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A place to speculate about future events.  Gaze into my giant crystal balls 🔮🔮, and peer into the future!

divination462x200.gif.68544a4d328ef94f679466c6cb53816c.gif palantir480x200.gif.621179a0eb96ba35d32222fee220a9d7.gif

Which mythic girl is getting revived next?  What's the next PoV theme?  When can I recruit that old L5 from PoG?  Is there a BB or DP this month?

What happens when the DD overlaps w/ the LC and CbC?  Huge scores.  Can I prepare for it?  Not really, besides saving orbs.

All those questions answered here, and more!

First of all, here's a list of recurring events, their abbreviations, and a short description:

  • CE: Classic Event (1st, 9 days, monthly) - new themed 3 star girls.
  • DD: Double Date pachinko event.  Get up to 20 girls w/ orbs instead of 10.  It's unpredictable and has occurred so far on Dec 1st, Jan 14th, and Feb 20th.
  • MD: Mythic Days (3rd, 3 days, monthly) - new M6 mythic girls.  Save 10k kos & 5 SP for it.
  • CbC: Cumback Contest (Weekly from Mon to Wed) - Old PoA/Season girls.
  • PoV: Path of Valor (every 2 weeks) - 6 types, and 2 new L3 girls.  Premium side costs 3.6k kos.
  • BB: Boss Bang (10th, 4 days, alternates bimonthly w/ DP) - A new L5 girl (easy for veterans).  Use sensual 🔵 girls if struggling.
  • DP: Double Penetration (10th, 4 days, alternates bimonthly w/ BB).  Two L5s, and costs 7.2k kos for the premium path.  Don't collect daily missions/goals, until there's a task.
  • LD: Legendary Days (10th, 4 days, monthly) - 1 new & 1 old L5 LD girl, now revived in order so it's predictable, but it used to be random.
  • OD: Orgy Days (14th, 5 days, monthly) - 1 new girl & old CE/MP Girls, based on their month.
  • SM: Sultry Mysteries (14th, 4 days, monthly).  You get sultry coins (SC) from using CP, that can be used to recruit girls w/ 40%+ every 12 hrs, except mythics.
  • KC: Kinky Cumpetition (Thursday, prob 16th, 2 Days, monthly)  Has old/unreleased Hentai Clicker L3 Girls.  Need ~200 kisses.
  • LC: Legendary Contests (19th, monthly) - a new L5 girl.  Save PXP, Orbs, Tickets, & GXP for it.  They end up in the PoG later.
  • KV: Kinkversary - July OD girls/MP Girls.  Has a ton of girls available in the pachinko, and w/ villains.  The last one was July 11-19, 2022.
  • MDR: Mythic Days Revival (23rd, 2 days, monthly) - Old MD girls revived in order of release.  Shards are scarce, so save more than an MD, and expect to use 50x CP skips.
  • PoA: Path of Attraction (6 day event 'til the end of month, monthly) - 4 new themed L3 girls.  The two premium girls cost 7.2k kos, and get revived later via CbCs.
  • PoG: Path of Glory (35 days) - old LC (L5) girls.  Premium side costs 5.4k kos.
  • SE: Seasonal Event.  It previously took place during Summer, Halloween and Winter.  Costs 6k kos for 2 koban cards, that usually let you recruit the 2nd or 3rd L5 girl.

Mythic Days Revival (MDR): they get revived in order.  Here's the MD wiki.


Cumback Contests (CbCs):  PoA and Season girls.


Boss Bang (BB) or Double Penetration (DP) on the 10th?


Legendary Days Revival Order: since December 10th, they've been reviving in order from Nero, the first LD L5 girl not added to the MP pool.


PoV Order: There's 6 types and they occur in the same sequence, so it's predictable.


PoG Schedule: they're all former LC girls and revive in order.  Most veterans have them, so they mostly matter for newer players.


Now, let's combine everything we can predict, and see if there's any interesting overlaps in March:


I highlighted similar events in green. 

There's a nice overlap w/ the CP PoV and the new MD.

