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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/2019 in Posts

  1. This is what proves that the so-called feature is a bug. No sane person would design a feature that nerfs one class so badly, and certainly not the one that has been widely acknowledged as the weakest class for more than a year BEFORE this change. Not convinced? If it was an intentional feature, then why did they briefly fix it before restoring it? To me, this is a very bad-faith call by Kinkoid. It's as though they are challenging or daring their customer base...go on, we dare you to quit! It's self-destructive behavior passed off as laziness or expediency. 1. A bit? Gross understatement. Also, lets look at this from another angle where the differences are more stark. Lets look at the weakest Champion instead of the strongest. When I fight Romero WITH DEFENSE, I need one ticket to beat him - two max if I don't bother to use boosters. WITHOUT DEFENSE, this jumps to a minimum of 5, and has been as high as 20+. I've only had to deal with this twice and the major difference was the luck of the drafts. Could things be better or worse than the two results I got? Yes. So conservatively, no defense makes it 400% - 2000% harder to win. And for context, my hero is currently level 301 and NONE of my Champions have given me ALL their rewards. In other words, none of my Champions have reached level 8, and Romero specifically is only at level 6. And my Market stats are maxed. So far, I've refused to fight a defenseless fight against any of the other Champions because the cost jump would be beyond prohibitive. Just getting through regular stages of bosses have been costing me 20+ tickets for months, and that's BEFORE these changes, which just make it harder. (There's a second reason which I will detail later.) For the sake of providing a concrete example, my career average of daily free tickets is: 2 (arena) + 10/9 (missions) + (<)3 (free daily top-up) + variable (use of combativity) + trace (use of energy) + trace (purchase of bundles) = <6.1 + negligible Why is free daily top-up less than 3? Two reasons. First, the 24h timer frequently creeps forward because of occasional balances above 10. Second, some days I get none because my balance didn't drop below 10 at all in a 24h period. Real life issues can have impact game performance and that's by design. Why 10/9 mission? Because that seems to be the randomized expectation (1.11/day). Since the introduction of the feature my total mission tickets earned / over the number of days the feature has been around hasn't differed significantly form 10/9 since the part-way through the 2nd week. (It's expected that early results would swing wildly around the theoretical mean.) What do I mean by variable? Most days it's between 0 and 1. On rare occasion it gets higher. During events there is a chance that I'll refill combativity. On those days it can be much higher. On a Wednesday, when League play resets I may get a lump sum as a reward for doing well. If I splurged and bought a bundle it likely came with free combativity which would result in some non-zero number of tickets. Every part of this, other than the base daily free combativity of 48 will vary greatly from player to player. Personally, with all of these sources considered my grand average has been a hair over 5, and that required spending > 40k kobans on combativity. As a first year player nearly every event requires some amount of kobans to earn all the girls that are available and reachable based on story level. That's likely more than most first year players spend in 4 months of play. What do I mean by trace? I mean not worth tracking. I only used energy as tickets for about 1 week between ending the Ninja Sacred Lands story-line and starting the Splatter's Archipelago chapter. I've only bought one bundle that contained tickets. For me, both sources combined haven't been an appreciable or significant source of 'tickets' when spread over the 128 days since the Champions era began. So the proposed 5-10 free tickets daily can probably be narrowed down to 4.5 - 8 for the vast majority of days, with a few days that have significantly more scattered about along the way. Why is this distinction important? Because the fact that they aren't evenly distributed affects the consistent earning of the 3 true "freebie" tickets each day. For me, this variability has limited my freebie income to less than 1.4 tickets a day. I only have Alban at level 1. Even at this level, with a bad set of drafts and a bad set of poses I could spend my full complement of daily tickets and not exceed the daily Impression Decay. (Also, let's not forget that prior to this 'feature' you couldn't get a bad set of poses against Alban!) I can only imagine how much easier it would be to fall into that trap a few levels from now. Further, the time-based limit on use of tickets makes saving up less than ideal. It's not sufficient to save up a few days' worth of tickets to make a run because it's as likely as not that whatever inroads you made on impression by pushing it one day will be erased by decay before you can get past the finish line. Instead, you have to save scores of tickets, perhaps 100 or more to reliably get the job done before you run out of tickets and time. Yes, you can make this problem shrink or go away entirely...by spending 6 kobans to eliminate the 15m loss cool-down period. I suppose that long time players and full pay-to-win players don't have to worry about this. Newer players and lower budget players do - gods help them if they are both new and have a lower budget. 