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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/2020 in all areas

  1. At first I was angry at these changes. But then I wrote some code, and now everything is in order. Here's the code: https://pastebin.com/8u0bVJdx To use, you need to install Stylus: https://add0n.com/stylus.html (I don’t think that I’m violating any rules, but even if this is so - consider this a small sketch of how this interface should look in my view; I will wait for official fixes) Do you mean the green exclamation mark? For myself, I hid it using a custom style. Its class is called ".new_notif", and the following code: ".new_notif { display: none !important; }" (without quotes, see example above) completely hides it. I don't think that this violates any rules, but use at your own risk.
    10 points
  2. Oui ,elle a eu une v2 , je te montre l'avant/apres
    8 points
  3. Donc on va avoir le bandeau moche qui ralentit le jeu et maintenant, on a des images plus lourdes qui ralentissent le jeu ? Super ! On est bien écouté par l'équipe de développement... 👌👍 (c'est sarcastique).
    6 points
  4. You guys are aware that it already takes so long on the phone to load the harem page, that I just never go there to begin with, right? And now you are telling me the loading time is going to be increased even further? Sounds like asking for trouble for mobile players.
    6 points
  5. The lack of boxes or separation lines has made it harder to tell where one activity starts and the next ends, and the useful colors that showed the approximate duration of the activities has been removed. These are two changes that would be better off reverted or otherwise brought back in some form. That, or it's a browser bug.
    5 points
  6. We were not told about the most important thing in the Patch Notes, and no one noticed.
    4 points
  7. Tiens il semble qu'il n'y a plus la petite animation avec les billets qui s'envole quand on récupère l'argent sur les filles, choix des développeurs pour alléger le jeu ou alors bug tous simplement. Autre chose c'est moi au Jeanne de base semble avoir fait une coloration ou alors le passage à la HD fait es miracle.
    4 points
  8. Peut être que toutes ces petites mise à jours qui ralentissent le jeu ne sont qu'une infime chose de quelque chose de beaucoup plus grand qui améliorera le jeu par la suite et que l'on a peut être besoin d'en passer par là avant
    4 points
  9. Je pense que le niveau ira au delà de 9000 ... 😏
    4 points
  10. Reskin looks fine to me, as its slowly updating the whole UI to match the already updated parts. Not a fan of the huge koban spend button though, is making it bigger supposed to make people accidentally click it more? Or want to click it more? I hate this kind of coercive UI design, it reminds me of the tiny X you get on ads that make you accidentally click them instead of close them.
    4 points
  11. Hehehe j'étais pas dans le meilleur des mood en découvrant cette mission et mon avis s'en est ressenti 😅 et puis je trouve que cette impression que le sexe est "dû" parfois dans la vraie vie comme un remerciement (après qu'un homme ait payé la note au restaurant par exemple) est encore trop répandue bien qu'en évolution, du coup j'ai senti un besoin de souligner un peu ce point. Mais en effet je suis d'accord avec vous trois sur les différences morales dans le haremverse et le rapport au sexe se rapprochant de la résolution de conflit des bonobos !
    3 points
  12. Yeah, nice changes. Especially the money no longer flies in the Harem. And yet, once the current event is over, I'm going to take a break and look for some other game to play. I can not express in words (well, polite words) how much I *loath* that insane notification bar. As long as that's in the game, nothing else you do, add, fix, improve really matters. Edit: BTW, LMAO. Jeanne? Really?? *That* is the girl that you though needed fixing?
