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[May 2023 ] Recruit Equipment & Resonance - #RERTest


Recruit Equipment - #RERTest -> 9000 koban (HH Test Server)  

138 members have voted

  1. 1. You looking forward to this addition to the game?

  2. 2. Do you understand how it'll work?

  3. 3. Do you like the Equipment Pachinko?

  4. 4. What abbreviation(s) do you like for the new Equipment Pachinko orbs? (multiple choice)

    • EqP (Equipment Pachinko)
    • REP (Recruit Equipment Pachinko)
    • GEP (Girl Equipment Pachinko)
    • GGP (Girl Gear Pachinko)
    • None. I'll brainstorm something else in the comments.
    • QP (eQuipment Pachinko)
    • FOKK (Fuck Off Kinkoid)
  5. 5. Do you think the way the QP orbs are distributed in events and cards are fair (8/16, 10/20, 6/12)?

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Il y a 5 heures, Master-17 a dit :

This is publicly available information presented in a convenient way, presented using a Liliat's Harem++ script. However, the developer himself was tired of the constant changes made to the game code lately, so he abandoned the game and support for the script. Therefore, it has not been updated for a long time and does not support the latest innovations.

thats why i could not find this information becaise i am not using it. thanx

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5 hours ago, Master-17 said:

This is publicly available information presented in a convenient way, presented using a Liliat's Harem++ script. However, the developer himself was tired of the constant changes made to the game code lately, so he abandoned the game and support for the script. Therefore, it has not been updated for a long time and does not support the latest innovations.

I still use the script. even tho it does not take into account the latest stuff, the harem screen is superior to the default one.
The main thing for me tho is the girl equipment screen; as seen in the screenshot a couple posts above, having everything on one screen and able to easily see where they would be best utilized is just too convenient.

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On 9/30/2023 at 7:16 AM, madahmed said:

Hi. I want to know how do you know this type of information inside the game?

I am clicking everywhere but have not find it yet. do you use a specific script for that?

On 2/1/2022 at 7:00 AM, DvDivXXX said:

@Liliat's Harem++: Changes the Harem interface and has its own very handy interface to have a global look at all your Girl Gear all at once, including the ones currently equipped. You can compare items by slot, by girl and more.
Overview: https://github.com/LiliatHH/haremplusplus/
Direct Link: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LiliatHH/haremplusplus/main/release/haremplusplus.user.js
Supported games: HH.com

It's this script, if you wanna use it.  Still works for RE.  I leave it on as default, unless I want to upgrade affection scenes, or filter girls differently.

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On 7/30/2023 at 3:26 AM, Ravi-Sama said:

A full set of 42 maxed commons needs 2,268 material, and mythics need 11,340 material.  If we knew the monthly rate of material gained, then I could estimate how long they'd take. 

  Qty Value QxV
common 128 1 128
rare 373 1 373
epic 158 2 316
legend 43 2 86
sum 702   903


After about 5 months time, as a normal player, (no Ymen spend) this is what I have obtain free,
2268/903 * 5 months = ~ 12 months  (1 Year)

11340/903 * 5 months = ~ 62 months( 5 Year).

Yea 🙄Got to wait 5 years to max out my  random mystic or max out  common in the first year.


months Equip req common
1 4.5 16.67 5
2 9 33.33 10
3 13.5 50.00 15
4 18 66.67 20
5 22.5 83.33 25
6 27 100.00 30
7 31.5 116.67 35
8 36 133.33 40
9 40.5 150.00 45
10 45 166.67 50
11 49.5 183.33 55
12 54 200.00 60
13 58.5 200.00 65
14 63 200.00 70
15 67.5 200.00 75
16 72 200.00 80
17 76.5 200.00 85
18 81 200.00 90
19 85.5 200.00 95
20 90 200.00 100
21 94.5 200.00 105
22 99 200.00 110
23 103.5 200.00 115
24 108 200.00 120
25 112.5 200.00 125
26 117 200.00 130
27 121.5 200.00 135
28 126 200.00 140
29 130.5 200.00 145
30 135 200.00 150
31 139.5 200.00 155
32 144 200.00 160
33 148.5 200.00 165
34 153 200.00 170
35 157.5 200.00 175
36 162 200.00 180
37 166.5 200.00 185
38 171 200.00 190
39 175.5 200.00 195
40 180 200.00 200
41 184.5 200.00 205
42 189 200.00 210
43 193.5 200.00 215
44 198 200.00 220
45 202.5 200.00 225
46 207 200.00 230
47 211.5 200.00 235
48 216 200.00 240
49 220.5 200.00 245
50 225 200.00 250
51 229.5 200.00 255
52 234 200.00 260
53 238.5 200.00 265
54 243 200.00 270
55 247.5 200.00 275
56 252 200.00 280
57 256.5 200.00 285
58 261 200.00 290
59 265.5 200.00 295
60 270 200.00 300



