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32 minutes ago, trunks2585 said:

Any good business also understands maintaining good PR, so if they are business minded they'll at least have some good replies.  I expect at the very least a 'in the future we will rethink how to execute these legendary events' reply.


Seriously devs, look at almost any mobil game and how they do things, most of all, almost all mobil games HAVE to publish their drop rates.  They have raid bosses that take several rounds to beat and get easier to do the stronger your team is.  They have 'mercy pulls' where you don't have to pull more than x number of times, or they have increasing odds, something you already do for the normal girls.


The saddest part of all this is I see the potential for this to be a good hentai version of the average mobil gacha game.  It's already got some of the groundwork laid out for it.

A main campain that is slowly expanded upon.  Special events once or twice a month.  Rare drops we want.  PvP (not good but it's there).  A few changes here and there and this would be a solid game and you'd have people happy to drop kobans on your game.

But all you've done since february is shoot yourself in the foot or offer us 'improvements' that are frankly more like insults and punishments.


There's a lot of hostility in this thread, and for good reason.  But there's also a lot of suggestions.  In another thread you were asking for feedback about patrion changes or forum changes.  So why not ask for feedback on how to improve the game.  No survey or pull with pre loaded questions.  Get a thread going that you all will read to hear our suggestions.

Yeah, I can't disagree with any of that.  They just might shoot themselves in the foot as you say, but I don't think they will care, in the beginning anyway.  Had you read all the comments?  Pretty sad reading would you say and tailormade for HH reading them and responding by moving the game into the lootbox category, which would mean it would die a death rather quickly.

Yes, far too great a frequency of new events.  They would do better to focus on four things: (1) make the arena less arcane and easier to understand (along with replacing the dumb aff and XP bonus for wins with a system that rewards ALL your team whether upgraded and levelled up or not).  They also need to ditch the stupid dominance triangle as this is pretty unfair to a lot of players, and lastly they need to reintroduce a ranking system for sorting opponents (battling three opponents all in a row 20k above your ego and 10-15 higher XP level than you only to lose and drop up to 31 mojo points hardly seems remotely fair.  Reducing the refresh time from 30 to 15min would be fairer and would encourage people to try the arena more often. (2) reduce the number of events to a manageable level (as you suggest), (3) get on with completing Plain of Rituals and bringing in a new world (if they intend to keep going) rather than being side-tracked by these constant promotions of events and (4) sort out the server data traffic that's slowing the game to a crawl at times and hanging it for up to two minutes (I suspect this is why they want to shut the system down for a time to do just that and to upgrade the data capacity of their server - the price of popularity).

That's my little bit.

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5 hours ago, OneMoreBite said:

Uh... Yeah, you can. Considering each koban on Nutaku's Harem Heroes is worth 6 kobans on Hentai Heroes, that would mean your 1,200 kobans there would be worth 7,200 here. In other words: you totally got ripped off, dude.

i spent 7000 kobans in hentai heroes, not Nutaku, the cost is 1/6. to compare it is about 32 refills or 650 battles.

Edited by jelom
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49 minutes ago, Adrian'smole said:

They would do better to focus on four things: (1) make the arena less arcane and easier to understand (along with replacing the dumb aff and XP bonus for wins with a system that rewards ALL your team whether upgraded and levelled up or not).  They also need to ditch the stupid dominance triangle as this is pretty unfair to a lot of players, and lastly they need to reintroduce a ranking system for sorting opponents (battling three opponents all in a row 20k above your ego and 10-15 higher XP level than you only to lose and drop up to 31 mojo points hardly seems remotely fair.  Reducing the refresh time from 30 to 15min would be fairer and would encourage people to try the arena more often. (2) reduce the number of events to a manageable level (as you suggest), (3) get on with completing Plain of Rituals and bringing in a new world (if they intend to keep going) rather than being side-tracked by these constant promotions of events and (4) sort out the server data traffic that's slowing the game to a crawl at times and hanging it for up to two minutes (I suspect this is why they want to shut the system down for a time to do just that and to upgrade the data capacity of their server - the price of popularity).

