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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2021 in Posts

  1. Adding to this 10+ energy. Found on a random dating discord site. Good till 5.10 from 5.1. HHDiscordSpecial
    8 points
  2. Took me over 100 orbs to get Sabine to drop. Not really generous or lucky, but at least something was happening in Mythic Land again.
    4 points
  3. Got her and maxed her level and affection (and no I didn't break my fingers in the process). Took me about 12670 kobans a bit more or less but definitely under 13k. I didn't do the math I just remember the difference between my kobans before and after. Before I had like 23k kobans (down from 30k after I unlocked the paid route in last Poa) and after I got her I had like 10k. Anyway on the way to max her 5th pose/last pose seemed like Valetina Stairs's 4th pose to me either inspired or whatever. But I like muscle girls so I like her too 😃
    4 points
  4. on se calme les gens , Fly ... Que dire , j'ai du cacher ton message car la rien ne va , surtout la fin ...
    3 points
  5. a design decision is something else then a bug - by definition. Your frustration goes to your result of the design decision. So it is no bug. You got shown a shard range before the CC was over. How was it? Well, I know it was "1-x" with x higher then 3. That means: getting only 1 shard is by design of this feature even possible when the range is 1-200. That (and your result) is called bad luck. RNG is a very important part in this game.
    3 points
  6. #35 +6 orbs for Sabine "It went at random - All according to plan." EDIT: +135 orbs for Music Sylvia
    3 points
  7. Yep, the long overdue Mythic version of Red Battler. I saved combativity and managed to get her for just over 10k kobans thanks to the discount for refills. Very satisfied DHarry. Now we need mythic (definitely not) Agate. 🤤
    3 points
  8. 3 points
  9. Depuis quand dans le Harem Verse on se plain quand c'est trop dur....? J'y comprend plus rien...
    2 points
  10. Je confirme, ces impossible sur le forum, quoi qu'on m'ai dit le contraire une fois, mais j'ai jamais pu le faire changer car le forum dit que je n'ai pas la permission pour le faire.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Évènement classique : Belles et bien vivantes Du 1er au 10 Mai (1:00 p.m. GMT + 2 à 1:00 p.m. GMT + 2) N’as-tu jamais rêvé que ton objet préféré prenne vie et se transforme en une fille torride qui t’offrirait tout l’amour, toute l’attention et toutes les pipes dont tu aurais envie ? 7 filles seront à retrouver depuis le Pachinko, 3 d'entre elles seront à récupérer auprès des trolls, 1 fille sera obtenable en complétant les Missions Journalières. Journées Épiques: Atteins les sommets Du 10 au 14 Mai (13h00 GMT + 2 à 13h00 GMT + 2) Tu me fais monter au septième ciel avec ta queue épique ! À toi maintenant de viser les étoiles pour tenter d’attraper toutes ces nouvelles filles, elles en valent la peine ! Dresse-toi face aux trolls pour faire venir ces diablesses coquines dans ton Harem ! Ne te retiens pas, je veux atteindre les sommets de l’extase avec toi ! Journées d'Orgies : Festival sauvage Du 14 au 19 Mai (13h00 GMT + 2 à 13h00 GMT + 2) Ces filles du festival sont plus belles que jamais avec leurs tenues affriolantes, leurs fleurs dans les cheveux et leur… absence de culotte ! Tu as cinq jours pour obtenir 28 beautés ! Certaines d’entre elles apportent même leurs jouets méchas à la fête pour rendre ces nuits Compét' Légendaires : La renarde espiègle Du 19 au 23 Mai (13h30 GMT + 2 à 13h30 GMT + 2) Prêt à répandre ton abondante semence sur une espiègle créature ? Tu auras quatre jours pour obtenir une beauté légendaire. Il y aura 4 Compét’ Légendaires à terminer pour mettre la main sur cette majestueuse Déesse Renarde ! Montre-lui que tu es capable de t’occuper de tous les bourgeons de son verger en l’emportant sur tes concurrents et sur les trolls qui te barreront la route.
