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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/17/2018 in Posts

  1. Invite goes out to our top current club members: @Habi@rqiden@syncma@xxxvvdxxx@Quistis@Themysterius@Napo@mot_131@Goku@BenBrazke@jelom@jajimasaji
    4 points
  2. On a compris les mecs, Exal veut avoir le dernier mot en permanence, il est têtu, borné, obtus et aigris et vous cassera si vous n'allez pas dans son sens de raisonnement. On peut zapper cet énergumène sans avoir de regrets, laissons le brailler et s'engluer dans ses calculs bancals sur les probabilités. Il veut pas comprendre la base qui est le taux de loot, tant pis pour lui.
    2 points
  3. It would also mean that at some point the leader has to kick himself 🤣
    2 points
  4. Ended the previous Sexpert I 68th (phew!) but my new turn is not better than the previous. Although there are less EGO-elephants than before, the number of the players with an EGO 10, 20 or 30k higher than me has heightened, directly reducing the quantity of beatable players. Differently from the past week up to now i didn't lost points due to sleep, and there are only 100 players rather than 105 (me included), so I hope to gather enough points from losses (plus a few surprise winnings) to not get demoted.
    2 points
  5. Ok tu pige rien ça sert rien de discuter
    2 points
  6. Bonjour à tous et à toutes ! Je crée ce sujet pour répondre à un nombre incessant de plaintes ou de questions selon lesquelles le jeu serait bugué parce qu'ils ne droppent rien : c'est de l'aléatoire ! Le jeu n'est pas bugué, vous n'avez juste pas de chance ! Alors s'il vous plait arrêtez de créer des milliards de sujets pour reporter cette situation car ce sujet a déjà été abordé par de nombreux autres joueurs auparavant. Je peux comprendre, notamment quand on est nouveau, que le fait de ne rien dropper pendant plusieurs semaines puisse être frustrant voire dans certains cas être considéré comme une défaillance du jeu... seulement personne n'y peut rien et avant d'ouvrir un nouveau sujet merci de verifier si il n'a pas déjà été abordé (d'autant que dans le cas présent vous ne risquez pas de passer à côté vu le nombre de sujets ). Voila j'espère avoir pu aider un peu les joueurs perdus et avoir piu aider les modos pour alléger le forum à l'avenir, je vous souhaite à tous un bon jeu
    1 point
  7. Hello! It's my first post here, so nice to meet you all I'll post here some drawings i've made, hope you guys like it
    1 point
  8. EDIT: Our clubs are now "The Porn Identity" and "The Porn Supremacy" which is why this Thread was renamed to "The Porn Franchise". This post was edited accordingly, but of course a lot of the upcoming posts will refer to our old name "Peaceful Warriors". Hello you beautiful players, this is mainly meant to be a discussion thread for club members of the Porn Franchise clubs, but everybody is welcome to join in on our debates or propose ideas. I hope we can make this a good thread for high end strategies. Huge thanks go out to @Tadataka Kitagaki who inspired this idea with a similar thread on the French forum. I don't speak French though, so here we go. 🙂 Here's the club description you can also find on Discord (of course the Code of Honor applies to this thread as well): Welcome to the Porn Franchise! We are a community of great high level HH.com players and we are very happy to have you in our team! Please read our Code of Honor first before you post anything. We are ambitious and constantly seek to improve ourselves. We embrace challenges and are willing to learn from experience. We love to work together with likeminded people. In order to succeed, we obey a strict Code of Honor which enables us to perform best within our team. This is our Code of Honor: 1. WE HAVE FUN! Why would we play a game anyway if there's no fun involved? We are an awesome community and experience fun together! We celebrate our wins! 2. WE HELP EACH OTHER! We are active warriors and don't hesitate to ask for support. If people have questions, we love to answer them with the intent to help. It is important for us to sustain a good spirit within our community. 3. WE ARE RESPECTFUL! We treat each other and people outside of our community with appreciation. Our communication is respectful and responsible. There is no blaming, trolling, insulting, harassing or poaching. 4. WE ARE AUTHENTIC! We are true to our values and don't pretend, lie, cheat or do anything that harms ourselves or the people around us. 5. WE ARE ATTENTIVE! We watch out for each other and reflect on our actions. We share information in the right places and assure to not offend anybody intentionally. 6. WE KEEP OUR AGREEMENTS! We are committed to this Code of Honor. We call people on violations of the Code and we know that breaking the Code will ban us from the Porn Franchise club and server.
