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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/02/2020 in all areas

  1. Comme le dit si bien @Zaknafein DoUrden , et je cite "C'est pas une pelle que tu as utilisé pour déterrer ce sujet, mais une foreuse"....... Ou plutôt 174 qui trouvent ce sujet sans intérêt, pour preuve les derniers commentaires. Laissons donc ce topic sombré dans les méandre de l'oubli......
    7 points
  2. Cette auto-nécro de deux ans d'âge d'un sujet qui aurait déjà dû être dans la section "hors-sujet" à la base... Là, ya du level. 🤪
    6 points
  3. Pour sa défense cest le sien de topic Je te prierai de me reverser des droits d'auteur, en koban, merci davance
    5 points
  4. @Steven130, laisse tomber Sygfried94 parle quasiment à tous le monde comme à de la merde. Le mec se la pète sur un forum de jeu hentai,c'est dire le niveau. Du coup ça sert à rien de lui accorder de l'importance si tu veux mon avis.
    5 points
  5. X100 on Athena here too, I was at 41 shards with her (no pic, but it did happen). To be honest, I'm kind of sad 😅 I was doing pretty good with edwarda's tier 2 girl, so I would have liked to be able to continue fighting her a little more. Well, if I'm not extremely unlucky with the other two girls, I'll be able to focus on Karole again for more than a day and maybe get the 16 final shards of her first girl, I guess... I even kept the 20 CP of the free bundle avoiding troll fights for a day and a half in order to be sure I wouldn't have needed to refill in this event (and save kobans for the maybe two hardcore 5* legendaries of this month)... Ugh, if someone had told me that getting a lucky x100 would have bothered me so much, I would never have believed him
    5 points
  6. Bon, @Steven130 a obtenu réponse à sa question, et la nature exacte de sa personnalité n'est pas le sujet de notre conversation. Donc, je ferme la discussion avant qu'on ne s'égare encore plus... Pour rappel : le Pachinko Mythique est trompeur, car assez mal décrit, mais en effet, les boutons x3 et x6 ne donnent pas de fille, juste des fragments. Il faut nécessairement avoir une fille déjà (bien) entamée pour en récupérer une par ce moyen, ou multiplier les tirages Seul le x1 peut, exceptionnellement, délivrer l'une de ces demoiselles... Mais n'y comptez pas trop ! Les chances sont estimées par les joueurs qui ont testé intensivement à moins d'une fille pour 100 tirages...
    4 points
  7. reads thread @Observer_X, I think you got a bit confused to the thread by referencing RNG drops first as if it was the point of the thread, and the actual topic 2nd as a minor thing. One person reported not getting shards for the event girl, while the other 6 people who posted BEFORE that were commenting about not being able to see obtained shards for Pirate Naisha in the harem. That one person is off topic, and so @Garrick seems to have read it as if you were saying the thread itself was an RNG quirk. So to address the thread: Yes, Pirate Naisha isn't visible in the harem. No, your shards aren't disappearing, they're still being tracked. Yes, she will be visible if you happen to get the full 100 shards BEFORE Kinkoid fixes whatever setting they've messed up on her. To address @Keijo: Welcome to RNG, this is normal. Sometimes you'll go over 100 performances without a single shard drop for the event girl, whether there's another girl to get or not.
    4 points
  8. Well, at least this time they didn't paint lesbian scenes between girls. (I don't mind girl + girl, it's just that most of these scenes looked terrible to my taste). And in general, I would like to give some advice to the artists, although they are unlikely to read it, but darker. Drawing legs is longer. To be more precise, not even the legs, but the shins - if someone doesn't know in primates (man is also a primate) it's the lengthening of a female's shin that first of all testifies to her puberty and readiness for reproduction. Do you think that women just walk around in extremely uncomfortable heels? Believe me, no, they definitely have a plan and I know which one.)) What a picture, yes. As the Pirates of the Caribbean used to say, "I couldn't resist, the temptation was too great!"
