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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/11/2021 in Posts

  1. To be precise, 3 versions of the code work: #HappyAnniversaryKinkoid<3 - 2 energy, 3 fists, 3 tickets #HappyAnniversaryKinkoid - 3 energy HappyAnniversaryKinkoid - 3 energy
    8 points
  2. HappyAnniversaryKinkoid (3 energies)
    8 points
  3. @Dworkin HappyAnniversaryKinkoid
    6 points
  4. The true code has a < 3 in the end, but facebook converted it in a heart. So that gives us 2 codes
    3 points
  5. Hi. The recent changes have both been ham-handed, programming-wise, and have made the game much less fair. Programming has been done in a way which shows that the coders did not care about breaking the UI, keeping to the stated in-game documentation, etc. Doing major changes in the midst of an important event was a very poor choice, esp. when done with no testing from people who play (or ignoring their input). The worst part is the "explanation" for the ridiculously Byzantine new fight system. The notion that "it was felt that stats were too much influenced by the Alpha girl" no more leads to the new contraption hastily shoved into place than the existence of mosquitos implies Rubik's cube. The reasonable & obvious solution would be to try having the stats be determined by, say 60% * Alpha + 25% * Beta + 15% * Gamma The lie of the given "explanation" is supported by the other statements about "Gosh, we really don't know what we're going to do with this" (which I completely believe). A bunch of levers were added with no clear plan. Sounds like a winner. So my suggestions are 1) use programmers who actively play the game (no barely familiar, etc.); this would prevent all the many errors in the new fight UI. 2) use programmers who are willing to get to know the code so that they understand how to touch ONLY the part which they intend to change (changing fight *mechanics* shouldn't result in a) taking the payment at the END of the fight, rather than upon purchase; b) revealing the result before the end of the fight (when a contest award is involved); c) having the ego value go negative; d) charging the additional multi-fight premium BEFORE checking to make sure the player has the full amount of "fight tokens" to even do this...etc.) 3) Don't arbitrarily change the character of the game. Had I ever spent money, I would feel ripped off. 4) Make the game fundamentally fair. I.e., let non-paying players get the same things, over time, as those who pay to get ahead. But don't continually throw obstacles in their way (as noted by another, the Mythic items in the Market just slow down progress & offer very over-priced items; the "shards" of Mythic characters with fixed limited distributions should be changed to continuous, probability-based distribution during a Mythic event; and continuous, probability-based distributions should be the norm for percentages of girls, special items, etc.). Having a fair game would encourage ppl to buy kobans here and there; some would convert to monthly subscriptions. Arbitrary, large changes in the fundamental nature of the game, fairness--and breaking what works in favor of what does not--only decreases confidence. I stopped playing a long time ago because there were no more episodes/regions to go to, then. I picked back up and found that I could gain girls, etc., and got better at the standard ebb and flow of play through the month. Now I am going to cease play due to the incomprehensible, nonsensical changes & obviously untrue explanation for them. I won't play any Kinkoid game again, because I don't want to invest the time only to have that investment treated as it is being treated, now. Of course, I can always find far more productive things to do, so thank you, in an odd way. I played on the Nutaku server. My browser was just recently flagged as "unsupported", but the changes were obvious & the old system did not have the same flaws.
    3 points
  6. Bon, tout est dans le titre : après nous avoir fait le coup une première fois avec la mise à jour des combats il y a quelques semaines, Kinkoid recommence. Je parle bien entendu du retour au gain de points en ligue en fonction de la vie restante à l'adversaire. Certes l'ancien système était moins bon que l'ancien, mais il avait le mérite d'être applicable pour tout le monde. Avec cette pu***n de mise à jour le mercredi, on a le droit à un retour à l'ancien système en plein pendant la ligue qui pénalise certains joueurs (dont moi). Dans mon cas, j'ai l'habitude de trier les joueurs par niveau et de commencer par les plus élevés, ce qui me permet de garder les joueurs boostés imbattables pour le moment pour plus tard. Sauf que dans cette situation cette semaine, là où en fin de ligue j'aurais dû enchaîner les +25, je vais en fait marquer moins de points à chaque fois, ce qui risque de me coûter un Top 15 qui se joue souvent à quelques dizaines de points. Certes je parle de mon cas particulier, mais dans tous les cas ce n'est pas normal de changer le système de notation en plein cours de ligue. À titre de comparaison, c'est comme si en NBA une équipe gardait son marqueur à 3 points pour la dernière partie (je sais plus si c'est des quarts ou tiers temps mais on s'en fout) mais qu'on décidait juste avant qu'il n'entre sur le terrain que finalement les 3 points n'en valent plus qu'un seul... Kinkoid décide de mettre en place du compétitif dans leur jeu, OK. Mais ce serait bien d'en tenir compte dans vos mises à jour qui ont un impact dessus et éventuellement d'appliquer l'update en même temps que le reset. Ça paraît être du bon sens. À un moment vous avez conscience que vous faites n'importe quoi avec votre jeu depuis plusieurs mois ou il vous faut de l'aide pour en prendre conscience ? C'est dans ce genre de petit détail qu'on voit si un jeu respecte ses joueurs et pour le coup, avec vous c'est raté.