1: I like the aff and xp bonus for wins and would rather not have xp going everywhere because of contests. I also prefer to focus all the aff on certain girls then get it spread out among everyone. Some are more important to level than others.

Also the arena isn't arcane in the slightest. It is pretty straight forward. I also don't see either issue as a vital thing that will make or break or even make much of a difference.

I can take or leave the dominance triangle, as you have no choice in who you fight it seems more annoyance than strategy feature but again not a make or break issue.

If you are facing opponents way over your level it is because somewhere along the line you chose not to optimise for PvP. I've maxed out my market skill boasts and got the single HC equipment and my Alpha is my best HC. I almost never encounter someone with greater Ego than me and if they do it's maybe a percent or two above. I do encounter a lot who have ego in the 40K range to my 70. Even those who are higher level. If you have a crap team, and other people learn the rules to develop a good team, why should you be lifted to their level. We all play by the same rules. Granted I did get a legendary HC item but even without it I'd be running at about 65K Ego and still dominating over 90% of my fights, not winning, dominating.

As for losing mojo, I was there, then I started to fight everyone and taking chances, my mogo dropped to a more sustainable level. If you are contantly getting mojo gains of 1 or 2 and losses of 30 and 31, your mojo level is sustainability high. The problem is you your opponents are picked by level and if you grind through battles and avoid fights you will find yourself at a level where everyone has much less mojo than you.  That is the way the system works. Take the mojo hit and soon like me you will settle at a better level and be hitting many chances of gaining 10 to losing 20 or even gaining over 20 once in a while.

I have no idea how increasing the refresh time from 30 minutes to 15 minutes will encourage people to try the arena more unless you have OCD and spend the entire day at the computer keeping track of time and if you are one of those people, you probably need less encouragement. Seriously, do you play every half an hour?  I suppose if they had it every minute or 2 it would be different but 15 vs 30, meh. I wouldn't mind it going to every hour or even 2. If you want to encourage more usage than give more battles per time, 6 instead of 3.

2: Fewer events. It drags cash out of rabid collectors without effecting me any. One can easily ignore them. Also when there is an event running, higher level bosses drop legendary affection items. I wouldn't mind that going on for a full month. Also missions that net you some pretty sweet koban. Unless you are very low level events are avoidable and most of the girls are not worth it anyways.

3: I wouldn't mind seeing them do more levels but not too quickly. I like to idea of being able to reach the "end" of the game and if they put new levels as fast as we can finish them newer players will be on a never ending treadmill that they can never finish and I'd find that discouraging. Also doing plots is a lot harder than drawing up some girl that is a semiclone of some other intellectual property. It already feels like that with new epic panchinko girls, if they are more than 1 or 1.5 a month I'll never "finish' the base collection and that would be a sad state of affairs, it will take about a year or so as it is. I'm looking forward to going on cruze mode and after a year, with a game that is pretty limited [a clicking grindfest really] after a year I can't see too many people even wanting to stick it out. If I can't "finish" a game in a reasonable time, it's discouraging.

4: Upping the servers sounds like a primary need. I assume it's a hentai problem not a harem problem but still, doesn't effect me but sounds important.

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let's just say the devs are total bullshitters to hardcore players,didn't even get levita spent around 4k in kobans behind this game almost 24/7 just for nothing to show for it also around 500 battles just to get salt and fucking 3500 money from dark lord ,for those who wasted money for basically a fucking picture good onions to you because this game wont reach far anymore why because the devs just piss off nearly all there customers and i dont think any of us are going to spend money in this hell hole of a money pit ever again so my advice devs just time to pack up and jump ship because all you income going to drop drastically why because nobody spending on this game anymore because you've done and messed up and its your fault  me personally just play for story but pornhub got that covered  already so fuck this game.



for those who think Im acting out just because i didn't get levita  its not that a game should be fun,enjoyable, memorable not cruel,frustrating and only try to bankrupt its players but me the devs will never ever get my money or see it ill stick to being free player and i know there alot of you out would agree with me too.

