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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/13/2021 in Posts

  1. I see thin times coming, given the luck I had with this couple (already had Yvonne, forgot to take Layla screenshot before shard emptying): These are the stats: x1 orbs used : 12 (from 340) x3 orbs used : 3 x6 orbs used : 1 Books : 5 Boosters : 12 Avatars : 6 I had Layla already at x45, so I started using x1 orbs and... 12 shots and Valentina dropped. With only Layla left, I used three x3 Orbs and one x6 orb to make her drop also. This is a weird Legendary Days... first I ditch the event to spend combativity towards increasing the last boss levels to unlock the Tier 3 I still have to unlock (still a long way on that side anyway), and then I obtain from Mythic Pachinko two haremettes I like more than the ones on the villains...
    5 points
  2. Hey guys, Here is a place to discuss and give feedback to the story of the Haremverse adventure of your Hero, it's themes, and art. Usual rules apply - no image spoilers of any scenes. You can give references to the story events as needed to discuss them, but try to keep it minimal and not spoiling it beyond that. Saying "hero traverses Juy Sea by ship" and "Bonny is very demanding but cute" is fine, describing captain's condition is not. Please use common sense. Even then some posts might receive moderation. If it would become a burden for moderation team, this thread might get locked and hidden away. Thank you for reading!
    3 points
  3. I mean it's nice that we are getting a new feature, but I dont have high hopes - I think this will be yet another (probably short-term) money printing avenue. How about you focus on improving the existing functionality instead of saying "fuck it, this is lost, lets have something new". There are a number of features which will greatly improve the game experience for users, but I guess they dont make any money, so are put at the bottom of the backlog: - How about some new (personal) champions - this should be something fairly easy to do, but it would give a lot of players some additional stuff to do - After you were so eager to make changes to the PoP, how about some slight rebancing. I understand that you did not want to be very generous with the new PoPs from the get-go, but in their current form they are simply a joke. I am not even level 300 and they are barely worth the click for me, I assume most higher-level players just dont bother. - Ideally you should show all probabilities in the UI. I am not a lawyer, but given that you offer the service to players from Belgium, you should comply with their "loot boxes law" (aka pachinko). I assume what you are currently doing is somewhat illegal
    3 points
  4. Hello all, I hope everyone is enjoying the GH as much as I do. My name is T., and my handler is AlchemistQ, one of the moderators here. I started playing this game since March 2021 so I am quite inexperienced with all the guys in the Haremverse, but I have a nack for asking questions to find out information. I live in Canada, the eastern part (Ontario) so in the Eastern Standard Time (EST). I do have several careers and a full-time job, but I will try to be here for you as much as possible. Cheers, T. P.S: Please create a tag to start introducing yourself.
    3 points
  5. If you're looking for a serious answer, it's (much like a lot of the backgrounds in the side-quests) a re-used asset from Clicker. This beach, specifically is from Chapter 6 on the island of Solaria.
    2 points
  6. It *may* not apply - though I'd want to look into the legal specifics of that in each individual jurisdiction before asserting that as fact - but that doesn't change the fact that this is a p2p game and you're selling an in game currency and encouraging players to pseudo-gamble with that currency. The odds of success should be clearly available to all. Where gambling regulation is coming into place, almost every regulator is setting this as a base line requirement. Even *if* it's not a legal requirement in any of the jurisdictions you operate for this specific structure of game, it is simply transparent and customer friendly practice. It could even be viewed as a type of future proofing
    2 points
  7. should people even allowed to moderate with such a low rank?
    2 points
  8. Free pull + 54 orbs for Valentina 80 more orbs for Layla.
    2 points
  9. Loot box law applies for mainstream games. And not for adult ones. Indeed you are not a lawyer. Nothing illegal is being done.
    2 points
  10. Sooo. today´s patch notes are pretty much just the side quest.. well and the announcement of the new feature. I really hope that the new pantheon feature will be an interesting one I would have liked if KK gave us a date/time when the new feature will be released on the test server and not just a "this week"
    2 points
  11. Comix Harem << Previous Event This event is part of the Thunder and Lightning Season. Next Event >> Legendary Days Starting on the 13th of October Let me tangle you My spidey senses are tingling in the mere thought of you, Wildman! Starting today until the 17th (1 pm UTC+2) of October you will have four days to get Arachnologist Jane, also known as Arachno Slit. You must first fight Grey Golem to get the legendary heroine with the silken pussy in your Harem. She will trap you in her web and won’t let you go until you’ve made her cum! You seem to have gotten yourself in a sticky situation here, Wildman! Boss Girl Arachno Slit @Noacc
    1 point
  12. Now I need to make sure to stay away from that "Forum Superstar" 😃😃😃 badge LOL The Russian for "member" is "член", which has another meaning - dick 😃 So, all those silver, gold and platinum dicks are also pretty hilarious... to say the least 😃