    2 points
  7. Anyone else have this happen? On tablet. Settings and logout are push almost off screen to the right.
    2 points
  8. Actually, it says it has a high chance for "one event girl or one event avatar". It just "forgets" to make clear that whenever this high chance occurs, it'll almost always give you an avatar and not a girl. And this is KK being pretty clear and straightforward in their communication with players .
    2 points
  9. @Just kim Send a request and as soon as our club leader will come online, he will accept it 😉
    2 points
  10. This issue with the menu is not a problem of Kinkoid's creation. Please try turning off your scripts before complaining about graphical issues.
    2 points
  11. Depending on which opponents you fight first and which battles you keep for the last days of the league season, this can (in extreme cases) make a difference of +/-200 points if I'm not totally mistaken. But, well, it doesn't really matter much. At least to me. And I'm glad they finally fixed the point distribution. But KKs proclivity for suboptimal timing just doesn't leave a good impression.
    2 points
  12. And during a running league season again. Not much harm done here, I guess. But they still don't seem to care about timing.
    2 points
  13. So you don't like me as usual and were quick to shut me down for a month for spamming. Well, my latest comment was not quite accurate I give you, but we are well into the second day. From my perspective, I'll be into the third day before I get to try fresh performances without a refresh and I refuse to waste my kobans for such an event. Therefore, what I posted was accurate from this point of view. But maybe I could've worded it more precisely. Just to be clear, by into second day I mean any time from 24 to 36 hours. Go back to sleep, George. A bit of tact for a change wouldn't go amiss. We could do with a new and more impartial moderator who doesn't take what I say so seriously. The shit you ascribe to me is more often than not my attempts at lightness, but, your nitpicking aside, you'd have to agree that this event is crap in just about every respect. For me, even the two new girls are mediocre and not worth trying for, but that's my choice admittedly. It's a choice I've made. I don't expect anyone else to follow my lead.
    2 points
  14. Here’s a list of all of the most useful girls with golden eyes for the blessing bonus week of 8-16-21 in order of how useful they’ll be. You can sort by name and rarity using the harem filter or search their name to see if you have them which should be quicker than clicking each one and adding the numbers, or at least this tells which categories are better than the others. Epic + golden eyes will be great if you have them because of that epic week blessing. Epic Tanned Mocca just showed up for the Orgy Days event. Mythics: Bunna, Golden Lupa 5 star Legendaries: Bellona, Iba’lee, Lapis, Silver Lupa 5 Star Epics, the only 2 that exist: Summer Geekette, Travel Gwenaelle 5 star Rare: Justine 3 star Epics: Anniversary Lupa, Halloween Lupa, Loving Justine, Lupa, Mordona, Noella, Tanned Mocca, Xmas Lupa Any Non-golden eyed Mythic is next best. 3 star Legendaries: Alt. Lupa, Alura, Anell, Atsuki, Baroness Samedi, Belinda, Elin, Elsa, Estrella, Gula, Harper, Huntress Sady, Maniac Justine, Sady, Sunshine Becky, Winter Justine, Zaira Normal 5 Star Legendaries are next best, and then all epics are basically equal to golden eyed Rares. I ended up doing this for myself and figured that I might as well post it.