    1 point
  9. I don't know if anyone may agree with me on this, but I think the league table can be improved a bit, so I wish to spend my two cents on this. Specifically, as there is no need (IMHO) of them in the table list, the players portraits may be removed and the country flag should be moved to the player side column. This would free some space that I personally believe would be better occupied by a single column with the players EGO amount, with the possibility to sort like the level and battles columns. Another idea (although i think it could be quite complex in realization) should be to substitute the current diciture of the battles column with the three squares of the not fought/won/lost battles, giving the player a colored eye view of his overall situation simply by scrolling the list, as seeing simply 0/3, 1/3, 2/3 or 3/3 gives less information overall.
    1 point
  10. So we have had a superheroes event... maybe we can now shed some light on the hot super villains?
    1 point
  11. 1 point
  12. @Exal Respecte les gens qui essaient de t'apporter une réponse. Ils ne sont pas là pour se faire remballer. Le sujet ayant déjà été fermé car il avait obtenu une réponse, en ayant reçu une nouvelle et commençant à partir dans tous les sens, je le ferme.
    1 point
  13. In my opinion that is not the best idea. Initially you can swap members to get a good team, but a club must be a place to create team spirit and have a good time sharing with your mates and that requires stability. That cannot be achieved if there is always the possibility to be expelled just to find a possibly stronger player. The main reason of a club is not only to win rewards (when they are implemented) at all costs. This is a game to enjoy, not a war. That said, I will put my effort to have a great club.
    1 point
  14. I have to disappoint you mate, but you've just been accepted 😉 Welcome to the Peaceful Warriors! @dirty harry Thank you and good luck for you as well! Yeah, only way to kick myself is to close the club. However, if I in fact happen to be the weakest player of the club with my lv 305, 121 girls and 163k ego... the club will be awesome! 😄 Have a great time!
    1 point
  15. I am sorry, but I had to remove the full screen picture. No story scenes are allowed, even when reporting a spelling mistake.
    1 point
  16. @windia Thanks a lot for your educated reply! I sure have a lot to learn about this. My approach can get along as rude or disrespectful towards the people behind the accounts and that's not what I intend. My goal is to have a great community of good people around me and lead them to #1. We have been there before, so it must be possible without buying Kinkoid a house. 😄 Thanks again for your words. I just created a thread named "Peaceful Warriors Dojo" to discuss strategies and give feedback on this specific club. It would be great if you'd come there from time to time and help us become better! Best Regards Nino
    1 point
  17. Je ne vais pas sur discord et je suis bien content qu'il y ai maintenant un tchat en jeu, alors faut arrêter de penser que parce qu'il y a cette daube de discord que tout le monde a envie d'y aller dessus ...
    1 point
  18. I've posted this one in the chat thread a long time ago but i'll dig up the screenshot for it again I was 197 in this one, and the higher you get the harder it gets to get close to 0 so i don't expect to get as close ever again
    1 point
  19. Thanks for your answer. Well, as it lacks any official criteria of "high end club", I technically can't tell you any. I only can say: right now you concentrate on something that will never satisfy you: you want to combine the top 20 pvp Player (available). That ignores the human behind an account. That is questioning too: weekly or all time? Kicking after being 20 dudes ignores official weekly measurement on Sunday (CEST) after 20 o'clock. Before ToF, the only measurement with decoration was mojo. in my opinion a very strange one. So I see pvp as better. So keeping this pace you will end up creating a new club every few weeks while you never know if the old one is lead in your way. Unless you pay Kinkoid a new house because you invested your house to be XP No1 (with huge gap to 2nd) and stuffed with all legendary items. The only way to be No 1 in all time pvp... In my opinion, windia (yes, keeping an eye on performance is useful, kicking because of lower end - find other rules that can form a team (instead of ranking numbers) and can deal with vacations)
    1 point
  20. Good luck; it's my debut in Sexpert I, and after an unexpected good start, I'm already struggling to gather every point I can from losses, since winning is now nearly impossible for me; maybe using boosters when the judge is on my speciality (Charm) I can hope to beat 2-3 players, and that's it. I knew it would be hard, but still... XD