    4 points
  9. Ce qui serai bien c'est qu'un item soi crée pour que chacun soi libre de bloqué de façon définitive la fille ou les filles de pachinko qu'il n'aime vraiment pas Moi perso c'est Sara Jay que je trouve vraiment moche
    3 points
  10. And for those who need to reassure themselves of that, although I'm a bit surprised how many people seemingly don't know about this possibility: Doing a mouseover (desktop) / long press (mobile) with the girl drop icon brings up:
    3 points
  11. Bizarre elle n'apparaît pas dans les variantes 🤔
    3 points
  12. My suggestion is to add a way to quickly navigate to certain places inside stories. You can currently only navigate by clicking the arrows, and if you want to go to a place somewhere in the middle of a long story, you have to click for a long time. I thought we could avoid that by adding a way to quickly navigate to a specific frame of a story, in the form of buttons in the open space to the right of the pictures. If you complete a story and look back at it the space to the right of the picture is no longer used by things like rewards and costs, so you will be able to use that space perfectly. Example: This is the introduction, which has 11 pictures, so there are 11 buttons to the right. We are currently on picture 6, so the 6th button is highlighted. if we wanted to go to picture 3 quickly, we would click the third button. (I censored the picture itself in case that is required, but it is the 6th frame of the introduction of Begin City) Alternatively we could have a progress bar under the picture, similair to what you have in the world overview, where you can click to go to a specific point: Thank you for reading.
    2 points
  13. Si vous connaissez Smite, les design des dieux ont dû être repris de là. Jing Wei s'en sort encore bien par rapport à Morrigan, qui est horrible et ratée. Je trouve que Morrigan et sa paire de bonnets Z est juste exagérée. Elle a de vrais soucis de proportions. Moi qui pensais que Lola et ses bonnets ne seraient jamais détrônés, ils ont fait fort...
    2 points
  14. Yes, yes, we already have some threads about this. Lets not turn this into one either. Not the first time they've forgotten to make a girl visible in the harem, won't be the last either.
    2 points
  15. I was actually not aware of that... that makes me pretty sad, since I personally see very little improvement in the art department, which is the number 1 factor that attracts and keeps people around, and it seems to me that the monthly events from now on are just gonna be this awful level of art, when we know for a fact that they are capable of producing higher quality stuff. As I said before- just tell us that you can't do it at the same pace as before (for whatever reason that the "main" artist is doing less work, hope he's alright). I'd much rather take some time of less girls but more quality, which would then give them a chance to actually find an artist that could emulate and stick to the standard that has been set before... Now obviously that's a less profitable option so they aren't even thinking of doing it, and that's fair enough, but I think long term it'll make people not stick around, since this is our future, I personally am thinking that only the revival/orgy days events are worth it for me, and the more this goes on, the less reason is to spend kobans on any girl (or EP for that matter, we're getting lesser the chance for me to get any girl I'd actually want) when they're gonna look like this... And imagine this game in 6 more months- do we get a revival event? Do we want a revival event with Natasha and Holiday for example? I just don't think this game is gonna be worth my money and/or time if this is the standard now...
    2 points
  16. @Sygfried94 pour le coup je soutiens pas du tout le fait d'utiliser le terme d'autistes comme une insulte, comme tu sembles le faire, ou le manque de respect dont tu fais preuve. @Steven130 pour le coup j'ai un peu de mal à comprendre ton cheminement de pensées, d'où une réelle perplexité face aux messages de ce sujet. Par exemple tu dis plus haut que tu as vérifié que tu l'as pas en fin de harem avec 10%, puis tu dis le contraire (mais pour le coup j'ai cru comprends que c'était de l'ironie, mais franchement à l'écrit c'est parfois dur à saisir..). Et il est vrai que ta façon de t'exprimer sur ce forum n'est pas des plus faciles à suivre... Pour le coup les gens prennent le temps de t'aider (certains avec une certaine condescendance il est vrai), ne sachant pas d'où tu pars dans ta compréhension des détails du jeu notamment, on fait ce qu'on peut avec ce qu'on voit de tes réponses.. Alors si tu ne t'exprimes pas clairement bah ça décourage. Ou certain ça les énerve on dirait. Bref, j'espère que les kikoid vont résoudre ton problème !
