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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/2021 in Posts

  1. You're right, I mixed things up in my head and didn't double check. Now I did, this was 100% wishful thinking on my end. Nothing changed rarity wise in this classic event. My bad, and thanks for pointing it out. Agreed. Well, maybe at least the 3 recent HCL transfers being Commons might be a tiny gesture, still? But on its own it doesn't change much, let alone constitute a trend. So yeah, I was way off on this. ^^ Thanks for the help. PS: I've given more thought to the Spectra and Serena situation, and I've noticed I got a few things mixed up there as well. They have a weirdly unique status (the wiki put them as "Exclusives" alongside promo girls like Mizuki), but not in the way I thought. They're not themed in line with any specific event, so they're seemingly designed just like EP girls, but for whatever reason, they aren't EP girls, or event girls. They're just... there. Anyway, you made me doubt and that made me take a closer look and now I know better. Thanks for keeping me on my toes! ^^
    3 points
  2. In addition to what 45026831 pointed out, this one was explained by gnome earlier in this thread They're direct counterparts to existing GH guys, so they have to use the same rarity due to how (unnecessarily) linked in data the games are. Doesn't feel like a conscious decision on Kinkoid's part to give us lower rarity girls again, more just a result of happenstance.
    3 points
  3. I like the theme and all the girls in this event, my favourite probably is Bonny here and for me (probably due personal tastes) the face of Atila feels a bit strange. I think also the animations are getting better. Started the event with 205 combat points got Katharina at 92 shards, and this morning ended with some drops (7 more fights if i remember well), so probably i'm late already for the collecting all the girls but i think i'll go for the mythic this month so if i'm lucky (ahahaha what a joke i just said) and she is on edwarda or bremen should be everything fine. I like a lot the others girls added and i can recognize almost all of them: Fiona --> Elizabeth, nanatsu no taizai - Kristen --> Momobami, Kakeguri (and i guess i'm not the only one happy for this add, right @Slynia ? XD) - Elexine --> is from FF9, the only one i haven't played - Hymevarta --> Shiva, FFX (great one) - Hiromi --> Pain, FF X-2 - Tornada --> Naruto (Naruko) - Miwa --> Murasaki, Hunter x Hunter. I do not know who Path, Kioko and Belle should be. Probably i cannot tell it because they are form things that i haven't watched/played. For last @jelom i think that @GeorgeMTO means (and for me it could be very possible. i had the same first thought seeing the calendar) that usually when we have the legendary contest the calendar says that the event starts at 1:30 pm. Here instead says 1 pm. So the possibilities are: 1-Something new is coming, get ready to rumble or 2 - The calendar designer had a very fun party, and he was drunk when he draw the calendar XD Good luck for the event mates!!!
    3 points
  4. Yes for your own boosters, gear and girls as you use and see them, but not for what other players see of you. There are snapshots updating all players stats every 6 hours, and in addition there are snapshots of some players between them.
    3 points
  5. Technically most events are not labelled, but we all know to what events they correspond: 10th to 14th - Legendary or Epic days 14th to 19th - Orgy days 19th to 23th - Legendary Contest 25th to 31th - Path of Atraction and the two days events starting on thursday (7th-9th and 21th-23th) will be Kinky cumpetition
    3 points
  6. New club open for applications
    3 points
  7. I am sure I read about it before (I think it was Kenrae commenting it) but I cannot find the post now, so I will start a new thread on it. If you equip All Mastery's Emblem, it only lasts for 99 battles instead of 100. When it shows 2 battles left, it disappears after you perform the next battle in league.
    2 points
  8. Sorry little padawan, you're still not a Jedaï Work hard and learn.
    2 points
  9. Rotation #0402 (2021/10/02 13:00 CET): Robin, Shipwrecked Skytte and Yui. Yui available for me. Edit: Grabbed her with only 4 MPx1s (+ free spin). 71st MPx1 drop for me. Nice.