Edited by hihi1237823
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7 hours ago, hihi1237823 said:

Yea 🙄Got to wait 5 years to max out my  random mystic or max out  common in the first year.

Thanks.  It confirms that my preference for maxing commons, is the logical path, for now.  Until we somehow get RE material much more frequently.  Looks like it takes 40 months (3.33 years) for a F2P player w/ mythic gear to catch up, to the raw power that maxed commons provide in the just the first year.  It probably would've taken longer before the QP improvements. 

I have level 6-7 common gear atm.  They give a ~16k TP boost.

Have 10 mythic RE atm, but not enough to fully support one girl properly, via poses, for an Atk % boost.

Doggie Style - 1
Dolphin - 3
Nose Dive - 1
Indian Headstand - 2
Splitting Bamboo - 3 (but all for slot 4)


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9 hours ago, hihi1237823 said:
60 270 200.00 300

How did you come to these values? Looks like you ignored resonance bonuses and also the flat ego, AP and defence completely? According to some math I made, which is surely not 100% precise/correct, but tries to imply resonance bonuses, mythic gear is more than 3 times as valuable than common gear at same level, with defence resonance bonus explicitly excluded, as it is practically impossible to match both for a significant number of gear any time soon. While of course one cannot match each pose every week, with 12 poses on 7 girls, you should be usually able to match more than 50% of them. So calculating with mythic = common * 1.5 is wrong.

I thought about going the common gear route as well, but only until max level 4 or 5, depending on mythic gear drops. But after I got a lucky streak with 5 mythics among 20 orbs or so, I decided against it and went the long term route right from the start. I did also level some legendary gear earlier, but would not do that anymore, or only until level 3 or 4 as a temporary filler. According to my math, the invested material even in legendary gear with resonance match until level 5 is more rewarding than common gear to level 10, i.e. the higher levels decrease the reward of the invest harder than the higher rarities do.

Here my current team:


This is not F2P but with season pass and silver card (+1 EqPx2 orb per day) and I did buy 2 world bundles, which contain EqPx1 orbs (those were not upgraded with the EqPx2 introduction). And I did unlock all PoV/PoG bonus paths.

I could match more mythic gear. E.g. I chose Sexorcist Shegobara over Cyber Jenet, since the first gets 0.8% AP bonus from Lara's GS3 while Cyber Janet would get 0.75% AP bonus from the 3 level 5 mythic gear. The necessity to fiddle with the gear on top of the team, skills etc every week is of course an argument for the simple common gear route 😄.

Compared to Ravi, less TP, flat ego and  AP, interestingly more flat defence, as common gear gives less defence than AP, while all other rarities give more defence than AP (and still more AP, of coures). One TP gives 2 ego + 0.25 AP + 0.12 defence, hence the diff is:

  • Ego: (15900-14346)*2+(7950-7173)=3885 (EDIT: 3885*1.3=5050,5 with 3 Chlorella)
  • AP: (15900-14346)*0.25+(1325-1212)=501.5 (EDIT: 501.5*1.25=626.9 with 1 Cordy and AME)
  • Defence: (15900-14346)*0.12+(795-1884)=-902.52

The resonance bonuses give me, just with current team snapshot with average boosters (1 Cordy, 3 Chlorella), about:

  • Ego: 6.93%*790k=54747
  • AP: 3.35%*170k=5695
  • Defence: 1.84%*45k=828

To be true, I am not sure how exactly those bonuses apply, i.e. whether/with which other AP/ego bonuses they are additively added, and in which cases multiplicatively. So they might be lower. On the other hand, for veterans with higher stats, resonance bonuses become larger. However it does not matter so much, since the resonance bonuses give one magnitude of order larger final stat bonuses than the TP difference does.