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1 hour ago, Adrian'smole said:

Yeah, I can't disagree with any of that.  They just might shoot themselves in the foot as you say, but I don't think they will care, in the beginning anyway.  Had you read all the comments?  Pretty sad reading would you say and tailormade for HH reading them and responding by moving the game into the lootbox category, which would mean it would die a death rather quickly.

Yes, far too great a frequency of new events.  They would do better to focus on four things: (1) make the arena less arcane and easier to understand (along with replacing the dumb aff and XP bonus for wins with a system that rewards ALL your team whether upgraded and levelled up or not).  They also need to ditch the stupid dominance triangle as this is pretty unfair to a lot of players, and lastly they need to reintroduce a ranking system for sorting opponents (battling three opponents all in a row 20k above your ego and 10-15 higher XP level than you only to lose and drop up to 31 mojo points hardly seems remotely fair.  Reducing the refresh time from 30 to 15min would be fairer and would encourage people to try the arena more often. (2) reduce the number of events to a manageable level (as you suggest), (3) get on with completing Plain of Rituals and bringing in a new world (if they intend to keep going) rather than being side-tracked by these constant promotions of events and (4) sort out the server data traffic that's slowing the game to a crawl at times and hanging it for up to two minutes (I suspect this is why they want to shut the system down for a time to do just that and to upgrade the data capacity of their server - the price of popularity).

That's my little bit.

(was gonna read all comments but since they keep popping up I'll go ahead and reply now, sorry if i echo what someone else said.  Also it's a long post, sorry again.)

1. I think it's safe to say combat as a whole should be reworked.  Now I'm not saying get rid of the triangle totally, but don't tie the player to it.  In most games like this the player makes up a team of like 5 cards/medals/whatever for their team.  As they get more choices they swap out and re-tune their team.  Most these cards or what have you also have a chance to activate a special power, either by random or spending activation points that you build up or have a set number of for each mach.

I think you can see where I'm going with this.  We talk about combat being boring, all we do is select an opponent and pray our stats and rng are on our side.  Copy the model of say valkerie crusade or anything that plays like it and make it into HH.  You'd click on a girl to use for an attack, or you'd activate their power, maybe they make your team climax faster, maybe they give you an attack or def boost, or they heal you.  Lots of possibilities.  No doubt it'd only be a handful of skills recycled over the cards but if you consider making sure each class has that skill on at least one girl, it works out.  This is just one way to make combat exciting and not dull.

Now let's say that sounds like too much effort for a fight against grunts.  A fair point.  Auto battle button.  Auto battle makes things run as they currently do.  Or maybe the combat i proposed is only activated in PVP or high level trolls that can beat you (some people say they have lost to finalmecia.)

Besides that I agree totally with a better reward system, what they gave is a slap in the face.  Honestly just boosting the payout to somewhere between 20-50 aff I think would be acceptable for most players.  I know that's what I was hoping for.  Something that can make a noticeable dent in affection to level up. However someone said there's an affection rework (again) coming up, so we'll see how that impacts things.  At this point I expect it to be a joke of a patch or make things worse.

As for the ranking system and all that, to be honest if they fix combat to not be so luck based, they may not need to change the ranking system.  I do which we had more control over who we fight, but the whole battle system needs to be reworked first, worry about match making after the matches have been reworked.

2. The events.

This is a little tricky.  See it wasn't so bad with the one events that take 2 weeks, but now we have the revival events.  The thing is I don't want to loose those chances to get past girls.  I feel like all players,  should get these chances to get past girls.  And I understand the need to keep introducing new girls.  The reason this is an issue is because it forces us to spend our time on a lesser boss that doesn't pay well and we have the girls of already.

Before the patch at least it didn't matter if we fought DL or NS or whoever because every battle counted towards a normal boss girl drop.  Now it's limited to that specific boss.

If they brought back that increasing drop chance no matter who you fight, and boosted the levels of the lesser bosses then the events wouldn't be an issue on missing out on farming money or missing girls.