    1 point
  15. C'est Régine de voyage ! Je l'avais pas c'est pour ça, Londre m'a aider du coup
    1 point
  16. Oui j'étais déjà au courant pour les 24h 😭 Du coup prévenez moi quand vous m'accepterez 🤷‍♂️
    1 point
  17. Tu veux dire sans prévenir ? Comme modifier la façon de calculer les points en ligues 1 jour avant la fin sans même prévenir dans le patchnotes et en ayant mis le nouveau système sur le serveur Test juste une poignée de jours avant ? KK ne ferait jamais ce genre de chose ! Ils ont bien trop de respect envers les joueurs et ils nous ont dit qu'ils ont compris avec le fiasco de l'implantation du nouveau système de combats 🤣
    1 point
  18. I will give an example: I fight dark lord. You used to have a chance to get an orb etc... Now it is only a ticket and cash.
    1 point
  19. @Varizulis : Si j'ai bien compris, c'est le cas 2. C'est pour cela que des épiques 3* peuvent être plus forte que des légendaires 5* par exemple. C'est comme ça que j'ai fait et ça s'est toujours vérifié quand je fais la somme des caractéristiques des filles bénies. On le saura à coup sûr la semaine prochaine car il y a beaucoup de double bénédictions (notamment chez les Lupa)
    1 point
  20. En fait, la partie actuelle de l'évent anniversaire n'est intéressante que pour les HL : je n'ai joué aucune fille en combativités (drop faible et range 1-4 ridicule) mais je les ai toutes eues avec des orbes épiques x1. Je n'avais que 4 filles à avoir aussi. Pour les joueurs plus récents et qui ont forcément beaucoup de filles à avoir, je conseille de faire l'impasse sur cet évent.
    1 point
  21. I'm in the same situation as Тёмный Властелин described. With my current level (lvl 388) I'm sure that I'm not competitive in D3 (but I never give it a try). So I would lose XP and kobans if I promote (my estimation). Therefore my current goal every week is to score a 15-30th place in D2. For my situation the change with the points was good (only 15/25). It looks like I have a season with (nearly) no missed fights and also won (every) fight thanks to the easy 15pt system (there were some unpredictable defeats because of crits). With the old point system (and now the current point system again) this was never possible. I have to skip a lot of fights or lose on purpose to not promote. It is much harder to score 15 points now. Often it is 17-18. On the other hand it was also easier to get more points and thus was easier if I wanted a competition with the top players (even of they have a much higher level). This is also not possible anymore. Of course this is my personal situation and this can change. In addition it was only a short period with the 15/25 point system, so my observation could have changed in a month. I totally can understand that competitive players in D3 preferring a more wider point distribution because small things leads to more differences.
    1 point
  22. New code on the Facebook page, for 3 energy
    1 point
  23. Sure, we have the room Just send the request 👌
    1 point
  24. I think he means 7 bonus points for ego instead of 0 or 10. So 22 instead of 25 for the totals. Sad but trueeee. \m/
    1 point
  25. Can I join iam currently lvl 207 and iam almost active everyday and will do my best as lvl 207 to contribute to the club..
    1 point
  26. The same was true for them changing to the 3/13/15/25 scoring method, and introducing a bug and numerous other times in the past. Kinkoid don't care about balance changes towards the end of a league. Get used to it.
    1 point
  27. Thanks for the assist, but pic doesn't show the menu highlight which is opaque and misaligned (the selector is one row higher than the choice you want to make). 😲
    1 point
  28. À moins de passer sur la moyenne par case plutôt que par tirage des objets les changements d'aujourd'hui font que poursuivre ce tableau est inutile. Avec 1100 de moyen par case, si le taux de drop ne change pas on devrait avoir un gain d'xp par rapport à avant les mythiques. @Tohru - Kinkoid je trouve dommage que votre commercial ait préféré augmenter le drop des objets en ymens que de mettre le bon prix sur les objets mythiques par rapport au prix de la recharge. Ces objets sont minimums 2 fois trop chers maxi 4 fois selon l'objet.
    1 point
  29. In all fairness, game updates are always Wednesdays, so it will fall in the middle of the league. And to be honest, if you are a serious player this is something you should have expected (or even expected last week) and you should have played around.
    1 point
  30. Oh, what a come down from the previous event... a bloody foreplay and almost impossible to get either one of the two new girls, even wasting all my fiercely saved kobans. The drop rate is terrible and on a par with Legendary Days events. Fortunately for me, I have all the other girls in every account. So it's no eeny meeny minee moh for me. After two days my best score is 12 shards on Serena and no more than 5 for Spectra. I've gone back to trying for Yulita against Bremen and I'm doing better trying for her than against the two new girls - AND she's far hotter! The name 'foreplay' is so right! They get to tease me while resisting all attempts for me to fuck them - edging me all the way. It's an insult to members looking forward to a celebration of Anniversary V. Thankfully, such events are rare. I hope things turn up for the better for the remainder of the celebrations.