    2 points
  10. It takes 600 DT for 100 shards of a rare girl and 300 DT for a common girl. That's not exactly cheap. I suspect that most players don't earn this many DT in a month.
    2 points
  11. Just wanted to say that the animations of the girls in the Dirty Fantasies event feel like a big improvement. I don't know if it's only thanks to the theme of the event, but their outfits are a lot more revealing, which feels like a good compromise for the animations being locked to the first pose. Also, the way that Katharina and Piper move feels much more dynamic and interesting like the animations were in Hentai Clicker. I can say that those two are the first animations that I'm completely satisfied with. Overall the movement still feels too weak on the other girls, but I found this latest batch of animations to be a huge step in the right direction, so good job.
    2 points
  12. PoA will finish with the month?!?!?! A good change allowing people to save rewards for the next month, without losing natural regeneration.
    2 points
  13. Although this is from the previous patch (so we shouldn't dwell on it in this thread, which is always primarily about the latest patch) I fully agree. I've been meaning to add this to my previous attempts at showing what the POP experience feels like now. I think the garbage bags distracted from the main point. Here's a clean representation of the estimated odds. Aka "What if POPs were honest?' This isn't much different from the infamous "high chance" of 22.5% in Event Pachinko. What you see in game tends to be, while not technically false, a tidbit misleading when it comes to odds, let's say. Then again, such tactics are hardly a Kinkoid specialty. Salesmen embellish things to close the deal. Oh well.
    2 points
  14. Alors... Après m'être longuement demandé si je devais ou pas faire ce commentaire en public, je le poste ici, ainsi que sur le Discord, parce que je pense qu'il pourrait être enrichi de vos impressions et commentaires et que les publics des deux interfaces ne sont pas tout à fait les mêmes. Voici donc un court retour sur mon ressenti actuel quant au jeu. N'hésitez pas à partager vos idées, les réflexions éventuelles qu'il soulève chez vous et les solutions qui vous sembleraient adaptées, (sans tomber dans le troll s'il vous plait^^) Bon alors, Attention bombe... Voilà, je viens de lire le dernier patchnote, et je ne peux m'empêcher de sentir un vil sentiment de tristesse m'envahir. Comment fonctionne le jeu, de votre côté ? est ma plus grande interrogation... Parce que du mien, cela fait des mois que les mises à jour s'enchaînent, et que de semaine en semaine, mon plaisir s'est changé en très très grande lassitude Même le BDSM, qui m'intriguait, n'est plus une annonce suffisante pour me donner envie d'y croire... Je vais donc donner mon point de vue, très subjectif, forcément dicté par mon expérience du jeu, le niveau et la façon de jouer qui me sont propres. Cela dit, au vu de mes lectures récentes, je ne crois pas être un cas isolé, loin de là - l’équilibre ? Il suffit de faire le tour des différents tableaux du jeu pour voir un premier problème : les récompenses fournies un peu partout sont en complet décalage avec notre niveau - les objets ou boosters épiques ne servent qu'au début du jeu... tout joueur au delà du niveau 300 n'en a plus aucun besoin... et c'est ce avec quoi le jeu nous gratifie de partout : récompenses et missions quotidiennes, lieux de pouvoir... toutes ces récompenses ne représentent qu'un peu de sous dans le jeu... parce qu'elles n'ont d'autre utilité que d'être vendues... et au niveau 400+, les sous, on en a beaucoup... énormément... la balance en ce domaine est complètement déséquilibrée - la goutte d'eau : les jetons de rencard, mis au placard, pile au moment où la confiance des joueurs est au plus bas ! Le message qui accompagne ce retrait est en plus super ambiguë... impossible de ne pas se dire : « merde, ils l’ont trop facile... coupons vite le pont avant qu’ils puissent le franchir » Pourtant ces jetons sont une bonne idée, et leur coût par rareté est bien calculé. Nous en avons juste assez pour débloquer une fille... rarement, et c’est parfait comme ça. Pourquoi ne pas créer des filles insensibles aux jetons si c’est un futur problème avec de