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  1. Some additional feedback to that which i have given in the survey (for those who are interested: Q.1: 1; Q.2: 4; Q.3: 3; Q.4: 4; Q.5: 2):- My reservations re: the way players are matched with opponents (ostensibly on the basis of mojo alone) have grown progressively stronger the more I have played this new feature. What I - &, it would seem, other players - have found is that far from 'leveling out' as a Season progresses, in the absence of any form of level restrictions, players are faced with greater & greater mismatches as they gain the mojo necessary to complete tiers & eventually reach a point where, even with boosters, maxed-out stats & up-to-date Legendary equipment, for all but the highest level players, there are no longer any beatable opponents and progression therefore becomes impossible. Amending the basis upon which players are matched with opponents in a way which ensures that they only face opponents who are within a given number of levels of them (it doesn't necessarily have to be to 15 levels, as it was/is in the Arena, but there self-evidently needs to be a degree of limitation) would, I suspect, resolve this issue. The issue of mismatches prior to the point where all but the highest level players find they can no longer progress in The Seasons is compounded by the fact that potential opponents no longer refresh every 30 minutes (as they did/do in the Arena). As other players have noted in this thread, completing all 45 tiers in the time allotted will require a near-perfect run of results or additional koban spending on "kisses". A larger margin of error to allow for losses &/or low mojo wins would be appreciated. While I understand Kinkoid's desire move on from the old weekly rewards, the all-time Leaderboard and the associated player search function were, in my opinion, really good features which made the game slightly less anonymous. If we could either have the all-time Leaderboard & the associated player search function back or a replacement which allows us to search for other players, ascertain what stat upgrades they have purchased &/or what their Harem level is, see which players are the top players, estimate roughly how much XP we will need to gain in order to reach a certain level, etc. then that would be appreciated. In spite of the above feedback I'm of the opinion that The Seasons could become a very popular addition to the game. The rewards will be, assuming they can be obtained, much more generous than the average rewards from the Arena & the Weekly Leaderboard combined & I really like the fact that the new feature will allow us to store both our combativity/kisses & our rewards but I'm concerned that, in its current form, the only players who will be able to clear tier 45 will be the same elite group of very high level players who dominate D3.
    9 points
  2. I would use gay harem in my team just to have people rage that wanted to beat me lol.
    6 points
  3. So I was thinking, they could mitigate the tightness of the schedule on this by letting you get kisses from other sources, just like you can get extra combat. I would suggest adding 1-3 kisses(depending on upgrade level) to replace a reward in PoP, a variety of rewards from the different PoPs would add some flavor. Add like 5free(10 paid path) to PoA for a step. Replace the item (equipment/gift/book) on the epic level missions with 2 kisses. Some fine tuning on the numbers can be done later after kinkoid gets some data on how well people do. Also speaking of PoA, the "defeat players in pvp (arene & leagues)" should be lowered next month to accommodate the arena fights dropping from 6 per hour to 1.
    4 points
  4. I was 1st in the last affection leaderboard. At least some achievement. But opening so many scenes was literally hell. 10 seconds of waiting after each one. Harem tab is just unplayable for me now.
    3 points
  5. Why did they double the amount of contest points we need to get for task 15? That's just going to make it even more of a slog to get through if you get a bad contest for that task.
    3 points
  6. This is my second instance of getting Rize, this time in Adrian'smole with a single orb. It must've been my turn in this account - again - after getting Kaito not long before in the same account.
