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​📜​Patch Notes Hentai Heroes 2024 ​📜​


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4 minutes ago, Noacc said:

Haven't gotten time to read the full feedback for everyone, so I'll briefly explain about the rebalancing.

Yea it's a big balance update indeed of the soft currency - Yemens.
But even with the balance changes there won't be a deficit of Yemens 

Right now as it is with all the features being released the economy quite broken and needed rebalancing. 

That being said, do voice your feedback, opinions and concerns on that, please!


If the availability of a feature or resource is deemed too high, instead of reducing the availability, the better approach is to devalue it with something superior (like mythic girls did to legendary ones) or increase the amount needed by adding new things to use it on. I'm totally okay with spending half of my money on a new feature. But when you just take something away from the player like this, it only ends up with them feeling robbed, angry, and cheated. And perhaps the bigger problem is that there was zero warning given.

It does sound as though those new things to use money on are coming. So the only question is, why was it considered necessary to massively reduce the player's resources at the same time instead of just increasing the price of upcoming new features to take into account the state of the current game economy? If this is an attempt to make current expenses (stat upgrades, buying market items, etc.) more relevant too, well, best to just accept that that aspect of the game stops serving as a barrier after a certain point and move on. There's nothing wrong with that, it's par for the course for basic resources like that to stop being a relevant factor in mobile games after getting far enough.

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31 minutes ago, SoggyShorts said:

I'm still snickering about this.  You get my vote for winning the forum for the week!  That would have been absolutely priceless!  Just add a pop-up to click through with each sale: "How's our ass taste NOW?"  Thank you so much for this cynical jewel! 🙂

It was a pleasure :D

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Well as many others I'm a bit shocked (specially since i had way many equipment that i was saving) but i can understand why this was done. The only thing that bother me a bit is that there was no communication again and that now I'm gonna have money problem at some point. Well in the game the main money gain should be our harems, and i agree, but (for me at least) is not really a thing since it would take eons to collect the money (so this felt like: go buy our card to make the money collect free, but again I'm maybe too malicious XD).

The bright side is that now temporary Pop with money are valuable 😉 and we still have some money from the season. I can only hope for a cost reduction in the next POA, or that the new feature that is going to come will give money too. 

Side note just yesterday i used 90M for the housemaid and 130M in the adventure, good thing I always think that something can go wrong and for this i always have a plan (for now i still have lots of money)

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As Kenrae mentioned, all Kinkoid had to do was introduce a gradual drop on all items AFTER level 400. The game was finely balanced until that point, the problems start after those levels.

Instead; the game is now becomes ultra hard in the first year (why even bother playing) and doesn't impact the old players sitting on their 4 year old stockpiles for ages; which is the opposite point of all the rebalancing!

Just wait until the complaints start in 3 weeks on ComixH., nearly all players will start to notice the problems this created from that point on.

Edited by Gotaku
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5 minutes ago, Gerard Cocks said:

Another nerf aimed at a high level player problem, for which the low(er) level players suffer. I see a pattern here!

I just call it Orbs 2.0. 

Nah! Orbs 2.0 is to have Dating Tokens as an Affection item in the Market priced like Legendary Equipment. 

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Now I've experienced how unusefull is to collect Champions items.

-Take sonny, these 3.4M and this exceptional unique equipment the grandtotal value of 70k.-

-Hey, Visor, why you kept so much cash aside and not using better equipment for yourself?-

-You cannot see the BIgger Scheme (tm)!-

-What's about such Scheme? Everyone quote it but no one seems to have figured out.-

-Look, there's a three ball ninja right there!-


-Whe--- oh, c'mon!... Let's sell this unique piece of trash.-


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4 hours ago, SoggyShorts said:

I'm still snickering about this.  You get my vote for winning the forum for the week!  That would have been absolutely priceless!  Just add a pop-up to click through with each sale: "How's our ass taste NOW?"  Thank you so much for this cynical jewel! 🙂

at least on nutaku that was impossible since we had a pure sell item contest on patch day (which, lucky me, i finished with 160k points before 2nd and got me around 25G).

it was also announced in a sense that we knew from QA that it will eventually come, but the execution was another catastrophe - not sure though if it's really worth mentionting it, again and again. I dont know, but if different people would tell me that my communication is bad, i would at least start thinking about a) if they may have a point and b) if they have, how to change it. I mean, there are so many easy options to improve it, like for instance: dont implement something you cannot announce in patch notes 3 days/a week before.