futurs changements ? - mon sentiment général face au jeu : Ça n’engage que moi, mais ces dernières semaines, j’ai pu réaliser que je n’éprouve plus de plaisir à jouer... je m’acquitte d’une corvée qui me dévore énormément de temps simplement parce que je suis un addict en manque de sa dose (n’ayons pas peur de le dire...) mais comme l’héroïne finit par ne plus rien apporter, le jeu en est là lui aussi... Cela dit, je pense que ça pourrait changer. Quand je regarde la situation : j’ai été séduit par un jeu simple de collection - puis me suis fait des amis via les clubs et les réseaux sociaux, et je me suis amusé avec les ligues, bien que ce soit un gouffre à temps...Et tout cela est très bien ! Mais l’orgie d’événements qui s’enchaînent sans relâche et distribuent ad nauseam des pelletés de nouvelles filles, plus les cauchemars logistiques de gérer tout ça ensemble (boosters mythiques de PVP qui perturbent les Chemins ou Cumpet), ça use plus que ça n’amuse... Trop de plaisir tue le plaisir... et on en est clairement rendus là... Je ne distribue plus d’affection à mes filles depuis longtemps, il y en a trop et je n’ai pas le temps de faire « clic clic » via un système inadapté, c’est long et pas amusant du tout... de ce côté aussi, quelques solutions seraient les bienvenues... et ajouter sans cesse plus de contenu sans rien mettre au point en amont côté confort de jeu, c’est, pour moi, trop à ingérer... Voilà... que dire de plus ? Vous me faites penser au Docteur Frankenstein dont le jeu serait la créature... ce jeu vous échappe, il a pris une autonomie que vous ne contrôlez plus, il est bouffi et difforme, lent et malhabile... il est grand temps de le ramener au labo pour le soigner, le réparer, qu’il puisse de nouveau prétendre à ce pour quoi il a été conçu : charmer, divertir et amuser, je (on ?) n'attends que ça... 😊
    1 point
  15. I can confirm this bug, just experienced it right now. AM Emblem booster lasts 1 less battle than expected.
    1 point
  16. Selecting an avatar is difficult because of the sheer volume of of them. In addition there is no way to sort them. It would be nice if the avatars that have already been won or purchased show up first, so one can look through those, and then browse the avatars that can be purchased second. Most of the time I play, there is a large green explanation mark on my avatar, showing me that there is now new options, but it takes forever to even find it. Because there are so many to scroll through, I often scroll through too fast and miss it, only to find the green explanation mark gone and still not found what it was alerting me to. In any case, it would be nice if: 1. alerts could reliably be followed up on, so one knows what the alert is about. 2. Be able to know what all the current won-purchased options are to choose from. Right now we have neither.
    1 point
  17. Perhaps I've misunderstood what you're saying here, but classic events have followed a pattern of 1 rare, 6 epic, 1 legendary for the most part since the change to 8 girls per event. I don't follow how this is the first one in a very long time to only have 1 legendary. 🤔
    1 point
  18. Protip: Given that last month we had an Epic Days, the event immediately following Dirty Fantasies is most likely to be a Legendary Days event. Knowing that, there's a possibility (albeit small) that either of those 2 could have a revival during that event, so hold off on your decision until afterwards just to be safe.
    1 point
  19. Only when wasting 15k for mythics which i can do once every 3months
    1 point
  20. Yes tbh she's my favorite of these new girls, too bad she's a PoP girl so it will probably be a while before she joins my harem 😅
    1 point
  21. I would like to reserve a seat. But probably not until the end of the year. (I´m guessing probably another 2ish months, or in 4 weeks, depending on whether KK decides to release 13 girls each patch notes or not ) ( @Slynia btw...how many girls are you missing, just 3 right?)
    1 point
  22. Yup, as Xemnas pointed out, it's the lack of 1:30 start that makes me inclined to no LC indicated there. It's certainly a mistake they've made before, but it's a big assumption to make. Especially for a user who didn't identify the other event as a KC due to it starting on a Thursday.