    3 points
  7. Hey guys! Hope you are doing well! 🙂 We have just released on our test server the brand-new feature announced in yesterday's Patch Notes : the Seasons! ✨ * The design of the feature above isn't the final one 🛠️ During your tests, you will notice some visual issues which will be fixed before the final live release. 🛠️ Meanwhile, your feedbacks and comments on the general feature are more than welcome! You can share your feedbacks, thoughts and comments with us via the #hh-test-server channel on Discord, or directly by leaving a comment here. 📰 A new session of test and a survey should be available starting from the 26/10/2020 📰 💻 Thank you for your participation in the test server! 💻
    2 points
  8. Bonjour à tous ! Tout d'abord, je vous remercie pour vos feedbacks et commentaires. Ces derniers nous ont été précieux et nous ont permis de résoudre les bugs techniques et visuels Comme indiqué précédemment, vous pouvez maintenant partager avec nous vos derniers feedbacks grâce à l'enquête disponible ici ! Attention : cette enquête n'est disponible qu'en anglais. Vous pouvez retrouver la traduction de cette enquête ci-dessous : Chers joueurs, Le 22 octobre, la toute nouvelle fonctionnalité annoncée par le dernier Patch Notes est apparue sur le serveur test : les Saisons ! La semaine dernière, notre équipe a résolu les problèmes visuels et techniques. Vos feedbacks et commentaires nous ont permis d'améliorer la fonctionnalité. Il est maintenant temps de passer à la prochaine étape ! Merci de nous faire parvenir vos suggestions avant la sortie officielle sur Hentai / Harem Heroes ! On compte sur vous ! 1) Aimez-vous les mécaniques de la nouvelle fonctionnalité ? 1 = Pas du tout 5 = Beaucoup ! 2) Que pensez-vous de la navigation au sein de la fonctionnalité ? 1 = Je suis perdu(e) 5 = Tout va bien 3) Que pensez-vous des visuels de la fonctionnalité ? 1 = les visuels sont horribles 5= Les visuels sont beaux 4) Aimez-vous les récompenses proposées ? 1 = Pas vraiment 5 = Ils sont parfaits 5) Etes-vous satisfaits de la fonctionnalité dans l'ensemble ? 1 = Pas du tout 5 = Oui
    2 points
  9. Thank god someone fixed it! Who could have mixed up this?!
    2 points
  10. You're right, I got that wrong, struck through my prior text. I also forgot to add this there, so will put it here as well: IF YOU'VE COMPLETED ALL STORY TASKS AND NEED TO SPEND ENERGY, GO TO THE CHAMPIONS' RECEPTION DESK!
    2 points
  11. why question is why, why add this feature, the only thing i can see it is another cash in a kobans for the devs, it doesn't look like it enhances the game in any way ,and takes away from people who wish not to spend money on kobans, just like smashing 4 event into one and the PoA, it doesn't seem to do anything but make it another cash cow for the devs on people willing to sped whatever it takes to get girls
    2 points
  12. I wrote a sheet of text, but the evil computer apparently erased everything, this is a sign, so I will say it briefly. In this view, the seasons function is not playable. The main problem is the matchmaking system, for low-level players it will become hell. Especially for beginners who have just discovered the arena function and generally have little understanding of what and how it works. To begin with, they need greenhouse battle conditions, and not three level 300 opponents about which they can only kill themselves. For all other mid-level players, there will be nothing good either - for each level there will be its own mojo ceiling, once in which you simply will not have rivals whom you can defeat. It turns out the same paradox as in the leagues now - you play well, defeat your opponents, and for this the game punishes you by throwing you into the league where you can beat almost no one, and as a result, the next week you should not fight at all so that you would be dropped into the league lower, and then tank instead of victories, which is extremely stupid. Here it will be the same, only in an even more unobvious version, because you do not choose your opponents yourself, but you get randomly and all the time you hope that now I am lucky. That's just "no luck" you have to either wait for your equal rivals to catch up, or merge, which in the case of seasons does not make sense at all because you lose progress. You know, now on a test I have a level 220 account and when after about 10 updates I still did not find a rival whom I could defeat, my berserk ancestors woke up in me and I wanted to smash the monitor on the head of the one who invented this system. And what will happen if this function is introduced without changes to the main server, I'm just scared to think. Most likely, the gates of Valhala will open and Ragnarok will come.
    2 points
  13. Violet is easily my favorite out of all the girls. I will say Josephine is second but still an overall meh. Should be a comfortable ride through all the challenges assuming I can finish them before the Arena goes bye-bye.
    2 points
  14. Je vous présente la grande méchante louve perverse de la foret et la petite chaperone rouge qui se rend chez sa mère grand avec un sextoy et un petit pot de vaseline dans son panier. XD ! Un travail de 4 Heures de tatouage + 1 heure de retouches. L'image originale est celle de bunny aimante. Vous en pensez quoi ? Merci et attrapés les toutes dans vos harems !