    1 point
  13. Wow, I never thought that one day I would become a superstar ...
    1 point
  14. oh, since when do we have more emojis available, nothing special, but a nice to have
    1 point
  15. Got em. 50 spins for Valentina. 50 spins lost to Layla, had to buy with 4x.
    1 point
  16. There are 2 5-star Legendary girls in the Mythic Pachinko pool today : Valentina and Layla. 😱 That's pretty crazy... I hope there will be a pachinko contest today or tomorrow to make the best out of my orbs ! (I already have the 3rd girl so I don't know who it is)
    1 point
  17. The KK guys definitely have a cruel sense of humor. But who knows. Maybe Trixie has the superpower of un-nerfing things, making the game winnable again.
    1 point
  18. Guys, delay has occurred with the CxH to HH crosspromo Posting it here too. CxH to HH cross-promo delay The scheduled for this week Cross-promo between CxH and HH will be delayed. Red Battler will see you soon! Thank you for your patience and support. Kind regards, Kinkoid
    1 point
  19. Managing PoA and the AM booster at the same time is a pain 😒
    1 point
  20. Bonsoir, ce sera la dernière fois que je m'exprimerai sur le forum de ce jeu. Voilà, j'ai décidé de quitter dans premier temps, c'est une décision personnelle de ma part. N'ayant plus aucun plaisir à jouer ce jeu, j'ai décidé de partir. Le jeu s'étant rapproché d'une corvée que d'un véritable plaisir. J'étais comme un fumeur qui a besoin de sa clope tous les matins. Mais avant, je me dois de vous expliquer tout ce qui m' a saoulé du jeu. Les mises à jour s'enchainant de plus en plus pour le que le jeu devienne P2W . Dans les nouveautés déplorables : - Les journées mythiques : génial, il faut dépenser minimum 15 k pour avoir la fille, donc dépenser de l'argent. - Les boosters et cadeaux mythiques, c'est génial ils sont en kobans, comme quoi on n'avait pas assez de trucs en kobans. - L'annulation des capacités de classes, génial ça rend obligatoire toutes les journées mythiques, donc 15 k en moins chaque mois. - L'obligation de faire du PVP, génial, il faut acheter des boosters qui coutent encore plus cher que les anciens. - Le chemin de l'affection, génial, il faut encore 7, 5 de Kobans. - Les journées légendaires, il faudra peut être dépenser des kobans/ - Les dessins bâclés, quand on paie, autant le faire pour du va vite... - La 4 G qui fond comme au soleil, tellement que le jeu consomme, génial mon opérateur téléphonique sera content de me faire payer plus. - La quantité d'évènement qui est juste absurde, ce serait dommage d'avoir quelques jours de repos, être là h24 pour créer une sensation de dépendance. Sans oublier que toutes les mécaniques qui sont ajoutées vont dans ce sens, le jeu n'a plus la saveur d'antan. J'ai juste l'impression que vous prenez vos joueurs pour des vaches à lait; sans jamais tenir compte de leurs avis. J'ai juste qu'il n'y a que le pognon qui intéresse les développeurs. Le plaisir d'antan n'est plus qu'une utopie perdue au fin fond du Mont Fuji. Face à un jeu de plus en plus avide de temps et d'argent avec ses mécaniques vicieuses et pernicieuses. J'ai ressenti de plus en plus une impression malsaine en y jouant. Ce jeu devient de plus en plus nocif pour moi. Ceci dit, j'ai eu aussi de bons dessus, ne pas l'évoquer serait mentir. J'ai rencontré des personnes extraordinaires avec qui j'ai encore contact. Merci à Joe et Govenants de m'avoir supporté tout ce temps. Merci à tous ceux qui me liront. Je remercie aussi mon grand ami, DragonFire avec qui j'ai encore contact, et qui m'a donné ma chance. Je souhaite aux autres une bonne continuation. Je suis content de mettre tout ça derrière moi, j'ai récupéré du temps libre pour étudier mon japonais. Oui, je parle de mieux en mieux. Bon jeu à tous, et merci de m'avoir lu. Un modérateur partant à la retraite.