    1 point
  23. I see no Legendary Contest on this calendar
    1 point
  24. Je n'en suis pas à parler de corvée, mais je partage l'idée de base sur les récompenses en argent trop fréquentes pour l'équilibre du jeu, et finalement inutiles. J'ai encore l'utilité de ces masses d'argent, mais la logique voudrait que ca ne dure plus très longtemps. Si le jeu devenait une corvée, je ne resterais pas, sans prevenir ni ressentir de malaise ni tenter de phase intermédiaire entre mon jeu actuel et plus de jeu du tout, mon peu d'ancienneté me permettant un plus grand détachement que des joueurs vétérans. Mais le BDSM se résume à des annonces qui ne se concrétisent pas, et la disparition des jetons de rencart me fait penser que je n'irai peut être pas jusqu'au dernier monde, ce que je pensais pourtant certain il y a peu. Cette disparition est pour moi aussi la goutte d'eau qui fait déborder le vase. Même si j'ai été en général peu concerné par les autres réductions récentes, j'ai très mal pris d'avoir dépensé du temps et des kobans pour obtenir et améliorer des filles qui étaient quelque chose en termes de puissance, et qui ne sont plus rien que des dessins, certains réussis et d'autres non. J'aurais pu l'accepter si j'avais été prévenu, et surtout si j'avais eu une durée prévue avant réparation d'un système désormais boiteux. Mais le découvrir sans que ça ait été annoncé réduit ma confiance à un niveau très faible, et n'avoir aucune idée du temps à attendre avant un rééquilibrage du jeu me fait penser qu'un rééquilibrage n'aura peut-être jamais lieu, ce qui serait inacceptable pour moi.
    1 point
  25. Both are equally useful and equally harder to get, so I'd say go for the one that's more pleasing to your eyes. For example, I'd personally go for Sai because I like that character in DB while I've never played or watched Pokemon, so I don't care about Darla. Or maybe, the fact that you have more shards for Sai means that you'd be able to get another girl with it, even if it's just a common or rare girl.
    1 point
  26. pour ma part ce dernier patch note avec son plus de filles exclusive et fin des rencards me fait penser que je vais passer en mode histoire only sous peu. autant les patch note avnat me laissaient confiant autant celui là a tout détruit pout moi.
    1 point
  27. For the most part, yes. But I also know of players who lost months of progress because they took this (or a similarly specific milestone) too literally. It's a very rough estimate and a slightly tongue-in-cheek "golden rule" (from a reeeally long time ago, I might add: if you think my D2 screenshots show their age, you don't want to see the dinosaurs on Jelom's ^^). I know a guy who demoted on purpose until he managed to score a #1 in every division, for instance. ^^ Meanwhile, this is me: I'm sure glad I'm not still playing the on/off weak/strong dance in D1, waiting for my first top 4 there. ^^ These are secondary bonuses you might or might not grab along the way, but the ultimate goal is to reach the next phase in the least unfavorable position and as soon as possible. Next phase being "survive in D3 while sitll making decent XP, and never have to deliberately underperform again". But that's a story for another time, as this is the destination of the journey you're just about to embark upon. Anyways, good talk and I'm glad this game hooked you at the right time. Feel free to ask if/when you need more advice or info, and best of luck to you!
