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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/30/2021 in all areas

  1. Bonjour, Je trouve les niveaux des champions de clubs très flous, si ce n'est incompréhensibles. Help ! - En février dans notre club : Chad, lvl 100, jauge de respect à 230 M. Ok. En mars : Ezekiel, lvl 100, jauge de respect à 280 M => + 50 M dans la jauge entre 2 champions pour un niveau identique ! Pourquoi ? - Dans "Patch Notes : Semaine 6" il est dit que le niveau des champions baisse après 10 tentatives ratées. Je trouve le principe discutable : si le champion devient trop fort, il faut attendre 10 jours pour pouvoir à nouveau espérer le battre, autant dire abandonner la campagne pour le mois en cours. Malgré ce principe, le niveau de nos champions a évolué, tantôt augmenté , tantôt baissé, alors qu'on n'a jamais perdu 10 fois d'affilée. Je suppose donc que ce principe des 10 défaites n'a pas été mis en place, mais des éclaircissements seraient bienvenus sur le fonctionnement de l'évolution des niveaux des champions.
    4 points
  2. Hello @Zaburus It's probably the XP won in Season. (Crown Season) [It's can be 33k + 27.6k XP = 60.6k XP = 606 000 points + XP won in league.]
    4 points
  3. The second one my mate. You have to pay 7200 Kobans each Poa, this is why most players (at the benginning at least XD now is the Mythic the main "problem") save their monthly "ravenue" from missions and league: to pay the Poa at the end of the month, and gain an extra 2 girls and more resources to use at the beginning of the classic event and season. Also i agree with @DvDivXXX the news reminder is a very cool move, very frequently i read about people that do not claim their prizes from Poa because they forget it or they don't know that the unclaimed things will disappear. So pretty happy with that "news".
    4 points
  4. @DvDivXXX Bonjour Voilà un exemple d'incompréention Je n'ai pas voulu hurler ! Je n'ai voulu qu'attirer votre attention que l'heure indiquée était l'heure du Québec afin d'éviter de me faire reprocher que je ne l'avais pas assez spécifié Comme c'est arrivé avec un autre modérateur...... !!!! Mes salutations
    2 points
  5. A Season in this game is just a calendar month. The March season ends when the month of April begins (well, technically, it ends at reset time on the 1st of the next month). PoA was originally scheduled to end on March 30th at reset time (13:00 CET), but further to issues this Sunday due to DST change, an extra day was added. So it will now end on March 31st at reset time instead. As for the in-game news reminder, it's a first, but I think it's great. It says SOON, which is correct regardless of the exact date and time for each event. I hope this helps.
    2 points
  6. @cotemarcel@cgocable.ca : Comme l'a si bien relevé @DvDivXXX, je ne fesais pas réference à un problème avec ta façon de parler, mais plutôt au problème que tu évoque. Comme le dis DvDivXXX: la plupart des joueurs reportent avoir ce problème avec le timer de combat sur le club champion, et je voulais du coup en savoir plus car apparement ce n'est pas le cas pour toi et ton club. D'accord, donc merci pour ton retour, ça va nous permettre de tester ça et d'orienter nos recherches
    2 points
  7. OWNERS SCHEDULE: Most of you know it by now, but for the record, I am a medical dispatcher with a rather brutal work schedule. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I work a double shift which means for all practical I am not available for ingame activities on those days.
    1 point
  8. so have you noticed in the pachinko screen that the epic pachinko is written in yellow letters but gives red balls while the mythic pachinko is written in red letters but gives yellow balls?