    2 points
  17. Alors dans l'ordre : @Tom208 Merci beaucoup. N'ayant pas reçu d'aide de la part de Kinkoid et connaissant que des joueurs qui les ont maxées (moi y compris) ce que tu fais m'aide beaucoup. Le tableau s'est rempli, n'hésitez pas à continuer de donner vos chiffres. Sans oublier d'enlever le bonus club, merci (on divise par 1.1 pour ceux à 10% d'argent en plus). @Inuarth Ne tkt pas, c'est sûrement pas ta faute les stats, il y a rien à pardonner. Énième erreur de Kinkoid c'est tout. Merci pour les stats d'Edwarda. @aludy C'est corrigé, merci. "N'abusez pas du c/c" une leçon que je n'ai pas bien apprise... J'avais le maigre espoir que les stats des filles se corrigent ce matin à 5h comme d'hab avec les fautes et erreurs mais non. On attendra lundi je pense.
    2 points
  18. You don't have to go information hunting to find them. You only need to read the in-game pop up messages you get: those messages that refer to patch notes have a link in them, link that brings you directly to the topic on the forum (that is in the "official announcements" section of the forum, and not here in "general discussion" where players open topics to discuss about patch notes), or, sometimes, to the specific page in kinkoid's blog. Also, game patch notes don't exclusively report bug fixing, but they usually include description of variations to already in-game mechanics and new features, too. This isn't a thing that only Kinkoid does.
    2 points
  19. Bon apres désolé je v'ais un peu me désolidariser de vos avis car je ne pense pas qu'ils devraient faire que des filles qui plaisent a tout le monde, ok necro/scato c'est trop borderline je suis d'accord apres le reste c'est selon les gouts. Perso je suis pas fan des filles méga musclées mais je sais que ça plait a certain donc tant mieux pour eux, tout comme y'a deja eu des filles poulpes ou d'autres trucs spéciaux je crois, j'irais juste pas les chercher moi meme mais voila c'est pas un drame que le jeu ne colle pas toujours a 100% a mes fantasmes a moi. Qu'il y ai des poulpes, des bodybuilder, des milfs, des filles fines ou au contraire un peu ronde, cheveux long ou chauve ça va avec les préférence de chacuns et je prefere qu'il y ai de tous plutot que 100 clones de ma filles préférée. Le gros probleme outre les styles de dessins, ou les modeles fantasmes recherchés, c'est le manque d'application flagrant de certains dessins et de cohérence dans ce qui est déssiné surement du a un manque de temps (ou peut etre d'envie/talent je sais pas) qu'on peut voir par moment et qui a déjà été souligné. Donc meme si ça n'ajoute rien d'original je suis aussi pour certaines mentions déjà cités plusieurs fois ici ou sur d'autres sujets:
    2 points
  20. I want to make a complaint because with the new visualization of the event's girls in the game, the feet are not shown and so I went directly on Silvanus since from the waist up there was no competition and The Morrigan seemed the best (despite the gigantic boobs that, in addition to not liking them, they are usually only a way to have easy consents from the common pervert). After seeing how the character is in its entirety I can say without any doubt that The Morrigan is the worst. If I could, I would like to have back the clicks wasted for her, but having confidence that 2 and a half girls can always be done in these kind of event even in case of bad luck, for the first time I have to change the primary objective during the race. If I'm lucky I'll take all 3 but in doubt, among the free girls I prefer to lose her. In general, however, I don't like any of the girls in this event, the least worst is Bastet but everything has already been said. The only thing I don't agree with is that there had been an improvement in the previous events. Personally I saw a low level in all the new events. In the new girls inserted outside the events there was some good, in the monthly event no and the current one is only the continuation of the previous ones. In order to insert new contents even when there's no need, seems that Kinkoid has lost all the goodwill to improve what should be their main event and this is really sad.
    2 points
  21. Voilà ce que j'ai sur le serveur test : Bunny 4* : 7600 Juliette 4* : 9334 Red Battler 3* : 6900 Ankyo 3* : 805 Sheheramazond 3* : 7620 Je complèterai ce que je peux au fur et à mesure de mon avancée sur le serveur test.
    2 points
  22. I too had only Fabienne in the pool and I tried to convince her with my 25 orbs but there was no way. I already have 30 shards of her but for me it's absolutely not worth using the remaining options of mythic pachinko, the day she'll return in a legendary days I will definitely take her spending much less.