    2 points
  13. Usually you get an error 500 because you have done too many petitions to the server in a very short time, and your IP is banned for an hour. In a hurry you can use a VPN to change your IP or use your phone if it don't use the same connection as your PC (i.e.: not wifi but mobile data).
    2 points
  14. 2 points
  15. Ahh, this is the first time one of the Mythic Girl events hit when I wasn't at work so I took a look at it. My impression is this event is one you have to save for a month in advance (or have lots of real cash to spend) to have a decent chance to get the girl. I didn't save and I am broke on my entertainment budget, so once again I have to pass up the girl this time around. But at least this time I am passing up the girl by choice instead of by my personal circumstances. Good luck to those in the position to go for her.
    2 points
  16. Finished her for 13k kobans and 72 saved up fights .. also she´s my 600th girl !
    2 points
  17. Best event ever worst event ever best event ever worst event ever. Seems to be the comments so far. 😂 I'm going to be boring and say, clever event, not great, not bad. I like glasses chan and I suspect that that's their original idea and they went on from there. I do however have to ask, condom chan? I don't think the girl is ugly, but who in the haremverse even has one of those? It is a world without STDs and unwanted pregnancy, so why, why why and (I can't emphasize this enough) WHY does someone even have a condom to come to life? I like the new pop girl. I like 50% of the season girls. Anyway. Happy hunting everyone!
    2 points
  18. Petit code pour 10 d'énergie : HHDiscordSpecial
    2 points
  19. @gh0st1975 et @Mario Kinkoid peu importe le nombre de reeboot tant que c'est que plus de deux, l'idée de Kinkoid séparer levent en deux est une fausse bonne idée sans changer les horaires des reeboot ça ne règle que dalle, alors qu'augmenter les reeboot a 3, 4, 6 tout en laissant le nombre de shard disponible à 150K sur une journée ça réglera le problème de disponibilité des joueurs en leur laissant plus de plage horaire pour jouer cet event et ce peut importe leur lieu de résidence et peut importe sil se déroule sur 2 jours continus ou séparés, mais ça cest pas faute de l'avoir répété.
    1 point
  20. Très bien, je garde @ganbi (je le trouve bien sympa^^) Elle est vraiment belle 😍 je dirai même splendide ou magnifique, ou encore divine !🤩 Mais je serai à court d'adjectif..😁 J'aimerai rencontrer le créateur ou la créatrice ! Je vais m'en faire une petite collection aussi 😃 Sinon comment ce passe ta journée ici ? J'espère que tu te porte bien ! Un sucre ?
    1 point
  21. Oui, le forum à conserver mon premier pseudo dans le jeux mais je l'ai changé depuis😄
    1 point
  22. Merci d'envoyer un ticket via le système du jeu afin que l'on valide en interne.
    1 point
  23. @ganbi : Nos techiciens sont au courant et devraient résoudre cela au plus vite. En attendant: un refresh sur la page du jeu te permet d'enlever le son. Certe ce n'est pas une solution idéale, mais ça fonctionne en attendant le retour de toute l'équipe qui va bosser sur le soucis la semaine pro
