that came in last still got rewards good enough for making their time worth it. This is something that could potentially be implemented in HH I think, where a "super boss" spawns and the whole community fights against it, and the more we fight against it the bigger the rewards, and also, to make it fair, the ones dragging their feet by only fighting it a couple of times will get fewer rewards than someone fighting it a lot, for balancing purposes it makes sense that the more damage you do the better the rewards rather than the number of fights, just so that it will be easier to claim rewards at a higher level. What could the rewards be then for HH? Kobans, Ymens, gear, orbs, girls... you name it. Another thing we need to think about now is that when you are at max level the XP from ToF, daily quest and arena needs to be replaced by something else, which could be a currency for level 500 players only, a currency that can only be spent in a lvl 500 shop for items or stat upgrades, maybe something that will upgrade the stats of specific girls or specific gear pieces? To a cap of course. There is so much potential here that could be upgradeable. If not, the rewards could just be the normal plain boring kobans and the other stuff, but this would not feel so rewarding like the new currency for upgrading never before upgradeable stuff would be for someone at maximum level IMO. How about maybe being able to buy a 4th girl slot? Right now I rarely ever summon my 3rd girl in fights, and if this still holds true at level 500 then perfect! It won't affect (almost) any fight in the arena/ToF, but it will be perfect for when we are fighting the world boss that I talked about before, who will have a ton of EGO! A 4th girl will increase both your damage and defense (when summoned), giving you that advantage you always dreamt of Edit: I also want to add that I was talking about the paragon levels from Diablo 3 because I wanted to dwell on the "I know how you feel" towards everyone that can't win in D3 no matter what they try, simply because they don't have the levels. I know many people who are dropping out of D3 to try their best in D2, so they are only ever competing every 2 weeks. This is, however, a flaw in the league's design, where placing roughly the same in D2 almost equals that of D3, except that it's way easier to place higher in D2 compared to D3. Shouldn't you be "rewarded" for even getting into D3? The hardest league available? It should IMO be worth staying in D3, unless maybe you always end up last. Because right now, the rewards for being 2nd every week in D3 equals that of placing 1st in D2 every 2 weeks, it's actually worse koban wise if you take into account the number of boosters you need to use. In short, I think it would feel more rewarding to add end-game content rather than just keep raising the level cap, as this makes people lose interest in the game when there is no end goal, this statement is true for many people that I've talked to this about, including me, and this game is not the only one where this statement is true. Thanks for reading all this, please take this with a pinch of salt, as this is just my own opinions and ideas, which in practice MIGHT actually be really bad, I am after all not a game designer, but I am however a gamer whit past experiences of what I personally found funny in games, which makes my opinion hold some value IMO
    1 point
  29. In my opinion, it has been a long time enough to admit that this artist is not suitable for drawing the poses of girls in the game. The creators of the game must understand that the girl's art is a key element of the game, which can not be worsened, you can not lower the bar and let go on its own, it is that key element of the gameplay which holds everything else and if you do not monitor its quality, then sooner or later everything will break. All the improvements in the quality of new girls only in the fact that stopped appearing poses that cause "vomit reflex" no more. But the girls who would cause delight and attraction never appeared. A separate good luck can be called event with Pokemons, but the irony is that in this case, in the positive side worked exactly the shortcomings of the style of drawing, which by its unnatural anatomy as if to emphasize that we are not dealing with people, and with some anthropomorphic creatures, and it was good in its own way, but unfortunately, it is only a random effect that does not work on all the other art. When an artist comes to an established project, his or her task is not to "form his or her own style of painting," but to copy as precisely as possible the one that is already in use, ideally so that the differences are not visible at all. And he has no time for swinging, the virtual entertainment industry is the most dynamic business with huge competition, no one will wait for years until the artist pulls up his skills, sweeps up, "will get a hand" - the player just go and find something else, because the choice is huge. Actually returning to the topic of "copying", then for any artist is a basic skill, then where to begin training in drawing. Without this skill, there is nothing to do in the profession. Before you "creatively create," you must learn to "imitate and copy. But with this today's artist has huge problems, or rather not problems, and he just can not do it. All you had to do was take the best samples of the previous girls and 12 hours a day sit and try to draw in the same style, proportions, colors and so on until you get similar. I understand that it's much more fun to get the wretched and crooked, anatomically defective mutants in a couple of hours in "own style", but the work is different from the entertainment that you do what you want to do, and if you can not do it, then in your place will find someone who can. Returning to the subject of the event. It was an unexpected discovery to me that two girls out of six are not new, but variations of the old ones. And I only realized that when I read it on the forum and got useful on Wikipedia. And all I can say in the end is "fucking hell." Okay poses... but how could you draw such different faces. Just watch for yourself. I guess... it's not that bad. After all, it's just a fun erotic game, we shouldn't judge it too strictly. I guess it is. Except for myself, I made an interesting conclusion. If I used to worry about getting girls from Pachinko in new events and have to wait a whole year for the opportunity to do it again, now I hardly care. But the "hunting" for girls who were in the events one or two years ago causes real excitement and maximum positive emotions when you get them in the harem through repeated events or mystical pachinko. And to be honest, I'm a little scared that there will be a moment when such girls in the game just end.
    1 point
  30. I finished #38 in my D2 this time. It was a bit of a weird week for me in general, and in the game I was fully boosted for the first half of the week, then not boosted at all. I'm happy to take the top 45 rewards. This week seems pretty promising so far. I had the opportunity to catch a lot of high levels unboosted and/or fooling around with shitty line-ups at the start, so that's always good. I'm all out of good boosters and currently replenishing my koban reserves after the very expensive LD into OD run from late March, so I'm not willing to buy any either, so I'll be happy to grab a top 45 if I can. Also, I'm in the same league as @snowman22
    1 point
  31. My last off topic answer here, you can open a new thread if you want. The probability of 0 girls from 15 tries in event pachinko at 22.5% is still more than 2%, so 1 of every 50 players will suffer that bad run.
    1 point
  32. I confess. I have a completely different perspective being a f2p gamer and I'm not "into" hentai like some are. Not into hentai meaning that I am not knowledgeable on story lines. I DO like the renderings/illustrations. That being the case I find most, if not all the artwork/cartoons/girls on here to be good. For my untrained eye's I see well drawn images. So, my hat is off to all the artists. Well done.
    1 point
  33. They are now just complaining for the sake of complaining. They don't like the new artist, and don't want to give him the time (s)he needs. They made up their mind; he/she is trash and needs to go. What I see is a major improvement, and even though I prefer Ben, this is not that bad at all. The main problem is that this style is different from the rest of the game, so it's clashing quite a lot, but that is to be expected with a new artist.
    1 point
  34. What's wrong with you, guys? The girls are good.
    1 point
  35. Always bugged me you can't change the order of your girls. Was thinking about it and wondered, are the girls in their current order for a reason? Doesn't seem to be cheapest -> most expensive, and other than the girls you unlock at specific levels, it's not order of being unlocked... Is it order of creation?
    1 point
  36. I saved up 41 orbs for the last event. What I got: 22 gifts, 15 equipment en 3 girls Funny detail, got 2 out of 3 girls in the first 4 orbs. If they were paid orbs, should've stopped while I was ahead. Now they were free, so used them anyway of course. 2 pieces of equipment were useful, the rest is now money. The girls were Sailor Celcius, Selene and Trinket. Until now I had only 2 girls out of 52 orbs, so I call this progress. I did get Cora out or a single EvP 2 minutes before the deadline! Hoorah!
    1 point
  37. Damn Why didn't she get caught with villain I don't have luck and much koban to try on event pachiko. she's so hot.
    0 points
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