    1 point
  21. Je ne suis pas du tout d'accord et je comprend totalement @Polonsky. Depuis l'arrivée des mythiques, j'ai bien senti le coup de balancier vers le payant. Avec les nouveaux lieux de pouvoir qui ne rapportent que des broutilles inutiles mais qui font surtout qu'on va toucher maintenant moins d'orbes PEx1 qu'avant l'apparition des lieux (sauf s'il ont augmenté le taux de drop mais rien ne le laisse croire maintenant), obtenir toutes les filles du mois est impossible en F2P, même en étant très assidu. Même performer en ligues pour viser des top 4 mini va coûter beaucoup plus cher en kobans et se fera au détriment d'évents du mois. J'ai déjà laissé tombé les journées légendaires et je joue beaucoup moins les compétitions légendaires. Je ne parle même pas des kumpétitions qui ne se finissent la plupart du temps qu'avec des rencarts. Je vais donc avoir moins de filles 5* légendaires par mois et à terme je serai moins performant en ligues car je ne bénéficierai plus des filles ayant le plus de bénédictions, donc je gagnerai moins de kokos et c'est le cercle vicieux. Performer en F2P demande de plus en plus de temps de jeu (surtout si vous devez ouvrir le harem : c'est une plaie totale avec pratiquement 800 filles qui bloque un PC relativement puissant avec une liaison fibre, je n'essaye même plus sur smartphone ou tablette). Je ne suis même pas totalement F2P : je paie de temps en temps une CM gold (il faut bien que KK gagne sa vie). Alors oui, on peut jouer en dilettante gratuitement (comme beaucoup) mais ce n'est pas ce qui m'intéresse. Je n'ai aucune envie de servir de faire valoir pour les joueurs payants. Je ne répondrai plus à aucun sondage car ils sont soit totalement négligés (nombre d'évents par mois), soit détournés au point que ce qui est fourni n'a plus rien à voir avec la demande. Genre quelles autres récompenses voudriez-vous ? Des livres mais sans toucher aux lieux. Et bien vous aurez des nouveaux lieux pour toucher des livres épiques (!) ou des chlorea légendaires !!!! Ou alors : on reçoit trop peu de cadeaux et de livres. Pourquoi pas des cadeaux et des livres mythiques => on en fournit mais en kobans et pour plus cher que de renouveler le marché... Je continue à jouer car j'avais un stock important de kobans mais il fond très rapidement (50% depuis l'apparition des filles mythiques). Lorsque ce ne sera plus le cas (d'ici quelques mois au rythme actuel), je suivrai Polonsky et bien des membres de mon club parmi les plus anciens. Espérons que d'ici là, KK aura pris conscience qu'il va perdre énormément de joueurs. Sinon, il faudra tourner la page...
    1 point
  22. Here is the table, where you can see, how much shards you will get, according to your impression done and number of club members participating. By the way, you can ask these type of questions in your club chat, or club forum 😉 We'll answer them.
    1 point
  23. The art style is way better! Definitely in the right direction. Now I get the impression that the art is actually getting some love and is not just stressed to not miss a deadline. As long as art style goes, this is enough of an improvement for me! Well done! But... now I'm afraid that this will sound harsh but just remember that this is just my own personal opinion. Like I already said here: 🗯️💥Comix Harem Beta! 💥🗯️ the biggest problem for me is the actual design of the girls, not the art style. The faces makes them look like ripped grandmas with dyed hair (or witches as I worded it in the other thread), and I'm not into the whole GILF thing 😅 My problem is this: My first impression of a girl comes from her face, if her face is below my standards then I'm not even interested in her body (unless it's from behind lol). She's not someone that will make me pitch a tent, nor will she make me play pocket table-tennis. Sorry for that section, just know that I think the art style is great and I'm sure that everyone will prefer this new style! Keep up the good work!
    1 point
  24. maybe you could do it in a hidden thread?
    0 points
  25. Too bad spamming is against the forum rules so I can't speedrun new ranks 😏
    0 points
  26. Yeah and also new forum ranks. I'm just a gold member peasant now 😰
    0 points
  27. Hi! It's been a while since my last comment, but when the forum got updated last June I ended up being logged out and unable to log in again from my regular PC (I'm actually using a "borrowed" one to post this). I tried the usual things, clearing cache, cookies and even the history of my browsers, but to no avail. Even the support team (thanks again, guys) were unable to find a solution, tho I must admit that I didn't gave them too much time to work on it. But anyway, let me show you how I've been doing as of late: That's my current and also final standing. I admit it, the game has won. I knew this moment would come since the game moved to a five events per month schedule, and later seven with the introduction of the "premium" events (I call them that because, unlike the regular ones, you can't win the girl without spending kobans), and it finally happened: I got burnt out. It's already been a while since the game has lost all its charn, emotion and excitement (it's not a "fun" game to being with), and instead every task now feels like a chore.So yeah, it's time to move on. It's been a pleasure to chat with you guys, and I hope you're luckier than me and enjoy the game for a long time. Bye, and take care! Now what am I going to do with all the free time that I used to waste spend here? XD By the way, if there's someone reading this with the same problem I have to log in(I can't be the only one, rigt?), I'd give the support team a chance because I'm sure that, with a bit more time, they would have found a solution to my problem.
    0 points
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