It might be in their best interest to not try and introduce 6 new girls every month, and just do 3 (quest girl, boss drop, and pachinco).  The revival events are fine for now, but what about next year?  Are they planning on having 4 revival girls at once on bosses?  It might be time to start putting old event girls into the pachinco system for good, or add them onto bosses as permanent drops, cause just looking forward, the choices are either add more permanent girls to lower bosses as time goes on so nothing is truly 'missable' or just have mulitple girls on each boss, but assuming this game survives long enough, that will get out of hand to try and farm all the missing girls if it gets up to like 4 or 5 at once on DL.  Or the oldest event girls are lost forever and there goes that 'gotta catch em all' mentality of the game.

In short, best solution would be introducing less girls every month and start making event girls regular drops off bosses or pachinco if the idea is to always give us a chance to get old event girls.  (There's also talk about if there will be something like that going on especially for the anniversary in july i think)

3. I'm actually not quite caught up on PoR yet, thanks for telling me that it's not done yet.  I don't know how far in advance they plan things, so depending on how much the script and animations are planned in advance or if they do it scroll by scroll, who knows how long till the next world.  All we know for sure is to start the next world they have to have the next worlds boss, 3 girls, the story girl, and a general plot established.  That's also 4 girls each with 3-6 poses and 3-5 affection scenes planned out.  Along with having to plan out the next month's special event.  This isn't me making excuses for them, just saying I can see it taking a while if they don't put a lot of forethought into the story.

4. Yeah this.  Starting like 2 weeks ago I finally started getting hit with 503 errors and I know they were a problem before then, I think since the February patches.  I don't know if they need more server space or what, but they need to take care of it, and chasing away players with shit events and bad updates is not the way to do it.

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2 hours ago, dirty harry said:


But let's be honest here. If they care, they listen. If they choose not to, you're not going to make them.

As I see it - and I could be wrong - Patreon is their focus group, discord is their beta testers (or the other way around) and this - the game - is the moneymaker. That's their businessmodel. As long as their client base doesn't show significant droppage the business works. Only thing to tweak is how to get the most revenue for the least amount of produce. In short: doing (good) business.:P


Quite!  You've summed it up nicely.  I tried to tell everyone that they WILL read all the comments, but not to be influenced by them directly, but would undertake psychometric analysis on every posting to help them understand the cause and effect relationship between their releases and changes, and how we react (and presumably respond) to them.  There is a strong element of gambling to this game and is how HH would make money (obviously).  The 40 pages of (mostly) negative comments from desperately gambling addicted people would give them pause for thought, but not in the way the naive players who commented would like to think.  For the developers and the business model, this so-called legendary event would have been a roaring success and we are likely to see more like them as a result.  They could cut the drop rate in the RNG to almost zero I would suggest and still have droves of people trying to get her to drop. Watch the koban purchase rate soar!

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I just hope there will be second chances for all this new "legendary" concept. As it seems that the "adjusted" chances meant "extremely low", and almost all of the people who used just time recharged combativity didn't get the girl and their main achievement was to get about 4,400,000 less cash than fighting Finalmecia (that's about 190 tries playing all 4 days without letting the combatibity reach cap), also going down a few contest of the ones requiring to fight trolls.

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13 minutes ago, trunks2585 said:

(was gonna read all comments but since they keep popping up I'll go ahead and reply now, sorry if i echo what someone else said.  Also it's a long post, sorry again.)

1. I think it's safe to say combat as a whole should be reworked.  Now I'm not saying get rid of the triangle totally, but don't tie the player to it.  In most games like this the player makes up a team of like 5 cards/medals/whatever for their team.  As they get more choices they swap out and re-tune their team.  Most these cards or what have you also have a chance to activate a special power, either by random or spending activation points that you build up or have a set number of for each mach.

I think you can see where I'm going with this.  We talk about combat being boring, all we do is select an opponent and pray our stats and rng are on our side.  Copy the model of say valkerie crusade or anything that plays like it and make it into HH.  You'd click on a girl to use for an attack, or you'd activate their power, maybe they make your team climax faster, maybe they give you an attack or def boost, or they heal you.  Lots of possibilities.  No doubt it'd only be a handful of skills recycled over the cards but if you consider making sure each class has that skill on at least one girl, it works out.  This is just one way to make combat exciting and not dull.