    1 point
  24. The combativity discount ends at mission reset so if you want to take advantage of it you got to be quick.
    1 point
  25. This is a Mythic Days event. Detailed event description is here. There is a change this month. Event is split into two parts. First will start today on May 4th. Second part will happen some day later this month. (See 23rd in the calendar.) The Red Warrior My fearless hero, Can you feel the ancient sexual power vibrating in the air? You are in the presence of a true mythical creature, a powerful warrior that has come to test the strength of your illustrious cock. You may have heard of this magnificent long-legged maiden, she’s known as the Red Battler and now she has leveled up! Starting now and ending on 5th of April (1 pm UTC+2) you will have only 24 hrs to go head to head with Ninja Spy and try to win Level up Red! She’s going to give you a chance only every 12 hours and you have to be faster and harder than the other heroes to get inside her lustful body! Before the month ends, you will have another chance and another 24 hrs to Attract her. Join Red and see what those legs can do high up in the air! And if you can’t get her fine ass now - you will have another chance later this month! Boss Girl Level up Red This is a two part event. Both parts are/will be marked in the calendar. First Happens at the beginning of each month during a Classic event. @Noacc
    1 point
  26. Ah bah faut être au taquet à 13h... j'avais économisé 500 points de combats, pour dire que je la voulais vraiment cette mythique ! A 13h faut exploser le bouton X50 comme un gros bourrin, pas trop réfléchir et regarder de temps en temps le compteur d'affection pour ne pas faire de combats inutile. Jpeux te dire que la Red jl'ai choppé en deux-deux elle a rien compris, du speed run 😅
    1 point
  27. Both poses clearly inspired by Chun Li.
    1 point
  28. Dans tous les cas, on verra au deuxième jour mais il peut s'agir d'un faux problème car le dernier remplissage de Moe Bunny la dernière fois n'a même pas été écoulé avant que l'event ne se termine (il restait un bon 30 000 fragments). Preuve s'il en fallait une du manque d'intérêt et/ou d'accessibilité pour les mythiques... ou alors spécifiquement pour Moe Bunny, et son design de gamine de 15 ans 😬 Il doit y avoir entre 1000 et 2000 acharnés qui s'escriment à les avoir et tout le reste des joueurs regardent le train passer.
    1 point
  29. Pfft. I'm here to look at hentai, not read. Unless it's in Spanish, which I'm trying to learn. Occasionally, this forum has given me a glimpse into how Spanish is spoken colloquially, only for the mods to quickly close the thread. The Spanish speakers really need their own forum like we have for French ... and Italian.
    1 point
  30. If things continue like this, I will start to give credit to my previous sentence: Today i got the second one from a free spin in less than a month. This time it was Eva to drop. Unluckily not my favorite of the rotation (i have a deep dislike for girls with piercings, especially on nipples and clits), but at least I dodged Gork. Once again I was on mobile, so I have no screenshot to offer. (Mmm... maybe I get better chances on mobile? Mah...)
    1 point
  31. Scenes are great. I'm not sure about the 1* pose. It looks a bit off. However, I can now finally put up a 4-girl display with 4 Red Battlers \o/ But, and this is really important, why was she not displayed in the variants of Red Battler at the start of the event? >,< At least they fixed that now.
    1 point
  32. nah people want another version of their favorite girl: sara jay-zz !
    1 point
  33. After upgrading her all the way (she will be my alpha after all ) I must say Kinkoid have nailed it with making a mythic Red Battler of top quality. 🥇 @Chthugha You must be really happy with this new Red Battler.
    1 point
  34. Nothing for me on hh.. got a book from the free spin.. On nutaku the only available girl was zeina that dropped after 17 spins (+1 free)
    1 point
  35. Dang, I've waited for an upgraded Red Battler since they introduced the Mythic Girls. And now I missed the first shards batch (internal server error on HH, connection problems on my side - I thought I could doze off for 'a few minutes' and slept 3 hours...) and don't know if I can be online for the second one. ;( Btw - I love the girl but her first pose looks a little bit too... doll-like for me. Way too lipsticky and smooth to catch the charm of the original Red Battler. I hope there's a pose where she looks more like her old self. Don't wanna be too harsh on the artist. It's quality art for sure. But I get the same strange 'who the f§$#&% IS that girl?'-vibes as with Prospector Juliette, Shipwrecked Skytte, Blossoming Gwenaelle, Festival Toshiko, ... I'd always prefer recognition value over 'quality', when quality is just synonymous for glossy (which is one of the very few things I'm not attracted to ). Seems to me that Kinkoid is heading in the exact opposite direction for a while now. Mmh... I'm not happy with this. But maybe that's an outside opinion.