    1 point
  9. Didn't bother quoting you I'm sure people don't want to read your over long post twice. As you say, you don't know the saying and so don't understand it. So a quick lesson. It just means telling someone something they all ready know. Simple as that. So you have presumptively assumed I didn't know as I'm a noob. Whilst I'm obviously not so God like in my omnipotence as you, (hell how could anybody be compared to you?) I do realise there are counters. Yeah I've been playing less then a year, yeah I'm only level 304. Guess as far as you are concerned everyone's noob ? As to not owning up to my mistake, and I do appreciate this little snippet was in the first line of my original post but you may not even have bothered to read that far, "I should have checked". There. In black and white. My signed. sealed and delivered admission of my own failings. Thank you for at least admitting the wording wasn't ideal, (even if you did put it into italics to say you don't really agree}. I agree "soon" instead of "now" would have been better. Would I have checked the timer if it had said "soon". Honestly I don't know, as less then an hour before re-set and I had to go out. TLDR : Yes it was my fault, but wording could have been better
    1 point
  10. I wasn't familiar with this saying, so thanks for that. You're applying it very incorrectly, though. It "refers to a person giving advice to another person in a subject with which the other person is already familiar (and probably more so than the first person)." You've asked a noob question, I provided you with the basic information armed with which you should not have claimed your rewards as soon as you read "now" in this early reminder. Now you seem to pretend you already knew this information (possibly better than me)? And you're yelling your own dumb move as if it were an excuse for making it? Well, I don't care for your tone. So please calm down right now. And don't patronize someone trying to help you, that's actually rude, just so you know. The reminder was sent for the first time this month. It can be somewhat confusing to noobs because it mentions both the month-long Season and the current PoA event, which usually doesn't end as late as the Season. That includes this month, as even with the extra day added due to the DST issue, PoA will still end a whole day before the Season. So yeah, it's not ideal (it should probably say "soon" instead of "now"). Sure. It's just a reminder, though. Nowhere does it say "go ahead, click before you think, and then it will be our fault". It might be time to stop making excuses for your own mistakes, and owning up to them instead of blaming a friendly reminder for not doing enough of your homework for you. We previously had no reminder at all, and a lot of players who didn't pay attention and just outright lost their rewards because they didn't claim them on time. Even if this isn't perfect, and other players like you read the reminder and instantly claimed all their PoA and Season rewards several days too early without paying attention to the timers, that's a lesser punishment for laziness than losing their rewards. So no, neither Kinkoid nor anyone else has to provide you with an excuse for this new and positive thing not being perfect. Take it or leave it, but we are done here either way. That wouldn't change anything. PoA and Season wouldn't have ended on the same day without the extra day, and they still won't. If anything, the reminder should be a bit more vague and perhaps sent a little earlier. So lazy players don't claim everything without checking the actual in-game timers and then run to the forum to blame it on the reminder.
    1 point
  11. Please don't try to teach granny to suck eggs, it isn't polite. As I admitted in my post, I SHOULD HAVE CHECKED. However it doesn't excuse the fact that it was posted TWO DAYS before the end of the event. Surely a reminder on the day it is to end would be better. If you are gonna post the warning earlier, why not the day the season starts. You know, so you can really start getting ready for the next season ?
    1 point
  12. J'ai constaté la même chose, Ezekiel est plus fort que Chad, à level égal. Après tout pourquoi pas. Indépendamment du level du champion, la difficulté des fight peu dépendre de beaucoup de facteurs. Et un facteur parmi les plus importants c'est le nombre de fois que la position préférée de la fille du champion apparait dans la séquence de 5 positions. A chaque fois que cette position apparait ça double les dégats de l'adversaire, donc si par malchance la séquence comporte par exemple plus de 3 fois les positions préférés de l'adversaire, le champion sera beaucoup plus difficile, quelque soit l'optimisation de notre équipe à nous. Donc il est judicieux pour un club de bien vérifier la séquence avant de se lancer. Si elle n'est pas favorable, il suffit de débloquer le timer (défier sans combattre suffit pour ça), et attendre la fin du timer pour voir si la séquence suivante est plus favorable.
    1 point
  13. Good catch, I never noticed that before :D
    1 point
  14. @Varizulis : je confirme: c'est la moyenne des niveaux des joueurs du club divisée par 2.
    1 point
  15. Merci de l'info @warf, j'ai dû arriver après le niveau 10 ! Le soucis c'est que le nombre de shards reçu est aussi dépendant du nombre de personnes qui participent, du coup à 1 personne tu gagnes très peu de shards à chaque fois (je crois que j'avais vu des gens qui en gagnaient seulement 3 ou 5% par jour mais je ne retrouve plus ces messages), et tu es la seule personne qui peut relancer le champion, tu dois mettre chaque jour plein de kobans pour faire le nombre suffisant de combats...