Anyway, i just feel bad for the poor low level players, another patch that dont really affects me, most likely not even long, long, long term.

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6 hours ago, Pelinor said:

@Liliat, You forgot to include Club bonuses on Yemen which is suddenly a significant factor on player income!

I really hope that's gallows humor. Or haven't you noticed that club bonuses on yemen were removed some weeks ago? It was considered a minor bug, though, but who knows...

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Just now, Bobick said:

I really hope that's gallows humor. Or haven't you noticed that club bonuses on yemen were removed some weeks ago? It was considered a minor bug, though, but who knows...

It is a bug, and they aren't removed everywhere, it's accounted on many places.

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13 hours ago, holymolly said:

@DvDivXXX you forgot to unlock it :D

Have I? ^^ (Nah seriously I was at work when the patch happened, but I knew another heroic masochist would reopen those gates to hell ^^).

8 hours ago, GeorgeMTO said:

People can't see the big picture

My hero just used my favorite saying. :$


Anyways, @Noacc I agree with the main points raised so far, but I'd like to emphasize further that this nerf failed in the exact same way as the good orb nerfs, or the league rewards nerf. Those nerfs would have been relevant and probably sufficient years ago, when fixing the broken present and future would have been enough. Kinkoid doesn't have a time machine, though (well, except for the Harem loading times imported from 1995 ^^).

So yeah, right now, they need to fix the consequences of years of rampant imbalance. It's way too late to prevent those consequences. A direct attack to active veterans' stashes is also out of the question, because it would be an immeasurably jerk move. So, the only decent thing to do to try and implement balance (can't really "re-balance" something that has never been balanced) is... just about the opposite as the recent 2019-set nerfs. Give mid-players some love, for a change, and a whole lotta love. While continuing to slowly soften the Kinkoid-given god-mode for active veterans, and boost the daunting task of somewhat catching up a bit for current and future new players.

We need MORE good resources in circulation overall, not less. The game economy is broken because 1% of the player base owns everything and then some (and then obscene amounts of more). Lowering everyone's income won't fix the ratio, it'll just keep giving a majority of players a miserable experience. I mean, famine is bad in the castle, but it's nowhere near as bad as in the country. We don't want the king's head (and we couldn't have it if we did), we just want more food for the people.

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Not sure if anyone has mentioned this but Daily contests where the goal is to donate money will be more miserable than it was before. All this patch does is give high level players a free win for some extra Kobans as nobody else can afford to participate.

If they wanted to rebalance the game my suggestion would have been to drastically decrease the cost of upgrading girls. The high level players already have their Harems maxed, by lowering the cost it will allow new and mid game players to actually catch up and be relevant. Plus it would be more fun to actually be able to use the girls your collecting and not have them sit there for weeks because you have no resources.

Also can we remove the collect all function from behind the pay wall, i cant imagine many players pay to do this. I would imagine most don't even collect their Harem cash?

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6 hours ago, Varaczek said:

This nerf is definitely incomplete, Kinkoid, you clearly forgot to also cut off 90% of the ymen players have on hand currently. Screw'em even harder, maybe they'll like it, you know?

Or... OR... implement a 10% per day ymen decay.  Every day, we wake up to 10% fewer of a shrinking pile of currency.

Unless we buy a card, of course.  Carrot and stick: whack 'em with programmatic currency theft and call it a perk to make it stop!

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Ok, I made an account just to throw my 2 cents into these already murky waters. 

I'm only around level 230, I've played off and on over the last couple years, quite a bit more recently though. For me, selling items after 10 pulls was my most reliable source of in-game income.  Now with this reduction, I'm getting around 10% of what I could get before.  Selling epic equipment that had net me around 330k now gets me around 40k.  With this drastic decrease I can't afford to buy the more effective gifts to up affection let alone gain the amount of cash needed to bring a girl to the next tier in any reasonable amount of time.