    1 point
  31. they were always there, congratz btw
    1 point
  32. Bonjour, J'aimerais savoir si vous recrutez encore (vu que l'annonce date d'il y a presque 2 ans mais qu'il vous reste une place 🤷‍♂️) Si oui, je me présente Simon (mon pseudo simon,oui j'ai fais simple 😂) je suis de niveau 319 et est un joueur très actif. (Vu que dire "JE SUIS LE JOUEUR LE PLUS ACTIF DU MONDE !!!! " est un peu trop facile voilà un screen de ma contribution dans ma guilde, sachant que la majorité provient de kobans 😭) En gros, je veux pouvoir être actif dans une guilde où je ne suis pas le seul à faire des trucs ou parler 😐😭 En espérant n'avoir rien oublié 🤔😅
    1 point
  33. I don't think many whales spend money on those overpriced mythic items though. They restock. That's cheaper even for me, but a proper whale has a platinum card and then restock is comes at a 50% discount. Restocking for 21 kobans is fun I imagine. The only one that's a bit attractive is the mythic spell book. Because it doesn't just give you all xp to get to your level, you also only have to click once for it. Did that for a mythic girl and it was totally worth it. 🤣 But I agree with the argument. You only needed to funnel all your effort in the top 3-5 girls you needed to be very competitive. Now you can't. Now so far I'm managing, but it's tough. And they change every 5 friggin days.
    1 point
  34. I decided to spend EPx1 orbs on the 2 girls I didn't already have, and got them with just 9 orbs. No combativity refills needed this time for me, have to do enough of those on Mythic Days anyway 😜
    1 point
  35. Good talk, indeed. I do feel DvDivXXX's point below still stands: What so far hasn't been explicitly mentioned yet (or maybe I just missed it) is that it is not just that you need more girls in your harem, you need to have more girls at max affinity and max level. The shortage of xp and affinity items has only been made worse with the introduction of mythical girls and only "solved" for whales and owners of Koban printing presses D3 winners willing to spend kobans on overpriced mythical items. The recent drop of market renewal time from 8 to 6 hours only in part compensates for the damage done by the introduction of mythical items in the market, and did nothing to fix the reduced usefulness of market refreshes. Where in the past I could spread out xp items over my whole harem, to have the best effect of the XP on my harem bonus to endurance, I now need to keep all 6-star, all 5 star, and legendary 3 stars at max level (or keep items at hand to update those "blessed" for a week). That comes at the cost of leveling 1-stars and non-legendary 3 stars, thus at a cost to my endurance bonus. If this is what is in the future for HH, more and more P2W, I wish KK would just rip the band-aid off and get on with it. Then I'd least I would stop feeling like the proverbial frog in water slowly brought to boil and I could bail this madness. I can see how doing it slowly might keep people aboard who would jump ship at a sudden big lunge into P2W, but if more people are like me, well... every time I start thinking about spending some $ on the game, KK makes one these changes and it just reminds me why I had decided not to spend $ until I know what we're ending up with.
    1 point
  36. C'est bien plus vieux que le x50 des trolls qui doit avoir 6 mois. Je suis certain, comme le dit Troctout que c'était déjà là au début des champions de club, puisque je l'ai pas mal utilisé à l'époque. Mais je me demande si ce n'est pas encore plus vieux que ça.
    1 point
  37. Random "alternative" idea: Just have the full battle as a toggle-able setting (always skip/always see results). I think I've watched maybe 10 full battles since I started playing this game years ago. I highly suspect most people skip (or 1 shot, which is effectively skipping) most if not all their battles. It's clear from the quest information popup (e.g. xp gained) showing even before the skip button, you don't need to skip/wait til the end to know results.