    1 point
  16. Ended last task more or less two hours after daily reset, using only some energy bonuses for the relative tasks. The weekend in the middle of the event helped a lot, or, maybe better said, the almost sleepless night I had between Friday and Saturday clearing tasks from XIII to XVII helped a lot. As usual, not going to buy premium bonuses, but this time at least it is less a pity for me, as I like more the free girls. Although it was the consequence of a bug, I am also happy about the one day extension, as this way I will be able to bring bonus combativity from Path of Attraction to the first event of April sacrificing only one day worth of combativity.
    1 point
  17. Something like that ? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1JojW0FOwg3ubF7_N-oD_7vVyuFteMnp_MlON8mRljZ8/edit?usp=sharing
    1 point
  18. @cotemarcel@cgocable.ca Tu as l'air d'avoir été vexé par la demande de clarification de Mario, mais il n'a rien dit sur ta façon de t'exprimer ou encore moins laissé entendre que ton français n'était pas compréhensible. C'était tout simplement pour confirmer le détail précis que tu voulais transmettre comme info. Suite à ta réponse, c'est chose faite. Je t'assure que ni le Québec ni aucun souci linguistique n'était en jeu. Pas besoin de hurler ! ^^ (Écrire en MAJUSCULES en ligne, ça équivaut à crier à l'oral). Merci à toi. Et cette info est étonnante, car de mon côté je peux confirmer que dans mon club, le compteur du CC démarre encore avant que le moindre combat ne soit effectué, dès lors qu'un membre rend visite à l'écran d'où on peux faire son draft (ça vient encore de nous arriver hier et on espère que personne ne fera ça le 31 car ça nous ferait perdre une journée pour pouvoir accéder au prochain CC). Donc il est possible que le problème évoqué ici n'affecte pas tous les clubs.
    1 point
  19. oh!!! all this past month i read the title as the duration of the event instead of the year i'm too tired recently... sorry i'll delete my summoning to the great keeper to not bother him thank you @Kenrae
    1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. I went ahead and fact-checked that. I can confirm last year March did indeed have 31 days. Even though it felt like February the whole month, March actually happened. In other news. The extra days are very welcome. I'm trying to do the boss fights without refills or accepting combativity rewards.
    1 point
  22. I think March had 31 days last year too, but don't take my word for granted.
    1 point
  23. Chers joueurs, Vous avez étés nombreux à signaler le problème des compét' ce dimanche, et nous avons agi immédiatement pour le régler. (Merci pour votre réactivité et vos retours!) Nous sommes désolés pour le désagrément. Cependant, le problème a été résolu très rapidement, les compét' ont été générées et afin de ne pas impacter votre progression, l'événement en cours a été prolongé de 24 heures supplémentaires 🙌 L'équipe kinkoid.
    1 point
  24. Dear players, You were numerous to report the issue about the competition this Sunday, and we acted immediately to fix it. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. However, this issue has been resolved very fast, the contests have been generate and in order to not impact your progression, the current event has been extended for 24 extra hours 🙌 The kinkoid team.
    1 point
  25. after 27 orbs no girl, so I had to use 8 x6 orbs for christmas arcana and chocolate maker abrael
    1 point
  26. Hmm, I think I can say I have all non-patreon girls at the moment. Seeing as there is no way to have Chayotte yet and that's the only one missing:
    1 point
  27. Pas dans un club non plus...mais je dois répondre à la question. Coté sondage, plusieurs questions auraient méritées de pouvoir y répondre en choix multiple, ou manuellement. Et, parfois, je ne suis pas satisfait du choix de réponse, aucune ne m'offrant mon choix. Ce qui manque le plus au jeu, présentement, a mon niveau (388), est de pouvoir acheter des cadeaux d'affection, ou d'XP, pour mes filles, en quantité suffisante. Car, remplir le marché est très coûteux, et, souvent, c'est des cadeaux de "bas" niveau qu'on obtient, donc, mauvaise option. Plusieurs ont déjà demandé, au cours des années, des cadeaux de plus haut niveau, soi en achat, soi ceux qu'on obtient des trolls ou autre. Mon avis est qu'à partir du niveau 300, il devrait être beaucoup plus facile d'obtenir des cadeaux mauves (haut niveau), dans le marché, et par ceux que drop les trolls ou autre jeu. J'ai trop de filles à zéro étoile pour espérer rattrapper mon retard, et, en XP, c'est pareil...et c'est pas les filles mystiques, ou les nouvelles chaque semaine, qui vont m'aider à combler mon retard.