    3 points
  13. When a random guy on the forum does a better job of redesigning your website and makes it keep the good features of the old design+get the new one better, you know you fucked up
    3 points
  14. Je comprend ton avis Anon mais je ne le partage pas, oui c'est chiant de devoir faire un choix entre les compétitions mais en même temps je vais pas viser la premiere place en ligue et le harem complet en affection et le max de filles et le max d'xp etc.. Oui il faut faire un choix mais pas en mode stratégie (le débat de toooous les messages au dessus) mais juste de voir quel est ton but. Si tu veux avant tout privilégier la croissance de ton harem a mes yeux je pense que c'est normal de délaisser les competitions (ce que je fais souvent d'ailleurs). Pour utiliser une comparaison plus juste que les précédentes je dirais que dans un mmorpg si ton but est de devenir le meilleur dans ton métier de boulanger, il est normal que tu t'investisse a fond la dedans et que tu ne puisses pas être premier des compétitions de combat vu que ce n'est pas ton but et qu'en regardant du point de vu d'en face, ça serait moche pour un joueur qui donne absolument tout ce qu'il a en equipement competence etc pour son but d'etre premier en compet de ne pas avoir au final plus de chance de gagner sa compétition que le boulanger lvl max qui n'a rien fais pour. Donc oui ça fait chier, mais c'est la vie ma pov' lucette, si ton objectif premier c'est les filles de l'event je pense que ce soit normal que tu ne gagne pas autant de compet que le joueur (au ou bas level d'ailleurs) qui s'y donne a fond et uniquement à ça. Bon apres le pay to win est un autre debat dans lequel je ne rentrerai pas ici
    3 points
  15. I don't understand why everyone says this event was that hard for newbie's. I only had 1 champion at that moment when the event began and I still finished 2 days before the event ends. I started playing this game a year ago but didn't play 7 months long. So I am a kind of newbie. This event is more for advanced people, but if you was a newbie just like me then it was still possible to get all the rewards.
    3 points
  16. I really suggest you all to keep track of fights and drop rates for three months at least, it helps a a lot to put everything in the right perspective. It doesn't need to be a perfect reportage of how many fights has occurred between each drop and/or how many shards/hit you got, even just the total number of fights you made to complete the girl/reach that x% is more than enough. Our brain is easily deceived. A perfectly average run could feel terribly long and drenched in misfortune if preceded by a very lucky one, and with the approaching of the last day of the event and the rising up of the anxiety/fear of not making it in time, "small droughts" in drops, or simply not the lucky wave of drops you had before, could seem like ages. With this I'm not saying that there are not bad runs, because of course there are, as well as good ones (and this is why I suggested the "three months at least" in the beginning of this post). What I'm saying is that many (if not most) of the time we are sure we are having a very bad run, it is actually a bias in our perception that makes us feel like that You don't have to keep up with this forever, nor you have to share your data in the feedback topic if you don't want that kind of engagement, but try it, for yourselves.
    3 points
  17. It's also probably a form of survival bias - One tends to "remember" the good or wrong streaks, and thus those are much more often reported back on fora etc. While the average runs aren't reported and thus it looks as if the chance isn't normally (poison?) distributed. I'm currently at 15 pts for the last girl, so off by a bit. And probably have to do 1-2 refreshes.
    3 points
  18. We all have those droughts every now and then, Lunik and Dr. Lust, and it sucks. But no, the game isn't consipiring against you, it's "only" bad luck. Be grateful to have those droughts in the regular event, where drop rates are higher and we can get more shards, and not in something like the Legendary Days (it's awful when that happens).
    3 points
  19. I have got a strangely weak D3 going on. With 1 1/2 days left I (L410) am 9th about 400 back of 4th. In the last few days I have been as high as 5th. Top levels are the normal pack of L440 ish. 7th is my best so far in D3 but that was with 4 x orange and I was well back of 4th. This week I have used 1 partial orange (8 hrs at the beginning left over from the prev week) and the rest have been green. I plan to go orange for the last day. If I manage a top 15 with 1 1/3 orange that will be my cheapest D3 5-15 ever. Fingers crossed.
    3 points
  20. Aventure Sortie de la Quête 15 du Monde 13 “Le plan Nomura” Design Nouveau design pour la page d’Activités Nouvelles images des filles en haute définition, les images prendront un peu plus de temps à charger mais la qualité n’en sera que meilleure Service Support Les adresses email utilisées pour contacter le Service Support ne seront bientôt plus accessibles. En cas de problème sur hentaiheroes.com ou gayharem.com, nous vous invitons à créer un ticket via le système de ticketing (Menu > Paramètres > Support > Créer une nouvelle requête). En cas de problème sur hentaiclicker.com, nous vous invitons à contacter le Service Support via le forum. Par la suite, un système de ticketing sera mis en place au sein du jeu En cas de problème sur les plateformes Nutaku, Eroges, Thrixxx, nous vous invitons à contacter le Service Support accessible depuis la plateforme Problèmes réparés Événement Filles corrompues Widget d’événement : l’image de Nika Dépravée apparaissait à la place de celle de Hari Contaminée Mission Journalière : le 04/06, la 1ère mission “Viens vite !” de l’événement est réapparue en même temps que la mission du jour “Aiiiie confiaaaance” Pour en savoir plus sur les bugs connus et réparés, cliquez ici.