2. Whoa, whoa, whoa. If Kinkoid's shown us anything it's that we can't count our chickens before they're hatched. Who is to say that the game rules will even be recognizable when random player X reaches level 400? (This is the second reason I mentioned earlier.) I know I've been screwed by rules drift more than a few times already. Based on the posting history in the forum, I'm not the only one. I look at my resources, look at the difficulty of the challenge ahead, evaluate the potential costs and rewards and plan a course of action...only to have the decision invalidated by a major rules change. Were you saving for the future? Bzzzzzzzzzz. You lose! We're changing the rules to make it harder now, and with virtually no notice, no consultation nor much fanfare! Shoulda spent those resources loser! The opposite has also been true. Any criticism or support should absolutely be limited to the here and now because we have absolutely no idea what conditions will be in a month, let alone a year or two. I'm not going to bother saying any more because I've come to think that the Devs are a lost cause. We aren't players, we aren't partners, we're payers. We're not people, we're wallets. Wallets don't have feelings, opinions, or even thoughts, they're free to be fleeced with impunity. Mine is now closed. I can't support people who have such disregard for their customers. I don't know if it's apathy or animosity, rampant pride or whatnot, but the results feel the same on the receiving end. I may take a vacation from the game. People have already done so, or left completely in protest of the mobile UI sabotage, er I mean 'upgrade'. I'm sitting on a nice nest egg of 50k kobans which will apparently go wasted because Clubs were never fully realized. Oh right. That was likely by design, too. In closing, remind me please what the test server is supposed to be for?
    2 points
  2. Mon esprit dérangé m'a encore fait écrire une histoire sur le thème. Aujourd'hui, au sex-coffee de la rue Longdubas : Gérard : Hé, vous avez vu les nouvelles élections ? Gilbert : Ouais, mais depuis quand on vote pour les ministres ? C'est pas le président et le parlement d'habitude ? Giscard : En effet, c'est étrange. Mais les trois candidates ont de bons gros arguments. Gérard : Des arguments tout en fermeté. Gilbert : Des arguments qui pointent … les vrais problèmes. Giscard : Des arguments mémorables. Gérard : Je dirais même plus : mammairables ! Rires gras. Ghislaine : N'empêche, Ombresse : une Charme qui veut gérer le BDSM. C'est bizarre. Giscard : Là n'est pas le problème. C'est qu'à la base : une démone charme ce n'est pas logique. Gérard : Et Val Mala c'est une démone du Chaud-Cul-J'sais-pas-quoi, là. Giscard : Shokushu. Gilbert : Et Lilith qui vient des forêts. Gérard : C'est pas des gens bien de chez nous, tous ça. Gilbert : Ils nous volent not' travail ! Giscard : Tu cherches à travailler, toi ? Gérard : Ils profitent des allocations ! Giscard : Des allocations ? Dans le Haremverse ? Ghislaine : Je sais pas ce qui se passent mais je suis sûre que c'est leur faute ! Tout le monde sauf Giscard : Ouais ! Ghislaine : En plus, Ombresse veut supprimer les préliminaires. C'est très bien les préliminaires. Gérard : Euh .. ouais ! Gilbert : C'est sûr que c'est .. euh .. très important. Giscard : Il ne faut pas nous supprimer des choses comme ça sans nous demander notre avis ! Tout le monde : Ouais ! Ghislaine : Par contre, le style vestimentaire que veut encourager Lilith c'est pas mal. Les trois autres : ... Gérard : T'aime bien le cuir, toi ? Et le latex ? Giscard : Les corsets, les talons ? Ghislaine : Bah ouais. J'en mettrai la prochaine fois si vous voulez. ... Gérard : Te sens pas obligée ! Gilbert : Et puis il y a Gertrude qui va être jalouse. Tu sais comment elle est. Giscard : Et puis il commence à faire froid dehors, avec l'hiver qui vient. ... Ghislaine : Ah oui, vous avez raison. Dans la tête des trois autres : Ouuuf. Giscard : Mais elle est actionnaire de Kinky Latex également. Gérard : Et alors ? Gilbert : Ah oui, je sais ! Ca fait délit d'initié ! Giscard : Conflit d'intérêts. Gilbert : C'est pareil ! Gérard : Tout ça pour nous prendre not' pognon ! Gilbert : Ouais ! Giscard : Oui enfin les Ymens, je me demande encore d'où les filles de mon harem les sortent. Gérard : De leurs culs ! Gilbert : rire gras Ghislaine : Et Val Mala qui veut accroître la liberté sexuelle, ça veut dire quoi ? Giscard : Effectivement, je vois pas en quoi notre liberté sexuelle est limitée. Gérard : Pour Gilbert c'est autre chose qui est limitée ! Gilbert : Hé ! Gislaine : rire coquin Regards d'effroi vers Ghislaine Gilbert : Hé, Gontran! Une autre tournée ! Tout le monde : Ouais ! Voila, voilà. Désolé. Vous pouvez reprendre une activité normale. Sinon, je suis HC mais je n'aime pas les piercings aux tétons de manière générale. Je vote donc Lilith. ID : 1280909 Hentai Heroes
    2 points
  3. You are welcome to join with our club. If you find us competitive AND can state upon arrival what it means: 'brassy en mole'.