    1 point
  28. First world problems. Everyone's healthy. I've lost something that I spent a decade building, but the truth is I'm in a far better position than the majority of people in my social group. It's been (and will continue to be) emotionally painful, but it's trivial compared to what many other people have/are going through. Interestingly, this game has actually helped me in unexpected ways. I found the game by happenstance after a run of rather bad luck in life. Factors that were entirely out of my control but that had significant implications for me had taken me to some pretty dark places at the time. My self-confidence, which has always been a big factor in any success I've had, was very low. As trivial as it is, winning here allowed me to feel good about a small element of my life during those times. And it offered a distraction and a focus away from the things I couldn't control. I'm not saying this game is any deeper than it is. It was just in the right place at the right time for me. I can't believe I've never thought of this before. Now you point it out, it's so damned obvious. And damned useful. The two comments above do seem to conflict a little. I always went with @jelom's rule up to this point. I had very much reached the position where, even unboosted, I couldn't have used all of by battles without promoting. I went for promotion last week and ended up 7th, though I could have ended 5th but didn't see buying extra battles as a useful exercise at that stage. In all fairness, for the two proceeding weeks the point total I ended on would have comfortably landed me #2, so maybe I just got a little unlucky and drew a set of particularly active players for a D1 league. But I am kind of nit picking here. From what I can see, the two suggestions have significant overlap. @jelom's is a general guideline while your's is a more detailed expansion on the same line of thought. I'm looking at those screen shots and smiling. The game's changed a lot! They are D2 leagues and the highest level player I see is 406! I can even see a level 295! To show a similar position range from my current league: Just goes to show that there are more and more players active who have been for years. Rough estimation - 75% of the player's in my current league are above level 406. I'm going to implement your advice above, but not this week. First week in a new league, I need a calibration week to figure out how tough it's going to be to hit that 16-30 bracket. After that I'll start making adjustments to maximise the XP I can take. Thanks!
    1 point
  29. My wild guess concerning Dating Tokens removal is that Kinkoid wants to change rarity of the most of the existing/upcoming girls due to this new B.D.S.M feature balance - to make the spread of rarities more even, so that the blessings would affect wider range of girls. And, as we all know, common and rare girls are quite cheap to get with DT, so they decided to remove them so that you can't get the girls too easy.
    1 point
  30. Même chose pour moi. Il n'y a aucun intérêt d'avoir des fragments si on ne peut pas compléter plus tard, et j'avais déjà un stock de jetons pour gagner un jour une fille en particulier. J'espère au moins que les filles gagnables en octobre ne seront pas bâclées, vu qu'on a rien d'autre à faire de ses jetons que de les dépenser ce mois-ci (en plus comme il faut au moins exactement le nombre de jetons pour pouvoir les dépenser, il y aura forcément du gâchis...) Le motif invoqué ne me semble en plus absolument pas convaincant. S'il y a trop de légendaires et que ça déséquilibre le jeu (ce qui n'est pas totalement faux), alors il faut davantage de rares dans le jeu, pour en avoir autant que de légendaires. Je ne vois aucun rapport entre un rééquilibrage et la suppression de toutes les filles du passé pas obtenues. Si elles n'ont pas été obtenues, les supprimer ne change absolument rien au déséquilibre actuel. Et les 10 événements par mois, avec leur brouettes de filles nouvelles et quasiment toutes légendaires, ça c'est toujours là... alors le souci de l'équilibre, ça sent le faux prétexte à deux kilomètres.
    1 point
  31. it's not too hard, a) check every window (player updates happen every 6 hour, starting at league reset) for unboosted player 2) put best team on 3) check for expected average with script (hh++) 4) look if you can get a better score with changing gear 5) fight
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. just to be clear: the 'sad' reaction was not refering to you having 9 boosted players, but to you not getting the good kind ...
    1 point
  34. I wanted to write a long post about why they are doing another enchanting stupidity, that you cannot do this to people by taking their resources over and over again and so on, but I realized that it is useless. It is useless and stupid to argue with someone who smokes while sitting on a barrel of gunpowder, you just have to run away from such people, so that it would not be torn into minced meat with them, it will be much more fun to look at the beautiful fireworks from afar.
    1 point
  35. At this point with all the very unpopular recent changes, it would take a game threateningly large amount of players to stop giving them money in any way to truly get their attention and stop them from actively pissing off the player base. This is the second change that was claimed to be for balance reasons (the first involved orbs) but it was never really explained how layers getting more girls for free caused an imbalance in the game. In fact letting free players get more girls sounds like something that would help balance the competitive parts of the game.