For a complete picture, I'll calculate and add the difference of invested material of our both cases.

EDIT: Ah, of course the TP ego, AP and defence should benefit from other percentage bonuses as well, like boosters. Also there not sure which bonuses apply in which way on stats resulting from TP exactly. Boosters at least should fully apply, i.e. ego*1.3 and AP*1.25 to imply the same boosters which I applied for my resonance bonuses.

Edited by Horsting
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2 hours ago, Horsting said:

Compared to Ravi, less TP, flat ego and  AP, interestingly more flat defence, as common gear gives less defence than AP, while all other rarities give more defence than AP (and still more AP, of coures).

It's nice to see the progress of RE on a different path, to compare what could've been.

I'm considering focusing on either a physical or submissive RE set, of legendary/mythic rarities, for a specific girl, once I've completed the common set.  I don't use legendary RE as fodder.  My logic is that I would likely always use a shield bearer in the team, for leagues.

I have 4/6 for both CH Sub & HC Physical.  There aren't any HC Physical M6s yet, so I'm leaning towards a CH Sub set for my tier 5 shield bearer.  It would work for Demon Queen Mala and a Black haired team.


My ideal set would instead be KH Physical, so I could equip Elder Magus Bianca, for a Virgo Team.  I have many physical/voyeur hero mythic gear, and most of these girls are high level already, so that's my preference.  Just have 3 of that type atm.


If I were aiming for a blue eyed team, then KH Dom RE would be the way to go.  Both Bright Agate and Royal Housemaid are KH Dom M6s.  I have 5 Dom RE, but really only enough for 3 slots.  These girls are pretty much maxed already, since I used them for the pantheon.  I don't have much Dom Atk hero m gear for my current CH class (1).  I could switch to HC for 3 Dom Atk hero m gear, but that's still not a full set, so it's not tempting.


Hopefully, by the time I complete the common set, I'll have more legendary/mythic RE options.  I'd rather not invest material into high rarity RE, that I won't use later.  Especially when a common set is enough atm.

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So I just noticed that the 1 game cost for Equipment Pachinko goes up with level. now that makes sense with player Equipment as the stats go up with level as well however for girl Equipment those are set stats why should the cost increase just because my level is higher.

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1 hour ago, Tom208 said:

you're asking for consistency in this game, right?

Hmmm. Consistency would be nice to(in this case they are consistently doing it on all systems), but this is just more asking for basic logic in how there doing some things.

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I've made the comment to Kinkoid the day it came out, but it hasn't been taken seriously as an issue. To be fair, it's at least not an exponential increase as we had for some time with GP after they've opened Pandora's Box beyond Hero Level 500, but it's still fairly annoying.

The GGx1 is super expensive in Ymens to begin with. It's unfair some of us have to spend 43M on a single random GG piece while others barely 30M or less (and a few probably well over 50M by now).

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But to be true: For those which have to spend less, Ymen are more a bottleneck or rare compared to those which have to spend more. I was considering to invest a significant number of Ymen into EqPx1 now, where it is cheaper, but decided against it as there are still more beneficial uses than a single fodder GG. I see this more as a Ymen sink for contests like the CCbC or PoA, and when you really cannot make better use of the Ymen, like resetting GS. So I am not 100% sure whether a fixed price, so that it is even more unthinkable for low/mid level players than now already, is really a good idea and overall fair.

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Hope kinkoid Takes resbonsibillity for this Latest major screw up considering how some people abused the free girl equipment pachinko to get years and Decades worth of progress in mere minutes its not fair for the rest of the Players to be forced to fight against these Cheaters and yes i think the People who abused this bug deserve to get Perma Banned and the most fair action kinkoid could take for now in my opinion for most players is to disable girl Equipment entirely until they have Resolved The issue

Edited by Rylarth
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I would do something subtler -> remove from their ymen bank every roll even if it puts them in negative.
I suppose the system could handle it (nearly nobody uses unsigned integers in a database) and let them grind up.