    2 points
  4. My vote goes to Jessie Kinkoid... I mean Mala. HH ID: 211318
    2 points
  5. GG a toi La route est encore très longue et clairsemée d' embuches petit scarabée ^^
    1 point
  6. My vote is for Ombresse! Hentai Hero ID: 403387
    1 point
  7. j'ai eu mizuki ya déjà une semaine et ce matin: 😆😆 je vous laisse maidité la dessus.....
    1 point
  8. Bonjoir à Tous et Toutes; Bon; désolé de vous déranger quelque peu @Léonitas et @mushroom!!!😅 Mais je voulais partager une petite chose ici... Après cinq mois et cinq jours de jeu; ce matin très tôt (3h30 env.) : J'ai passé un cap!! Alors; la route sera encore un peu longue pour mériter pleinement ma place au sein de mon nouveau club... Mais ceci dit; quand j'ai débuté le 29 Mai dernier: Je pensais sincèrement qu'il me faudrait au moins six mois voir plus pour atteindre ce niveau!!! Donc; je ne vais pas boudé mon plaisir!!...😻 _______________________________________________________________________________ Tout autre chose maintenant: Je ne vais pas encore "nourrir" le débat autour de @Sadako-Samara; mais j'ai tout de même envie d'ajouter ceci: 1° En direction de l'intéressée: Depuis ton post de requête pour rejoindre les CNO qui a fait polémique; j'ai vu que tu étais passée à de nombreuses reprise sur le forum. J'en ai donc profiter pour salué ton retour dans deux/trois posts... Auxquels tu ne m'a jamais fais le plaisir de répondre!! Alors certes; nous sommes sur un forum d'un jeu hentai: Tout ici est virtuel. Mais j'avoue que ton attitude et ton mutisme à mon égard me chagrine!!😞 Car d'une part; je ne pense pas avoir dis dans mes posts des choses de nature à te manquer de respect ou te blessée et d'autre part; il me semble bien que c'est toi qui tenais il-y-à peu ces propos: *Là; pour rappel: Tu réagissais au fait que j'avais dit que tu m'étais très sympathique... Bref, j'ai bien peur de m'être tromper à ton propos; et même si mon monde ne va pas s'arrêter de tourner pour si peu: Je trouve cela triste!!! 2° À l'attention de @[CNO] Jacky Choun: Désolé que tu te sois senti obliger de te justifier concernant votre décision de ne pas intégrée Sadako à votre club. Cependant; je trouve que tu as bien fais: De une; tu as parfaitement clarifié les choses de manière claire et concise. De deux; tu m'as enseigner sur une chose que j'ignorais totalement: Le clan hopping!! Je n'aurais même pas imaginé que ça puisse exister... Donc rien que pour ça: Merci de ton post!!! Conclusion: Clôture du "sujet" Mgła Dziewczyna en ce qui me concerne. C'est tout pour aujourd'hui!!...😉 Me reste à vous souhaitez à Toutes et Tous, une bonne fin de Dimanche et un bon jeu... Et tchuuu !!!!! ✌️✌️✌️
    1 point
  9. @bbmmt'as toujours pas compris le principe de ce topic
    1 point
  10. i'm sorry about the previous post.........i mistakenly thought it was brassygirl seeking to join a club when actually it was Kanchou Well Kanchou what i wrote to brassygirl applies to you to contact Chthugha and if there is room and you meet whatever club requirements there are i'm sure your request will be seriously considered (Chthugha is a former forum moderator and has a lot of relevant insights about the game)
    1 point
  11. Wow.....where do I start with you? First off why did you take over a week to shoot back your snippy reply with me. "I pay them money so I have the right to criticize them if i want to" That is a garbage argument and you know it. And you want to talk about paying money to support a developer? I've dropped money on CyGames, because their granblue fantasy game is worth supporting. But these devs? With some of the choices they've made in the past few years, they don't deserve my money. Perhaps you've heard of 'protesting with your wallet'? That's what this is. But what good does it do to not give them money without also saying 'why' you won't give them money. Also, are you seriously implying anyone that criticizes this game needs to be paying 500 a month on it? Do you realize how much money that is? That's more than some people get for a paycheck. That's someone's car payment, or rent for the month, or their utility bills. I really hope I'm misunderstanding you and you just mean people that buy the monthy card or drop 5 bucks on patrion or something. I give my opinion, a lot of times with a lot of cynical humor in my posts. But I'm also very blunt, if I'm paying the devs money or not won't change that. You can read and reply to my comments, you can agree or disagree with them. You can ignore them. But don't tell me I don't have the right to express my thoughts.