    1 point
  28. free spin + 99 MPx1 orbs for 1 of 1 girls. (yes, it was a _rare_ one)
    1 point
  29. @DvDivXXX: You doubbled the Rotation #0297! Free Spin from Rotation #0297: Booster Free Spin from Rotation #0298: Booster 7x MyPx1: 2 Booster, 4 Books and Sponsor Sarah Jay (forgot to Screenshot) 13 MyPx1: 8 Booster, 4 Books and 24th and 25th Girl from MyPx1.
    1 point
  30. #30 +1 Desdemona, +12 with no girls Oh and that makes it 500 for me. EDIT: +46 with no girls
    1 point
  31. #27 from MPx1, after a very long unlucky streak (406 Orbs + 20 free spins in 20 rotations where I had at least one girl available). Sara Jay was one of two girls available for me on this rota. Spent the remaining 13 orbs, but no Desdemona. edit 1: 19 orbs =, No Maika edit 2: 48 orbs, No LARP Geekette or Sophie edit 3: 19 orbs - No Shaman Carlita edit 4: 9 orbs, none of the three girls
    1 point
  32. after 49 orbs without drops, another 4x x6orbs for mountain sophie
    1 point
  33. I got a book from the free spin and I also got Sponsor Sara Jay. She was the only girl available and I already had her at 65 shards so yeah it was easy. Curiously, during this month I've gone from having none of her versions to have both of them.
    1 point
  34. Similar for me, save the fact that I was only at 34%, so it took me 2 x3 Orbs and 2 x6 orbs. At this point I nearly exhausted my Mythic Orbs (only 1 x3 and 2 x6 left, apart the pool of x1 that I am slowly reconstructing and reached quota 32), so I must hope that the next rotations won't include girls that I really wish to obtain. Well, at least another partial girl that left the under-bottom of the harem to become a member. Who bets that she will be in the next Legendary Days revival with hardcore girls? 😋
    1 point
  35. Settings - Kobans spending confirmation
    1 point
  36. Mais tu peux l'améliorer pour convenir au plus grand nombre. Car je ne pense pas que des clubs organisés où chacun travaille en cohésion avec les autres soit la norme, surtout pour un jeu détente/hentai. Je ne connais pas les stats mais je serai curieux de savoir combien de joueurs ont réussi à récupérer la fille du précédent champion.
    1 point
  37. Hello @Aude : l'idée est revenue beaucoup sur le formulaire de suggestion et elle a donc été remontée. Ensuite, si l'équipe decide de la garder et de changer la mécanique actuelle, ça je ne le sais pas ...
    1 point
  38. After 25 minutes, 620k points?
    0 points
  39. Yop. We are done here. @Zaburus read my warning on your profile to avoid further spamming penalties. Cheers.
    0 points
  40. Hey there. This thread is of very low quality. For starters, it was posted in Suggestions, but this is anything BUT a suggestion. The OP is (misguided) feedback at best, and mostly just ad lib whining if I'm being honest. Also a huge typo on a two-word title isn't a great sign that much efforts went into this. I had left it alone so far because it was just going to return to limbo where it belongs, but since then there were several unnecessary bumps. This is now a complete mess of a mix of noob statements, noob questions, and whining (except for Bolitho's post which tried to educate the OP a little at least). We're done here. In the future, if you just want to whine without having a point to make, go to your club chat, your personal Discord or your friends. If you have noob questions to ask, ask them in the relevant section (QA Questions Answers). If you want to make a suggestion, use the suggestion form (sticky with a link in the main Suggestions subforum), but please ask yourself whether or not you understand this game's fundamentals well enough to make a useful suggestion first. Good day.
    0 points
  41. Titre anglais, capture d'écran russe... qu'est ce que ça fout sur le forum FR ?
    0 points
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