    2 points
  21. Pretty sure nothing has changed there. Rare missions are 10 minutes ± 20%, epic missions are 15 minutes ± 20%. It's possible for both types to be exactly 12m 00s long. The epic one could of course be as long as 12m 59s and be displayed as 12 minutes, while 12 minutes for a rare one means you've hit the RNG jackpot and it's the maximum possible length.
    2 points
  22. Je suis entièrement d'accord. Les différences de niveau (blanc, vert, jaune) entre les missions ne sont pas lisible. Et la lenteur de l'arène sérieux il faut changer ça c'est horrible. Sinon continuez le bon taf :)
    2 points
  23. Jeanne: fully redrawn, Kryll: last pose changed. None of them have been mentioned in the Patch Notes. Jeanne has been briefly discussed 2 weeks ago: Thank you for also pointing that out and doing it in a calm, soothing tone. I try to be more aggressive in pointing things like that. Mostly because it seems developers react to problems only when we start to scream about, instead of normally discussing and pointing them out. Like it was with bad art: months of calm discussions - nothing; angry topic about bad art and suddenly an immediate reaction of adding old epic and legendary girls with good art as mission or villain girls during Orgy Days and slowly improving art quality from that moment. So it really helps to have someone like you with a more reasonable view on such problem. Good catch. Yeah, that animation was always blocking the gathering of ymen in Harem and was really annoying. And it seems like they removed it or at least improved the speed of it. The loading time became a little longer due to new resolution, but at least the process of gathering ymens became easier to do in the same patch.
    2 points
  24. pas trop fan de la nouvelle interface d'activité autant en compet' je trouve ca mieux et plus lisible, autant pour les mission j'aime pas du tout :(
    2 points
  25. Adventure I'm not there quite yet, but good to know, the show must go on. Design New design for Activities page: At first I was a bit lost in this new design, and found it harder to find the Epic missions. Then I noticed that the color scheme for rarity has been moved to the missions' names now. It's still a bit less convenient, but that's fine. I've also noticed that the duration changed for some missions. Now we can have a 12-minute mission for either Rare or Epic level of rewards. A bit weird. New girls images in High Definition: In and of itself, it's a treat! A lot of old images were uploaded at a tiny size that didn't do them justice. I love that I can see them in full screen now. At the same time, I understand that the increased loading time might be an issue for some, especially on mobile. Redrawn Girl(s?): I've noticed that at least Jeanne has been redrawn (now Sporty Jeanne looks pretty ugly in comparison). I like the improved version more, but why not mention it in the patch notes? Has any other girl been redrawn as well? Customer Support Service I don't see anything new here. Hopefully this means you will soon be able to reduce that backlog and answer pending tickets that are weeks or even months old now? Fixed issues Old news, and at least in the case of the lost token refills (for a number of players, me included), you can say it has been "fixed on May 21st", but that's not true. I never received either my 15 token refill for that week, or any compensation. Sigh. All in all, a fairly uneventful update. I hope you'll patch up the annoying notification bar (and add an option to turn it off) soon. Cheers.
    2 points
  26. Je comprend ton point de vue, or l'aventure ce passe dans le haremverse et dans cette dimension... Je partage tout à fais ton point de vue sur le viol et certain scénario frôlant dangereusement avec la pédophilie (d'ailleurs tu as vu ils ont changé la pose 2 de Jeanne - ça évolue dans le bon sens) ou plongeant franchement dans la Zoophilie (Spirimon 🤢), mais pour ce cas précis je vois plus le haremverse comme une organisation social ayant les relations sexuelles comme résolution à tous leurs soucis... un peu comme les bonobos.
    2 points
  27. Problems I see and I consider most people facing right now are: 1.New UI design of activities have very small fonts( don't wanna be blind this early in life) 2.Symbol of chest on activities is not that easily visible as that of exclamation mark ( because it's kinda too small) That's all folks Please look forward to these problems 🙏.
    2 points
  28. Après n'oublions pas que pisser dans un violon reste inutile, certes. Mais rien n’empêche d'en ressentir une fierté personnelle si on a réussi a le faire sans mouiller les cordes.