I also find the thought of spending the total of a couple day's grinding just to raise one stat by 60 like it isn't really worth it.  I hate to say it, but I feel like my legs have just been swept from under me with the only option left being to crawl forward at a snail's pace.  I don't like that, not one bit.

All that in mind, I don't want to quit this game, I really don't.  That said, if my only real way of progressing is slowed even further, not to mention my rate of leveling/transforming the girls in the game (which should be the whole point of this) then I'm really not getting a lot of enjoyment out of this.


*also, just to note, extra salty about the fact that I'd finally just gotten my first mythic girl, and now it will probably take several times as long to max out her tier...

Edited by M7IN
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8 hours ago, DvDivXXX said:

We need MORE good resources in circulation overall, not less. The game economy is broken because 1% of the player base owns everything and then some (and then obscene amounts of more). Lowering everyone's income won't fix the ratio, it'll just keep giving a majority of players a miserable experience. I mean, famine is bad in the castle, but it's nowhere near as bad as in the country. We don't want the king's head (and we couldn't have it if we did), we just want more food for the people.

how could you expect to balance an ingame economy, if you grew up (and never learned) how economy could be thought differently than 1% has eveything as 99% has not nearly as much (not saying they have nothing or way too less). Just look around you.

I agree, ofc, mid and low level players should get some love. I would participate in an initiative to give 90% of my current stack to low level players, but before it gets real we should decide over some criterias, i.e. people who cant handle money shouldnt get anything, but how can we determine that?

Edited by blaa
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I wasn't really going to comment on this patch as, well, I'm already deep into my game strategy of Don't Care Anymore, Just Reading the Story which is working very well to keep my here (so far).

But, then some people started talking about how nerfing the values of things helps to balance the game and other people are talking about balancing the game by reducing the money that Vet players have accumulated and then it just really occurred to me...

For 10 dollars I can buy 6 million yemns. for 20 dollars, I can buy 30 million yemns.

Yes, you do get other things with those purchases but the main point is, you can't balance out earned in-game money when in-game money can also be purchased with Real Money(tm).  And those with Real Money(tm) to burn can buy as much in-game money as they enjoy to.

Yes, this game exists to earn Kinkoid et al. money. I've always stated that as an acceptable fact. So, unless Kinkoid removes Ymens from the Real Money(tm) purchasables, then the only thing that reducing the value of earned in-game money is that it attempts to push more incentive to spend Real Money(tm) on the game so you can have more in-game money that way.

Finally, other comments.

No, my harem is not maxed out (nor am I. I've got 39 more levels to gain before that).

Yes, CxH is a beast with how hard it is to get money and how frugal and tactful you have to be in spending it... if you want to also use it in PoA events and the like.

I return you now to your regularly scheduled thread, already in progress. :)

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Since we're already having a discussion on economics, I may as well say it like it is.  This entire issue really comes down to inflation, too much money in the hands of too few, and a governmental body scrambling for methods to reign all this back into control....while likely making the situation worse in the process.

Is this an exact analogy? No, obviously not, there are some differences in the situation, but it's close enough to be on the money for the most part.

That said, how do you control inflation?  That is a problem that human societies and marketplaces have been struggling with since the beginning.  There are any number of "methods", functional ones however are less common.

One common strategy would be to limit the amount of money in circulation, which seems to be what kinkoid decided to go with....but in this case it feels a little ham-fisted.  Sure, the ever flowing spigot of fresh money into a flooded economy has been slowed to a trickle, which might give them some time to figure out a solution...the catch is one of the big issues we've been talking about, the low-mid level players.