While in negative ymen, you couldn't :

  • buy XP/Aff items from the market,
  • upgrade girls,
  • do money objectives in PoA or DP,
  • advance in adventure when there is paid stuff,
  • do money pachinko rolls
Edited by mdnoria
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1 hour ago, mdnoria said:

I would do something subtler -> remove from their ymen bank every roll even if it puts them in negative.

Not only that but also offer them a ymen bundle to bring them back into a positive balance. God, I love capitalism.

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kinkoid Should probably Seriously Consider it an issue after this normaly i would 100% agree with DvDivXXX about shouting out bad opponents in Leagues Being a shitty Move but i think DvDivXXX can agree that Blatantly abusing a unintended bug to get years of Girl equipment for free is worse and Jokes aside i dont Think negative yemen Balance is enough of a punishment in most games abusing a bug to get easy wins skipping years ahead of everybody else would 100% get perma banned in most games i ever heard of i hope these Cheaters get what they Deserve and i hope the Community helps out with flushing out some of these Cheaters🤬probablysomebugabusers.thumb.jpeg.b093d3459141e4fc33cd89473861cd36.jpeg

Edited by Rylarth
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On 10/28/2023 at 4:01 PM, DvDivXXX said:

I've made the comment to Kinkoid the day it came out, but it hasn't been taken seriously as an issue. To be fair, it's at least not an exponential increase as we had for some time with GP after they've opened Pandora's Box beyond Hero Level 500, but it's still fairly annoying.

The GGx1 is super expensive in Ymens to begin with. It's unfair some of us have to spend 43M on a single random GG piece while others barely 30M or less (and a few probably well over 50M by now).


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On 11/1/2023 at 3:48 AM, Rylarth said:

kinkoid Should probably Seriously Consider it an issue after this normaly i would 100% agree with DvDivXXX about shouting out bad opponents in Leagues Being a shitty Move but i think DvDivXXX can agree that Blatantly abusing a unintended bug to get years of Girl equipment for free is worse and Jokes aside i dont Think negative yemen Balance is enough of a punishment in most games abusing a bug to get easy wins skipping years ahead of everybody else would 100% get perma banned in most games i ever heard of i hope these Cheaters get what they Deserve and i hope the Community helps out with flushing out some of these Cheaters

Agreed in spirit, except that:

  1. I really hope that Kinkoid does something about this bug abuse proactively and on a large scale. In this case, the community doesn't need to intervene beyond what we've already done: informing Kinkoid and giving them our feedback that this was a game-breaking bug exploit and hoping they punish the big offenders accordingly. @Tohru - Kinkoid.
  2. If Kinkoid stays silent or doesn't do anything about this issue on a global scale, then I fully agree that we should point out the potential cheaters we suspect, so they can at least review it on a case by case basis. However, it should be done privately by sending reports to Kinkoid, not publicly by accusing someone of cheating directly on the forum. We still don't want to condone any witch hunts, let alone encourage one.

    As players, even if we strongly suspect someone of having abused this bug, we can't be 100% sure, and we can't do anything about it ourselves anyway. Shaming them in a public message cannot do any good, but it can definitely do them harm. Reporting them silently to Kinkoid and letting them check if the player in question did cheat or not, and punish them if they're indeed a cheater is the way to go.
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Excellent news. I was beginning to wonder if they were going to let this go unaddressed.

I trust Sandman, and this message sounds good and fair.

I'm still unclear on the details, though. Let's say someone acquired thousands of common and rare pieces from exploiting the bug and used them all to max out their mythic and legendary pieces (which sounds likely as there was the CCC event still ongoing at the time and awarding points not only for getting but also upgrading equipment pieces)... Hopefully they were still able to identify that and either take away the pieces upgraded that way, or revert them to level 1. But I'm not sure if that's the case or not.

In any case, it's great that they took it seriously and sent a clear message that this wasn't okay.

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