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Pantheon walls


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There's not a lot of discussion going around Pantheon. I guess most players are just cruising though it without really thinking about it :)

But I just hit an unexpected wall on the lvl 900 Boss. I was expecting a strong opponent (Like every 100th floor), of course, but not that much :D

Stats: (As displayed in-game; so that includes my passive defense debuff):

80 900 Attack Power

38 300 Defense

370 000 Ego

68 300 Harmony

Element : Sensual (Blue / Heal)

With my lvl 550 Playful/Dominatrix team (Yellow/Dark, defense reduction & damage boost, plus elemental bonus vs Sensual), the Defense is down to 35 900. My current stats, lvl 371, elemental bonus included:

73 700 Attack Power

30 200 Defense

493 000 Ego (+10%: 542 300)

57 000 Harmony

I'm currently using my standard boosters (1 Ginseng + 2 Chlorella, so I mostly have an Ego boost, and not a lot of damage. I lost 5 or 6 fights so far. When (naively) comparing the stats, I was expecting to do a lot better:

73 700 attack vs 38 300 Defense: 35 400 Dmg per round (11 Rounds)

30 200 defense vs 80 900 Attack: -50 700 Ego per round (11 Rounds)

Since I hit first, with an equal number of critical hits, I would have been able to win. Buuuuut... I didn't consider the Healing boost (Since it's usually not that big :) ). But with a 7-blue team, the 900th Temple is healing... 11k per round! So it brings my actual damage to barely more than 26k, which is 16 Rounds to defeat the boss (vs 10 rounds to lose). That's a huge difference. And considering there are currently 75 players stuck on lvl 899, it seems I'm not the only one struggling :) (For comparison, 30 players are stuck on 999. lvl 799 is out of top 1000 so I don't know).

Once my current boosters expire, I'll try again, with a bit more damage (Probably double Cordy, and I'm not sure about Chlorella vs Ginseng for PvE. Losing 100k Ego means I'll last only 8 or 9 rounds). That should bring my attack to ~85k, which will be a ~50% increase in total damage (after heal). It might be barely enough (maybe with a bit of luck?).

Which walls did you hit so far? Which other monsters can we expect, going forward? (I suspect blue is the worst one in terms of elements; but the raw power after lvl 1000 is also very scary :D I don't want to face the next lvl 1x00 Sensual temple 😱).

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This is what awaits, plan well my friends:

Level 1300:


Level 1400:


Level 1500:


Level 1500 took a team of 5x750 Mythics, 1x700 blessed Mythic and 1x650 blessed Mythic + 3xcordys + full mono equipment + Sandalwood perfume   Headband of Determination

Level 1600:


Which is where I will sit for a while. 

All levels are a balanced team.

I notice on HH.com Gogeta and Tatouf have been at this level for a bit as well.

Edited by Hugh Jerexion
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il y a 2 minutes, Hugh Jerexion a dit :

This is what awaits, plan well my friends:


il y a 2 minutes, Hugh Jerexion a dit :

All levels are a balanced team.

Ah, that's really good to know! No more elemental buffs. Hmm. Interesting :D

Well, I never expected to obtain the 3rd girl anytime soon anyway. I already knew that lvl 1500 was a real scary monster. I'll be happy if I can obtain Scorpio soon (Ideally in 10 days), and then I can sit back and relax :) I might even stop playing Pantheon regularly after lvl 1000, since I believe Pantheon fights will be useful for some of the PoV objectives (And being stuck on an unbeatable boss will probably not be the right way to score points :) )

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il y a 9 minutes, Hugh Jerexion a dit :

I should clarify, all the XX00 are balanced Elemental teams.

The levels in between are different single or double Elemental teams.


I expected as much. But I don't think intermediate levels are too difficult anyway, with or without elemental bonuses. The bosses are really significantly stronger.

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At Tempel 947 I didn't hit a wall so far, but im a lvl 470 with a team of lvl 600 girls and full passiv boni (okay, one voyeur girl less for full bonus). So my first wall will come this or next month, I presume.


At the moment my battleteam had the same element how the tempel team - exhibitionist.


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I've been watching the rankings and paying attention to who is getting walled where. A lot of people bypassed their walls on Nutaku this week, as we finally got a passable blessing after several weeks with laughably weak blessings. The most notable was Hugh Jerexion who reached a new high water mark, but a whole wave of people managed to break through the 1000, 900, and 800 floors. The 800 floor wall has completely fallen off the top 1000 as a result and is longer visible to me.

I'm nowhere near being walled, and am only just approaching floor 900 and anticipate a trivial fight. The people getting walled at 900 are dramatically weaker than me. Based on where other players have met their walls, I estimate that my own wall is probably coming only at floor 1300, which is still a month away. Even if I do get through that (which is entirely possible) I don't see how I'm going to get through floor 1500. The power level that Hugh Jerexion required to overcome that is on another level. And that's not even the final floor, there's still 5 more boss floors after that. The only way this is at all reasonable is if there is more power creep planned... which there probably is (... mythic equipment ...)

Edited by Attirm
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I won't talk about walls in pantheon, but instead I will be a little off topic, commenting that what I like most of this feature is that it gives the opportunity to see a huge variety of girls and poses that we don't usually see in the battles.

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I wouldn't recommend using Mythic Boosters, unless you're stuck on the next *500 level (to get the girl a bit earlier). Otherwise, you'll just force your way through one wall, just to hit the next one earlier and harder. Probably best to wait for a few levels and good blessings.

I was able to beat lvl 900 this morning. As expected, using the correct set of boosters (2 Cordy + 1 Chlorella instead of 1 Ginseng + 2 Chlorella) was enough to prevent the boss from healing too much. It fell in 10 turns instead of 16.

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Like many others I lost at level 900, but it was only once, and very close. Am at 946 now, which is well behind the spenders and people who don't miss attacks, but doing fine. I expect to handle 1000 with some effort, and then just end up bonking my head into the walls as they crop up every 100 levels until I can get by them.

We'll see by the end of next week if my forecast one level 1000 was right or not.


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i hit 1000 today, but with 99,61% of winning, I dont see a wall yet; but obviously I will soon (like 1300 or something like that)

edit: as expected level 1000 was a piece of cake (for me)

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Haven't hit 'the wall' yet, but at level 975 I am now seeing less than 100% chance of victory consistently and I am now having to change my team to account for dominances to keep it in the high 90s.

I'm not too worried about hitting that wall - my sole objective right now is to get past level 1k in the next few days, as on Nutaku next week Exh/Leg are Blessed. Scorpio is one of the 3 strongest Ecc girls and I have a lot of excess Ecc gems right now. She'd make for a very nice counter to all those Exh teams.....

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I was very wrong in my post above. I got to 1000 today, and saw a 99.37% chance, and was quite happy. Got Scorpio, and am sailing onwards. Probably should've waited for tomorrow, in case it was a new girl contest, but that's okay, I'm working on not caring about daily contests as much.

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