    1 point
  15. I didn't receive any money back and for sure not any compensation. I suppose this process can go unlimited until developers will not put any deadlines for themselves. Also for us will be interesting to know what was a problem and see the percentage of the working process to solve this bug. Any info will be very useful, unfortunately now looks like we are waiting for nothing.
    1 point
  16. 🤦‍♂️ Obviously, in this case pretty much anyone who went through the extensive effort to reach the top position in this category wouldn't be doing it for the rewards.
    1 point
  17. 2750 XP, 5,50 M Ymens and a legendary box of chocolates. What a luck! 🤣
    1 point
  18. Just in case, to unlock chapter 5 you need to reach chapter 4 lvl 500 again. Even if you were already at lvl 10000 preaviously.
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Looks like I was luckier than others.
    1 point
  21. Hello everyone! First of all, thank you for your feedbacks and comments. Thanks to you, we succeeded to fix visual and technical issues. You can now share with us your last feedbacks via this survey, available here!
    1 point
  22. I somehow imagine like there will be something similar to TOF (affection-contests?)in the near future and my saved affection will give me some big advantage . Didnt go with my 1,2M affection since obviously everybody was going to (and honestly, I am way to lazy (still hoping for an efficent way to spend them))
    1 point
  23. I hope this feature does not start in the midst of the current event...
    1 point
  24. Wow! One post straight after the other! You guys are slow to post, the topic is boring, or you've run out of things to say. Oh well... I've managed to get Amelia in all six accounts, but my koban deficiency means that I don't think I'll get as far as Violet, except in two accounts (and certainly not this one!). Daylight Savings managed to cause havoc over my carefully staged timing for this event. Amelia is one of the more interesting characters presented so far, and she's well drawn with nice little titties for a change. Violet (I presume she's the other non-bonus girl) has a really cute body that does not match her severe, scowling, possibly ball-breaking expression. I hope to get her although I'm much more keen to win the rewards (such as the x6 Mythic Pachinko bundle) than the girl herself. Overall, amazing attire on these girls, reminiscent of Val Cupid (one of my all-time favourite girls, mainly because of what she is wearing). The piano-keys skirt Amelia is wearing is an especially nice touch. If it isn't an original idea, too bad, but if it is, then I can imagine it being adopted by a number of other games. Like Lopussy's costumes, this amazing and sexy attire is what stirs my groin rather alot.
    1 point
  25. God DAMN! 15th in Affection, I spent ALL of my humongous stash, and 2nd in Stat upgrades, and I havent upgraded my stats in like 200 levels!!!! 245th in money spent, I had hoped that 1 billion would get me to top 100 but oh well. Did fairly well in the last Leaderboard, while I had hoped to store even more affection and stats (and maybe not the announced last week where EVERYBODY would be tryharding their asses off, last 15 minutes were a fucking lagfest!) to maybe reach the 1st spot, but eh... at least I got that 1k Kobans. I'm just about done with everything I wanted to do in this game now, grabbed as many old girls as I could. A year and a half spent, only regretted about 8 months of it, oh well... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    1 point
  26. I think they are unlikely to do it, points in leagues also cannot be obtained for free from another source. Another question that worries me is why do seasons need a leaderboard? Will there also be prizes or what? In its current form, when this is a single table for all players and the selection of opponents is based only on mojo, only high-level players will win. The quality of information content in the form of its replacement has already been analyzed according to the old leaderboards. What is its use?
    1 point
  27. First try after the update. I made 10 spins, on the 3rd I got Lila, after only items (including 1000 affection and +1 in chat capacity).
    1 point
  28. This isn't a bug, it's someone playing a game feature without reading its basic rules first. Please check your profile, you have a fair warning to read. Cheers.
    1 point
  29. I agree with the OP's statement. Whatever it's supposed to mean.
    1 point
  30. J'ai bien une idée de la réponse de kk "🖕" Je ne vois pas d'autre explication 😅
    1 point
  31. Another funny instance from today's timer shenanigans. No more new MP rotation I guess
    1 point
  32. The only Path event with more stages and better rewards was the one for the Anniversary. This is why we can't have good things; whiny doofuses will always assume that the generous one-off is supposed to be the new normal.