    2 points
  29. I really like the way that when entering the activities page it automatically scrolls to the completed one. More of this please!
    2 points
  30. Oh gawd, it already took my 100mb damn it, let us use low res please😞😞
    2 points
  31. Not only in the harem page, the high resolution images will be used in all battles (arena, champions, league, villains). Even more, there is a girl image downloaded in background for use in the refill popups every time you refresh or change page. If devs don't give an option to use low res images or comletely disable them in the game, then the mobile use will be a lot slower (aggravated by the delay caused by the new contest banner), and for some people with small data plans for mobile could be very difficult to play.
    2 points
  32. I really loathe the UI design, but there's room for improvements which I'll lay down here- PLEASE dont be like Discord and just bring back divider lines, those were so nice! And colourations for mission tiers. Those 2 alone would make the UI A LOT better. Im not sure about the colour, I see what they're going for but I liked the old colours Those are the first couple of things that come to my mind, hope they consider this at least Edit: also the autoscroll is fucking annoying sometimes, maybe chill on that? I can see it being useful but it's also annoying a lot of the time
    2 points
  33. Donc on peut donner notre avis mais l'efficacité du traitement de cet avis équivaut à pisser dans un violon. Passionnant et tellement dans l'air du temps... ;(
    2 points
  34. Thanks for your response. Perhaps I was a little over-sensitive, so sorry. Re. Zoe... Ben eh!? There are subtle differences between her first three stars and the final two - more about the tonal quality and colourisation so I was a little surprised these two latter poses were created by the same artist. Maybe you're right because in her affection scenes the drawings of her are the same cute and pretty forms of her I have come to know and love. As someone familiar with art, I'm sure you'll see what I mean. This suggests Ben created her defiled version too. Maybe I shouldn't be surprised because even Ben had evolved his style over the years and made a lot (I mean a LOT!) of improvements in technique. Either way, I would love to have had the chance to recruit her in this latest form. I'll see what my luck is when I use my 4 free EvP orbs. I don't rate my chances. I do feel, though, that maybe we should give the new artist a little more time. I have seen steady improvements, but the girls' faces and expressions remain an obvious stumbling block for him. By the way, have you noticed the artforms of girls in other games and how much they resemble the work of the new artist? I certainly have. Either this is a range of art techniques which are widely shared among artists or the same artist has been contracted to a number of games. If it is either it's a concern because he may not then give a stuff about what we think and leave us to complain to our heart's content. What will change is when enough players quit the game, especially if these players are paying members. Just one slightly deviant observation... As far as I'm aware, this is the only site that encourages people to comment on aspects of the game, including artwork. This is a special privilege we have and can potentially expose staff, including the artists, to attacks that they could take as personal - if they bother to read them. Despite the role of moderators, they would need pretty thick skins to cope with some of these.
    2 points
  35. Thanks guys, I'd believe you anyway, but this morning I spent additional 10 energy, and got 1xshard for Esperance, while I managed 8xshards for Kelina twice in a row! Which is crazy, at least for this game's standards! ^^ So yeah, there's no bug or anything, I guess it's just a matter of how moody RNG is on a current day. I sure hope things don't change for the worse again, but I feel confident that sooner or later I'll manage to obtain Kelina.
    2 points
  36. Pas fan de la proposition initiale car pour je pense également que tu dois tout simplement faire un choix entre compét et event avec les sacrifices in-game que cela implique. Tu ne demandes ni plus ni moins que d'avoir le beurre, l'argent du beurre et le cul de la crémière. Et que certains joueurs payent ou pas ne change rien, accepter ta proposition reviendrait à ne pas respecter le sacrifice que font ceux qui ont fait le choix de la compet au détriment de l'event. Et ceux qui arrivent à choisir les deux font le sacrifice de leurs kobans, voire de leur argent IRL. Puis avant de parler de CB, je rappelle qu'on a tous la possibilité d'obtenir des kobans gratuitement dans le jeu et la façon dont on les utilise ne regarde que nous (et éventuellement les membres de ton club quand c'est toujours les mêmes qui montent les stats du club 😠 - désolé pour l'aparté...). Donc si certains joueurs décident de claquer leurs kobans "gratuits" pour gagner une compét c'est leur problème, mais si en plus on les "accuse" de payer ("___" car je rappelle que le fait de payer n'est qu'une des mécaniques du jeu donc aucun à priori à avoir là-dessus) là ce n'est clairement pas respectueux à leur égard. Par contre, une proposition intéressante serait de revoir les points attribués en fonction du niveau du boss vu qu'ils sont plus difficiles à battre depuis le déblocage des nouveaux paliers, sans parler de l'équipage de Jackson et son niveau 615 avec des stats que je n'atteins même pas. Et cela récompenserai également ceux qui farment ces boss hors event/compet. Je tiens au passage à préciser que je ne fais pas partie de ceux qui payent, et que je suis dans le même camp que toi vu que je ne privilégie jamais les compet au détriment de l'event. Malgré ça, j'arrive à en gagner quelques uns en gardant des filles à xp pour l'event en question ou en tapant le boss max hors event en dépensant quelques kobans si cela me permet d'en gagner plus.