    1 point
  36. It is quite easy to see what Kinkoid is doing. Kinkoid feels that they are giving away too many girls for free. Orbs to get Pachinko girls, Tokens etc.. They are slowly cutting off that supply. I kind of wish they would just say so instead of giving lame explanations. Example: "we are trying to fix the rarity of the girls?" Huh? Kinkoid broke that long ago by making every other girl Legendary in order to get us to spend more resources to level the girl up. "The thrill of the chase?" Exclusivity? The thrill of the chase only works if a person feels connected to something. With so many girls coming out it cheapens all of the them. Exclusivity, is just Kinkoid speak for give us cash for a girl.
    1 point
  37. I dont know what kinkoids current goal is butt if it is to piss of as much players as possible and make them give up on the game they are making a compeling case for it recently with nerf nerf nerf nerf strategies it will probably soon be 100% sucessful of making most players give up the game i for one have already lost hope for this game what is the point when xp is soo scarce you need 10years to catch up😥
    1 point
  38. My comments of this contested patch notes Patch Notes Week #39 29.09.2021 Dating Tokens The Dating Tokens will be temporarily disabled at the end of October to restore the balance in the rarity of the girls. We are preparing more thrilling features and exciting events with exclusive girls. Having Dating Tokens as currency makes all girls obtainable and takes away the exclusivity and the thrill of the chase. You will be able to spend your Dating Tokens until October 26th (including). After the Wednesday (27th October 10 am UTC+2) update, you will not be able to spend Dating Tokens. The next classic event (Dirty Fantasies 1-10 October) is the last one that will include Dating Tokens. Dating Tokens will be disabled until further notice. This is just part of the preparations of the next iteration of the B.D.S.M and the other grand features we are preparing for you! Stay tuned: new things are coming soon! After reading it again my thoughts are confused. Why does it say temporarily disabled ... to restore the balance in the rarity of the girls ? If they were just to permanently eliminate the DT then they shouldn't use temporarily or disable. Restore the balance in rarity could mean that they plan to change the rarity of many girls, or it could be just a hollow phrase. Dating tokens don't make all girls obtainable, you need at least one shard to obtain a girl with DT, for example, pachinko only girls cannot be obtained. And you gain too few DT to be able to reasonably obtain more than half of a Mythic girl using them. My opinion on the disabling of DT is bad. 👎 Unless they are launching a new feature in which they don't want the girl to be obtained with DT, is has no sense. DT are a safety net in case you get really bad odds in some events or if latest villains were overpowered in their last tiers. We have a full month to spend whatever amount of DT we have, so let's think the most profitably way to do it. You have to use them to replace Koban spending, if a girl can be obtained without kobans you shouldn't use DT, that exclude permanent villain girls in all Tiers and PoP girls. You cannot get Season, PoA girls or pachinko only girls. Legendary contest girl should be obtained without using kobans, just doing 4x25 if you have some saved resources. That leave us with Classic event girls in villains, Mythic event girl, Kinky event girl, Epic or legendary event girl, and orgy girl in villains. In my case I have accumulated 3300 DT in half a year, but a great part is from battles in mythic days, so most people should have between 1000 and 2000 DT only, so reduce the amounts of shards you can get accordingly. With 3300 DT I can buy 55 shards for a Mythic girl, or 220 shards for legendary girls, or 366 shards for epic girls. Event girls average battles total kobans kobans/shard DT/shard koban/DT Mythic 1500 12000 120 60 2 legendary 500 5400 54 15 3,6 epic 333 3596 36 9 4,0 classic x3 200 2160 22 9 2,4 orgy 154 1663 17 9 1,8 counting regen shards needed DT used Mythic 1400 11000 110 60 1,8 93 5580 legendary 300 3240 32 15 2,2 60 900 epic 133 1436 14 9 1,6 40 360 classic x1 150 1620 16 9 1,8 75 675 orgy 0 0 0 9 0 According to this table (numbers for mythic are not exact and depend of using mythic booster), the most savings can be done in legendary days and using the rest of DT in mythic or classic third girl, but as I cannot be sure if this month there will be legendary