Using a real-world analogy, low and middle level players can be seen as low to low-middle income citizens.  The low income citizens, lets say players just starting out to 150 for the sake of argument, don't make a lot of money, but (hopefully) enough to get by, with little to nothing in the way of savings.  A sudden crisis in the way of cash flow can become a serious problem instantly. In game, there is no having to worry about players not being able to pay for the heating, electric, or food bills (unless we start talking micro-transactions...), but getting the cash to level up girls, raise the affection , evolve them, and then to raise the player's own stats is crucial.  Radically reducing payout of one of the 2 reliable early game sources of money is crippling and would actively harm the early game experience.  Sure it might cause one of the players to spend some cash to buy a pack, but more new players would be turned away.  Actively turning away new blood is not exactly a good plan.

...to be continued in part 2

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part 2

That brings us to the low-middle to middle class citizens, as before lets say level 151 to... I don't know, 300?... Anyway, I'm right smack dab in there around 230.  Thankfully, I still have sources of income, I have (had T_T) some savings, I can still get by...sort of.  However, things are suddenly a lot tighter than they were before.  Sure, I can get a little spending money from my girls every few hours, I can get a bit from performing, quests.... have virtually no payout but at least the XP is good, with luck I can maybe get a million from places of power every 6 hours, and then we come to champions, my one real source of income left...except that is also limited by both time and supply of tickets, but I'm not going to get into that.  Nevertheless, I'd honestly say that relying on selling items, more specifically the epics, I'd pulled from the odd 10X great summon was still my primary income, allowing me get the supplies i needed to continue leveling my team and myself.  Again, I can still get by, but I'm certainly not happy, and I'm really not in the mood to buy a resource pack at this time.

As for high tier players....I don't really know, personally.  From what I've read in the posts, you/they seem more dumbstruck at Kinkoid's choice and worried for the lower tier player-base (thanks for that btw) then worried that their "massive stack of cash" will suddenly disappear.  Rather than a balance change to fix the problem, it feels more like an annoyance for those in the high tier, a kick in the teeth/gut for those of us around the middle, and a stab in the back or sudden crisis for those further down.

All that said, my critique aside, do I have the solution?

Do I have the answer to the problem?

Am I the chosen one?

Hell no, what do you think I majored in, economics? 

Nah, I'm more the the history/anthropology department.  That said, I do know cycles, and I tend to notice when something is about to repeat itself.  This sort of thing kinda happens all the time.

My main thoughts/reflections come down to these main points.

  • Sudden drastic actions rarely work well and usually tend to exacerbate the situation.
  • Problems like this can only be solved with measured steps, with hopefully full transparency.
  • Be open to constructive criticism and discussion, perhaps someone out there has some good points or ideas on how to solve the problem in a way that works for almost everyone.
  • Have a little patience and trust for the community. Heck, I've played this off and on for a couple years, and most have played this for way longer.  We want to see this keep going, especially after the time and or money invested, so let us actively help in that.

That's pretty much all I have to say about this at the moment.  If i were to make a suggestion on what to do in the meantime to ease up on lower tier players...idk, maybe reinstate the original rate, but have a maximum value any item could sell for after a certain point. That way low and middle tier players would have that source of income back while putting a limit to the income at higher tiers.  (my apologies if this thought offends any high tier players out there. I'm not trying to single anyone out, it was just a thought that crossed my mind.  I doubt anyone is going to take it seriously)

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2 ore fa, TeeJay ha scritto:

For 10 dollars I can buy 6 million yemns. for 20 dollars, I can buy 30 million yemns.


It's a bit more contrived than that. The consequence of lacking ymens is that you spend more kobans for stuff like champions. PoP drops were already nerfed.

You're practically forced into the season pass (where actual money hide). But to compete in the season you need boosters and stuff, that cost kobans.

And you need to pay for a card, or your kobans quickly run down to 0 for any reason.

You don't end to buy ymens (such offers are ridiculous compared to actual incomes). You'll end to buy kobans.  Or your game become uncanny slow.

So, it's not even pay to win, it's pay to have fun. Guess what happen if you face a game that's not fun by default...

Edited by lepidocter
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16 hours ago, Saradis said:

I´m a pretty new player (less than 2 months) and since I pretty much never saw most of the nerfs talked about in the past I only know the game in the state it was in when I started (logical, I know^^°); but the state it was in was okay for me. Grindy, like many free to play games but I liked the concept, girls etc.

