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Mythic Equipment - New Feature


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I know I did a couple of bad choices in gem spending (one awfully bad; one not *that* bad, but simply not the most efficient way I would take now if I were able to go back in time), and since it's a quite unforgiving feature I'm currently struggling a bit to make up to those errors of mine. 

Now, I do not religiously keep track of my gems movements as you two do, but I'm pretty sure I'm quite far from earning 1300gems/week-4000gems/month per type (I mean, I'm still in the 600-650 phase, where awakening a L5 girl takes 1100 gems, and definitely I'm not always able to awaken 1 new L5 per type past 600 every week).

May I ask you what is your monthly routine? Do you always unlock PoV/PoG/PoA? And what about MD/LD/KC? What is your usual placement in leagues? Do you always manage to get top 4 in CbC? Do you have monthly cards? 

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1 hour ago, Antimon said:

May I ask you what is your monthly routine? Do you always unlock PoV/PoG/PoA? And what about MD/LD/KC? What is your usual placement in leagues? Do you always manage to get top 4 in CbC? Do you have monthly cards? 

I'm level 484 w/ 814 girls.  Girl cap is 750.  Passives aren't fully maxed yet.  No monthly cards, I'm F2P.

I skip PoV/PoG/PoA.  The kobans saved from that can get mythic girls, and help fund attempts at ranking high in leagues, or the pantheon.

I try to get both the MD and MDR girls, unless I don't have enough kobans/SP.  Usually prioritizing the MDR girl, and using 1 SP for the MD girl, if I don't have enough.  This is the first month where I already have the MDR girl, so I'm saving up for December.  I have 11/24 mythic girls.  My goal at first was 1 M6 of each element, then at least 7 of the blue-eyed M6s, for an awesome blessed week, like next week.  Now, I want the 3 sensual and dom M6s.

You can check the League and CbC threads.  I post there regularly.

I usually rank top 15 in DIII leagues weekly.  Got my first two top 4s recently, twice in the past month.

I try to finish in the top 15 or higher in the weekly CbCs, which I think is a better source of gems than PoV.

One thing I try not to do, is store CP or Kisses.  Since, that reduces the amount of gems you earn, by wasting regen.  If I do it, it's usually not for more than 3 days.  I'm hoping to unlock the new "harem tournament" world within a month, so that I can begin farming 25 sensual gem drops, which I'll need for the 3 sensual mythic girls I'm missing.

I feel like GXP as a greater bottleneck than gems.  For example, I've had 12k+ dom gems since October, but still haven't maxed Royal Housemaid.  Since other girls took priority.  Now she's one of the top 7 next week on HH.com, but I've run out of GXP.  Still have about a week to max her.


New info from the patch notes and the blog post.  It's dropping tomorrow, not today, and the LC says starting Dec., but we'll see what happens w/ saved rewards. 🤞🏽


Edited by Ravi-Sama
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11 hours ago, Antimon said:

May I ask you what is your monthly routine? Do you always unlock PoV/PoG/PoA? And what about MD/LD/KC? What is your usual placement in leagues? Do you always manage to get top 4 in CbC? Do you have monthly cards? 

I almost never unlock any of the paths, almost never participate in LD, and never in KC. I only do mythic days sparingly. I place top-15 in D3, although I probably should get serious about going for some top-4 placements now that I'm level 500. No monthly card, I am a free player. My steady gem income comes from villain/league/seasons fights, daily missions, and temporary places of power. This is supplemented by irregular gains from events and pachinko orbs.

There are a few advantages my high level afford me. Temporary places of power do give higher rewards to higher level players, which means more gems and pachinko orbs (EP orbs are worth 50 gems each, that's a lot of gems when you cash in a batch of them. MP orbs are worth 10 each, not as lucrative but still a nice infusion). I also have access to the later chapter villains, which give gem drops in multiples of 25, whereas earlier villains drop them in multiples of 20 or 15. However, I am disadvantaged in other respects in that my contest brackets are insanely competitive and my time zone is really bad (it's 4:00 AM for me when the contest resets, so I'm very vulnerable to being sniped) so I am limited in how often I can win contest rewards relative to other players who are lower level or in better time zones.

I have been tracking my weekly gem income since January last year, and here's the sums:

  Voy Exh Sub Sens Play Dom Ecc Phy Sum
Total: 68691 51489 57467 48998 44153 47902 52179 51079 421958
Daily Avg: 216.96 163.37 174.68 147.55 131.39 146.90 163.39 161.24 1305.51

These numbers are not consistent, and vary from week to week. My highest weekly total is 12730 (September 17th-23rd), and my lowest is 5025 (April 9th-15th).

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  • FinderKeeper changed the title to Mythic Equipment - New Feature
On 11/21/2022 at 3:06 AM, Liliat said:

You need to reach a certain level of insanity to do it manually though. I'm pretty insane myself, but gave up pretty quickly on trying to level up even a single piece manually.

Luckily (?) I have exceeded that insanity level. It only got bad on the last couple levels, once I switched from Firefox to Opera which handles the equipment page much better.

Went for the girl in MyP, got 2 pieces of equipment, but 1 is not my class. The other is now fully maxed out.


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3 hours ago, garadron said:

and it's already in looking at MP rewards

Not sure about that. That's the only place where the new icon appeared. It's supposed to be in EP too once the patch gets out. So I would hold on to my orbs for now.

Edit: I misremembered: it's in MP and EvP, but not EP. Patch is out indeed! Thanks for the confirmation below, @Zteev

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4 hours ago, garadron said:




and it's already in looking at MP rewards


I can confirm that Mythic Equipment is dropping from Mythic Pachinko.