Now let's say that sounds like too much effort for a fight against grunts.  A fair point.  Auto battle button.  Auto battle makes things run as they currently do.  Or maybe the combat i proposed is only activated in PVP or high level trolls that can beat you (some people say they have lost to finalmecia.)

Besides that I agree totally with a better reward system, what they gave is a slap in the face.  Honestly just boosting the payout to somewhere between 20-50 aff I think would be acceptable for most players.  I know that's what I was hoping for.  Something that can make a noticeable dent in affection to level up. However someone said there's an affection rework (again) coming up, so we'll see how that impacts things.  At this point I expect it to be a joke of a patch or make things worse.

As for the ranking system and all that, to be honest if they fix combat to not be so luck based, they may not need to change the ranking system.  I do which we had more control over who we fight, but the whole battle system needs to be reworked first, worry about match making after the matches have been reworked.

2. The events.

This is a little tricky.  See it wasn't so bad with the one events that take 2 weeks, but now we have the revival events.  The thing is I don't want to loose those chances to get past girls.  I feel like all players,  should get these chances to get past girls.  And I understand the need to keep introducing new girls.  The reason this is an issue is because it forces us to spend our time on a lesser boss that doesn't pay well and we have the girls of already.

Before the patch at least it didn't matter if we fought DL or NS or whoever because every battle counted towards a normal boss girl drop.  Now it's limited to that specific boss.

If they brought back that increasing drop chance no matter who you fight, and boosted the levels of the lesser bosses then the events wouldn't be an issue on missing out on farming money or missing girls.

It might be in their best interest to not try and introduce 6 new girls every month, and just do 3 (quest girl, boss drop, and pachinco).  The revival events are fine for now, but what about next year?  Are they planning on having 4 revival girls at once on bosses?  It might be time to start putting old event girls into the pachinco system for good, or add them onto bosses as permanent drops, cause just looking forward, the choices are either add more permanent girls to lower bosses as time goes on so nothing is truly 'missable' or just have mulitple girls on each boss, but assuming this game survives long enough, that will get out of hand to try and farm all the missing girls if it gets up to like 4 or 5 at once on DL.  Or the oldest event girls are lost forever and there goes that 'gotta catch em all' mentality of the game.

In short, best solution would be introducing less girls every month and start making event girls regular drops off bosses or pachinco if the idea is to always give us a chance to get old event girls.  (There's also talk about if there will be something like that going on especially for the anniversary in july i think)

3. I'm actually not quite caught up on PoR yet, thanks for telling me that it's not done yet.  I don't know how far in advance they plan things, so depending on how much the script and animations are planned in advance or if they do it scroll by scroll, who knows how long till the next world.  All we know for sure is to start the next world they have to have the next worlds boss, 3 girls, the story girl, and a general plot established.  That's also 4 girls each with 3-6 poses and 3-5 affection scenes planned out.  Along with having to plan out the next month's special event.  This isn't me making excuses for them, just saying I can see it taking a while if they don't put a lot of forethought into the story.

4. Yeah this.  Starting like 2 weeks ago I finally started getting hit with 503 errors and I know they were a problem before then, I think since the February patches.  I don't know if they need more server space or what, but they need to take care of it, and chasing away players with shit events and bad updates is not the way to do it.

Hey, thanks for that and for the comprehensive and intelligent reply.  I agree with just about everything you wrote, but I especially agree with you re. putting revival girls in as permanent random drop girls.  Re. the lower level bosses that pay out miserly amounts, yes, allow them to level up more (much more in the case of DL and NJ), OR start pegging event girl drop locations closer to the bosses dominating the worlds in which we are currently playing.  This is possible through the use of our profiles in the way our nicknames are inserted into the story scripts.  Plain of Rituals?  Yes, there's one quest to go and those who finished the last quest got the long-awaited Lenaelle.  I won't spoil it, but true to say I was very disappointed with, and felt let down by, the script.  You may see my point when you get there.