    1 point
  21. Ou alors tu te fais une raison en te disant " bha merde, j'ai pas eu de chance à cet event "
    1 point
  22. The excitement in the league screen is displayed wrong. It shows the ego number instead.
    1 point
  23. Ils pensent qu'on est peut-etre trop idiot pour farmer un boss tout en lisant une info sur le prochain event
    1 point
  24. I really like the event timer on town screen! Thanks Kinkoid! It tells me how much is left and what I already achieved - more than I imagined to get. Now I wait for the league ticket counter on town screen :-o
    1 point
  25. It would make a small difference since people living in the balkans seems to have a high frequency of Haplogroup I-M170, wich is a Y-chromosome, witch is usually associated with unusually tall males. It reaches its maximum frequency in the Dinaric Alps, wich is a mountain range in the western balkans. As a consequence the average height in the area is around 180cm, with Herzegovina beeing the highest ranging from 182-186 cm. But as i said i an earlier post, i kinda lost the will to live once i got near then end and probably ended it prematurely Edit: forgot to add: The average height of a japanese man is 171.2cm.
    1 point
  26. c'est exactement ça. comme si de petites infos sur un event allaient nous empêcher d'être à 100% attentif au boss que l'on farm. en tout cas, cette façon de communiquer les éloignent jour après jour de nombreux achats de koban (et j'en fait parti car avec une meilleur communication j'aurais surement pris l'abo mensuel mais la je préfère perdre du temps à cliquer sur toutes mes filles)
    1 point
  27. C'est pas un control sur la communication, c'est clairement une tentative d'orienter nos dépenses de kobans, sauf que ça ne va pas marcher longtemps, les gens au final ils garderont leur Kobans juste pour les événements Légendaires et les autres passeront à l'as. Pour moi c'est totalement ridicule de nous donner juste comme info il y aura l'event classique et trois events de 4 jours, parce que c'est de l'info ça ? On le sait que chaque mois ça sera comme ça et que parmi les deux event de 4 jours il y aura deux revivals ( événements qui ne servent a rien dès lors qu'on a drop les filles de boss ). Le dernier restant sera un event spécial épique ou légendaire à moins d'une surprise. L'autre problème du pachinko c'est qu'il devient moins intéressant, une fille valant moins que de chopper un équipement légendaire mono staté de sa classe. Ben oui ils ne voulaient plus d'un harem qui soit au centre du jeu, mais ils ont mis le PVP à la place, un mode de jeu drainant la majorité des récompenses qui oriente notre façon de jouer vers celui ci et pour être compétitif, pas besoin d'avoir un harem de deux cent filles, suffit de cibler les plus intéressantes pour le PVP et ensuite d'avoir de la chance de choper ses mono statés ( je les attends toujours parce que mes expériences poissardes sur le SP m'ont sérieusement refroidit ), donc du coup j'abandonne l'idée pour le moment et je vais maxer l'XP de mon Harem, au moins là je compte pas sur la chance et ça me permettra de gratter quelques points d'égo et de vie. A défaut ça sera toujours mieux que rien. Vous m'excuserez du peu mais pour moi des items périssables dans le temps car dans un système de leveling, ne justifie en rien le côté full random pour les avoir et encore moins le taux de chute si bas, c'est bien la première fois que je vois ça.
    1 point
  28. Désolé, mais l'argument de se concentrer sur l'événement en cours est toujours bidon. Commenter un bout d'image de la fille du futur événement n'a jamais empêché personne de taper le boss ou de faire l'activité de l'événement en cours. Faudra peut-être signaler aux cinémas d'arrêter de diffuser des bandes annonces , ça va nous empêcher de nous concentrer sur le film de la séance... Vous ne voulez pas, soit, mais ça va relancer les discussions sur l'incitation à acheter des kobans... et à thésauriser parfois inutilement des kobans, au cas où.
    1 point
  29. Well, I had no choice. Winning the league was worth it for me. But I had shared your hope until I heard noone promoted yet from s2 Well, I can get top 50 i think, even though nost are hogher lvl than me. Yes, spotted you! Enjoy the 9 points, I dont see how I can beat you atm.