Edit: I want to note that if one doesn't have a girl in Mythic Pachinko the in-game text wont mention Mythic Equipment.


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9 minutes ago, Zteev said:

If you have no girl in the Pachinko, there's no mention of a Mythic Equipment drop being possible.

That's not the case for me at least. Maybe try clearing cache and cookies, log off and back in again etc.?


Oh, you mean in the text description? That's not been changed at all, it seems. I had a girl available this morning after the patch release and the icon appeared, but the text didn't mention mythic gear then either.


@Tohru - Kinkoid Maybe something to double-check with Content?


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I had some (very very small) hopes, that you get a mythic item as a guarantee with higher orbs (or at least you have a good chance). Therefore I used four x6 yesterday to check it (and get a girl) and I got no mythic gear. I wanted to make sure, just in case kinkoid missed to mention that. Of course there exists the possiblity, that there also is a small probablity, but we have not really a hint for that:

- the pachinko text only mention it for 1x Orbs

- in all posts from kinkoid stuff only MP 1x was mentioned for a drop

- I didn't read something else from other players

For now I don't think you can expect a drop from x3/x6 mythic orbs.

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16 hours ago, Fiel said:

Is it possible or impossible to get mythic gear from the x3 and x6 mythic pachinko?

If it is, the odds are pretty low. I spend 4 x6 MP orbs to get a girl the other day, and no mythic items. Given how rare x6 orbs are relative to x1 orbs, I'd say hedge your bets on the x1 orbs.

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1 hour ago, jpanda said:

Any thoughts yet about if it's worth levelling a mythic not your class?

My gut is wait/save but curious to opposite take (I guess having one piece to replace legendary while you wait?).

My thoughts are that it is not worth it, unless you are planning to change class. The only thing less useful would be a Mythic that is identical to another one you have, which is fodder for a suggestion I am going to post about.

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IMO it's totally worth it. Mythic Equipment without any resonance bonus is 15% better than the best Legendary 500 item. That alone is worth it. Resonance bonus only makes it "even better".

Moreover, the cost of upgrading one (or 6) "wrong" mythic items is not that high. 2400 Items and 360M in cash for all 6. Unless these are rare resources for you, there's really no reason to hold back.

Edited by Liliat
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Considering a predicted time of 50 drops to complete 6 Slot + Class, it's all relative to the drop rate. A fitting item (Slot+Class) should drop each 8-9 drops.

If you're fast or in an hurry, spending items to max out a MEquip you're *sure* to waste is not ideal. 

If the drop rate is slower, you're fighting for months with way less power than you could have shown by just "spurious MEquips".

To me, without spending cash, the grow should be layered. First 6 slot items whatever the Resonance (15 drops expected, probably *2* already fitting your Class), then other 35 drops for Slot + Class.

That 35 extra drops to complete the set is the variable: if it takes you months, you should boost the spurious MEquips anyway.

A Spurious MEquip turn relevant anyway mid-terms for circumstancial blessings based on Theme, so I suggest to not use it to fuel up singular perfect ones as long you don't have a perfect fit (this make the spurious ones obsolete).


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I will start with collecting a full leveld Set of Mythic equipement. Class and theme is in this case not relevant to me. Theese "starting" set will replaced in the next time (years). I will tried to get 9 full theme-sets of matching Class with attack/defence bonus. So in the starting phase I recommend even to lvl Mythic equipement which is not your class or have the garbage bonus.

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il y a 5 minutes, Redbeard a dit :

Think about it.  A fee player has access to what 3-4 legendary equipment a month?  Count wrong equipment repeats.  That = years.

You can probably double that value, just from the current known sources:

PoG: 1 (Per 35 days, not exactly 1/Month)

Season: 2

PoA: 1

MP: 1%? Give or take? 3 per month

That's already ~7 items per month. If we need 50 items to get a class item in each slot, we're talking 6~7 months average to be fully equipped, for a fully F2P player. "Good" equipment (1 per slot, not matching class) will be available in less than 3 months. "Perfect" equipment (1 per slot, class+attack, good element+defense) will obviously take longer (Years certainly), but it's fine. You don't need "Perfect" equipment to compete in D3, just like you don't need the best blessed girls each week.

"Years" is the basic time scale in this game anyway, for any new player.

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Personally, I'd max out the first 6 mythic gear I can fit into each 6 slots.  Don't even have my first one yet, on either the main or test servers.  I'm excited to get one.  If you have some already, feel free to share them.  I feel like the release of this feature had missed potential, b/c it created hype, and I'm still waiting to get a single piece of gear.  They should've gifted at least 1 mythic gear to everyone lvl 200+.  That's what drug dealers do, they give you one to try for free, so that you get hooked.  Feels like a missed opportunity to me.

The order I expect to prioritize gear:

  • Full 6 slots (any gear).  If the raw stats are better than lvl 500 gear, then it makes sense to max any 6 that fit.
  • 6 matching a class (charm) w/ mixed atk/ego.  If I get a full set of 6 (maybe even 3) for a different class, I'd switch.
  • 6 Charm (Atk +12%).  It'd have mismatched elements, but would likely help randomly when switching teams.
  • 6 Charm (Atk +12%) + Balanced (Defense or Harmony).  Near perfect.
  • 6 Charm (Atk +12%) + Balanced (Def +12%).  This is the ideal set imo.
  • 9 sets of matching elements, but ignoring class would be doable.
  • In time, having 9 sets of a matching class, and each element is possible, and a nice goal, but not really necessary.
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