I thought of the effort in creating new worlds, too, with artwork, scripting and the software development.  Huge for a small team of creators.  Generally the artwork is top rate and improving all the time, but it's let down by a really weak script with lots of spelling and gramatical errors.  The worst example I can think of was the Loving Moments event and the affection scenes for Justine.  What a lost opportunity this was to advance her beyond the obsessional, ultra-possessive nutcase she was in Back to School.  She was beautifully drawn (moving way out of her Himoki Toga parody persona) and truly lovely (dare I say it, very sexy and devilishly cheeky), but the script didn't match the artwork at all and left her as the same old cardboard cutout character.  I know the team could have done far better because they got so very close with the script and images for the Loving Moments daily missions featuring a strangely sad and withdrawn Bunny and our hero very tenderly to the rescue, something she responded to very positively (no sex was involved and this was the key).  These two scenes hinted that Bunny really does love him and so does he in return.  Generally, the creative team might do well to engage the services of a few women to advise them on the script so as to be more sensitive to how women really think and feel so as to give the storyline credibility and better continuity.  I know it's a Hentai cartoon of sex, sex and more damn sex, but time to be more creative and think outside your comfort zones, guys.  You just might capture a wider audience and actually get a lot of creative satisfaction developing these new scenes in the process.

Having said all that, the affection scenes for Loving Arcana were almost there and quite tender (well drawn too and she was really gorgeous).  There is real scope for a different direction already as the Bunny character is always there when our hero most needs her and some of the other characters (like tachibana - AKA Jessie to advanced players - who really does have the hots for our hero and might hint at some kind of obsessional thing) may be more comprehensively developed.  I was going to say something else, but it would be a spoiler so I'll end here.

Again, great commentary.

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12 hours ago, Blain said:

Better info on Discord about this

Koban missions appear on the first day of the month if there's no event going on. Next event starts at tomorrow's reset. It is a superheroine themed event in honor of Infinity War movie opening this month


Oh look, even more Dark Lord fights. Ain't that just great.

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Just hope there will be other chances to get the legendary girl. Spending all battle points possible by regen, spending kobans for refills and still not getting her seems like a huge waste of time and effort, epecially when the friggin' dark lord pays out so little in cash.

Felt a lot of dissapointment on this one.

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I find it interesting that this thread has received no dev reply.   Both Jessie and Kinkoid frequently respond to threads all the time.  And they specifically talked about wanting feedback on this event.  Well, here's 40 pages of harsh, pretty overwhelming criticism.  Where is the reply?

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1 minute ago, Muffeh said:

Just hope there will be other chances to get the legendary girl. Spending all battle points possible by regen, spending kobans for refills and still not getting her seems like a huge waste of time and effort, epecially when the friggin' dark lord pays out so little in cash.

Felt a lot of dissapointment on this one.

You and 40 pages of other people.  This is not meant to be a put down (not at all!), but the only thing HH would take out of comments like yours (and just about everyone else's) is the use of kobans for refills and how this might lead on to actual purchase of them by more and more desperate players to help HH boost their business model.  But if the game isn't fun anymore and they lose loyal (especially paying) players, then they would've made a colossal miscalculation.  If we refuse to go along with this kind of manipulation they will undertake a forced rethink of strategy, but the cynic in me can't see this happening or that players will avoid the temptation to desperately try for these girls.  Even I was caught up in it to a limited extent, but I was aware of it and took counter-measures to resist.  They may not read comments like these directly, but they will respond to mass boycotts.  Players must undertake this for themselves, however.  This does not mean quitting the game altogether, but instead cherry-picking the bits they want to play at no cost to them.

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18 minutes ago, YoyoHH said:

I find it interesting that this thread has received no dev reply.   Both Jessie and Kinkoid frequently respond to threads all the time.  And they specifically talked about wanting feedback on this event.  Well, here's 40 pages of harsh, pretty overwhelming criticism.  Where is the reply?

I doubt you'll get it.