    2 points
  23. I don't mind the new new art. The new art was horrible and probably the reason why I can live with this. Those 'boobs' on Morri though... 😂 Thanks again Kinkoid for punishing me for not having twitter. First no more contests, now even promo's. You must hate your own forum. As for the event, I like the girls mostly. Curious to 6 arms in action. Must have possibilities. Athena is nice. My fav is decided though, Jing Wei all the Wei.
    2 points
  24. Clairement le heros sodomise une des nanas de l'histoire, il est clairement dedans, or, le dessins montre clairement son trou fermé... Que se passe t'il ?
    1 point
  25. Ce matin en commençant le nouvelle événement, j' ai commencé par Edwarda et en même temps que je farmer pour l'événement je gagne des point d'affection pour Naisha, mais en allant dans mon harem je m'aperçois que Naisha est introuvable. J’espère surtout que mes point d'affections obtenu on bien été compter.
    1 point
  26. New patch notes Patch Notes Week #18 Villains Edwarda receives a new Tier 2 at level 100 (to level 200) The new girl from this tier is Pirate Naisha Pirate Naisha Edwarda also receives a new Tier 3 at level 200 (cap level 320) The new girl from this tier is Melody Melody Redeem code A special surprise is coming this Thursday! Follow our social media channels for more information! Twitter Instagram Facebook Pachinko Two new girls are joining in Haremverse Created to fight the Shokushu, Lilly will grind all over you The brilliant inventor Simone Lilly Simone
    1 point
  27. Je ne connais pas les autres poses, mais rien qu'a la pose initial j'ai envie de toutes les avoir (et c'est bien la première fois). Après c'est pas tous le temps parce qu'elles correspondent à un fantasme ou à mon gout, mais plus parce que je trouve le dessin joli et les poses globalement dynamique.
    1 point
  28. Ça tourne à l'acharnement, mais vu qu'on a aucun réponse....
    1 point
  29. Où pas 😏😂🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  30. @[CNO] Kozuku je t'en prie. J'ai démarré un compte sur le serveur test il y a peu donc mes filles sont loin d'être maxées 😉 J'ai créé un nouveau compte test pour récupérer Bunny et Juliette à 3* : Bunny 3* : 7200 Juliette 3* : 6625
    1 point
  31. 13 full rounds through various Champions- zero girls. I casually mention this in chat last night, idle banter. 7th pass, last stage of Morning Wood this evening- BAM, Dameda submits & joins my harem! 😁 I think @brassygirl pulled some strings... or ropes... or something.... 🤭 Magic, I tell ya! 🍀🧙‍♀️🤷‍♂️🙌
    1 point
  32. Aucune des 5 propositions. Je trouve la qualité fluctuante. Sans doute parce que (si j'ai bien compris) ce n'est pas un mais plusieurs nouveaux artistes.
    1 point
  33. 5% c'est pas si important finalement, il est évident qu'on ne peux pas apprécier 100% des haremettes. Les goûts et les couleurs (et/ou les fantasmes) ça ce discute pas ! Mais tous de même je rejoints ton malaise aux sujets des Bitamons, la seule raison pour laquelle j'ai fais l’effort d'avoir Caramouille, Chaudemèche et Bulbi truc, c'est uniquement par nostalgie des 3 starters de la 1er version pokemon sur gameboy qui on fais la joie de l'enfant que j'étais en 99. Mais sinon c'est vrai qu'elles sont dégueulasses et malaisantes. J'y toucherai pas, même avec un baton. Vu le nombre important de fille, et vu les différents style graphique. tanto manga, tanto comics, des fois presque BD Old School, des fois ce que j'aime appeler sticker / tatoo comme Nariko ou Atila. Je plussoie deux idées précédemment cité ici et dans d'autres sujet, qui je trouve correspond parfaitement à la mentalité du "collectionneur" qui ne réfléchit plus vraiment en terme de puissance et rentabilité, mais simplement en terme de complétion, gout et "qualité" : 1- signer les haremettes par artistes (une sorte de collection au sein même de sa collection) 2- Avoir le choix de supprimer une fille (sauf celles de l'aventure, des champions et des Trolls hors Event) de son harem en échange de Ymens, Kobans ou Orbes.