    2 points
  37. Je suis rarement d'accord avec bigboss mais la si, la strategie ici n'est pas dans la compet elle meme mais dans la facon dont tu prepare et obtient les ressources en vue de la compet.les seuil sont fixé par les joueurs eux meme, donc ce que les joueurs qui visent le top trouvent raisonnable sera souvent les points qui definiront les tops compet. Dependant des types de compet, cela ammene les joueurs moins opti soit a pas les jouer soit a les jouers moins souvent. il suffit de voir comment les compets evoluent soit avec le lvl au niveau des ressources demandées soit carrement quand certains changement ont eu lieu. tu peux toujours t'accrocher pour gagnerune compet xp fille avec 70k points comme c'etait le cas avant que les bouquin leg soit sortie. Pour ceux qui les jouent, la difference ne se fera jamais sur le fait de gagner toutes les compets mais sur la capacité a aller en chercher plus que le voisin (si un joueur trouve un moyen de les gagner toutes, ca prendra pas longtemps avant que d'autre le trouve et lui fasse concurrence, ce qui de facto fera baisser ses victoires. Quand tu parlait de 7 millions a ton lvl et que tu es pas lvl 400 ben au lvl 400 je te rassure la ca va etre entre 100 et 200 millions pour la compet
    2 points
  38. @Fred1975 Et bien pour essayer de répondre à ta question , quand certains/es y seront arrivé(e)s j'imagine qu'ils/elles viendront se plaindrent pour que le niveau augmente (encore). Donc tant qu'il n'y a pas beaucoup de joueurs/euses de level 500 rien ne changera mais quand une partie des gros joueurs auront atteint ce stade et qu'ils jugeront qu'ils faut monter le level. Ils viendront le dire comme pour la dernière fois pour passer de 400 à 500 alors tkt pas tu la sauras en venant ici si y'a du nouveau à ce sujet . Et puis surtout quand les dominants se sentiront en danger parce que les autres joueurs "pourraient" les rattraper c'est là qu'ils viendront demander de changer le level. Ils ont pas vraiment envie qu'on puissent les suivre de trop près ^^ J'espère avoir était le plus clair possible . Au plaisir xoxo
    2 points
  39. I agree with @DeniskaSosiska i liked it too. The girl were beautiful and well drawn also 4, this time totally worth a 7200 k cost, as i keep saying this is an event for veterans to "keep our fire alive" and if u are like us you don't have much trouble to end it in time. The only thing i can say they can do better is about the champions performances but NOT as many Intend: The problem with this step in my opinion Is NOT the number of challenges and tikets required, is about the time required, the majority of us are casual players that do their 10 min game and then go to work/school/other, and then we come back with all charged, this time i had time to invest on it but with all the pauses (15 min) and the cd (24 h) it took me 1 day and a half of constant fight to do the 80 challenge step (i know u can do wrong poses and speciality to make more challenge but doesn't soud good to meXD), so to me sounded a bit too much:" HEY pay the reset is appealing right?". That's the only thing that i can understand as a complain from a player. Apart from that the orbs are always good (even becouse u can keep them, for example i think i'll keep my purple orbs this time for the next month), same for energy and combactivity so if the first path i was "uhm do i really want to use 7200 kobans for this?????" this time as i saw the 4 girls i was more "shut up and take my money". So for me the event is fine and a week is better than 5 day although if u wanna keep big numbers of "challenge the champion" even more time may be needed
    2 points
  40. I have not seen this before because I hid all the unnecessary elements using custom CSS, but turned it off for a minute and a notification appeared. I think this is an unnecessary element, so I turned on custom CSS again. Yes, it takes longer to show the OK button, but when I need speed, I always press the physical “previous page” button on my mouse or keyboard, so I don’t need to press this OK button anyway. If you don’t have a physical button for the “previous page” action, you can try pressing the “alt + left arrow” combination. My monitor is 900 pixels tall. Minus the height of the taskbar, minus the browser tabs, minus the unused area in the game. So I got 545 pixels tall for the girl’s image, but the image’s height is 3000 pixels. It shrinks 5.5 times in height, gaining only 18.2% of its real height. For what purpose? Yes, I can open this image in a new tab and enlarge, but how often will I do this? And how often do I need to open the “harem.html" page? It’s not even the download time - my Internet connection is fast and unlimited - the problem is the processor time required by the browser (Firefox) to correctly render such an