    1 point
  30. So the sports event... i have looked around a bit and i have some things to comment on. First for the good thing(s) While this is not directly connected to the sports event, this is something that is going to be in all events going forward, as this was first introduced along with this event i will comment on it here. The ! in the bottom right of the screen witch makes it immidiatly clear that this is an event, and you can click on the ! to bring up the event girls, and clicking on each of them will take you to the corresponding place to obtain them, beeing either pachinco or the boss in question. This is great, makes it a lot more convenient to get to where you want to be, and this is an excellent change. I also like that it displays the event rewards, in this case the equipment you get for completing the event missions, and you can even click on the present to see exactly what items you will recieve. I still wish they would randomise what items gets the certain stats, but hey at least its consistant. Now for the bad stuff... and its really just one thing here that bothers me here and that is the Soccer Goal. Next to the Arena tag there is a soccergoal. And yeah it would make sense to have a soccer goal on a soccer field, so what is the big problem? Well the dimensions of the goal is totally wrong. I have included a picture of a Fifa sanctioned goal in this post. Now you may say... but surely there are different sizes of goals, and yeah you would be correct, different age groups have different dimensions on the goals, but considering this software is clearly meant for a 18+ demographic, my assumption would be that a standard goal for ages 18+ would be in use. For thoose who is interested a standard FIFA sanctioned soccer goal has the following dimensions : 7.32 meters x 2.44 meters. or 24 feet by 8 feet if using a vastly inferior measuring system. Now of cource i do not think FIFA has any juristriction over soccer in a mirror universe where the main goal is to make a harem, but as Kinkoid™ has not provides us with any information about the sports governing body in this paralelle universe i can only work with systems i am familiar with and can look up. The following conclutions will use the FIFA regulations and avaible information in order to come to a conclusion. So for the goal itself. so for trying to figure out the dimensions of the goal there is several things we can try to compare to. Now conveniently enough there is a male standing just inside the goal and we'll use him as the first target in trying to figure out the height and width of the goal. It looks to me that the goal is about double the height of this person. Now after looking around on the internet for a bit, it seems that the average height of a human male is about 177 centimeters ((69.7 inches or 5 feet 10 inches) for those who still cling to old traditions and does not understand that metric is the future) So we do a quick multiplication of those numbers and end up with 354 cm or 3.54 meters, i did compare the width as well and it looks to be roughly the same, so from that one observation we can estimate that the goal is 3.54 x 3.54 meters. It seems somewhat odd to me that you would have a goal where if you just aim high enough that the goalkeeper would have a really hard time getting his hands on the ball, but i digress. Now, as every scientist would agree with, only having one data point will not hold up under scrutiny so i was looking for another point, and conveniently enough there is a soccer ball inside or close to being inside the goal wich makes it a good comparison. Again internet is coming to the rescue, a FIFA sanctioned size 5 soccer ball has a circumference at 68-70 cm and averaging that to 69 cm and dividing that by π gives us a diameter of 22 cm. After taking a screenshot and importing it into a imaging software and adding gridlines to the picture, conveniently enough the soccerball has a diameter of 21 pixels wich is close enough for the 22 cm diameter and therefore i am going to from this point use 1 pixel as 1 cm for comparison. From my observations it turns out that the goal is 7 soccerballs + 20 pixels high making it 7x22+20 Making it 174 centimeters high. For the width it seems to be 7 soccerballs + 18 pixels making it 7x22 +18 Making it 172 centimeters Wide. Just for clarification, i was not as dilligent in collecting theese observations as i maybe should, so its possible that an error in a pixer or two is possible. So in conclution, we know that the goal is 354 cm if we go by the human and we know its 174 cm if we go by the soccer ball, so that turns out that... uhh what? err hang on... so we have two widely conflicting measurements? according to the soccerball the goal should be less the height of the human that is inside it... Hmm.. if we take a closer look, it does look like the soccerball is significantly larger then the head of the person inside the goal. Of cource it might be that the soccerball is not where it looks like and its just an optical illution, but then again there is a soccerplayer nearby that looks like he is the one that did kick the ball... Again they might not be using FIFA regulated equipment afterall, i do not know what gouverning body that is regulating this sport, but there has to be one, as there is clearly a podium and pocals on the podium signifying that there is atleast some organisation around this event. I would request that Kinkoid™ comes out with an official statement about this matter, and both this and the previous Sexy beast event has thoughly shaken my confidence in relating to this imaginary world and my suspension of disbelief is wearing thin. Thanks in advance -Epicbacon
    1 point
  31. go to your club page and press the 3 dots on the right side. there click the 2nd option. like highlighted here:
    1 point
  32. Are the 632,555 kobans included in the patch?
    1 point
  33. Aventure Sortie de la quête 8 partie 1 du monde 10 : À la suite du dernier test, la renommée de notre héros est en hausse. Il est sur le point de devenir Un niqueur pur et dur ! Général Pendant l’événement, un résumé du contenu de l’événement sera désormais disponible à partir de l’écran de la ville. Chaque fille de l’événement sera affichée avec une redirection indiquant où vous pouvez la séduire. Activités Le calendrier va maintenant disparaître de l'écran de mission pour être intégré au résumé de l'événement.