    1 point
  12. Not that I'm aware of. And this event looks like a mix of Westworld and The Lone Ranger, among others. They'll probably save the Frozen-like event for December, when Winter comes.
    1 point
  13. Keep in mind that HC and Ch players need (much) better stats to put themselves on an even footing with KHs, so not all of you seven may be equally dangerous contenders for 2-4.
    1 point
  14. Ca ne devrait pas être trop difficile de me trouver : je suis en bleu à droite du Discord officiel du jeu. Shoote-y un MP, le forum n'est vraiment pas adapté aux discussions de personne à personne...
    1 point
  15. Val Mala, the world needs more latex. Hentai Heroes 787272
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. J'espère que Rabbi est dedans, sinon, niveau anatomie... ET d'un autre côté, j'espère qu'elle 'y est pas, parce que l'inceste...
    1 point
  18. Vote: Mala. 🔥💘 Platform: HentaiHeroes. ID: 1124278.
    1 point
  19. You are right on the mark, but I can't comment on the Pachinko girls. I know the girls in this game are meant to look 'cartoonish' but this is exaggerated. There isn't enough tonal contrast to create the illusion of depth and solidarity. Different artists, maybe.
    1 point
  20. Mala wins across the board: best promises, best design, best class (it's hardcore, get over it)... ...even the horns are the best 😝 Hentai Heroes, ID: 1457867
    1 point
  21. You have to vote for the better Minister, not for the most beautiful. Val Mala, no doubt about it! ID: 2506184 (Hentai Heroes)
    1 point
  22. I'm going for Val Mala, I'm more interested in trying all of her new sexual skills. HentaiHeroes ID: 1184556
    1 point
  23. My vote goes to Val Mala. Hentai Heroes ID: 2061254
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. I vote for Val Mala Hentai Heroes ID: 969333
    1 point
  26. My vote is for Val Mala. Hentai Hero ID : 472293
    1 point
  27. My vote is for Val Mala. Hentai Heroes ID: 584428
    1 point
  28. i have the rope and Val Mala the skills hentai heroes ID: 463797
    1 point
  29. Not a debate clearly Mala is in a different league than the other two she needs a legendary days version as well should have picked better harem members to try to give her a challenge because this is going to be one-sided lol. Pretty sure everyone would want to go to hell if they knew Mala was waiting for them there lol.