amount of useless “HD images”. I will give you a hint. You can find out the screen resolution by referring to the JS-object “screen”; you need at least the “screen.height” parameter to find out how large your images on the user's screen can be. When you calculate the correct size for images, you can get images of the correct size from the server (naming example: "ava1-720p.png" versus "ava1-3000p.png"; similarly you need to do with the icons: "ico1-65p.png", "ico1-230p.png", etc.). This will not only significantly improve the user experience, but also reduce the load on the server - which, as I see it, is often overloaded with requests. A win-win situation, huh? It was so bad that I made my own CSS-mod, mainly for my own peace of mind. More details here:
    1 point
  41. Actually, it wasn’t hard, even considering that I’m not good at HTML/CSS (little experience, too lazy to learn). And I didn’t even think about any reward - the user-friendly interface is a reward in itself. I did this for my own comfort, not for other users (after all, any updates to the game can break this code - it works today, tomorrow it’s gone). To be honest, I don’t understand why they couldn’t make the right interface themselves. Maybe they don’t write code at all, but use some kind of WYSIWYG editor? I would like to help them somehow, but I’m not good at web technologies.
    1 point
  42. You know you can resize it, do you?
    1 point
  43. Il semblerait que le passage à la HD ai mit un peu le désordre dans les image de Ria, L'image 0 étoile est à la place de celle des 3 étoile ainsi que la 2 étoile qui est intervertie avec celle de 1 étoile.
    1 point
  44. Believe it or not, but it was sincere and friendly, and mostly meant to be helpful. And a little humorous, sure, but not really at your expense. I don't take you for a fool, as others in the community might. Otherwise, I wouldn't have bothered writing that long message. I just think you're easily distracted, and there are plenty of details you don't pay (much) attention to in this game (which is absolutely fine, to each their own), and unfortunately, you also tend to overlook, misread or just forget other people's posts in discussions you participate in on this forum, which can be irritating. My best guess is that it's because you write what comes to mind in one go, without re-reading or editing your long messages before posting them. It's a bit disappointing when things are established one way in a discussion we have together, and then you seem to have completely forgotten about it the very next time the same topic comes up. For instance, if your comments on odds are really just meant to come across as childlike amusement at the manifestations of randomness, maybe phrase them this way, instead of stating them as firmly-held theories or beliefs about statistics, and you'll avoid that confusion. When you post things like "I'm in a position to comment on the RNG. It is a two-tier randomisation." you sound like you're making a big reveal as an expert. You don't sound at all like you're just amused by random things you've noticed as a player. The same thing goes for other stuff, like when I read "the original artist" or "the new artist" once again in your last post, referring to an ever-changing team, despite having discussed this exact point with you at least a couple times... well, I cringed a little. It just feels like what I tell you comes in one ear and out the other. Perhaps you just have memory issues (this would honestly be a solid explanation to me)? And in before you pull an Observer on me and reveal you actually do suffer from dementia or another serious medical issue IRL and proceed to share your genuinely heartbreaking story battling against it over the years: if that's the case, then I'll of course look like a fool in retrospect, and I'm deeply sorry in advance. Forget I said anything (no pun intended). I'm not 100% sure either. As far as I know, the final two stars for the original Zoe were done by Ben Kinkoid (aka "the original (main) artist", and the guy who designed most of the game's original characters, including her). They're amazing drawings in my opinion, and they go fairly well as a sequence with his own older drawings for her previous poses (even though his style and technique evolved a fair bit since then, mainly for the better). The version from this event has a lot of similarities with his current work, and a lot of qualities (especially the ink job) but also other aspects that are much worse (her hair and anatomy in general, but it's especially noticeable for her face, hands and feet). It might be him, and in that case he was likely on a super short deadline and had to rush. Or it's another fairly good artist who managed to capture a lot of his style, but doesn't master it quite yet.