    1 point
  34. I spent today 80 free orbs for the only girl (for me available) in MP, Fabienne. I did not do a counting, I just can say: some useful booster, more unuseful booster and by feeling the half went into avatars. So, no, 80 is to few to have a RNG average that gives a girl.
    1 point
  35. Final* Update: Kinkoid are aware of the issue with the overpowered items & their stats will/should [delete according to how cynical you are] revert to their correct level in due course (bad news for me; good news for the rest of you). The issue arose after a (now fixed) bug had led to some payments for purchases registering with the bank but not with the game which, consequently, led to some players who had made purchases not receiving the bundles/kobans/daily cards/whatever they had paid for. Kinkoid went through these transactions and ensured that those who had made payments but had not received what they had paid for were compensated accordingly however, in doing so, it appears that they neglected to ensure that equipment stats were correctly aligned to player levels. *This may prove to be an overly optimistic statement.
    1 point
  36. J'ai remarqué qu'il manquait les gains pour Bonny et Sylvia au niveau 4 étoiles. Les voici : Bonny : 10200 toutes les 360 minutes Sylvia : 6801 toutes les 241 minutes
    1 point
  37. finalement la seule de reussi c'est athena, vu que c'est la deesse de la guerre, quand tu la regarde, tu prefere rester au front
    1 point
  38. Well, the art of first poses definitely improves. But what about other poses? It seems they decided that they don't need those, because it's the first ones that sells. And I don't like it. You know what, at this point I'm starting to appreciate Holiday and Kryll. At least there were no more disappointment in unlocking their poses.
    1 point
  39. What I hear from the "black hats" and other assorted "bad guys" on the internet, for people who let their guard down and innocently reveal too much information, facebook is nothing but a gold mine for ID thieves who know how to exploit the innocent people who reveal to much about themselves. Knowing that I have stayed off the grid so to speak and away from any social media. I hope they run the contest here again.
    1 point
  40. I prefer here, i don't like Facebook or twitter
    1 point
  41. 45 saved shards. Really nice! Less refills.
    1 point
  42. I've been finding events easier to do with Keira than Felicia don't know why but it defiantly seems a lot easier with her.
    1 point
  43. To Nariko in Adrian'smole, I've added this Samurai in Lili... Dunno about you guys, but I think she's rather lovely. I haven't levelled her up yet, but I'm looking forward to it. She's compensation for piss poor shard drops for Yaya. I'm going to get Gina and Lulu before I get her!
    1 point
  44. Finally, I have won the weekly affection ranking 🥇🤑. And against gogeta who was also running for it. Many months amassing affection items and more than 100 girls, including some legendaries, waiting in the second star for a long time (in my patient style), but it is worth it. Also a 16th place in money spent this week. Going for the affection ranking is always a gamble, because you can only try once, so I was all out on this.
    1 point
  45. qu'est ce que tu en sais que c'est une minorité qui aime ces nouveaux styles, ca pourrais tout aussi etre une minorité qui s'exprime parce qu' elle n'aime pas mais que la majorité aime bien ou s'en fout
    1 point
  46. Ce qui est injuste pour Bulbisuce ( oh non ce nom quoi...) c'est que ce n'est qu'une "fille" rare alors que les autres starters sont épiques... Pauvre Bulbisuce, comme dans Pokemon, personne ne t'aime 😭😭
    1 point
  47. 10x games epic pachinko: 5400/girl --> event girl not guaranteed as long as there are permanents in the pachinko. This is the best option in the long run. Draft epic pachinko --> never use it. It is a waste of the extra 600 kobans. It doesn't give you the 9 extra items. 1x game epic pachinko: chance of <10% to get a girl, so a big gamble that will most likely get you less than a girl for the 5400 kobans of 10x games. Event pachinko: ~22.5% chance on a girl, which means about 8000 kobans (4 to 5 spins) on average for a girl. It will always be an event girl if you get one. 6x mythic pachinko: good to get the last shards of a not completed girl. Should probably only be done if you have one girl available with 75 shards or over already collected. Same goes for 3x mythic pachinko, but with 90 shards or over. 1x mythic pachinko: use the free spin. Drop chance of a girl is abysmally low.
    1 point
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