or epic days, the safest is getting 55 shards for mythic girl. I know you can get a 3 star legendary girl in non legendary events, but I took epic rarity for the table. Side Quests New Rare Side Quest release: “Better Than Sunscreen”: Bunny and the Hero are at the beach but they seem to have run out of sunscreen, however, Bunny quickly manages to come up with the perfect replacement....Check out our latest side quest! A bit of content Harem Bunny has invited New Pachinko girls to join the Haremverse Elexine(KH), Hymevarta (KH), Hiromi Ryoshi (HC), Cougar Kioko (CH), Tornada (HC), Belle (KH), Miwa (CH) I used to think that more girls was a good thing, but lately there are too many, and as some people said, just when we are getting less orbs. 👍 Good, but ... Places of Power New Places of Power girl has been released! Kristen A new free girl 👍 One Star Girls Five new one-star girls have joined the Haremverse Five free girls (the supply of GPx10 orbs is still abundant) 👍
    1 point
  39. People are furious here, which is understandable as it will now be harder to grab some girls without dating tokens, or at least it might take longer. At least they told us a month in advance to use up our stash, which is something very positive as Kinkoid haven't always been... the best at communicating to say the least. Personally I'm still waiting for all those new features that will be coming eventually before I'm jumping on the complain-wagon. Maybe there will be rewards better than dating tokens, or at least outweighing dating tokens in our desire to get them. But then again, if I may be a pessimist, they could've disabled dating tokens the patch before those features would come, because for all we know now, those features could still be a very far way ahead.
    1 point
  40. My feedback on this one. 7 new permanent EP girls at once will use up a small percentage of the orb and/or koban stashes of active veterans, but be a real issue for competitive players who emptied the EP for the first time much more recently, and don't have huge stashes accumulated before the many recent waves of nerfs to most sources of orbs in the game. To "restore the balance in the rarity of the girls" as the devs seem to think they're doing with this latest nerf, they would need to actually know what balance is in general, and in what ways girl rarities and dating tokens are currently imbalanced in particular. Judging by the mind-blowing explanation of this specific change ("Having Dating Tokens as currency makes all girls obtainable"... and they consider this in and of itself as a bad thing, apparently?) I'm very sure they are not at all referring to the actual and undeniable imbalances with girl "rarities" and the dating token "rarity"-based pricing system, but to something else entirely. So, for the record, it's imbalanced because: For the "rarities" to be properly balanced, they would need to be distributed at least somewhat close to the actual rarity of each subset (as in "how rare it is compared to other subsets"). Common should actually be the most common subset, then rare, then epic, then legendary (and then mythic, but mythics are too recent for their distribution to be as imbalanced as the others'). So, the subset currently called (and priced) as "Legendary" should actually be "Common", and so on. Basing the cost in dating tokens to complete girls on the current "rarities" was a gross imbalance itself, because those "rarities" reflect anything BUT the actual rarity of the girls (except for Mythics, but that's only because they're very recent). It should have been based on number of stars (which would even have worked as you intended for Mythics because they're the only ones with 6 stars). Instead, what we're seeing here is, as has been the case for quite a while in terms of game economy and PvP balance, basically "damn, no matter what we nerf or how hard we nerf it, those 1% of players at the top of the foodchain still have unlimited free resources!" followed by throwing another nerf at the wall and hoping that one "works". Spoiler: it will not. Once more: it's the Leagues, guys. It's your built-in imbalance and unfairness in the PvP system itself (basing it on XP rather than skill and/or accomplishments). As long as you don't restore balance to THAT, attempting to balance anything else is futile. EDIT: Also, communication improvement opportunity: don't claim "temporarily disabled" in the in-game popup when it's very clear from the patch notes themselves that this actually means "permanently removed". It's a bit misleading.