    1 point
  30. They all make very good points. Ultimately, I must go with Val Mala. Hentai Heroes 675045
    1 point
  31. C'est marrant @Syllax, on dirait que tu as eu un événement rien que pour toi, différent de celui de tout le monde : - Rotation : il y a eu : Kimie Halloween n'était jamais sortie du PE avant cette année. - Filles de missions, il n'y en a eu que quelques heures avant qu'elles soient retirées, car c'était un bug. - Missions : il y en avait 2, mais 2 fois plus courtes. Du coup, c'était plus facile d'en réaliser 8 sur 10 qu'avec le système habituel - Nouvelle fille sur boss : Pratiquement tous les anciens te diront que c'était un beau cadeau, parce qu'ils ne font rien sinon durant un revival. Bref... on n'a décidément pas joué au même évément En ce qui me concerne, comme beaucoup de joueurs, j'ai pu récupérer 3 filles en 5 jours, (dont Kimie Halloween que beaucoup de joueurs pleuraient de ne pas avoir depuis... 3 ans), et ce, sans débourser un koban. Résultat très très positif en ce qui concerne. Mieux encore, l'un des joueurs de mon club a récupéré 6 filles, (5 sur boss et Murakawa), et ce pour moins de 5800 kobans... il est encore plus satisfait de cette formule. J'espère vivement qu'elle reviendra au mois de novembre. PS : Au passage, si on regarde, cet événement contenait peu ou prou une réponse à tout ce qui avait été reproché aux événements jusque là... Du coup, merci Kinkoid de nous avoir entendus
    1 point
  32. Mon retour. Combiner les deux rééditions : bonne idée . Pas de rotation a priori : mauvaise idée. Les filles de missions au pachinko : mauvaise idée. Faire payer des milliers de kobans des filles initialement gratuites, faut oser... 2 missions événementielles par jour : mauvaise idée. Comme dit par d'autres, 2 longues missions, ça peut-être compliqué à gérer quand on bosse. Ajouter une nouvelle fille : mauvaise idée. On est sur une réédition combinée avec pour certains 12 filles à récupérer. Et je doute qu'il y ait beaucoup de joueurs qui aient ces 12 filles mêmes sur des événements de 2016, vu le coût des pachinko et la probabilité d'avoir une fille d'événement au PE. Bref pour les chanceux ou dépensier qui ont déjà les 12 flles, je pense que les habituels cadeaux légendaires et les 6 nouvelles filles minimum à chopper par ailleurs par mois on a déjà de quoi les occuper. Peux mieux faire, car la, ça sent trop la machine à kobans. De nouveau... Donc : pas de nouvelles filles, gardez les cadeaux légendaires, mettez toutes les filles sur des Trolls, avec une limite d'attraction classique. Au moins on aura un rabais, les anciens seront quand même favoriser et les nouveaux ne seront pas trop frustrer car ils auront l'occasion d'en récupérer un minimum. Les filles d'événement sur trolls (ou sur mission), et une seule mission événementielle par jour.
    1 point
  33. time for this weeks wrapup. data collected so far for active season 59: d1: 1x100, 1x101 reported: prediction of 4162 must be wrong again, no 100 groups possible with that. even 4147 can't be. if it's not more than 4132 that means the s3 pool is already shrinking or at least definitely reached stagnation with some plateauing. since the collected data only supports that there's no other explanation. gonna skip adding more predictions until next season. d2: 1x102, 1x103 reported: prediction of 3180 is very likely. d3: 2x103, 3x104 reported: i just assume the prediction of 2698 total (6x103, 20x104) as confirmed. updated predictions: Season 51: 51xx / 3682 / 2580 / 2068 Season 52: 52xx / 3742 / 2670 / 2143 Season 53: 52xx / 3802 / 2760 / 2218 Season 54: 53xx / 3847 / 2850 / 2293 Season 55: 53xx / 3922 / 2910 / 2383 Season 56: 53xx / 3982 / 2970 / 2473 Season 57: 53xx? / 4042 / 3045 / 2548 Season 58: 52xx? / 4087? / 3120 / 2623 Season 59: 52xx? / 4132? / 3180? / 2698 Season 60: 52xx? / 4147? / 3255? / 2773? legend: the active season (while this current post is maintained) is bold. every prediction/assumption that is uncertain has a '?' with it. predictions that were corrected down are red, predictions corrected up are green. if a corrected prediction influences the number of groups in addition to the player pool it will be underlined aswell. (extra info: whenever there is an underlined number the red/green spreads to neighbouring tiers the season after) ...
    1 point
  34. j 'ai fais la guerre moi Madame. Je suis blindé. Tu peux y aller. I m ready for this.
    1 point
  35. Tu n'as pas envie de savoir mon pauvre tu ne t'en remettrais pas
    1 point
  36. De mon coté, c'est propre après du tien. No se ! Miss
    1 point
  37. Pas envie que tu me refile tes champignons bonhomme ^^
    1 point
  38. I think it was a great event, the drop rate was awesome (I don't know if it was planned this way or was a kind of compensation for the awful start of Orgy Days) and even if it was criticized, the background was very nice. The only thing I would like to talk about with the other players is that double daily mission instead of one to obtain the event girl, I mean, please correct me if I'm wrong, but about kobans, that missions didn't give you much more than before (I think 6 more), even you just can miss one day of doing them if you want the event girl, so, not much difference from the regular ones, but thay can be annoying because you have to wait between to activate them, when before you can left the mission to the end and in one click finish it. Well, In brief, Orgy Days for me is a very good idea, but if they are going to fuse two revivals I think they have to give us at least the double of kobans in that 2 daily missions. What do you think?