    1 point
  34. Adventure Release of world 10 Quest 7 part 2 : It's Devin’s turn to show his skills during the Know-how test ! Will he blow your mind ? Or will you ? General Release of our new feature - The Clubs It is a social feature that will permit you to play and evolve in the Haremverse with your friends You can be only in one clan at the time All players will be able to join a club from level 1 Creating a club costs 600/100 kobans When creating your club, you will be able to choose a name with a maximum of 20 symbols, space are counted The first name change of the club is free then it will cost 600/100 kobans The recruitment for clubs will have 3 status : Open, Requests Only and Closed Open means that any eligible player can join the club Requests only means that eligible player can request to join the club and the club creator need to accept the request Closed means that no one can join To join a club, you need to go on the club's page and use the join/request button Currently a club can welcome up to 20 members Players can quit a clan or be kicked out of a clan by the clan leader without any restrictions Each club will have an ingame chat to give the options to the members to discuss with each other The moderation of the club chat is done by the club creator that can mute and delete messages Tower of Fame Release of a new tab dedicated to the clubs All the clubs in the game will be listed there The total amount of all members levels of each club is displayed next to its name To search for a specific club, you will be able to use the club's name or the club's ID (that you can find in the club's page) Profile Release of a new Background for the harem page
    1 point
  35. Here we go again... MODERATOR MESSAGE: Can you please post in English! Any post in another language than English will be hidden. If you need to, you can use an online translator to translate your post into English for you.
    1 point
  36. I've taken a bit of time to let it all sink in, but friday I had a Skype-call with PorcoRosso about the letter I wrote. A lot of things have been discussed and it's a bit too much to remember, so I'll try to make a short summary. PorcoRosso agreed with most of what was written in the letter, and he will try to make improvements. He felt that they were catering too much towards the French community, even though it's not the community bringing in the most money. We shall have to see how this changes overtime. We will keep in contact about the progress. The Spanish community will have a CM pretty soon. They have found someone and are feeling good about it. (I have no idea how long pretty soon is though ) I have stressed the importance about better communication when it comes to bugs, especially those that are hard to crack. Let me also tell you that they have been busy making their team stronger, and they are now ready to start with the league and club features, which we can expect in the coming months.
    1 point
  37. So, a small update. Topics that haven't been replied to for 2 months in the sections general (+subsections feedback and QA) and Places for suggestions and bug report (+subsections Suggestions and Bug reporting) will now be closed to prevent necroposting. I will do that in the first weekend of every new month. So right now every thread with the last reply of may 31st and before in those sections are closed and in the first weekend of september I will do this up to june 31st. I've hidden some old threads that contain out of date information that can confuse newer players, if they happen to read them. The FAQ has been released, and has nestled itself in the QA Questions Answers subsection because that's the most logical place for it to be. Now the last thing, which didn't mention in my last post: I've written an e-mail to PorcoRosso. He's one of the founding members of Kinkoid. I'll attach a pdf of it to this post for anyone to read. I will also say that I've left out a part of this letter, because it's concerning a more private and highly delicate matter. Or put differently: I don't think it's something I can share with you at this moment. I've also not covered everything I wanted to write about, so I'll have to do those things at a different moment. letter_to_PorcoRosso_2.pdf
    1 point
  38. La réponse est simple, nous ne souhaitons plus divulguer les événements en début de mois, mais bel et bien quelques jours avant le commencement de celui-ci. Nous souhaitons que la communauté se concentre sur un seul événement à la fois. Cela étant, nous voulons également mieux contrôler notre façon de communiquer autour de nos événements.
    0 points
  39. А нафиг нужен русский перевод? Есть Яндекс-переводчик или можно в браузер встроить переводчик. Причем Яндекс очень и очень прилично переводит. Why do you need a Russian translation? There is Yandex-translator or you can embed the translator in your browser. And Yandex very well translates.
    0 points
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