    1 point
  45. Bonjour à tous, un nouveau wallpaper est disponible ! Cliquez ici pour le découvrir : https://www.kinkoid.com/fr/fond-ecran/ @BigBossDick, effectivement, ces wallpapers ne portent que sur le jeu Hentai Clicker. Cependant, les prochains wallpapers seront des wallpapers Hentai Heroes
    1 point
  46. heu... quand ton harem est maxxé et que le Chemin d'Affection te demande de le faire, tu n'as aucun choix, quand tu te fais poignarder dans une ruelle, où est-ce que tu as choisi de le faire ?... Tu réalises que tu donnes des exemples pour soutenir ton argumentation qui n'ont aucun sens ?...
    1 point
  47. Sa reste intéressant, il faudrait serte que je revoit certain point, mais je croit avoir bien mit en avant tout se que je voulait dire depuis un ans. Cependant, je tien a dire que j'ai belle et bien penser mon truck pour ce qui est des prix max et min. Ce pour éviter de ce retrouver avec des booster légendaire a 1 ymen, même si ce n'est pas rentable, sa briserait vite une économie. Et mettre des des booster a 1 koban aussi est tout aussi cheater. Par contre, ces vrai, il n'y a pas une grande chose a vendre sur le jeux, mais sa ne fait pas si longtemps qui nous avons les orbes et les tickets, il suffirait d'ajouter quelque fonctionnalité (je sais pas moi, mettre des rune sur nos équipement, plus quelque autre) pour avoir de nouveaux item a vendre, donc une fonctionnalité que je ne voit pas arriver tout de suit, mais pourquoi pas un jour. Et pour ce qui est de plaire au joueur, regarde la mise a jour d'aujourd'hui et dit toi que les kk ne nous laisse pas toujours le choix de si on aime ou si on aime pas, perso, sa ne me dérange pas, mais je sais que sa en énerve plus d'un, reste a savoir si sa va rester. Je voudrait dire également a Graad que ces exactement pour les raison qu'il a dite que je voudrait voir ce Systems arriver en jeux et même plus. Je voudrait voir une nouvel dimension de jeux, donner au plus ancien joueur un nouveaux casse tête a décortique, revendre a un meilleur prix ce que j’achète par erreur, voir des monopole se crée et s'effondrer, bref, du drama.
    1 point
  48. Eh bien, pas du tout. Pour les missions, ça ne change rien puisque la boucle est de 24h, ce sont juste des habitudes à changer. Pour les compet' et les ligues, ça change tout pour ceux qui les jouent à fond. Ne plus être obligé de se lever à 5h pour jouer la ligue ou la compet', ne plus perdre des combats le jeudi matin parce que les points sont redonnés quand on dort... Perso, depuis le changement, je peux savoir si je dois me lancer dans une compet' à la fin ou si ça sert à rien. Je fais mes combats à l'heure (ou presque à cause du lag) le jeudi midi et donc je peux jouer la ligue sans perdre des kobans à acheter des points de duel. Donc le changement est bénéfique pour moi.
    1 point
  49. C'est vrai que ça me casse les trompes aussi et on sera toutes et tous d'accord pour dire que personne comprend ce patch
    1 point
  50. On se demande à quoi ça leur sert d'avoir un serveur de test… Sur le salon Discord, on leur a dit que c'était une idée de merde… et ils en ont rien à foutre… C'est une information inutile, qui ralonge inutilement chaque actions, encore plus pour les combats de vilains où dans certains events on en enchaîne des 100ènes… Comment ont-ils pu penser un seul instant que c'était une bonne idée ? Ils ont pas des choses plus urgentes à faire ? Je sais pas moi, comme s'assurer qu'ils n'aient pas de bugs ridicules ? @Eddy tu rajoutes un sondage ?
    1 point
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