I usually choose and play games like this for a very long time but after this change it´s the first time to think about quitting a game that I actually liked this early on. Let me explain:

I´m close to lvl 200. Money is rare. My harem, while growing steadily, produces a bit over 220k over night which should be close to max or max. Champions are too strong to properly fight against them after 1-2 rounds, so this moneysource doesn´t work out. So the main income was the equip. Even before the nerf I was always short on money which should be expected as a relative new player but this throws the game more out of loop for me than some might think at first.

I have a lot of unupgraded girls and push them based on the buffs the next week to even habe a slight chance in the season or tower since I pretty much habe not many girls strong enough to do anything. For this I also buy the xp-books in the store. It barely works this way but it works somewhat. But if the moneysource is reduced that much I can no longer do this, a lot of mechanics simply break apart since I simply don´t have hundreds of girls at a decent level I can chose from every time. This is a real issue.
Sure, I understand fucked up economies in games etc if games just run long enough but PLEASE just nerf stuff like this "for future changes" if you prepare an alternate mechanic/source of income to rebalance the game at the same time.

I get the feeling and also read a lot about how hard it already was to catch up after this long time for new players but if you pretty much build up the hurdle time and time again to achieve pretty much anything people might give up because it might just seem to be an impossible taks and to be frank: chasing away new players and old ones alike is no viable businessmodel, rebalancing or not.....

There are a lot of poignant posts here, but the one above strikes a nerve.  Not only can I empathize, I feel that it's extremely relevant to nearly every player in the game.

To me, "catching up" means "being competitive with" & "having a similar number of girls as" almost any player that started the game when it launched.  That was my objective shortly after I started & I feel it was, and perhaps still is, at least kind of achievable.  If it offers you some hope, here's my profile:  https://www.hentaiheroes.com/hero/2717984/profile.html

In my Club & in these Forums, though, I try to put myself in new players' positions and wonder, "If I started in the last few months instead of last year, where would I be?  Would I still be here?"  I don't really have good answers; each month becomes more difficult than the last.

6 hours ago, M7IN said:

I hate to say it, but I feel like my legs have just been swept from under me with the only option left being to crawl forward at a snail's pace.  I don't like that, not one bit.

All that in mind, I don't want to quit this game, I really don't.  That said, if my only real way of progressing is slowed even further, not to mention my rate of leveling/transforming the girls in the game (which should be the whole point of this) then I'm really not getting a lot of enjoyment out of this.


*also, just to note, extra salty about the fact that I'd finally just gotten my first mythic girl, and now it will probably take several times as long to max out her tier...

This too- very powerful.  Players want enjoyment, not frustration & hopelessness.  (I feel terrible for you on your first Mythic girl!)

9 hours ago, sigma29 said:

If they wanted to rebalance the game my suggestion would have been to drastically decrease the cost of upgrading girls. The high level players already have their Harems maxed, by lowering the cost it will allow new and mid game players to actually catch up and be relevant. Plus it would be more fun to actually be able to use the girls your collecting and not have them sit there for weeks because you have no resources.

Yes!  Relevancy!  Fun!!!  Using girls... sooner rather than later (or never if forgotten/"lost in the harem" 😢)!  Maybe even just to see & read affection scenes!  That would be GREAT!  Did we say FUN? 😃

Not quite true about maxed harems, though.  Some people may have their harems maxed, but "high level" is relative & those players typically have a much larger volume of (more expensive) girls.  (I'll never have my harem maxed as long as new girls keep spawning like they do, unless I stop collecting them... which sort of defeats the purpose of the game.)

10 hours ago, Kenrae said:

Anybody who wants to try how it is for low level players can just play CxH. In fact it's even worse there, since there are no PoP or Champions. Terrible.