    1 point
  36. Yes and that's a wise thing to do they just said some time ago that there will be "revival events" for them but that is all we know for now. We know that they will come back for sure but we do not know when or how it will be the event (might be the same, might be different, might be with another mythic like they are doing for legendary days.....). If you need more details and you have more questions go open a thread in the Q-A section of the forum my mate Edit: didn't saw the @DvDivXXX's answer he said it better 😆
    1 point
  37. If I know when these mythical girls will come back, I can start preparing to collect enough kobans Kinkoid said they would do revivals, but most likely not before they introduce 3 mythics per class. So the next three months should be new girls again, and revivals might start happening 4 months from now. We don't (and most likely won't) know in advance which girl gets a revival when, or at which pace they'll alternate between revivals and new MD girls, or if they'll sometimes double up with both a new girl and a returning one. Just like for Legendary Days. Let's not derail the thread further on this, though. This is about this specific MD event, not about MD calendar or future strategies for individual players. Thanks.
    1 point
  38. Got her. 13 807 kobans for 1,300 fights (thank heavens for the -10% discount). Tina +4 flowers +280 Dating Tokens +100 MPx1 orbs +60 1* girl shards. I got pretty lucky this time around, overall. Now, let's spend a bunch more on upgrading her so I can vote. ^^
    1 point
  39. Free spin + 41 orbs for Sabine.
    1 point
  40. My spendings this time around ^^ 10% discount made the 50 combativity refill cost 487 kobans during this Mythic Days. 27 refills (487x27) = 13149 kobans 28 Perform! x50 (48x28) = 1344 kobans Total: 14493 kobans I did have some combativity before the first combativity refill, so the first one was slightly less than 487 but I can't remember, so the total cost is slightly less than 14493. On a side note, I have shards on almost every single 1-star girl now... Please can we focus on 1 or at least a few at a time instead of them all...
    1 point
  41. Just about 17k kobans here. Poses are awesome
    1 point
  42. Free Spin from Rotation #0317: Booster (no girl avalaible) Free Spin from Rotation #0318: Booster 6x MyPx1: 3 Booster, 2 Books and as 32nd girl from MyPx1:
    1 point
  43. Hey, guys. I don't recall it being mentioned - there was another minor change: Champions, final stage tooltip was fixed and now shows kisses reward.
    1 point
  44. I honestly hate this update. The Epic Pachinko orbs were far more useful than one star girls. Unless they intend to increase the stars of these girls, I really do not see the point other than the novelty of acquiring them. Additionally, the argument that one star girls balance the mythic addition for new players does not stand up to scrutiny. I did not post anything originally when the update came out, but Kinkoid just keeps adding more useless one star girls who do not produce significant ymen nor are we able to use them in PvP. It is really undercutting part of my overall experience to this game. I honestly suggest that Kinkoid reverse their decision to include one star girls and bring back the epic pachinko orbs or in the very least leave the one star girls common and give them additional stars to make them either 3 or 5 star common girl drops. Regardless of their decisions on the matter, updates like this contribute to me playing this game less and less. It becomes microtransactional and takes away more utilitarian features.
    1 point
  45. Refreshes or finger clicks? Refreshes: Unfortunately not as I don't keep track. I use a portion of the kobans I get from D3 Top4/Top15 every month. If I remember, I'll keep track over the next few level ups to see what it takes. Clicks: Enough to give me RSI in my right index finger. 😅
    1 point
  46. Encore 8 places disponibles :
    1 point
  47. Cuales son las mejores chicas para poder mejorarlas al máximo y tenerlas en el equipo?
    1 point
  48. Salut c'était pour demander si le perso de finalmecia avec les cheveux courts sera ajouté (plaine rituelle/ ville piégée / début) au harem je trouve qu'elle donne vraiment bien en hentail et comme c'est le thème du jeu voila . (PS: on m'a dit que le passage de 10 combats serait changé pour que l'on ne pait plus de kobans mais que de l'argent normal à quand ? ) Merci
    1 point
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