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I want 

2 hours ago, trunks2585 said:

It might be time to start putting old event girls into the pachinco system for good, or add them onto bosses as permanent drops, cause just looking forward, the choices are either add more permanent girls to lower bosses as time goes on so nothing is truly 'missable' or just have mulitple girls on each boss, but assuming this game survives long enough, that will get out of hand to try and farm all the missing girls if it gets up to like 4 or 5 at once on DL.  Or the oldest event girls are lost forever and there goes that 'gotta catch em all' mentality of the game.

Agree with this.

ALTHOUGH, I reiterate my suggestion of adding a girl-drop to Arena/PvP battles. Every win is a tick toward the drop, once ready, the next win against an opponent which has a girl you do not gets you a COPY (opponent does not lose their girl) of the girl

  1. Will make Arena/PvP worthwhile to EVERYONE, especially those of us who don't care because our primary goal is getting girls and not what our player-v-player status is.
  2. Erase the necessity of Revival Events since plenty of players have older event girls.
  3. Not having Revival Events means the player has more days/weeks per month to grind their highest Boss for money and girls

And as @trunks2585 says, oldest past event girls (12+ months old) should go into Epic Pachinko.  Could even limit them to certain days. Say, Sundays only.

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14 minutes ago, Masters said:

I want 

Agree with this.

ALTHOUGH, I reiterate my suggestion of adding a girl-drop to Arena/PvP battles. Every win is a tick toward the drop, once ready, the next win against an opponent which has a girl you do not gets you a COPY (opponent does not lose their girl) of the girl

  1. Will make Arena/PvP worthwhile to EVERYONE, especially those of us who don't care because our primary goal is getting girls and not what our player-v-player status is.
  2. Erase the necessity of Revival Events since plenty of players have older event girls.
  3. Not having Revival Events means the player has more days/weeks per month to grind their highest Boss for money and girls

And as @trunks2585 says, oldest past event girls (12+ months old) should go into Epic Pachinko.  Could even limit them to certain days. Say, Sundays only.

I think you got it backwards. Remember who the gods are in the haremverse.

Whilst you are thinking we're grinding for game money and girls we are actually being grinded for real money. And as this thread has blatantly shown events are the way to do it.

  1. The law of supply and demand. Keep supply low and demand will rise prices. Hence limited/special/legendary offerings.
  2. Dip into nostalgia. Aaah, the girl I missed - NOT this time. Honey......Where's my bankbook?
  3. Give the ppl bread and games. Just enough to survive, not enough to thrive. If they get too wealthy they'll stop complaining and start revolting.

The primary goal of any online game (FtP or PtW) is not to keep you amused. It is to make money! If, in order to do that, you have to keep your clients amused, so be it.

Don't give them everything they want. They'll get bored and walk away (thanking you for the fish).

Squeeze them till they moan and groan and endure. Don't squeeze too hard. They'll shriek and pop. (I'm not cleaning THAT up):P


Note: This is not an attack on anyone. Just the way consumerism works. Sure the players spend time and effort on the game.

But the developers are the only ones who are actually working on the game and the money they earn: That's their reward.

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I saw a bunch of people saying that the discord response was fairly positive and that they have been laughing at forum posters. So I decided to go to discord and check it out for myself... It's total bullshit. I couldn't see a single positive comment in the discord feedback, if anything they are even more negative than here. Also no mention of forum posters, let alone laughing at them.

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2 hours ago, YoyoHH said:

I find it interesting that this thread has received no dev reply.   Both Jessie and Kinkoid frequently respond to threads all the time.  And they specifically talked about wanting feedback on this event.  Well, here's 40 pages of harsh, pretty overwhelming criticism.  Where is the reply?

they never reply in the weekends.
in fact, they aren't even online on discord in the weekends.
so obviously you are not going to see a reaction until maybe tomorrow at some point, even though right now there's nothing they could say that would make this saltmine feel less like a saltmine.
everyone seems pretty determined already, so they'll most likely take the feedback and see how they can change next possible legendary event to reduce the amount of salt.

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