 Problem... "resolution..." next problem!  *whew*  Crisis averted!  🙃😵😜


"What's that funny symbol that's usually a $ for the price in USD?  Euros, huh?  Well, I might want to buy something like that- especially now- but I dunno.  It's only been 7-1/2 days since my Support Ticket was sent in both HH & CxH.  Maybe they'll fix it in the next 5-ish hours."  (Yes, I understand that the Technical Team is still investigating, that other players are affected, etc.)  Items are worth less... my local currency is worth less.... 🙄

18 hours ago, GeorgeMTO said:

My feedback is less bit by bit changes, instead do the overhaul all at once. People can't see the big picture, so they pick at the individual changes. Even when we get a buff for a few weeks, players have no memory of it when something else gets the eventual downturn that we all could tell was coming when the positive thing happened.

Yes!  When there's a time lag between buffs & nerfs, the correlation is hard to see.  Worse, if a nerf comes FIRST, then the subsequent buff seldom (if ever) seems to offset it.  Equally bad, if buffs happened so long ago that a player never received the benefits in the first place, for that player there is ONLY a nerf.  And even when players are told "changes are coming," if we aren't aware of what & when, those changes may hit like a ton of bricks.

It's human nature to forget the good & remember the bad.  But at least if there's a little good to offset the bad at the same time players could see (or be directed to) the attempted balance.

There doesn't need to be anything specific ("Market items sell prices will be lowered by 91.8960679%"), but a one-week notice in the Patch Notes to the effect of, "Market items sell prices will be reduced upon next week's patch" would go a long way.  It'd be even better if words like "greatly," "significantly," or "slightly" were used, but even if not players would know that something is going to be different & they can decide for themselves to act or wait.

18 hours ago, Noacc said:

Yea it's a big balance update indeed of the soft currency - Yemens.
But even with the balance changes there won't be a deficit of Yemens 

I'll trust that to be so, but meanwhile, there is currently and suddenly a deficit of Ymens until the balance update(s).  That hurts.  Not forever 🤞 but indefinitely as far as players are aware.

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All of the recent nerfs were needed, but were badly implemented and targeted the wrong group of people:

- champions: now you do a lot less damage per ticket which forces you to spend more tickets. Guess what - every 400+ level player that has thousands and thousands of tickets has been long done with all champions, so it barely affects them. Instead it hits the lower level players, who barely have a ticket to spare

- orbs: again the low level players are hit the most. Every legacy player has emptied their pachinko pool and thus needs a lot less orbs, so they don't care about the nerf. Also at higher level you get more orbs from PoPs, so it's hardly a nerf for them. And this is ignoring the fact that most of them have hundreds or thousands of stashed orbs. Guess who barely has any - newer players.

- ymens: instead of adding more lower-level friendly scaling, the prices were slashed by 90% for everyone. A simple linear scale - reduce the price by 1-1.5% every 10 levels would have been a lot more appropriate. Instead they made it almost impossible for lower level players to catch up, while barely making a difference for legacy players - whether you are going to sell your items for 25B or for 2B, this does not change anything really.


Now all of this might actually be by design - at the end of the day someone with thousands of tickets, orbs and billions of ymens is not going to spend any money, but you know who is now forced to - lower and mid level players.

Edited by 430i
fix few typos
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9 hours ago, M7IN said:

Ok, I made an account just to throw my 2 cents

Why, though? You know your in-game account is also automatically a forum account, right? You'd only need to create a separate account for the forum if your main player account is banned from the forum. Since you have a pretty distinct style and you make long, detailed posts, I'm pretty sure I would recognize you if that were the case (and you don't strike me as someone who would have gotten themselves banned either). Anyway, it's done now, but just so you know, you can switch to your player account to access the forum if you want to.

Edit: Yeah, very good point from @Yuyureka. The above is only applicable to people who play at least one Kinkoid game on its dedicated standalone site. Which excludes Nutaku players and more. My bad. ^^

Edit: The Walls of Text church got quite a few new disciples thanks to this patch. ^^ Welcome aboard, folks.

Having said that, I'm honestly impressed by the level and quality of discourse this time around. I didn't necessarily expect a shitstorm per se, but I'm pleasantly surprised we had no offensive post so far, but a ton of constructive feedback and )pretty healthy back and forth discussion on this patch, even though most people dislike this change. That's really, really nice to see. Thanks, forum community! 👍

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