    1 point
  38. And I don't appreciate people insulting me when I'm just trying to help them. That's all from me here then.
    1 point
  39. Agreed, but this assumes that they have EVERY girl allowing them to field the strongest line-up from the non-Mythics (admittedly, many of them do). Otherwise, getting a little luck and having the right girls provides the challenger an advantage. The old system basically allowed the vets to lock in the top strength with 3xMythics of their class. With that and their level advantage they were effectively untouchable every week. With this system, while level still provides a significant and effectively unassailable advantage, there are going to be weeks where the Mythics aren't the dominating force. Therefore there will be some weeks where players who don't have all the Mythics have more of a chance than they had before, even sometimes to play on a level footing. It's not addressed all of the imbalances in the system, but I would suggest it is actually an improvement over the previous system and I certainly don't think that you now have to have 7 Mythics to compete.
    1 point
  40. Falling in a bubble of strong players where in seasons can be frustrating, as you get a lot of loses. You can get there if you rush the first days (if you were over tier 22 now, for example, but you said you didn't), if you are not as strong as similar players or just by pure bad luck. the way to get out of there are two: - overboost and try to surpase that group of strong players until you get some easy ones, but eventually they could reach you again and if you rush to higher tiers in seasons, you will find stronger players - just accept some losses and let the strong players get ahead of you, coupled with trying to max your strength (I suppose you are doing that too) to allow you to get more wins later. This is the natural way to advance in the league, accepting the losses will get you weaker players and allow you to win again. Boosters can be tricky because they usually put you in strong groups, and then you have to use them constantly to not fall back.
    1 point
  41. mythicgold (5 energies)
    1 point
  42. fonctionne aussi sur gh
    1 point
  43. Code "B.D.S.M." pour 1 EPx1 orb, 150 kobans et 50 energy fonctionner HH _et_ CxH _et_ nutaku Hentai Heroes auf Twitter: "❤️ Heroes, we're trying so hard to please you! 💋 As a “thank you for your patience” after the long and hard update we are giving you a #special #redeem #code 👉 B.D.S.M. For more info on the new #battle system, check out this blog post: https://t.co/kTbGepxy7i https://t.co/TAFZybEYRb" / Twitter
    1 point
  44. Hiya! I think this should be my first post. I've been playing for a while, 2017. But the first time I saw the game was in 2015 if I'm not mistaken. My tablet or phone got too old to keep up with the game and I lost my password. Good that I found it again.
    1 point
  45. Hi I've just started playing this game on to forth day found it by accident looking for jigsaw puzzles lol (that's true) will keep playing for a while, I do believe the game is growing on me now, its a bit different from what I'm normally playing as I'm not a big gamer never have been, I'm at lvl 153 and definitely don't know how it all works together but I'll muddle through it eventually
    1 point
  46. Don't want to get into a dick-measuring contest but level 461 with 667 and yes it did take a lot of refreshes. 😅 (oh and finger clicks 😩) Keep it going @Chuck Nutz, it is posible. 👍
    1 point
  47. At level 283 and with only 101 girls in your harem, most of which are Starters and Commons, it's not hard to believe (and not as impressive as you seem to think). You really didn't need to go through all that trouble to convince anyone of this "achievement". Wrong. These are just partials, but there are still plenty of advanced poses in that huge screenshot collage. I've added spoiler tags. Please be mindful of that in future posts (don't bother changing each pose to the initial one in your harem and then doing this collage again, it's way too much work for nothing). Far from it, especially at your level and with your relatively small harem size. But pretty soon you will begin to understand what your club mates seem to have been trying to warn you about. Affection upgrades are quite costly for Epics and Legendaries (especially 5-star ones) but at least they're a fixed amount per girl, to be paid once and then done. Level ups, on the other hand, are forever growing alongside your character/account with each XP level, and as your harem grows, you will inevitably run into the same problem that ALL players face sooner or later, starting from the mid game (if they progress fast) or early late game (if they progress slowly): there aren't anywhere near enough Books in the game to keep your whole harem up to date on levels without spending kobans and min-maxing your levels ups very carefully. Unless you're at a fairly low level still, and have a fairly small harem (as is your case especially compared to much higher level players who have been playing for much longer than you). Please don't. The concept of this section of the forum is that each player can make one thread to introduce themselves and speak about whatever they're proud or happy about so far in the game. It doesn't work well with inviting other players to include their own introduction / brag post into your own. Cheers.
    1 point
  48. Still, pretty soon everybody has done 1,000 boss fights with the new system (excluding those for boss girls. just for legendary/epic/revival/event girls). And if we continue to have around half of the players not experiencing a 100 shard drop at that point, it means the average chance is around 0.1% or basically non-existent and never worth hoping for.
    1 point
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