    1 point
  41. In my opinion, the best line of behaviour would be to use all of them now, while they're still available and don't expect them to come back at all. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best 😉
    1 point
  42. What are you doing Kinkoid? Dating Tokens are the most popular and best idea you've added in the past year. Lost all your kobans trying to get this 1 girl but only got to 96%? Thank god you've got dating tokens or you'd dump the game on the spot. Really looked forward to that one random uncommon girl from a show you like but she hasnt been available in two years and likely never will? You can save up for her with tokens, yes! Never had a Mythic because they cost so extremely much, but your surrounded by tons and tons of players who've got a full team of them to rub in your face and stomp on you? Luckily you can save Kobans for half a year and try to get one, just one, too? Oh failed to get that one anyway after Saving Up Half A GDmn Year for it? Well thank the gods of Kinkoid you also saved up enough Dating Tokens at the same time! This is what you are taking away. That one bit of relief players had against having the shittiest day ever and possibly quitting this game because of bad luck, which is way too common. I don't understand why you'd blame balance for the removal, since Dating Tokens are extremely rare and getting anything with them takes months and months of hard work and planning, if anything: you should be increasing them. What going on Kinkoid? You've already dumped the chances for red Orbs, have been adding useless items which also lower chances for red Orbs in PoP, now the Tokens, et cetera. Why are you making life harder on players?
    1 point
  43. And the really facepalm-worthy thing about that is that the devs are so out of touch with how their game actually plays, and the various aspects of the meta game their own terrible balancing of the leagues has created and allowed to grow more and more obscene over the years... that, in their minds, most of those changes that will at most tickle the active veterans with nearly unlimited resources are designed to deplete those players' resources and bring them back down closer to the power curve. Of course, since they have yet to change anything to the gross PvP imbalance itself (and the consequences of it lasting for years unchecked), this will first and foremost impact good players who didn't have the luck to start this particular game early on and hit the jackpot because the devs built their PvP system on "older account wins more; oldest account wins even more" instead of anything resembling balanced design as seen in any other game ever. Same sheets, different day.
    1 point
  44. Ok now this is getting ridiculous. I was annoyed when the market was nerfed, then again when pachinko was nerfed, but now they are taking away yet another great feature in dating tokens!? I mean com'on! I am beginning to feel like every good feature of the game is being taken away week after week. This is a total money grab too. In what way do dating tokens really hurt the gaming experience as Kinkoid eludes to in their patch notes? It's a good thing that they make all girls available to everyone. And let's not forget that dating tokens aren't cheap or easy to get, especially if you want to get a mythic or legendary girl for which you have very few shards. Anyways I really hope people agree that this is a terrible idea so Kinkoid rethinks it. I for one am starting to lose interest in the game after the continual regression I'm seeing in gameplay the past several weeks.
    1 point
  45. So you're basically giving the finger to some people (like me) who worked hard to build up affection with some girls that are unavailable now. For some girls, the tokens were the only way to get them without waiting a year or longer. EDIT: And i bet i can tell what your next step will be: "Hey, remember Tokens? Here is a special offer for you. Buy the tokens for the cheap price of 2000 koban each"
    1 point
  46. Wow, the next punishment for all but the veteran players who are able to win the D3 leagues regularly and don't know what to do with all their koban. What I've learned today is: Dating Tokens are evil because they actually make girls obtainable. Eww, no. We don't want that. It's so much more fun to chase the girls without getting them! Looks like I've misunderstood the game all the time. But other ''grand features'' are coming soon. Well, if not letting players get the girls is the basic policy now, my hopes for the next changes to the game are pretty low at the moment. If it turns out that I can't catch them all, even when I'm paying for the game, I'm out. I won't pay for my monthly card anymore. Collecting is fun for me. Chasing... no. Definitely not. KK has developed a strange fetish of shooting themselves in the foot and I find it harder and harder to keep a positive outlook on this game.
    1 point
  47. This new PoP makes the game so boring. Click, know that u will get crap, wait 7h and collect the crap. Pls change all rewards in mythic gift, mythic book and mythic booster. Then people have a reason to go online and check pop.
    1 point
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