    1 point
  39. Hi, any competitive club care to let me join Im pretty active at the game especially arena Im currently lvl 50+ and in the top 200 of pvp wins(it will probably get harder later right? Since higher lvl people are more competitive xd) Im using KH Hentaiheroes Thanks
    1 point
  40. Is it 30 for everyone else too? I think mine was 26; definitely don't care though, just curious.
    1 point
  41. so strongminded observer_x seems to be, he will gladly ignore your good advice - I on the other hand will glady follow it and welcome 5 new girls to my harem at the end of the event
    1 point
  42. After having obtained my first girl, Sady in 128 battles (after the bug was solved), we can be sure that the shard range (1-12) and drop rate (around 10%) is similar to a normal revival event, so my advice for everyone (including @Observer_X ) during this Orgy days is: Use your kobans to refill and get all the girls in the villains. You won't have a better occasion to get so many girls with so little expenditure (1500-2000 kobans per girl).
    1 point
  43. This is completely unrelated to the thread it is in. Also there is already an in game club chat. Press the speech bubble located in the top left corner.
    1 point
  44. Intro: After the change in the league point scoring system, I felt that it became even worse for charm players. We all know that charm was never going to do great compared to hardcore and know-how. I also had the feeling that know-how was worse than hardcore, but with the new system, it actually has an advantage over hardcore, even if you won't actually win more battles than hardcore. So to check that I decided to do some simulations. Explanation of the simulation: So this simulation is obviously limited. I am not going to create accounts indefinitely with different level and different setups and girls. So to make it easier for myself, I decided to use a couple of restraints: 1. All players are off the same level (so have the same base stats), bought all stat points available in the shop, have access to the same equipment sets, are not part of a club (forgot to include that), and have the same harem and harem level. 2. Every player in the simulation is unique. This gives me 3 x 7 x 35 different players (3 specialties, 7 different ways to equip mono legendary equips and rainbow equips, 35 different ways to equip 4 different epic boosters on 4 slots). 3. Every player plays at least 100 games as attacker against all other players, including a copy of himself/herself. 4. Judges are not included in the simulation, specialties and orgasms are. 5. Every player uses the 3 current best girls in their team for their specialty. EDIT: As addendum, I have to say this obviously doesn't represent reality. I simply do this so you can see that even if you give players the same things, the specialties are not balanced. Results of the first simulation: In the first simulation, everyone did 100 fights against everyone. I wanted to do 1000 originally, but that would take too long for just a simply simulation. Because it's annoying to dig through countless amounts of data, I decided to look at two things: 1. Percentage of overall won fights 2. Average amount of points scored, according to the current point system in the league. There were a couple of clear results immediately. First of all: the best setup for best win percentage was different from the best setup for best point score for all three specialties. For hardcore 3 high-end rainbow equips and 3 high-end mono-stat equips + 4 cordiceps gave the highest win rate (99.884%, 18.43 points/fight) whereas 6 high-end rainbow equips and 4 cordiceps gave the highest point score (99.882%, 18.63 points/fight). Note that the percentage difference is not that big, and can be due to RNG. For charm the same thing happens, but it's 2 rainbows + 4 monos at the best percentage (99.64%, 17.72 points/fight). The same setup does give the highest point tally again though (99.37%, 18.04 points/fight). For know-how we see the same setups doing the best as for charm: (99.83%, 19.36 points/fight) and (99.72%, 20.35 points/fight). The other thing that is noticeable, is that jujubes are completely useless (I think we already knew that). Some charm accounts with 4 jujubes got as low a score as 15% and ~5 points/fight on average, so that's really bad when you have the same base. Lastly, I took the average of all win percentages for each specialty: HC = 84.27%, CH = 71.62%, KH = 92.15%. So, conclusions: 1. know-how is outscoring hardcore and charm massively. 2. jujubes are useless, better remove them from the simulation. 3. hardcore still is the best, when it comes to just winning the fight. 4. because jujubes are so useless, you could see these accounts as boosterless accounts. it's clear to see that without boosters you will be grossly outscored by others of the same strengthlevel as you using boosters. 