Also, makes sense to save kisses for the 2nd day of the KC, or wait to use league refills until then, to make more progress on the new PvP PoV.

Looks like there's gonna be a double pachinko overlap, w/ the CbC and LC day 2, on March 20th.

This info can help plan when to spend resources, which gem types to save, when to recruit girls, & when to not use AMEs, etc.

It's speculation, and bound to change, but at least educated guesses based on the past.

Edited by Ravi-Sama
Added wiki links. Updated LD revival order.
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Lots of good info for people who like to plan ahead. Thanks for putting it together.

Some small additions/refinements, feel free to incorporate these into the original post:

  • Classic Event lasts for 9 days.
  • Kinky Cumpetion always starts on thursday and starts between 12th and 17th of the month (not enough data on the new schedule to pin the last of 7 possible days down yet).
  • With Double Penetration alternating with Boss Bang, each will occur once every 2 months.
  • Legendary Days also includes 1 new L5 girl.
  • Orgy Days also includes 1 new L3 girl.
  • I think your dates for the PoA for March are off by a day, and it will start (and end) 1 day earlier. They usually make it end on the last day of the month, leaving a 1 day break until the new CE starts in the new month. Unless there's not enough days in the month for that (30 day or shorter months) but March has 31 days.
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Thanks for this very interesting Information. 👍

The best part is the glossary at the start, which I have been searching and wishing for a long time, cause all these abbreviations are quite confusing.

Although I'm playing now for nearly 8 months, I still often struggle what they mean.

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Thanks, @Ravi-Sama, this is a great summary - very helpful!


On 3/1/2023 at 11:23 PM, Der DinX said:

The best part is the glossary at the start, which I have been searching and wishing for a long time, cause all these abbreviations are quite confusing.

Although I'm playing now for nearly 8 months, I still often struggle what they mean.

I can relate to that, because I remember well, that when I started to read the forum it was hard with all the abbreviations.

When I began to write posts myself, I tried to avoid them and write out the terms. I did so for a while. But over time, of course I used many of them too.

So the glossary is great (shouldn't it be pinned somewhere?), also the summary of all event types in short and all the other informations, much appreciated! 🌟

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2 hours ago, Der DinX said:

Sounds like mere speculation of the Infadel, where is your proof?


Just noticed, this is just all about speculation, so maybe you are on to something...

Well I guess Hogwarts could work under the British Museum rules, where they just go places and steal stuff...
While I have not read any of the books, and I've only seen 1 of the Harry Potter movies, I don't recall seeing any bill of sale
or anything related to the crystal ball, so it might be that it is not of Hogwarts origin, and was procured by illicit means

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On 2/27/2023 at 3:30 AM, Ravi-Sama said:

LIST OF RECURRING EVENTS, their abbreviations, and a short description:

  • CE: Classic Event (1st, 9 days, monthly) - new themed 3 star girls.
  • DD: Double Date pachinko event.  Get up to 20 girls w/ orbs instead of 10.  It's unpredictable and has occurred so far on Dec 1st, Jan 14th, and Feb 20th.
  • MD: Mythic Days (3rd, 3 days, monthly) - new M6 mythic girls.  Save 10k kos & 5 SP for it.
  • CbC: Cumback Contest (Weekly from Mon to Wed) - Old PoA/Season girls.
  • PoV: Path of Valor (every 2 weeks) - 6 types, and 2 new L3 girls.  Premium side costs 3.6k kos.
  • KC: Kinky Cumpetition (Thursday, prob 16th, 2 Days, monthly)  Has old/unreleased Hentai Clicker L3 Girls.  Need ~200 kisses.
  • BB: Boss Bang (10th, 4 days, alternates bimonthly w/ DP) - A new L5 girl (easy for veterans).  Use sensual 🔵 girls if struggling.
  • DP: Double Penetration (10th, 4 days, alternates bimonthly w/ BB).  Two L5s, and costs 7.2k kos for the premium path.  Don't collect daily missions/goals, until there's a task.
  • LD: Legendary Days (10th, 4 days, monthly) - 1 new & 1 old L5 LD girl, now revived in order so it's predictable, but it used to be random.
  • OD: Orgy Days (14th, 5 days, monthly) - 1 new girl & old CE/MP Girls, based on their month.
  • SM: Sultry Mysteries (14th, 4 days, monthly).  You get sultry coins (SC) from using CP, that can be used to recruit girls w/ 40%+ every 12 hrs, except mythics.
  • LC: Legendary Contests (19th, monthly) - a new L5 girl.  Save PXP, Orbs, Tickets, & GXP for it.  They end up in the PoG later.
  • KV: Kinkversary - July OD girls/MP Girls.  Has a ton of girls available in the pachinko, and w/ villains.  The last one was July 11-19, 2022.
  • MDR: Mythic Days Revival (23rd, 2 days, monthly) - Old MD girls revived in order of release.  Shards are scarce, so save more than an MD, and expect to use 50x CP skips.
  • PoA: Path of Attraction (6 day event 'til the end of month, monthly) - 4 new themed L3 girls.  The two premium girls cost 7.2k kos, and get revived later via CbCs.
  • PoG: Path of Glory (35 days) - old LC (L5) girls.  Premium side costs 5.4k kos.
  • SE: Seasonal Event.  It previously took place during Summer, Halloween and Winter.  Costs 6k kos for 2 koban cards, that usually let you recruit the 2nd or 3rd L5 girl.


On 3/3/2023 at 6:10 PM, Mighty Thor said:

So the glossary is great (shouldn't it be pinned somewhere?), also the summary of all event types in short and all the other informations, much appreciated! 🌟


@holymolly or any other moderator:

Do you also think, @Ravi-Sama's list of recurring events ( I only formatted it a bit) could be helpful for many newer players?

And that it maybe would make sense to make it a pinned post in Q&A or somewhere else?

If so, then could you please do so?

Thank you! 🌷😊🍀


Edited by Mighty Thor
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  • DvDivXXX pinned and featured this topic
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I think KK will use Esme for the aditional MDR in the next Seasonal. Easter is 9th/10th next month so the Seasonal could start at the end of this month CE. Than we would get Esmes MDR at the end of this month, or they start the Easter Seasonal at the end of the April CE and than the aditional MDR would be in April.

The only thing DD should mess up things is more Contest wise. We know, that KK will use DD at random dates as an surprise, so the only meaningfull solution should be to safe as much as possible EpP Orbs until DD appear again. In my eyes you should hoard more than 250 EpPx1 Orbs for DD if you can (with an expected drop rate of 4% 250 Orbs are the 10 possible drops from DD in average). This effects mostly LC 2nd day with the Pachinko Contest as event. You should avoid spending EpPx1 in CbC and Daily Contests rewards for Orbs spending is to low in my eyes now with the CbC every week to use the Daily Contest without a match with CbC or LC.

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il y a 28 minutes, bolitho76 a dit :

the only meaningfull solution should be to safe as much as possible EpP Orbs until DD appear again. In my eyes you should hoard more than 250 EpPx1 Orbs for DD if you can

I think it's easier to just save 100% of your EP orbs and only ever spend them during DD. I don't think we get enough orbs to stash 250 per DD (With the longer delay between the first and second DD, I was only able to get 178 Orbs. Players winning leagues might get a few extra, but I'd estimate the average between 2 DD to be below 200 Orbs).

I'll only have ~60 orbs for the current one, but I'll spend them anyway.

I also think GP/MP is sufficient for daily and legendary contests, but players going for higher tiers might disagree. IMO, the value of getting twice as many girls in DD is higher than getting a few extra gems or 300 Kobans in contests.

(Of course, all of this only applies to players with a large EP Pool. When the pool is empty and you're able to clear it regularly with or without DD, I'm sure it's a completely different story :) )

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Perhaps a bad wording from my side: My intention was not to say "safe until 250 before you spend anything", it was thought in terms of: "Only if you have more than 250 Orbs accumulted between two DD's think about spending EpPx1 in other Contests/Events". That a normal player normaly not have a chance to get so much Orbs between two DD's (ok, theoretically with a very lucky streak in PoPs for some weeks with 3 EpPx1 PoPs and very often drops it could be accumulate, but that's such a low possibility...), was in my mind and I didn't wanted to say: "don't spend Epic Pachinko x1 Orbs outside of DD". Seems that this lead to conclusions I didn't intend.