    1 point
  33. Yes, I don't see the need to take out the leaderboards (and the arena) in order to introduce the Seasons. Take out the prizes if you must, but there's no reason to wipe them out.
    1 point
  34. So, here you go. There is no XP contest today so I didn't use chlorellas and still got only one 18 points out of 14 tries. The rest were mostly 17s (9 times) and some 16s (4 times). Only used monostat items swap and girls swap. With chlorellas it is even easier to achieve lower points. Right? 😀
    1 point
  35. For me the dissapearance of the leaderboard and the possibility to search and check another player profile is a huge step down. As it is the instant fight without going through the standard "Get ready for sex" battle screen where you can properly check player stats (as the fight selection screen is less user friendly).
    1 point
  36. I was referring to the two PvP tasks you cited.
    1 point
  37. Use the shortcut aka workaround to get to the poa https://test.hentaiheroes.com/path-of-attraction.html
    1 point
  38. Comme je ne suis ni l’un ni l’autre je ne suis donc pas visé L’aventure est en constante évolution et le prochain parchemin est toujours « bientôt disponible » donc pour te répondre, ce n’est pas du tout la première fois qu’il est en jeu (ça fait au moins 2 ans dans mon cas). Et effectivement tu n’es pas le seul qui a posé cette question, donc c’est que tu as vu plusieurs sujets à ce sujet donc que tu as vu les réponses ... Donc entre ça et le fait de ne pas comprendre le « bientôt disponible », soit tu es aveugle, soit tu troll Et vu que l’on est en évent chemin d’affection, je vais anticiper ta prochaine question qui sera « comment dépenser de l’énergie quand on a terminé le dernier parchemin ».
    1 point
  39. 1 point
  40. Hey, Kinksters! Hope you are having a good day! To spice things up, we’ve decided to make a small and silly contest. 🔥Most original nickname contest🔥 The rules are simple: Comment and share with us some of the most original, funny, and inappropriate nicknames you’ve seen in Hentai Heroes. 🙉 🙈🙊 Club names are also welcomed. No racist nicknames. The top 10 most reacted and like comments in the topic will receive 900/150 Kobans as a reward! The contest will last until the 22nd of October. The contest is for all game versions, including GH. Newly created accounts from today do not count. Don't forget to leave your ID and platform
    1 point
  41. Tout pile pour fêter l'arrivée des deux nouveaux lieux, Pt'Chun rejoint mon Harem
    1 point
  42. 61 orbs: 2 orbs → Sarah 20 orbs → Camile 22 orbs → Merlinda 4 orbs → Viola 8 orbs → Sifra
    1 point
  43. Don't be nervous , it's a good improvement! 😁
    1 point
  44. I'm going to shamelessly talk about my own. I'm DHarry because obviously dirty Harry as taken. So I took the D. I guess you could pronounce it in a bunch of ways, a silent H, DeeHarry etc. But that is not the funny part. When the clubs came, I started one after someone here suggested we should have a Dutch one for us Dutchies. Hentai Heroes -> Dutch Heroes, all not extremely original. But it took me months into the game to realize now my DH in my nickname was also an abbreviation for my self founded club. 😅 So, in case anyone ever wondered, i didn't change my name for the club like the CNO guys. It was totally accidental. So... there it is. I'm sure there will be better stories/names. But it's a start. 😬 HH 225527
    1 point
  45. First, we got a Gay Harem picture on the Pachinko screen. Now, we get Gay Harem news. Soon, we'll have Gay Harem characters obtainable in game
    0 points
  46. That does still includes the opportunity to roll it out on patch day (usual: Wednesday) and eliminate arena before end of october. as Sir Fuck-A-Lot pointed out https://forum.hentaiheroes.com/index.php?/topic/15706-24-oct-20-the-haremvoice-poa-discussion/&do=findComment&comment=206899 (and it would not be the first time things got "screwed" in the middle of an event/contest)
    0 points
  47. This is an English only forum. Please use English if you wish to post.
    0 points
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