5. charm doesn't seem that bad at first sight, compared to hardcore. 6. judging from the overall percentages of all accounts of one specialty, it seems that know-how is the least hampered by a bad setup, whereas charm is the most hampered by it. which means that as charm player you have less options to play optimally. Results of the second simulation: Like I suggested in the conclusion section of the first simulation, I should remove the jujubes from the equation, which means no more really easy victims to get lots of wins and points from. That means that the amount of accounts was reduced to 3 x 7 x 15 = 315 accounts. The amount of runs went up to 250 for this one. results: HC: 6 rainbow equips + 4 cordiceps --> 19.28 points/fight at a win rate of 99.73% versus 4 rainbows, 2 monos + 4 cordiceps --> 18.10 points/fight at a win rate of 99.77%. CH: 4 rainbows, 2 monos + 4 cordiceps --> 17.48 points/fight at a win rate of 98.94% versus 2 rainbows, 4 monos + 4 cordiceps --> 17.30 points/fight at a win rate of 99.14% KH: 6 rainbows + 4 cordiceps --> 19.96 points/fight at a win rate of 99.44% versus 2 rainbows, 4 monos + 4 cordiceps --> 19.13 points/fight at a win rate of 99.67% But the biggest thing I got from this was that chlorella are also inferior to the other two boosters. 4 ginseng root outperformed 4 chlorella. Basically chlorella had taken the place of jujubes in the first simulation. Apart from that: charm starts to look worse and worse. The gap between hardcore and know-how seems to close a bit when the accounts are closer in strength to eachother. Results from the third simulation: This simulation has only 3 x 7 x 5 = 105 accounts left, so I upped the amount of runs to 1000. Results where very similar to the second run. results: HC: same setups have the best scores in the two different departments again. this time in the elite league with the following scores: (17.72 points/fight, 99.23%) and (17.59 points/fight, 99.33%). CH: same setups. this time: (16.66 points/fight, 96.91%) and (16.63 points/fight, 97.77%). KH: same setups. this time: (19.19 points/fight, 98.78%) and (18.48 points/fight, 98.98%). Conclusions: 1. The right setup (6 up to date high-end rainbow equips + 4 epic cordiceps) leads for a massive league advantage for know-how over the other specialties, event though hardcore accounts might win more fights. The difference is over a point. 2. Charm is by far the worst specialty to have if you are in a league with a lot of players with about the same strength as you. 3. Hardcore with the right setup was indeed the best setup for the previous league system, and still is for arena. 4. Cordiceps are overpowered as boosters. The more you have of them, the better. Unfortunately they are the third rarest boosters in the shop (after the useless jujubes). So it won't be possible to keep 4 on all of the time. If you need to replace them, go for ginseng roots first, chlorella second. In fairness, rare cordiceps might even be better than those, but I didn't include those in the simulation. 5. Rainbow equipments indeed have become way better after their update. So much so that for both hardcore and know-how, it is best to use 6 of them. Take in mind that the need to be up to date, and with stats in the high end of the range they can be for basically all 5 stats. 6. Know-how is the specialty that is the least affected by a bad setup. Charm is affected the most. Which is another strike against charm (and it's useless specialty move) and another favourable trait of the know-how specialty. Lastly: The league advantage of know-how isn't that easy to solve. Hardcore is still winning more (with a good setup), so simply tweaking know-how's specialty is going to put them in the same trouble as charm. Charm's problem might actually be solved by tweaking that skill. In a future simulation I'll try to match hardcore in points by making the charm specialty a bit stronger. If anybody is interested in them; I have some files of data. The three average files for the three different simulations. The python codes used. The actual result files of the third run for every setup. If you want them, just ask for them.
    1 point
  45. Non mais sans rire ! Plus de 200 point grillés sur dark lord ( les 200 de "bonus" plus ceux des autres jours ) Et ......... ben rien, que dalle, wallou ...... non mais sans rire, essayez de revoir les drops rates et arrêter de vous foutre de notre gueule . Et non je suis pas content si vous aviez un doute. Je joue sur eroges.com depuis plus d'un an et le drop rate n'a fais que de ce réduire de mois en mois .
    1 point
  46. Nop, elle est à peine épique À moins que ce soit une version II, de qualité Légendaire ?
    1 point
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