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  • 4 weeks later...
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Here's what we can expect from April.  I adjusted the KC (13th), and the PoA (ends at the end of the month, w/ no gap day, since 30 days), after viewing the April Calendar.

I expect there to be an SE and DP (10th), even though they aren't shown on the calendar.  I outlined and highlighted things that overlap in green.

  • The 5th has villain fight overlap w/ the MD, CbC, and the Contest PoV, so it's the best day to spend the majority of your CP on the new MD girl.
  • The 12th has villain fight overlap w/ the CbC, LD, & PoV, so that's when I'd try to spend most of my CP, for Stacy and/or the new LD girl.
  • The 17th & 24th have pachinko overlap w/ the CbC and PoV.
  • The 20th has pachinko overlap w/ the LC and PoV.  Probably best to ignore the Pachinko CbCs, and focus on LC day 2.
  • The 29th & 30th has shard overlap w/ the PoA and Shard PoV, so I'd save the 2-4 PoA girls to recruit then.


Edited by Ravi-Sama
Updated PoV.
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  • 2 weeks later...
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3 hours ago, Ravi-Sama said:

Here's a reminder/warning in case there's a new Double Penetration (DP) after server reset, that you shouldn't collect daily goal chests, PoP, or the rewards from daily missions, until there's a task for it.

Edited by Ravi-Sama
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  • 4 weeks later...
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Here's what's predictable in May.

  • 3rd-5th - There's some nice overlap w/ the shard PoV, CbC, and MD.
  • 10th - Overlap w/ the shard PoV and the BB/KC.
  • 19th - The KC and LC have pvp overlap.
  • 22nd - Makes sense to save GXP for PoV/LC.
  • 24th - Villain fight overlap w/ the CbC and MDR.
  • 31st - Champion fights work for both the PoV and CbC.

There's definitely a BB this month and not a DP, so some kobans will be saved there.

The SM might be scheduled differently like last month, where it was on the 23rd, overlapping w/ the MDR. (It was on the 3rd, w/ the MD).

If S Abraël is indeed the MDR girl, then I've got her already.  First MDR in a long while where I can take a break.


Edited by Ravi-Sama
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I have no idea what's this event coming up tomorrow alongside MD, though:


The only thing I can think of is SM because of "Sultry" in the name, but I don't recall individual SMs having names before. Plus this sounds like the name for a CE or PoA, something with multiple new girls. Might be a mishap and it wasn't planned to get released tomorrow, or a surprise, or I'm missing something obvious right now for some reason... :/🚬

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Good catch, even I over looked the sm_event tag at first but if there changing the name then the sm part makes less sense as now it should be sss. oh well, Double Date has a similar issue where its dpg_event so where is the pg coming from.

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5 hours ago, Ravi-Sama said:

The SM might be scheduled differently like last month, where it was on the 23rd, overlapping w/ the MDR.

Damn, already?  I suppose this is nice; many keys/SC to be gained.

4 hours ago, DvDivXXX said:

I have no idea what's this event coming up tomorrow alongside MD, though:

The only thing I can think of is SM because of "Sultry" in the name, but I don't recall individual SMs having names before. Plus this sounds like the name for a CE or PoA, something with multiple new girls. Might be a mishap and it wasn't planned to get released tomorrow, or a surprise, or I'm missing something obvious right now for some reason... :/🚬

I was just about to ask about it in Chit-Chat, lol.

4 hours ago, zoopokemon said:

It's a SM


Cool, thanks for the confirmation.

4 hours ago, Yamiray said:

Good catch, even I over looked the sm_event tag at first but if there changing the name then the sm part makes less sense as now it should be sss. oh well, Double Date has a similar issue where its dpg_event so where is the pg coming from.

A peek into the methods of the code divers.

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